Start with a college teacher

Chapter 228 Academic Research

Chapter 228 Academic Research
Lin Wenwei became Shen Guanglin's temporary agent, and he helped Shen Guanglin contact three lectures.

No way, the new company needs money to run.

Lin Wenwei has already resigned, and when Shen Guanglin returns, he will start the company.

As a professional teacher, is Shen Guanglin afraid of giving too many lectures? It's just that there are more people in the audience, and the worst is not to answer questions after the lecture.

Of course, it is not possible to give lectures every day. People still need to have life and interest.

With Li Rong by his side, Shen Guanglin would not be able to go to those buildings. After all, it was indecent, and those professional newspaper buyers probably would not be profitable.

It's better in ancient times, there are leisure institutions run by the government, and the staff in them can be regarded as civil servants.

It is said that Duke Huan of Qi is the patriarch of this industry.

However, since you are going abroad, especially when you come to Singapore, a country where gambling is legal, you still have to go to the casino, just for fun.

Of course, Shen Guanglin was not prepared to gamble. The lectures were very hard these days, but he still didn't have enough funds, so he planned to get some from the casino.

Chinese people are naturally fond of gambling. Fighting cocks, dogs, and crickets has become a folk heritage.

It is recognized all over the world that Chinese people are the most gambler nation.

The English word for casino is "casino". In fact, it is a transliterated Chinese word, which means "began".

In the [-]th century, there were many Chinese road construction workers in North America. They shouted "started" after get off work and started gambling business. Foreigners thought "started" means gambling, so they created this term.

Singapore's legal casinos are opened on Sentosa Island, which is also a tourist attraction.

Sentosa Island is located 500 meters south of the main island of Singapore. It is 4 kilometers long from east to west, 1.6 kilometers wide from north to south, and covers an area of ​​3.47 square kilometers. It is the third largest island outside Singapore.

Such a good tourist attraction, Shen Guanglin didn't bring Li Rong here. The purpose of the two big men coming here is not pure.

Casinos in Singapore are legal. Although the casinos here are not only open to foreigners, locals have to pay 500 SGD every day if they want to enter.

S$500 is a lot of money, and this regulation restricts locals from getting involved in casinos.

Shen Guanglin came prepared, the 80s was great!
He has been studying blackjack for a long time, and has long wanted to find a casino to go in and verify it. Now this opportunity is just right.

It's not that he doesn't know how to play other games, but this time he came for academic and research purposes, which can be regarded as a kind of mathematical exploration.

Because, Shen Guanglin graduated from MIT, and his school had a Chinese celebrity -- Ma Kaiwen.

Ma Kaiwen is a well-known figure who was active in the 90s. He was originally Shen Guanglin's senior, but he hasn't appeared yet.

He is a genius who graduated from MIT. When Shen Guanglin was studying at MIT, he naturally heard about the glorious deeds of Brother Ma and studied his first-hand information.

Jeff Ma, in the 20s, relying on his card counting ability as accurate as "Intel chips", he and a few talented students in his class swept across the casinos across the United States and became "persona non grata" in casinos.

On March 2008, 3, the Hollywood film "Blackjack Blackjack" based on the true story of Brother Pony premiered in North America, causing a worldwide sensation.

There is also a catchphrase in this movie, that is "Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner", this sentence is so popular that Shen Guanglin travels through it.

Good luck, have chicken tonight.

Although it was not dark yet, Shen Guanglin had already decided to eat chicken.

Lin Wenwei originally wanted to persuade him not to engage in such a big project, but Mr. Shen said that this is an academic research, you can just follow along, and there is your interest.

Shen Guanglin went on to say, "You don't need to persuade me, I understand what the casino looks like better than anyone else, I guess I came this time, the casino will definitely not let me come again."

There is no way, someone Shen has this confidence.

As the saying goes, out of ten bets, nine losers. This does not include Shen Guanglin, because he has cheats.

Gamblers are also divided into stages.

In the initial stage of entering the casino, most people are cautious, just as a kind of entertainment, but in the end they will want to continue if they win, and want to get back their money if they lose.

After the mid-term, some people began to study gambling techniques and casino psychology, and they were no longer satisfied with the stage of pleasure, and began to move to the next deeper level.

In the later stage, people will already go crazy.

They start to make plans. If they win, they hope to make long-term profits; if they lose, they will never be reconciled, let alone give up.

This is not Shen Guanglin's first visit to the casino. He also went there with his classmates when he was in college, but they only played Texas Hold'em occasionally, and blackjack was not allowed.

Because blackjack has been badly played by his seniors, and after the accident of an Australian professional gambler, people who use mathematical tools to play this game are not welcome.

Shen Guanglin and his classmates have long been banned from playing blackjack in Las Vegas and other places. There are facial recognition people there, and they cannot escape.

Don't talk about casinos, just go to a house, there is a face recognition system, and when you go in, you are a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

If people don't know how to play, they might be sunk in a pigsty.

Since it was to verify academic research, money should not be stingy. Shen Guanglin directly asked Lin Wenwei to exchange 10 Singapore dollars, and asked him to follow him around.

After turning around, he turned to the table at 21 o'clock.

The "Blackjack" gameplay is very simple, that is, it is required to calculate the sum of the points of the cards in the hand, try to be as close to but not more than 21 points, and if it exceeds 21 points, it is a bust.

In the gambling game, the croupier who was originally a spectator will participate as a banker.

If no special calculation is performed, the normal gambler's chance of winning in blackjack is about 21%-48%, and after using the language of mathematics, the chance of winning can be increased by 49%-2%, so that the chance of winning is 3%- 51% up.

The math is rigorous, and even a percentage point or two is a lot of money.

Just like betting on the size of the three dice, the casino earns only a few percent, because the probability of a leopard appearing on the three dice is 1/3. The probability.

The "21 o'clock" game is very fast.

Shen Guanglin and Lin Wenwei had been standing in front of the blackjack table for some time. The participants came and went, and most of them left, leaving behind a lot of chips.

Shen Guanglin verified it repeatedly in his heart, and the result was indeed the same as what he "expected".

That's it!Shen Guanglin sat down at the poker table.

He decided to play a game of 10 SGD. If he lost, he would go home. If he won, the casino might not let him come again.

The table they joined was considered a "big bet" table, with 500 SGD per game. Even a middle-level player like Lin Wenwei's monthly salary was only enough to play 8 times, but the 10 that Shen Guanglin took out could roughly A prototype of probability has been calculated.

There are 4 people on this table, plus Shen Guanglin 5.

At the beginning of the game, the banker issues two open cards to each player, and then deals two cards to the banker himself, one open card and one dark card.

Shen Guanglin came up and got a black jack, that is, an ace plus a 10-point flower card.

Oh, this is winning money, it's meaningless.

(End of this chapter)

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