Start with a college teacher

Chapter 227 Templates

Chapter 227 Templates
The lecture ended successfully.

Shen Guanglin opened up the authority to answer questions, so as not to say that labor and capital are overbearing, but no one asked any in-depth questions.

At least half of the people present were physics students, but they didn't understand what Shen Guanglin was talking about, and they couldn't judge whether what he said was right or not.

During the last lecture, some people still criticized Shen Guanglin for his superficiality, saying that what he said was general and only pointed out a good direction. They almost pointed at his nose and said that he was cheating money.

This lecture was different. It was profound, but they couldn't understand it.

Also, only a lecture that you don't understand is a good lecture.

Seeing the silence, a teacher who also studies theoretical physics asked: "Professor Shen, which journal will the standard theoretical model you proposed today be published in?"

This is already a digression, but Shen Guanglin still gave a positive answer.

"It's "Science", definitely not "Nature". I was tricked by "Nature" last time. They didn't follow the rules. Otherwise, I wouldn't have brought up the topic of "Nano Effects" so early."

There is no way for Shen Guanglin to bring out the "Nano Era" ahead of time. His paper has been targeted. If he does not publish it quickly, he will be preempted.

"Impossible! It's impossible for our Yingguo magazine to be so immoral." A young student in the audience retorted fiercely. He couldn't understand Shen Guanglin's lecture, but it didn't mean he couldn't understand Shen Guanglin's words mocking "Nature". manner.

Where did such an onion come out?

Only then did Shen Guanglin realize that Singapore is also one of the colonies of the Eagle Kingdom, and they are also members of the Commonwealth of Nations.

There are too many members of the Commonwealth of Nations, and these countries combined are much larger than the Soviet Union.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to quarrel with them, and it would be disgraceful to win the quarrel:
"There is no point in arguing about this matter. The journal "Nature" may be a good journal, but not all the people in the magazine office are good people. Can you guarantee that they will not do some foolish things?"


This guy is interesting.

There is still a lot of black history in "Nature", and some people have taken stock of it in the Internet age.

Shen Guanglin randomly cited a few examples, each of which was well documented and actually happened, but everyone didn't pay attention.

Now they have nothing to say.

Some people take advantage of their positions to do things that harm others and benefit themselves.

The lecture is over, but Shen Guanglin can't leave immediately, because the domestic officials are still in the audience, he wants to say hello and exchange pleasantries.

In addition to being rigid, officials in this era are good in other respects, especially in their treatment of Chinese people, especially their personal conduct.

In fact, if you are the focus of the party, the hateful official entertainment will not be so odious, and it will even become lively and interesting.

At least, Shen Guanglin thought so.

What Shen Guanglin said on the stage was very profound, and the leaders from China could not understand it at all, but they could still make judgments. They could judge the level of Teacher Shen based on the reactions of the people around him, and whether he had been recognized by others. underestimate.

However, the lecture was over, and the people who listened to the lecture did not respond for a long time. What is going on?

Whether it is good or not.

The leaders couldn't bear it anymore, and asked a well-educated person around them in English: "What is the level of this Mr. Shen on the stage? I don't seem to understand."

"Gao Shan Yang Zhi! It's really Gao Shan Yang Zhi! Although I can only understand about 8% of him, I can already prove that he is very good. I originally studied physics, and I am quite talented. It's a pity that I haven't followed closely for so many years. Cutting edge of the times, already somewhat outdated.”

Then don't worry, Mr. Shen is as good as he is.

Did not embarrass the countrymen.

Shen Guanglin didn't even know what the officials were thinking, and he was still in the midst of everyone's eager greetings, making it difficult for Lin Wenwei, who wanted to talk about business, to come forward.

But it doesn't matter, Shen Guanglin has already noticed him, this elder brother is quite persistent and a talent.

This time when he was giving a lecture at the National University, Shen Guanglin changed his hotel, after all, he also wanted to be closer.

Because he really wanted to continue chatting with this Mr. Lin, Shen Guanglin gave him the new hotel address.

The Chinese drinking culture cannot be avoided even in Singapore. Shen Guanglin and the staff in the office drank until late.

In fact, every country in the world also has its own wine culture and national wine.

The national liquor of China is Moutai, of course, the national liquor of Bangziguo is 22% Jinro, Fusang is sake, and Xinjiapo is Sling, a concocted cocktail.

The Sling Cocktail is also the only cocktail invented by an Asian, and the inventor seems to be named Yan Chongwen.

After attending the reception, Shen Guanglin went to the coffee shop of this hotel to discuss business again. It was the same hotel, so there was no need to run around.

However, Li Rong explained that no coffee is allowed.

The meaning is obvious, not to drink that famous coffee from Indonesia.

If you don't drink, don't drink, let's drink tea!
In addition to Bak Kut Teh, the most popular drink here in Singapore is "Chang Cha".

Long tea is a kind of performance program. The so-called "long tea" is to add milk to the brewed black tea, and then perform a performance of pouring the milk tea into the jar.

The operator holds a jar full of milk tea in one hand, and then pours it into an empty cup held in the other hand. The distance between the two hands is about one meter, and it takes [-] times to go back and forth.

Today's performer is a girl in uniform, she looks pretty good, she is very good for Shen Guanglin's eyes.

In fact, Shen Guanglin doesn't like to drink milk tea, he only likes to drink clear tea, which is very expensive.

"Beauty, are you new tea?" Shen Guanglin decided to ask shamelessly.

"Of course it's new tea. This can be used for drinking, not just for performance." The little beauty saw sweat on her forehead, and she didn't understand what Teacher Shen's new tea meant.

Teacher Shen took a sip, good tea!very moist.

The two sat down, and Shen Guanglin took the initiative to start the topic: "How much are you going to pay me this time?"

"I don't know anymore. You can make so much money just by giving a lecture. This is beyond my comprehension." Lin Wenwei smiled wryly.

He also felt that he could not complete this task, but he was a little unwilling because the input method invented by Shen Guanglin was really good, and the market prospect was very broad.

There is no need to continue talking about authorization, after all, the computer age has not yet arrived, and the blowout period has not yet arrived.

"How much do you pay a month now?"

Shen Guanglin directly asked about Lin Wenwei's income.

In fact, Lin Wenwei has been working for several years, and his income is not bad. After all, he is a high-achieving student who graduated from the National University of Singapore, and he is also considered a middle-level employee in a new media company.

"8000 SGD."

"That's not a lot, how much savings do you have?" Shen Guanglin continued to ask.

"That's not much. After all, I still have to talk about friends, and I will have the pressure to support my family in the future. Up to now, I have only saved more than 20 Singapore dollars, which is the income of your four lectures."

It is really annoying to compare people to others. I only have 8000 SGD for a month of hard work, and I am already a high-income group. Mr. Shen can get 5 SGD just by talking casually.

Shen Guanglin nodded with a smile, but he was not proud or complacent. He thought of another thing: he wanted to find a qualified agent. The people in Xiangjiang were too small, so it would be good to find a Chinese from Southeast Asia.

Moreover, Singapore's industrial foundation is better. Electronic processing, manufacturing and tourism are pillar industries here, and it is also suitable for establishing a production base here or introducing some technologies from here.

"How about we set up a company in partnership? The shares are divided into four and six, you four and I six, and I will put the patent in for free, and it will be counted as the company's income."

This is Shen Guanglin's new idea. After all, the overseas market is still huge, and the international patents are all in his own name, not the property of Capital University.

it is as expected!
When Shen Guanglin asked this question just now, Lin Wenwei had already vaguely thought about it, and he really brought up this matter.

"I know that you used technology and patents to buy shares, and I took advantage of it. However, all the savings I have worked for these years are not enough for the company's operating expenses."

Of course Lin Wenwei thought about it, which is a good thing, but he couldn't help it because he was short of cash.

I have been working for almost 5 years, and my savings are only 10,000+ SGD, which is not enough to start a business.

Things that can be solved with money are small things.

Shen Guanglin is also very generous: "In this way, you also know that I don't have time to participate in the company's operations, so you are in charge of the daily work. Since you want to be a partner, you should hold the shares according to the proportion of the capital contribution. You will do the management, and I will contribute the technology. No one suffers."

"How much money do you think is enough for the company to operate? If the money is not enough, I can lend it to you, but it can only be regarded as a loan."

There is no need to worry about it from the beginning, but it is also impossible to let managers only hold shares and not invest.

Lin Wenwei happily agreed, this is an opportunity for him to change his destiny.

The next thing is to talk more and more happily.

Shen Guanglin helped Lin Wenwei formulate a template for the company's development, which was still based on industry.

The future will be the era of computers. Singapore is rich in talents. It is possible to organize a team to develop "Hanka", which means integrating the input method into a device, and even Chineseizing the operating system together, and then making it into a product for the public. sell.

Before the CPU performance has not been fundamentally improved, Hanka is very useful.

This is a bit similar to the card that Shi Yuzhu and Lenovo made a fortune.

What about the next second step?
The second step is to do manufacturing OEM. Singapore has less land, but Malaysia has more land, so it is possible to build OEM factories here.

Take advantage of shipping to receive international orders. If you receive too many orders and cannot finish production, then go to Huaxia to build a factory.Shencheng, Yangcheng, and Shanghai City in the future are all good choices.

Just like the NBA has a player development template, Shen Guanglin has also formulated a development template for the new company.

The object he chose to imitate is Vtron, the company that gave Warwick a knife in the back.

(End of this chapter)

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