Start with a college teacher

Chapter 237 Electric Rockets and Photovoltaic Panels

Chapter 237 Electric Rockets and Photovoltaic Panels

Do you want to stay?

this is a problem.

This requires questioning.

Lao Kong responded with practical actions. He played so well that night that his wife Li Ping couldn't get up on time the next morning.

Today is already January 1982, [-]. On this day, the state issued the "Notice on Inspection of the Work of Intellectuals".

Yes, the spring of intellectuals has finally arrived.

This "Notice" positively affirmed the great role played by intellectuals in the revolution and construction, and asked the whole society to further eliminate prejudice against intellectuals, truly treat them equally in politics, use them freely in work, and care for them in life.

Starting today, this is the completion of the battle for the intellectuals to turn around.

Shen Guanglin's experiment really cared for Lao Kong and let him use it freely, because the key of the laboratory and the key of the dormitory were handed over to him yesterday.

It was on this day that Kong Fandong secretly decided to work with Dou Wei in Shen Guanglin's laboratory. He felt that his youth should not be wasted.

The problem is that this job has a good reputation.

where do you work?

Well, Capital University.

Wow!Hey, Capital University.


In the early morning of the next day, there was another biting cold wind. Before Dou Wei got up, Lao Kong had already entered the laboratory and was busy.

Although yesterday's homework was paid a little too much, which meant that his waist and knees were a little weak, but he refused to admit defeat, his body was soft and his mind was soft.

Lao Kong is not busying himself, he is here to study the system, he just read the English version of the instruction manual, and prepares to learn how to use these advanced instruments seriously.

Reading the manual is indeed more interesting than spending time with my wife.

Li Ping was just left alone in the room to watch TV, and she didn't say anything about taking her out to play.

People also want to see the prosperity and excitement of Peking.

Lao Kong's behavior, in this day and age, is not called a big pig's hoof, it is called enterprising.

Since the men had something to do, the task of entertaining Li Ping fell on Li Rong. She had nothing to do anyway, and her job was to be Shen Guanglin's good wife and help him stabilize his wife's battle line.

The woman's affection came quickly, and now the two women are already called sisters.

More than half of women's friendships are made of plastic sisters, and they can even turn against each other because of a word, or become intimate because of a meal.

Anyway, with a car, it is convenient to go anywhere. Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, and the Chairman’s Memorial Hall are all one of the must-see attractions in Beijing.

Li Rong even took Sister Ping to their home in Fuyuanmen. There was an old lady Qilu at home, and the two of them could chat about their hometown.

Seeing that Lao Kong was so devoted to his work, Shen Guanglin felt a little embarrassed and continued to paddle.

He decided to find something to do for himself.

Otherwise, let's also study electric rocket engines.

In fact, this is what Li Rong reminded him. Since the country is already developing electric rockets, can it be better to promote the progress of the times by bringing out the electric rocket propulsion technology based on commercial applications in later generations?

It is impossible to make money from this thing, and the market demand is too small, but as long as it is developed, it can be regarded as a contribution to the motherland.

Give hard and don't expect anything in return.

Think about it and act!

Shen Guanglin immediately called all the physics scumbags who were still in the capital to come over for a meeting.

The content of the meeting was very simple. Everyone set up a large research and development project team, striving to come up with a mature propulsion engine solution earlier than the Rocket Research Institute.

Who are we?We are Capital University!
Electric rockets are not complicated in terms of working principle, and can be roughly divided into: thermal rockets, electrostatic rockets and electromagnetic rockets.

In 2021, what will be widely used is to use solar panels to convert solar energy into electrical energy, and use ad hoc structures to make the electrical energy generate an electromagnetic field, and use rare inert gases as the working medium to form a jet of particle flow to provide power.

Of course, if you really want to explore deep space engines, it is estimated that it will be more reliable to use nuclear energy.

But no matter which energy source is used, the principle of the engine is the same, which is to stimulate the electron jet particle flow
The biggest function of this kind of avionics engine is to allow the satellite to fine-tune the local position. Although the power of the engine is really small, it works continuously, which can effectively reduce the launch weight of the satellite and greatly extend the service life of the satellite.

Shen Guanglin's subordinates have accumulated a large number of student soldiers who can fight hard and have rich theoretical knowledge. Hearing that Mr. Shen is going to make a research invention that will benefit the country and the people, everyone is very interested.

All the things that are purely theoretical every day have faded out.

However, if you want to study electric rockets, you must start with theoretical accumulation, and Shen Guanglin has an innate advantage in this regard.

All the theoretical preparations can be done by Shen alone. Everyone involved is more of a discussion. In fact, it is to talk about how to realize the theory proposed by Shen Guanglin physically.

There are not many difficulties and challenges.

Shen Guanglin knew the final result, because both Citigroup and Russia have already applied ion engines on satellites, and they chose "cesium" as the processing medium.

The metal "cesium" is a rare metal, unstable, and radioactive, so it is not easy to obtain.

However, its performance is too superior. The outermost electrons of cesium atoms are extremely unstable, and are easily excited and emitted to become positively charged cesium ions.

Such a good feature, it is really hard not to choose it as an ion engine.

So "cesium" is the most ideal "fuel" for space navigation ion rocket engines.

The school has a major in nuclear physics. Shen Guanglin and the others soon learned that cesium-137 is still a fission product of uranium-235, which is very radioactive. Should we continue to study it?

If you really want to study it, you must take isolation and protection measures.

At this point in the research, Shen Guanglin began to retreat.

I, Mr. Shen, came to do scientific research to establish the signature FLAG, and I didn't take my life too long.

I cannot die yet, my mission is not yet complete.

Otherwise, let's stay away from radioactive elements, that's right.

In the scientific world, Marie Curie got aplastic pernicious anemia because of her research on radioactive elements polonium (Po) and radium (Ra), and finally died on this;

Sloda of the Manhattan Project died nine days after the accident because of manual contact with uranium, a highly radioactive substance.

Shen never believed that he would become immortal after being irradiated a few times. This is not science fiction after all.

Otherwise, let's not do this.

Shen Guanglin decided to divide the research team into two, a small group continued to develop this rocket engine, and the rest turned to the other direction.

We can't fix the steering engine on the satellite, but we can think of a way for the battery board on the satellite.

In later generations, there are photovoltaic power stations everywhere from south to north, and many people also rely on this to make a fortune.

However, photovoltaic cells in this era are only available in some big countries, and they can't easily sell them.

This is the new direction that Shen Guanglin finally determined, that is to study solar cells.

This direction is good. It not only has technological content, but also makes money.

Of course, more materials and theoretical preparations are needed to study solar cells. Now that the Spring Festival is less than 10 days away, many things are already out of order.

The only thing that can be done is probably to bring friends to a party.

Shen Guanglin assigned tasks, and he didn't need to participate in the whole process. He pointed out two directions for the development of solar cells, one is crystalline silicon cells and the other is thin-film cells. Let's collect information.

Lao Kong was busy in the biology laboratory, so Li Rong took her sister Ping to participate in various salons organized by Shen Guanglin, and ate some dog meat together to replenish the nutrients that are easily lost in winter.

Together, they also met a group of future great directors from the Beijing Film Academy. When they were free, they came to Shen Guanglin's farm to have a dental festival. This time, they saw a good-looking newcomer girl and thought it was a classmate from the Drama Academy. .

I really don't know if I don't talk about these things. It turns out that Li Ping is really an actor, and she has even been the heroine of a movie.

Indeed, Sister Ping looks no worse than those popular people in the movie.

Even Director Kai said that when he makes a movie in the future, he must ask Sister Ping to act as the heroine.

(End of this chapter)

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