Start with a college teacher

Chapter 234 Dumplings

Chapter 234 Dumplings
For someone who is used to living in Peking, like me, it is a miracle if there is no wind in winter.

Only when Shen Guanglin arrived in Quancheng did he feel that the winter here was indeed not too windy, but it was still cold.

Since it was still early to arrive in Quancheng, Shen Guanglin visited the old railway station with Dou Wei under the guidance of Lao Kong.

The old railway station in Quancheng is famous all over the world. It is a typical German-style Germanic station building designed by the famous German architect Hermann Fischer at the end of the [-]th century and the beginning of the [-]th century.

This railway station carries history, which is the legendary Baroque architectural style.

There were a lot of people at the station, but it still couldn't stop Shen Guanglin's enthusiasm for pilgrimage. It would be great if this railway station could be preserved.

Shen Guanglin stood here for a long time, and he didn't feel that "it is a symbol of colonialism. When you see it, you will recall the years when the Chinese people were oppressed."

Do you want to change another piece of history?
To change history, let’s start with changing people. Shen Guanglin didn’t say much. The invitation was mainly initiated by Dou Wei, because when Confucius came, he was his soldier.

However, even though Dou Wei broke his throat, Lao Kong just couldn't make up his mind.

The capital city is very good, and the capital university is also very good, but he also has difficulties.

Because his wife is also very good.

Lao Kong's wife is the host of Qilu TV Station, and the reason why he doesn't want to leave Quancheng yet is because he can't let her go.

Then pack up the family and go to the capital to spread.

If it doesn't work, go there first and have a look at the working conditions. If you are satisfied, you can transfer. If you are not satisfied, you can stay in Quancheng.

Old Kong didn't have any opinion, it still depends on his wife's attitude.

"What program does my sister-in-law host? Why does it seem so important that you can't even ask for a few days off?"

Although the capital city and Quancheng city are not far away, in the era of inconvenient transportation and communication, the end of the world is close at hand.

"Weather forecast." Kong Fandong replied a little embarrassed, this is not a serious program after all.

But Lao Kong was wrong. Domestic weather forecasts have always been serious programs, while foreign weather forecasts are not serious.

Shen Guanglin heard that the old Kong’s daughter-in-law was the host of the weather forecast, and he couldn’t help but agree with him. It’s inseparable from the day. The weather forecast needs to be broadcast every day, and it needs to be updated every day. They have no manuscripts than writers.

Now it is not easy to accurately broadcast the weather. Without satellite cloud images, the weather forecast can only rely on experienced old staff to make predictions, and the broadcasting area is also very limited.

It is not difficult to really offer Mrs. Kong a job in the capital, but Shen Guanglin really doesn't have the energy to help her find a job as a host in the capital.

Can a wedding host do it?This is also what the host is not.

Does the host job of the school radio station count?
Capital University also has a radio station. The announcers of the radio station are all students, and they recite poems and prose every day that sound very high school.

There are too many poets in this era, especially after no one knows who developed modern poetry, anyone can write poetry.

"How about, let's go to Mrs. Sister-in-law's work unit and listen to her opinion by the way." Shen Guanglin made a suggestion.


Lao Kong's wife, surnamed Li, is called Li Ping. She is from Jiaozhou. She studied at Quancheng University.

In this era, Qilu TV Station is still very powerful. They even have their own film studio. Later, they also produced many popular TV series.

Moreover, the history of their establishment is also very long. As early as 1948, before the Battle of Quancheng was completely over, Quancheng Radio Station was established in the smoke of gunpowder.

Even in later generations, Qilu TV's program ratings can still rank among the top five in the country.

Their programs are very down-to-earth, known for being "earthy" and "spontaneous".

Let’s not talk about the excavator, Mr. Guoqiang is now a professional leader.

As long as you turn on the TV, every day on Qilu TV Station, Geng Jiujiu, who is comparable to a special soldier, is going through the battle of wisdom and courage.

It seems that in the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, the probability of infertility will be relatively high.

Either it is a man's unspeakable secret, or a woman's infertility, this kind of advertisement is broadcast to fly.

Of course, this is 1982, and these commercials are not shown on TV in this era, at most, some commercials for drinks.

The first advertisement in China appeared on Modu TV Station in 1979, and the content of the broadcast was "Ginseng Gui Tonic Wine".

Qilu TV Station is not close to Qilu University, nor is it very far away. Kong Fandong took Shen Guanglin and Dou Wei to pick up Li Ping from get off work. He also wanted to introduce his wife to his old classmates.

What can you do if you work in the capital? It's not that you don't have a partner. Look at my daughter-in-law, are you envious?

The three of them did not disturb Li Ping's work, and quietly waited in the reception room until after get off work.

The little sister-in-law came out soon. As expected of the host of the TV station, her appearance was really dignified enough.

When Shen Guanglin saw this little sister-in-law, she felt familiar, like deja vu.

Could it be that he will still be a well-known host in the future?
There is a restaurant near the TV station. Although both Shen Guanglin and Dou Wei are rich, it is still courtesy of Lao Kong.

Lao Kong was a hospitable Qilu native, and he was very generous. He had a good income and a good family background. He was protected by his family, and he was not affected during the movement.

"I'm a guest from afar, what would you like to have for dinner?"


Shen Guanglin and Dou Wei answered in unison.

In good conscience, the dumplings in Quancheng are still delicious, and the famous here is not only the pork.

This word reads beng, which roughly means an urn for pickles. Using this stewed meat feels a bit like a Nanchang earthen pot stewing soup.

The traditional Lu cuisine restaurants are still very commendable. The dishes they cook are very suitable for Shen Guanglin's appetite.

Naturally, one can't just eat vegetables for dinner. When they came to Quancheng, how could they not have a few toasts, and how could they not entertain guests for a drink.

If Shen Guanglin and Dou Wei insisted not to drink, it would be a disgrace, and they might not be friends anymore.

Although there were only four people, the atmosphere of the dinner was still lively.

What they drink is the local Baotu Spring. Although the taste of the wine is not good, it can be intoxicating.

Both Shen Guanglin and Dou Wei were drunk, and they didn't know when the film was cut off. Shen Guanglin kept telling his sister-in-law that you will definitely become a nationally famous host.

Dou Wei disagreed with his point of view, because although Li Ping was the host, her Jiaodong accent hadn't been corrected, and she couldn't speak Mandarin well.

Talking nonsense, Lao Kong and Li Ping were even more enthusiastic when they heard this. This was the first time in Shen Guanglin's life that he felt the enthusiasm of Qilu people.

The consequence of enthusiasm is drunkenness.

The winter in Quancheng is very cold, and the heated room is not so comfortable.

Shen Guanglin, who was thirsty, woke up and found that there was still a person hanging on his body, hugging him from behind like a dead pig.

This body is not soft at all!

Fuck!It's Dou Wei.

Teacher Shen was sober, so he quickly checked his condition.

The autumn clothes on his body are still there, the underwear is in good condition, there is no discomfort in the front or back, no swelling or tearing pain, so I feel relieved.

Get up and drink water.

This is not the room they originally opened, it should be the guest house that Lao Kong found again. There is only one room and only one bed.

It is quite careful, there are prepared towels at the head of the bed, and there is hot water in the kettle.

Shen Guanglin poured himself a large glass of water and drank it slowly.

Although this is a spring city, the water is not delicious. Even if Shen Guanglin is hungover, he can still taste it. The water is not moist.

(End of this chapter)

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