Start with a college teacher

Chapter 235 New Jobs

Chapter 235 New Jobs

It is easy to ask my sister-in-law for leave, and Shen Guanglin can issue an invitation letter on the spot.

Even, if necessary, he can even give a place for advanced studies at Capital University.

Shen Guanglin has a lot of face in Beijing University. He is the favorite of the school leaders. If he is not too young, he must have been promoted to be a leader long ago.

But Shen Guanglin is not interested in this. His interest is in his own laboratory, which is his one-third of an acre of land.

Anyway, the funding for the laboratory was raised by Shen Guanglin himself, so he could do whatever he wanted.

The school is also very supportive, if the results are produced, the reputation belongs to the school, that's all.

After receiving the invitation letter, Li Ping happily went to the unit to ask for leave.

why go?
Go to the capital.

Why go to the capital?

to visit.

At the same time, she received invitations to visit and study at Capital University. Of course, she was going to visit Capital University.

Colleagues don't believe it at all, how can you, a little girl with a Jiaodong accent, be able to go to the capital.

Li Ping would not have believed it was true if she hadn't read the invitation letter written by Dou Wei himself and the seal stamped by Shen Guanglin on the spot.

Even now, Li Ping feels that Shen Guanglin and the others are forging official seals. If they are caught, they will be sentenced. Is it the current anti-GM?

The reason why Shen Guanglin brought these things out was mainly because he felt that he might use them to invite people in the magic city, and now he used them to invite the couple because of chance.

With the signboard of Capital University, the issue of train tickets is very easy to solve.

In order to show his arrogance, Shen Guanglin directly bought four soft sleepers, and it happened that four people lived in one box.

Maybe married women are more open-minded. Although Li Ping is two years younger than Shen Guanglin's official age, she still calls herself a big sister, and her sister-in-law is not as close as a big sister.

As the train progressed, they would naturally ask questions about their partners and marriage.

Shen Guanglin replied that he already has a partner, but the other party is still in college, so he is not married yet.

When asked about the older Dou Wei, Dou Wei replied even more bluntly. I already have a partner, but the partner is still in middle school, so I am not married yet.

Damn, this is trying to steal the limelight from someone like me.

In later generations, the standard for successful people is that as long as you are good enough, maybe your mother-in-law is still in kindergarten!
"Which middle school?"

"The No. [-] Middle School in Beijing."

Well, still a good school.

It takes a whole day to travel from Quancheng to Beijing by train. They have made sufficient preparations and brought all kinds of cooked food, including handle meat, sheep's head and rabbit's head.

Shen Guanglin doesn't like sheep's head with a strong smell, but rabbit's head is a delicacy he can't refuse.

Women in the 80s were far less squeamish than later generations, and they would not stop eating rabbit heads just because they were cute.

Seeing Shen Guanglin chewing hard, Li Ping also took one to eat. It tasted really good, but there was not much meat and it was still spicy.

The rabbit head is actually a famous snack in Chengdu. Shen Guanglin and the others can buy it. It is purely stewed by the shop when the sheep's head is stewed. It tastes very good when soaked in chili oil.

Shen Guanglin had called in advance when he was going back to the capital, and what he wanted was a meeting.

Li Rong was naturally the one who came to pick them up, and she was the only one who had nothing to do.

The rest of the lab didn't come over, and stayed in the lab deliberately to show the working status.

After all, it is to welcome the guests of the big boss and the second boss to visit.

A brand-new Crown sedan was parked in the square outside the station. It was very cool, against the backdrop of the surrounding gray and white snow scene, the car was even more black and shiny.

"Our director doesn't have such a good car." Li Ping couldn't help but mutter.

"Your director has a red flag, but I don't." Shen Guanglin first kissed the female driver, and then responded with a smile.

The female driver is a bit shy but also a little bit used to it, even Dou Wei is used to it.

Only Li Ping, a married woman, turned hot. They have such a close relationship!She and Lao Kong had never been like this, and he was not even allowed to turn on the light to watch when he was sleeping and doing errands at night, and he was only allowed to work in the dark.

There are not many cars on the road, and the young lady drives very steadily.

Along the way, except for a few buses and jeeps, cars are rarely seen.

The laboratory arrived soon. As expected of the Capital University, the conditions are much better than Qilu University from the outside.

Li Rong took her elder sister Li Ping to play in the dormitory, where they could have snacks and watch TV, as well as entertainment facilities such as billiards and table tennis. Dou Wei and Shen Guanglin took Lao Kong to visit the laboratory.

When entering the laboratory, one has to change clothes first, which is the operating procedure stipulated by Shen Guanglin.

However, there is heating in the laboratory building, and the temperature is not low. He took off his clothes to change the master, and Shen Guanglin also prepared a dust-free suit. Although it is not complete with a mesh cap, mask and gloves, it is also a white coat like a surgeon.

After taking off the padded clothes, changing into a coat, and putting on shoe covers, we officially set off inside.

Dou Wei's biology laboratory is on the second floor. Because he is used to being lazy, he still has to take the elevator upstairs.

Kong Fandong looked at the clean and ugly terrazzo floor, and felt that it could reflect people's shadows, this condition, tsk tsk.

In this day and age, people are not rare. In the laboratory, the most important thing is the experimental equipment.

The elevator stopped on the second floor, and Dou Wei came alive, as if this was everything to him.

Interlaced like a mountain, Shen Guanglin is not very proficient in biology, he knows how to hide clumsiness, so he didn't show it on purpose.

Dou Wei is different, everything here is his treasure, and now is the time for him to offer it.

Since Shen Guanglin is Dou Wei's idol, Dou Wei has also learned how idols appear in front of others.

I saw that Dou Wei directly called a busy experimental dog and asked him to introduce the situation of the laboratory.

Some words need to be spoken from others to be called Consummation.

"Hello, Mr. Kong, I am Zhang Chao, a senior student at Beijing University. What we are doing is a repeated experiment, which is to extract the nuclei of the somatic cells of adult frogs, replace the nuclei of embryonic cells, and then hatch them into frogs. tadpole."

This is a very high-end technology. This research was only realized in 1975. It was not easy to achieve this step in repeated experiments in 1982.

"Did it succeed?" Kong Fandong was very concerned about this. He never thought about doing this experiment because he had no money and no equipment.

"Of course it succeeds. Only if it succeeds can it be regarded as a qualified experimenter." Zhang Chao has successfully submitted himself to a graduate student, and he is determined to stay in the laboratory and not to study abroad.

"Then what's your next move?"

Zhang Chao looked at Dou Wei, wondering if he should continue talking.

It's time for Dou Wei to play: "Let me tell you, our next step is to extract the embryonic cells and see if we can independently develop a life."

In fact, this is the task Shen Guanglin "taught" to Dou Wei, because the next step after studying embryonic cells is the transplantation of somatic cells, which is really cloning.

Kong Fandong asked a few more questions, and Zhang Chao answered them fluently, even better than the graduate students of Qilu University.

Kong Fandong is actually one of the future academics, but he is not good enough now. He has been working for several years, and he has not yet obtained the position of associate professor.

To be honest, his status is similar to that of Zhang Chao, a senior student in this laboratory, and the conditions of Qilu University's biological laboratory are completely inferior to those here.

Looking at it, Lao Kong stopped talking, and the envy in his eyes was clearly visible.

"Old Kong, come or not, do you want to do something." Dou Wei encouraged in time.

"What can I do here?" It would be a lie to say that I am not moved.

"You follow me for a while first, and then lead the team to do projects by yourself." This is Dou Wei's idea, which he communicated with Shen Guanglin.

How can a person directly lead a project team without inspection.

After all, there is only one Chosen Son.

"What about the experimental funding? How did it come about, and how much is it?"

Now that the key point is being asked, Dou Weineng cannot answer this question.

Shen Guanglin's budget for the biology group this year is 300 million RMB, plus 50 US dollars in foreign currency.

Shen Guanglin has not had a large amount of income for a long time. It is time to look for open source projects. The breeding base has just been responsible for its own profits and losses, and it is too early to give back to the laboratory.

Since Dou Wei is in charge of the biology group, Shen Guanglin is very willing to delegate power.

Hearing the amount of funding given by Shen Guanglin, Lao Kong was stunned. The entire Qilu University could not get so much research funding for a year.

Dou Wei also strikes while the iron is hot: "You are so bold, I haven't used up all my funds last year. You see, our equipment is all brand new, and it's a waste to leave it alone. There are not enough lab personnel."

"That's a lot of students."

Students need to be cultivated, and after being cultivated, they go to study abroad and lose money.

However, if such a laboratory is not used, it is really a waste. Shen Guanglin's laboratory may not officially welcome the first batch of talents that he has cultivated until next summer.

However, they will study in graduate school at Capital University, and they can still be regarded as assistants, not regular employees.

Scientific research is about talent. Whether Lao Kong has talent or not depends on himself to prove it.

As far as the hardware conditions of the laboratory are concerned, there is nothing to choose here. If it is not for Dou Wei's relationship, if it is not for Dou Wei and Shen Guanglin who went to Shanghai and were left out in the cold, there is no chance for him at all.

Kong Fandong still has one last concern, "Is there a project goal?"

(End of this chapter)

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