Chapter 22 Bicycles

The long grass warbler flies in the February sky,
Drunk spring smoke on the dyke willow.

Children return from school early,
Busy to take advantage of the east wind to release the paper kite.

Riding a brand-new bicycle, Shen Guanglin felt that he was flying against the wind.

If it weren't for the fear of breaking the TV in the back seat, he would certainly be able to ride the bike to the sky.

He even fantasized about it. After dinner, he watched TV with sister Li Li in his arms, and discussed life while discussing the plot. Life is really beautiful!

In the imagination, time will pass quickly, and the thighs will not feel tired.

The faculty dormitory of Jingcheng University will arrive soon.

After parking the bicycle, Shen Guanglin took off the TV and carried it into the room.

There is no need to take out the key to open the door, because the door is not locked at all.

Miss Li Rong is indeed here again. She is making beef stew with potatoes. If only sister Li Li was so conscious.

It's a pity that Li Li's temperament is a bit cold. Although there is no lack of politeness, she lacks enthusiasm, and there is also a lack of something called love in her eyes.

Knowing that Shen Guanglin was back, the young lady didn't lift her head: "Brother Guanglin, why is the beef you bought better? No matter how you cook the beef I bought at home, it doesn't taste right. Especially when it's fried. Your meat is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, and mine is old and hard."

What are these words, what your flesh is my flesh.

Shen Guanglin didn't answer. He couldn't say that it was Osaka beef from Oriental Fusang. Now Wagyu is not a brand, at least it is not well-known in China.

In the corner of her eyes, the young lady saw that Shen Guanglin seemed to have brought something in, and she couldn't help raising her head:
"Hey, have you bought a TV? You can live a good life! The three major things for marriage are TV, bicycle, and sewing machine. Now you have all the same."

"No, I've got two pieces together, look what's outside the door?"


A brand-new Phoenix bicycle was parked at the door, as dazzling as a BMW.

"You came back with the TV on your bicycle?"

"That's not it, I'm exhausted, my thighs are numb after getting off the car." The fact that riding a bicycle hurt Dandan is true.

"Wouldn't it be cool to ride a new bike?"

"You can pull the wind, and I actually received an envious look."

The young lady came from a wealthy background and has no idea how much money she spends in daily life, but she also knows what people often say about the three major things in life, so she can't help but mumble, "Actually, I have a sewing machine at home, so I can There are three pieces together."

TV sets in this era are more troublesome to use and require antennas to receive video channels. There are also two types of indoor antennas and outdoor antennas.

Shen Guanglin didn't hear what Li Rong said, and while playing with the TV, he said, "Miss Rongrong, let me tell you, if the current bicycle is placed in the future, it will be a BMW..."

"Well, then you ride a BMW and take me out for a walk."

"No, that position is reserved for Lily."

"I don't have a conscience. I took you so many times, and even asked for a leave to help you move. You treat me like this." The sturdy girl can make your scalp tingle and your hair crisp when you pretend to be gentle.

"Let's go then!"

"it is good!"

The two of them walked out of the room quickly, and they didn't care about the beef stewed in the pot.

Shen Guanglin first pushed the bicycle onto the road, stepped on it, and landed on one foot, "Come on, beautiful lady."

"Can you do it, don't try to do it."

Shen Guanglin didn't want to argue with her, so he reached out and patted the big bar, "I can ride even if you sit here, come up quickly."

Li Rong said: "You are beautiful, and you still want a beautiful woman in your arms. You ride a few steps first, and I will jump up."

Shen Guanglin turned the pedals, and the bicycle slowly set off, "Come on!"

Li Rong hurried a few steps, and as soon as she raised her toes, she swiftly sat sideways on the back seat.

The bicycle shook a few times, and the young lady also buckled his waist.

She has such a good figure. She really looks thin when she takes off her clothes and dresses with flesh. The young lady can feel Teacher Shen's abdominal muscles.

"Miss Rongrong, it doesn't matter if you put your arms around my waist, but don't take advantage of me too much. I can tell you that I have a family, maybe your future brother-in-law, and the stories of others are all about brother-in-law. With my sister-in-law, there has never been anything about my brother-in-law."

"Go away! The dog can't spit out ivory, I'll kill you if I don't kill you!"


That's how life is, plain and fun.

Shen Guanglin, who has a bicycle, is indeed a lot easier to move, but unfortunately the classroom is too close to the office building, and it can't have much effect.

And, although his bike is very, very, very new, it doesn't stand out in the large line of bicycles in front of the office building.

As a teacher at Jingcheng University, who doesn't have a bicycle?
The neighbor next door, Teacher Zhao, did not.

They are still at the stage of relying on communication and relying on traffic.

On this day, Shen Guanglin had dinner with Li Li's sister in the school cafeteria again. Li Li didn't want to watch TV, but wanted to go to self-study. Naturally, Mr. Shen had nothing else to do, so of course he followed the self-study until late at night. .

By the way, it’s good to write some papers for myself. I’ve been a teacher for a long time and read many magazines on cutting-edge technology in this era. Shen Guanglin found a lot of hot spots that can be tracked, and Shen Guanglin has an answer to the question that is being discussed. This is the traveler The advantages.


does not exist.

In theoretical physics, ideas are more important than abilities.

For example, in the Yang-Li dispute, there was a heated discussion about who discovered that "parity is not conserved in weak interactions".

Of course, the most heated discussion in China is Laolaiqiao.

The time for writing the thesis passed quickly, the night was finally late, and walking back to the bedroom was another happy journey.

Moreover, Teacher Shen found out that she only needed 2 cents to get Song Xiaoyu out of the way, and even her aunt could come at any time and turn on the light bulb in time.

The weather in early spring was still quite cold, and the little girl stomped her feet while walking and breathed with her hands from time to time.

"If your hands are cold, let me warm them up. Brother Guanglin's hands are as warm as his chest."

Li Li smiled and shook her head. She didn't even kiss her goodbye when she went downstairs in the dormitory. She walked upstairs lightly without even looking back.

Shen Guanglin could only go back to the dormitory by himself, singing loudly as he walked:

"Sister girl, don't go,

Sing a song to keep you.

There is my true love for you in the song,
There is your tenderness in the song."

When the staff dormitory arrived, the lights in one aisle were all black. It would be great if there was someone waiting for my brother to come home and was already warming the bed.

Walking to the door of the dormitory in the dark, Shen Guanglin almost stumbled, and then he took a closer look. It turned out that Teacher Zhao next door was squatting at his door.

Ouch I'm going!People are scary and scary.

"Brother Zhao, what are you doing here, don't accompany Sister Zhao at night, hey, hey, run to me." Shen Guanglin opened the door while laughing.

Click, the lights are on, the whole world is on.

Brother Zhao didn't speak, his face was drooping, his mind was heavy, and he looked like a castration.

"What's the matter? Are you wronged? It's not a sin for a man to cry. Impotence is just because your heart is too tired. Relax, take two catties of beef from me and go back to make up for it. If it doesn't work, eat it raw. I still have wolfberry here. Eat together to ensure that Sister Zhao is satisfied." Shen Guanglin and their husband and wife are very familiar with them, and they often joke about them.

Shen Guanglin is an old driver, and Sister Zhao is an old lady. A woman who has given birth to a baby drives so hard that sometimes Xiao Shen can't catch it.

In the words of Sister Zhao, you little thief is still playing dirty with the old lady.

However, what's wrong with Brother Zhao today? With the light in the room, Brother Zhao really seems to be crying, and his face is not very good-looking.

"No, Brother Zhao, what's the matter with you? Is there really something wrong with the relationship between husband and wife? Did Sister Zhao give you a hat? Didn't you guys tear down the house last night? It's time for the broken bed to be replaced. My nephew woke up."

Teacher Zhao is not angry: "It's nothing, you are busy, it's getting late, hurry up and rest, I'm in a bad mood, I'll squat here for a while."

This is obviously wrong. Shen Guanglin is a person with high emotional intelligence. Brother Zhao must have encountered some difficulties.

What difficulties can people in this era have is nothing more than money.

"Is there something wrong at home? Is there anyone I can help? If I ask someone to make progress, I really can't help, but if you encounter financial problems, I can still help you."

Mr. Zhao guessed that what he was waiting for was his words. He is a strong person, and he was very embarrassed to borrow money, but he still took out a piece of paper. Chapter a square chapter.

"Mother's sick money"

The telegram should be concise and concise, without punctuation and other useless words. It was the first time Shen Guanglin saw the telegram, but he could already understand the meaning above.

"What a big deal, a problem that can be solved with money is not a problem." Shen Guanglin has nothing but money, and he always carries more than 1000 yuan, which was exchanged from a scalper last time.

Money is a bastard, if you don't have it, you can go to scalpers to exchange it.

Shen Guanglin took out all the money in his pocket in one breath, without counting, and put it into Brother Zhao's hand, "The emergency is not to save the poor, and human life is a major matter.

Teacher Zhao knew that Shen Guanglin had money, which could be seen from his daily style, otherwise he would not be standing guard at the door of Xiaoshen.

I just didn't expect Teacher Shen to be so rich and generous.

Teacher Zhao felt bitter in his heart. Being a man is really difficult. One child has two families, so many people rely on him.

Usually, as long as the salary is paid, it will be mailed home. The couple has been planning carefully, so they can barely maintain a living, or even maintain a decent appearance.

He had to panic when he received a telegram today that his mother was sick and needed money, because they really had no money.

"Thank you, thank you, I don't need so much, I only need 100. I borrowed this money, and the salary will be paid next month, but it won't work next month. I have to pay it back in three installments. I don't even know how to thank you. , why don't I kowtow to you, I." Saying that, Brother Zhao was about to kneel.

Of course Shen Guanglin would not accept this gift, "I'm not short of money, you can take the money first, and then give me the rest of the money. Don't worry about repaying the money, if it really doesn't work, just pay the interest later."

Pushing left and right, Mr. Zhao still only took 300 yuan in the end. In this era, it really doesn’t cost that much to see a doctor. His monthly salary is only more than 80 yuan, and 300 yuan requires him to not eat or drink for several months.

"Sister Zhao, why didn't you see her?"

"She took her child to a colleague's house to borrow money, and she hasn't come back, so it's probably not ideal."

"At this point, don't hurry to find it, don't let her look at people's faces, if you borrow money, pay it back immediately, and if you are short of money in the future, ask me to borrow it, just look at my face, and borrow money everywhere. It's impossible to owe favors."

"Okay, I'll go, I'll go." Brother Zhao couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing, and hurried away.

Sure enough, a penny beats a hero, and money is the hero's courage.

Even Xie Xiaomeng said, "How can I deduct nei for such money?"

Xiao Si, who likes to look at the sky at a 45-degree angle, also wrote: Love without material things is like a plate of sand, it doesn’t need the wind to blow, and it will fall apart within two steps.

Therefore, Brother Shen still needs to make more money.

Only make money to buy a bike so that there will be girls laughing on the bike.

(End of this chapter)

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