Start with a college teacher

Chapter 23 Refrigerator

Chapter 23 Refrigerator (for collection, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket)

On February [-], the dragon looked up.

Shen Guanglin respected the tradition and went to the barber shop early in the morning to have his hair cut.

The reason why I went for a haircut during the first month of the month was mainly because the relationship between Shen Guanglin and my uncle was still quite good, such as Wangfu No. [-], Charming Dynasty, Jinling Lingxiao Palace, etc. They were both regulars and often traveled together.

Poems as proof:

Yesterday was my little aunt.
Let's play house together today.

You are my daughter and I am my father,
Except for the police.

Although Shen Guanglin didn't wear Metersbonwe on the second day of the first day, he was not ready to take the usual path.

Therefore, at his strong request, the barber gave him a hairstyle that was completely different from the current mainstream.

The most popular hairstyle in this era is the "middle part", which is the legendary "Jingwei Tou". Seven", or even "twenty-eight" points.

Shen Guanglin didn't choose any of these. He asked the barber to cut the hair on the top of his head, thin it, shave off all the sides of his ears, and straightened two lightning bolts.

After the haircut, the wind was pouring through the collar of the clothes, and it was quite cool.

There are many customs about the second day of the second lunar month, and Shen Guanglin didn't even know that this day was actually a traditional festival.

Until the little sister Li Rong stretched out her hand and asked him, "February [-], fried beans, who wants to give it to my brother-in-law?"

Only then did he understand that this day was also very important in the past, and the next important festival was the Cold Food Festival.

Regarding the second day of the second month, there is also a saying in the capital. One of the sayings is that "on the second day of the second month, the dragon looks up, and the scorpion and centipedes show their heads. On the second day of the second month, the beans are tasted, and the scorpion and centipedes have nowhere to hide."

Therefore, they also call this day's roasted seeds and nuts "scorpion claw".

There are also many types of "scorpion claws", peanuts, corn, dough, soybeans, etc. can be fried.

It is said that the favorite food of forever healthy comrades is fried soybeans.

Of course, eating fried soybeans is not necessarily a favorite. It's really that Lao Yan's bullet is too vicious and destroys the body's functions. While marching and combat needs to supplement nutrition, fried soybeans are just a helpless move.

Of course Shen Guanglin didn't prepare to fry beans to make scorpion claws, but Miss Li Rong did, and Aunt Song sent it after frying.

"Brother Guanglin, what's your hairstyle? Why do you have a '2' on your head? Is it for the second day of February?"

"You're only 2, will you read it, this is Lightning, do you understand Lightning! Tell me, is my brother handsome today?" Shen Guanglin shook his head arrogantly after speaking.

Although the hairstyle is weird, Shen Guanglin looks really good-looking, and his temperament is very different from the people of this era. This kind of confidence, this kind of free and easy is really attractive to the little girl.

Miss Li Rong is almost drooling, you say handsome or not.

This hairstyle of Shen Guanglin is indeed very impactful, and it simply breaks through the aesthetic limits of people in this era.

Thanks to his good looks, he can also be beaten, otherwise he would really be ridiculed to death.

In fact, Shen Guanglin's father looks average, but his mother is a famous beauty in Shili Baxiang. He can marry Shen Houdao because the old man Shen Longxian is a cadre, and Shen Houdao can take over in the future.

Who knows that the old man is a "die-in" and that he is a cadre, but his wife, son, daughter-in-law, and grandson are all rural household registrations, and no one can persuade him.

Not to mention that Lao Shen has won a "model worker", and his family's fields have been preserved to the greatest extent possible.

In particular, he didn't let his son "take over", and the unit also distributed him a large bonus, which at that time could buy two apartments and renovate the house, and Lao Shen decisively bought the house.

"Fortune favors fools.

Those shrewd people in the village are not necessarily "smart". They spent money to buy cadre status and urban hukou, and later they wanted to die.

As time passed, and with the smooth development of teaching work, Shen Guanglin's teaching ability was recognized by the students, and soon, he was recognized by the teachers.

Because, Professor Yang's paper in the next office has finally been published!
This is not an ordinary paper, nor is it published in ordinary journals, international journals, SCI impact factor 3.0, is it a bull?

Many professors of this era grew up in the 50s and 60s, and the foreign language of college students in that era was Russian.

However, looking at the world, English still monopolizes the science and literature circles. As a scientific researcher, if you do not know English, you will suffer a big loss.

Many scientific researchers have discovered this since the 70s and [-]s, so they had to work hard to make up this course.

I have to say that being able to write English papers is really an ability, and it is an indispensable ability for scientific researchers.

Even in Shen Guanglin's era, he was able to help teachers write papers, and it was already a sure thing to have a direct blog.

How many lecturers and how many medical workers have worked hard for a good paper.

In the Department of Physics of Jingcheng University, the appearance of Shen Guanglin suddenly changed the current situation of the lack of English professionals in the School of Physics.

This guy really wants it!
No, after a lot of work, Shen Guanglin received another request for revision of 6 papers. The most outrageous one was that even the title was written in Chinese, without a single English letter.

This is no longer a modification, this is a pure translation.

Is there any PUA in the workplace?
As a last resort, Xiao Shen could only scold: Very well.

Rejection is impossible to refuse, who can't be a foreigner?
I can't blame Shen Guanglin for being lazy. There are no computers in this day and age, so translation is not easy to do. After translating it myself, I have to check the dictionary for spelling mistakes.

In later generations, the error checking function should not be too simple.

The last time I helped Professor Yang revise the paper, Shen Guanglin worked overtime and completed it in just one week.

Now, a week has passed, and the framework of Shen Guanglin's article has not been changed.

Until, until a teacher was really in a hurry, he took out 50 yuan to ask Mr. Shen to speed up the progress, and 50 yuan is the fee for a translation agency to translate a book.

Sure enough, the teacher's paper was quickly revised and mailed, while other teachers' papers were still in an orderly queue, much like the Suez Canal that was being blocked before.

Is it hard to make money?

Work hard and make money.

No matter how busy work is, life must go on.

When we talk about life, we can’t do without eating. When we talk about eating, we have to talk about eating meat, preferably beef.

Shen Guanglin couldn't finish the beef here no matter how much he tried.

After so many days of exploration, Shen Guanglin has discovered that the beef in his "cornucopia" is refreshed every day, but the money he took out has never been updated again, and the cornucopia is silent.

If you don't eat beef, it's a waste, if you don't take it, you don't take it for nothing, and it's worthless if you sell it.

Hey, the daily income of 8000 is not bad, but it is a pity that the beef worth 8000 yuan cannot be realized.

Shen Guanglin took some beef out of the space from time to time, and from time to time, took out some beef from the space, and Miss Li Rong also bought some rice, noodles, and non-staple food from time to time. These things will soon have no place to put them.

There was too much beef in the dormitory, and even Brother Zhao next door ate a lot. Brother Zhao also thought about inviting him back, but there was nothing he could do.

He hadn't repaid the money he borrowed from Shen Guanglin last time, and he didn't know when he would be able to repay it.

The main problem is that Brother Zhao and Sister Zhao are both unclean, and each has a family that needs support. Others think that you are teaching in a university in the capital, and you will definitely make money.

The real result is that there is only so much income, and their families need to send money every month. Now that the two have a child, plus the relationship between people, there is no money left at all.

Otherwise, the last time Brother Zhao's mother was sick, the family would not suffer so much.

There are no children from high-ranking families like sisters Li Rong and Li Li.

Shen Guanglin is not short of money, so his life continues to improve, and there are still some big changes.

For example, since the dormitory has a TV, Li Li and Song Xiaoyu have come a little more diligently, and other classmates have come to visit from time to time.

Under the guise of learning English, everyone actually came to watch TV and eat delicious beef.

Now, even the little sister Li Rong has become ingenious. One day, while Shen Guanglin was not paying attention, she made beef jerky from a dozen kilograms of "stock" beef. The taste was really delicious, but it was a little spicy. , need to drink more water.

Of course, she didn't explain that one day she brought Aunt Hua over with a tricycle to be a "guest".

It has been a month since Shen Guanglin came to be a teacher, and Li Rong has almost become what Sister Zhao calls "Mr. Shen's little daughter-in-law", but the relationship between Teacher Shen and her sister Li Li has not developed further.

Sister Zhao also often jokes: "Do you still want to marry two?"

Shen Guanglin really thought about this issue very seriously, and finally he came to the conclusion, "I can't let Li Rong get me so easily now."

Oops, how can I get my sister Li Li's heart?

My favorite is "Love Over Time".

When will I be able to complete the first step of this idiom? The second step, "long", can be used for medication. Does Viagra already have it?
Haven't invented it yet!

Call Yang Rui, hurry up and show off the demeanor of a god-level scholar, hurry up and study Sildenafil.

Do it yourself?
Shen Guanglin studied physics and materials, and he was too far away from the biological circle. Especially since he is still an English teacher, he is even further away from scientific research.

However, now Mr. Shen has won the respect of a considerable number of classmates. This person is very knowledgeable, humorous in his lectures, and he doesn't put on airs. He is really nice. It would be better if he didn't harass female classmates.

However, if you don't pursue a girl you like, what kind of teacher is Mr. Shen still doing?

Unlike his classmates who yearned for TV shows, Shen Guanglin quickly lost interest in TV.

It's so boring, I only have two channels to watch when I turn on the TV. They are Jingcheng Channel 1 and Channel 2. One of them is a black and white channel, and the other is a color channel. And at ten o'clock in the evening, there is no signal. There is only one square channel. The graph consisting of grids is there.

There are more and more things in the dormitory.
It seems that Shen Guanglin should really buy another refrigerator, the beef will go bad if the weather gets hotter.

Are refrigerators expensive?

Shen Guanglin went to the Friendship Store to see the price before, and it cost more than 1500 to buy it with foreign exchange coupons, which is really expensive!

Now 1500 can buy a few houses.

I don’t know if I can really buy a house. Anyway, if I rent a house near the university, it only costs 2 yuan a month to rent it from the Housing Authority.

But the refrigerator is still worth buying. Girls like ice cream, and it just so happens that Teacher Shen knows how to make this stuff.

Just do it!

On the first weekend of February, Shen Guanglin wanted to ask Miss Li Rong to be a porter, but she didn't come for a few days, which was strange.

Now, Shen Guanglin has become a loyal customer of Xiao Niu.

The real name of Xiao Niu is "Su Youpeng", which is taken from Confucius' "You Peng Comes from afar". He is older than Wanwan star, not counting porcelain.

Shen Guanglin asked him to exchange various tickets, including industrial coupons, non-staple food coupons, and candy coupons, to name a few.

Xiao Su was originally a marginal child of the industrial compound. After the educated youth returned to his hometown, he had not been assigned a job, so he relied on buying and selling to earn a little difference to make a living.

Since he met Shen Guanglin, he seemed to have met the God of Wealth. This big guy is really rich, and he can take out US dollars at any time. He is very lavish.

Shen Guanglin also learned a lot of strange contemporary knowledge from him.

With the previous shopping experience, the purchase of a refrigerator went smoothly.

The volume of the refrigerator can be large, as much as 129 liters.

With such a heavy load on the third wheel, it almost strayed several times.

Thanks to Miss and Sister's excellent driving skills, and thanks to the fact that the motorcycle is owned by the public, she barely managed to support the school.

The refrigerator is really a good thing. I used it on the day the goods were delivered. The popsicles were so enjoyable that I went to the toilet eight times a night.

Since the refrigerator, Miss Li Rong has been more diligent.

She always brings a variety of food, euphemistically called taking care of her sister.

However, my younger sister doesn't come often. My younger sister is only interested when Shen Guanglin says that something is also popular in Citiland.

After a while, Shen Guanglin hoarded more beef.

Neither Shen Guanglin nor Li Li could cook, and only Song Xiaoyu and Li Rong could really cook.

Song Xiaoyu really knows it, and Li Rong loves to study.

Li Li is in charge of being beautiful, and Shen Guanglin is in charge of being a fool.

Shen Guanglin also has a knack for it, he can eat it!

Eating is also a learning.

Shen Guanglin was able to judge the nuances in the food, and the whole Xiaoyu doubted life.

However, it is not without its disadvantages. Since the refrigerator was added to the room, Shen Guanglin felt that the room was not enough to live in, and the fuse burned three times until a copper wire was replaced.

It used to be a big room, but now it's even more crowded than Brother Zhao's house next door.

Especially Shen Guanglin, who doesn't know how crazy he is, he bought a few wooden chairs, but he also bought a dressing table.

Jin Gui didn't see it, Shen was really heavy, and he couldn't move it alone.

(End of this chapter)

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