Start with a college teacher

Chapter 236 Chapter 243

Chapter 236 The second four three tempted
Even professionals like Kong Fandong don't quite understand what kind of instruments a biological laboratory should have.

Dou Wei went to Fusang with Shen Guanglin to study, and when he came back, he configured a lot of things, although he hadn't used some instruments and equipment.

However, Shen Guanglin was rich anyway, so he never let go of his mistakes.

Ultra-low temperature refrigerator, liquid nitrogen tank, pipette, analytical balance, low-temperature centrifuge, high-pressure sterilizer, biological safety cabinet, ultra-clean bench, shaking table, analytical microscope, colony counter, flow cytometer, ultrapure water machine, ultrasonic cleaner.

Kong Fandong's mouth is watering when he looks at each piece of brand-new equipment, it's too advanced and extravagant!
If such an instrument can be used for experiments, how accurate the experimental results must be.

Of course, some of the equipment is shared with the chemical laboratory, such as ultrasonic cleaners, bottle washing machines, etc., but most of the equipment is dedicated to the biological laboratory and can be used at any time.

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools.

Without good scientific research conditions, it is really difficult to come up with results.

After graduating from the same university, Kong Fandong’s initial conditions are no worse than Dou Wei’s, and his academic performance is even better than him, but he still has no research results. The more reason is that the conditions of Qilu University are not good enough, and the limited funds cannot be used for research. This "useless" biological experiment.

University funding has a lot to do with local economic conditions.

In economically developed areas, the funding and development of universities will be much better; in economically poor areas, even if the country vigorously supports it, it is still Wang Xiaoer's Chinese New Year, which is not as good as every year.

For example, a certain city in the northwest used to have many universities and famous schools, but after entering the 21st reality, they have declined one after another. Isn't it because of the backward economy.

Seeing such laboratory conditions, Kong Fandong was tempted, and asked what kind of scientific research task he would receive if he came.

"Let's set a big topic first, RNA and its interaction with protein, gene expression and regulation, chromosome and functional genome, and a small topic is the repeated experiment of artificially synthesizing yeast alanine transfer ribonucleic acid."

This is a complete copy of the research direction of the Magic City Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Sure enough, it is a very challenging topic, and it can be studied for 30 years in one go.

It can also be seen from this that Shen Guanglin is indeed not a magnanimous person. If you don't give me face, I will take away your face.

However, it is not urgent to talk about work, it is the most important thing to talk about life.

Then it's meal time, a normal work meal, but eating is really important in this day and age.

Work is not to live.

In the early 80s, people's wages were very low, and a large part of their wages was spent on food, clothing, housing, and transportation. There was really no extra money to pursue personal hobbies.

Therefore, it is very important to have a unit with good welfare.

Although the prices in this era seem to be very cheap, they actually account for a high proportion compared to the wage level.

For example, the current price of rice is about 0.25 yuan a catty, and the monthly salary of an ordinary worker is about 70 yuan, which means that a person's salary can buy about 300 catties of rice.

In later generations, the price of rice remained at about 3 to 5 yuan, and 300 catties of rice cost more than 1000 yuan. From this perspective, the price of this era is really not low.

And there is another factor that has not been taken into account. If a person wants to live with dignity, it is impossible to buy only rice, but even if he only buys rice, he will not be able to buy it because it is still rationed.

After all, if you want to shop, you need tickets in addition to spending money.

In order to maintain employee benefits, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has to spend a lot of extra money every month to purchase various tickets.

It is a good meal if there is meat in the working meal, and this unit is also a good unit.

Shen Guanglin's lab did it.

When the three of them came out of the laboratory after changing their clothes, Li Rong and Li Ping were still watching TV in the activity room.

It's cold, so it's most suitable for watching TV while eating melon seeds. It's comfortable.

An international news was being broadcast on TV, it said that 50 Fusang and Brazilian tourists were visiting the Iguazu Waterfall Bridge when the bridge body suddenly broke and the tourists fell into the river along with the bridge, killing all 50 people.

The misery abroad has already begun to emerge from this era.

In addition, there was another piece of news on TV that Li Rong was more concerned about, because it probably had something to do with Shen Guanglin's major.

It was said on TV that my country's first electric rocket test was successfully launched.

The electric rocket is a rocket that uses electric energy to accelerate the working medium to form a high-speed flow to generate thrust.

The common ones are electrothermal rockets, electrostatic rockets and electromagnetic rockets.

This is indeed one of Shen Guanglin's majors, but Shen Guanglin is completely unqualified to participate in aerospace research and development and design in this era.

First of all, Shen Guanglin's origin is still doubtful about the political trial issue.

Second, he was unwilling to remain anonymous.

Again, the domestic aerospace giants are not old yet, and there is no need for young people to come forward.

There are many ways to contribute to the country, and they don't necessarily have to destroy the country.

"Brother Guanglin, don't you just study aerospace? Why didn't you build rockets? Don't you like it?" While eating in the restaurant, Li Rong asked Shen Guanglin this embarrassing question.

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, then turned around and asked Li Rong: "Why didn't you come to our Beijing University to study? Is it because you don't like it?"

Cut, smelly man, can't take a joke.

dinner's ready.

The teachers and students in the laboratory came out to eat one after another. When they saw Kong Fandong and others, they just smiled friendly.

The restaurant serves buffet of course, with Shen Guanglin's original heating device, the bottom is warm water that is always heated, and the top is a stainless steel rectangular vegetable basin, so the food will not be cold.

There are only big sisters who are hygienic, and aunts who don’t shake their hands. They can eat as much as they want, as long as they don’t waste it, so everyone can eat very enjoyable.

Today's dishes are okay, stewed beef with potatoes, big bones in sauce, fried chicken with ginger, stewed vermicelli with cabbage, and cold lotus root slices.

After all, it is winter, and there are not many types of vegetables to choose from, as long as everyone can have meat to eat.

"Do you eat like this every day?" Old Kong was surprised, or said that it was specially prepared to welcome him.

"It's not every day." Dou Wei is also very honest.

Let me just say, this food is better than most restaurants, and a month's salary is really not enough to do this every day.

Dou Wei continued, "A while ago, I ate braised pork every day, and everyone got tired of eating it, so I switched to beef."

"What? Can you get tired of braised pork?"

"Yes." Dou Wei said as he made a lot of lotus root slices, not to mention the braised pork, even the pork ribs in sauce was too greasy, he no longer liked it, but he could eat some potatoes and beef.

Who are you kidding, they are all old classmates, and they still put this show on hold.

Old Kong didn't believe it at all.

However, holding the dinner plate and looking at such a rich meal, both Lao Kong and Li Ping were a little afraid to make a move. They also watched how much others beat, so they followed suit, for fear that they would make a joke of others.

"Eat whatever you want. If you don't have enough, you can add more. Today's dishes are average. Tomorrow, let Teacher Shen add more."

"Enough is enough, this dish is already very good."

Of course, these meals are not enough, especially if the taste is not bad, but seeing other people adding more dishes one after another, Lao Kong couldn't sit still.

a trip,
two trips,

Until, until his stomach began to ache, he felt that he could still eat.

Why is beef so fragrant?

After eating, I walked slowly to get rid of the food. Shen Guanglin had other things to do, so I didn't accompany him. Let Dou Wei chat more with his old classmates.

When staying at night, the couple was surprised again.

Is this an ordinary dormitory?
How can you be so extravagant.

There is also a TV and a washing machine in the room, which is more comfortable than living in a guest house.

Dou Wei didn't even take them to his home to see. This is a hidden program, a surprise, and it's a killer move to save it for later.

"Old Kong, do you want to stay?"

(End of this chapter)

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