Start with a college teacher

Chapter 223 Lectures

Chapter 223 Lectures
In Singapore, some industries are legal like the Netherlands, such as selling newspapers.

But you must have a license, otherwise you will be a wandering warbler.

After all, it is daytime now, and some scenery is enough to see. If I really want to experience the local customs, I have to come at night. It is best to bring a few or five friends and go all the way west.

Why do some people have to walk the whole of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand when traveling? A large part of the reason is that Thailand has Pattaya, Singapore has Geylang, and Malaya has more options, and there are even women who have lost their feet wearing headscarves.

It turns out that selling newspapers has nothing to do with faith.

How many people's fantasies have to be satisfied.

Some people say that a man's pursuit of women outside is like a child's pursuit of toys, as long as it is a toy he doesn't have, he wants to play with it.

The topic is far away, it is more important to visit the scenery.

There are many places to visit in Singapore. They went to Chinatown and the Merlion successively. They saw the landmarks and had a good day.

In fact, Shen Guanglin could tell that the little native girl's smile was alienated, she didn't seem to think much of this couple from China, she always thought they were poor ghosts.

In particular, Li Rong often showed surprise at some things, which made her feel that this Sister Li is just good-looking, and she is really not good-looking.

Being poor is a fact, but it is not a reason for you to underestimate it.

Until, until Teacher Shen bought a lot of Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Chloe and other luxury goods in one go at the shopping mall on Orchard Road to send to Li Rong.

Zheng Xue's perception changed slightly. It turns out that there are also rich people in China.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin was shopping like crazy again, Li Rong said in a familiar way at this time, "Why do you buy these things? Do you throw them in Xiangjiang for ashes? The bag Mrs. Guo sent is quite disgusting, it can't hold much. , hold it and still hurt your hand."

While talking, Li Rong also took out a green aluminum alloy marching water bottle from her bag, unscrewed the lid and took a few sips before putting it back. The small bag was oddly shaped.

It was only then that Zheng Xue noticed that the bag that Li Rong was holding in her hand had been rubbed out of shape, and it might have been like that in the first place.

But looking at some places, it seems that it is still shining, like a diamond.

Looking at the brand, it still looks a bit like the logo of Hermès. Is it Hermès studded with diamonds?
Such a nice bag for a water bottle?She was starting to lose confidence.

In fact, there is not only a kettle, but also boiled eggs, but I am not hungry, so I didn't take it out.

However, Li Rong was very happy that Teacher Shen was able to buy these things for herself. She is also an ordinary woman and likes shopping.

Shopping is what women love.

According to a book, there are 70 ways to coax a woman, one of which is shopping, and there are 69 left.

When it comes to shopping, everyone may not have money, but when it comes to the remaining 69, book lovers are very familiar with it.

For the rest of the trip, Zheng Xue always stared at Li Rong's bag intentionally or unintentionally. She was well-informed, but she had never seen this style.

It wasn't until Li Rong took the wallet out of the satchel and bought something for Shen Guanglin that Zheng Xue confirmed that it was Hermes!

Because she has seen this wallet before, it is one of the most expensive Hermès wallets, and a small wallet costs 4.2 SGD.

Of course Li Rong also knew that this wallet was expensive, if it wasn't that it was given by Mrs. Guo after all, then it didn't matter.

After all, Mr. Shen had the grace to save the eldest son of the Guo family.

Lunch is casually eaten in restaurants outside, and it is curry chicken nuggets and bak kut teh.

Bak Kut Teh should be regarded as a Hokkien dish, but it has been carried forward here.

There was another thunderstorm in the afternoon, and then a few people went back to the hotel.

There will be a lecture tomorrow. After all, the school also spent money. The face value of 5 Singapore dollars is about the same as 5 US dollars. It is worth Shen Guanglin's careful preparation.

In fact, there is no need to do special homework, because he has already lectured on similar content several times in Fusang, just take that lecture and modify it and use it.

As long as you change your appearance a little, one daughter and two marriages, who can say anything.

For example, some writers will also change the online articles that hit the street, and get a lot of rewards if they are published on other websites.

Shen Guanglin didn't think about major changes either, but he didn't plan to speak English anymore, so he will use Chinese this time to see how many people can understand it.

Even, he is not going to talk about nanometers anymore, so why don’t we prepare some new content?

This lecture is very important, at least the teachers and students of the Polytechnic University attach great importance to it, and even some experts and scholars from the National University came here.

Everyone wanted to see if the Chinese scientists who were blown up in Fusang had real materials.

It is strange to say that every country, any famous school has a similar competitor.

Huaxia has Capital University and Wudaokou Technical School, Eagle State has Cambridge and Oxford, Fusang has Tokyo University and Kyoto University, and Singapore has National University and Nanyang Technological University.

The two schools are also not convinced by each other. Although the National University has a longer history and a deeper foundation, Nanyang Technological University is not convinced and is determined to catch up from behind.

Their willingness to spend money to invite Shen Guanglin to give lectures is also an aspect of their ambition.

Lin Wenwei graduated from a national university. If his company hadn't wanted to obtain the authorization of Wubi input method, he would definitely not have come to this school.

Today, he entrusted a classmate of his who is a teacher at Nanyang Technological University to help him find a position, and the purpose is to obtain the authorization of the input method.

However, that day Shen Guanglin turned around and left without comment, which made him a little confused.

Could it be that he is not satisfied with the price?
In the background, Shen Guanglin is "preparing lessons".

Shen Guanglin is already a veteran of the forum, but he is still nervous when he is about to take the stage.

For this lecture, he decided to use Chinese throughout the lecture. After all, all the people in the audience were Chinese, and he was not happy to speak English.

If you don't understand or don't like it, then I can't help it.

The teacher has been working for a long time, and he no longer expects everyone to like his lectures. It doesn't even matter if someone in the audience deserts.

I give lectures because I get the money, not because I want to pass on this knowledge to you.

You are absent, probably because you need to get this credit, but you don't want to listen to this teacher's lecture.

Li Rong accompanied Shen Guanglin to "prepare lessons" in the background. Shen Guanglin was simulating what might happen off the stage. He still prepared some extra dry goods and prepared to release them depending on the situation.

I just don't know how good the students in this country are, and whether their IQ is enough to cause trouble for labor and management.

It's time for the lecture to start.

The host was an intellectual beauty who looked a bit like Yingla, the later beautiful Prime Minister of Taiguo. She introduced Shen Guanglin's background in English.

In fact, Shen Guanglin's resume is still a bit thin. He is a professor at Capital University and a visiting professor at Kyoto University. After that, there is nothing more.

While he did publish a string of articles, convincing awards were lacking.

It would be nice to have a Nobel Prize winner.

However, polite and enthusiastic applause sounded from the audience, warmly welcoming Shen Guanglin's grand debut.

Wow, this teacher Shen is so handsome!His female assistant is so beautiful!
Handsome is what it should be.

Shen Guanglin walked to his seat, sat down slowly, opened the handout, put down the thermos cup soaked in wolfberry, and put the pen and notebook beside him.

This means it's ready.

Li Rong was also ready to help him put on the slides. She really didn't come here for nothing, and she still had to play a role.

Shen Guanglin raised his eyes and looked at the dense crowd of people. They were all familiar faces, because they were all descendants of Chinese, and their temperament was different from that of Fusang people.

However, many people in the audience were still not convinced by the scholars from China, even including Lin Wenwei.

Shen Guanglin is still too young, he should be a younger brother, not a teacher.

The lecture started, and everyone was waiting for Shen Guanglin to talk about "Nano". After all, he is No.1 in Nano.

"Hi everyone, my name is Shen Guanglin, from Jinling."

He used Chinese, and Shen Guanglin even thought that when he won an important award, he must use Chinese in his acceptance speech.

Shen Guanglin didn't talk about nanometers, just like Jin Yong didn't talk about novels when he gave a lecture at a university in Beijing.

"I am a physics teacher. Today I will give you a physics class. As for the students who don't like to listen, please don't leave the class casually. After all, this is paid by your school. This is a lot of money. Let me buy two more Hermes for my lover."

This auditorium can accommodate 2000 people, and it is already full. It is really averaged to each student, and it really doesn't cost much.

Zheng Xue finally understood that the money he bought for the extravagant accessories was paid by his school, so the school was taken advantage of.

Many people in the audience thought so too. In order to lick the big country, they actually paid to invite such a young man to give a lecture.

"Physics is a rigorous subject. Mathematics is the foundation of physics. Physics can be said to be an extended subject under the language of mathematics. As for chemistry and biology"

Half an hour passed, and it was all "routines".

If, if it is just talking about these things, it is completely a number of words, then Nanyang Technological University will lose money.

But Shen Guanglin felt that he had passed the stage of showing off his knowledge. As a university professor, he must be very happy to show off his knowledge in front of these students.

During half of the class, Shen Guanglin stayed in the water.

Is it interesting to talk about this?

Lin Wenwei was also asking, "How is his level? How much can he earn for such a class?"

The teacher next to him told him: "I can only say that there are no mistakes or omissions in what he said, but it is not new. The lecture lasted two hours, and I heard that the school paid 5 Singapore dollars."

"That's it? Fifty thousand Singapore dollars!"

No wonder he didn't like his $5000. Lin Wenwei didn't know how to change the price later. It really was Nanyang Technological University, so stupid.

Mr. Shen's money is too easy to make.

Shen Guanglin also felt that the money was too good to earn, so he decided to buy some dry goods.

"I have a laboratory. I study not only physics, but also chemistry and biology. How many physics students here?"

90% of the audience raised their hands.

"How many students here are studying biology?"

Only a few people in the audience raised their hands.

"Okay, then I will talk about biology today."

Shen Guanglin talked about physics for half an hour, but turned around and talked about biology that he and the people in the audience were not familiar with, and it was molecular biology in biology.

"Today I'm talking about genetic material - DNA, also known as deoxyribonucleic acid. Friedrich Michel, who was the first to isolate deoxyribose nucleic acid, was a Swiss doctor. In the pus, some substances were found only microscopically."

The audience in the audience were dumbfounded.

Isn't today's lecture nanotechnology? Everyone has done a lot of homework. What the hell is DNA?

"For example, a crew member has been at sea for 8 years. When he returned home, the child was already 5 years old. The neighbors said that the child was not like him. What should he do?"

What else can I do, there is a window of three years, he is not Li Jing, and the child is not Nezha.

Still such a small story can drive the atmosphere.


"Kill the adulterer and whore!"

"Fifty lashes!"

"Recognize this marriage!"

This kind of story was really attractive enough, and the atmosphere in the audience suddenly became active, and everyone had everything to say.

"I have a method, and that is to do DNA testing." Shen Guanglin introduced the topic he wanted to talk about.

This is DNA identification technology.

In fact, this topic is already a bit ahead of its time. The DNA identification technology was proposed by the British geneticist A.J. Jeffries in 1984, and it is only 1982 now, but Shen Guanglin has taken the initiative to propose it first. Although he cannot do PCR, he can also create the DNA identification technology. this new field.

The hot spot of biology in the next 40 years will be proposed by Shen in a general lecture.

Shen Guanglin went on to say that regardless of plants or animals, there is a complete set of genetic material in the body cells, so humans are no exception, cells in various parts of the human body have the same DNA, so the identity can be determined by checking blood, hair, saliva, etc. .

Oops, it feels so easy!
Everyone immediately thought of QJ, paternity test, and case detection based on this technology.

This is what lectures should be like.

(End of this chapter)

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