Start with a college teacher

Chapter 239 Spring Chapter

Chapter 239 Spring Festival
The north wind blows


雪花 那 个 飘飘
New Year is here!
It snowed all day on New Year's Eve, and that night, Huang Shiren sneaked into Xi'er's room in the middle of the night.

Yang Bailao and his wife didn't notice anything, and they didn't feel something was wrong until they gave red envelopes to the juniors the next day.

Who can blame them, the rooms with kang and stove were occupied by their elders, neither the room where Shen Guanglin slept nor the room where Li Rong slept had any heating facilities.

The two of them hugged each other to keep warm, so don't make a fuss.

It was no secret that Li Rong ate and slept with Shen Guanglin. Although it was not made public, everyone acquiesced to the existence of this fact.

After all, the two of them have been to so many places together. If a girl who has not left the court ran with a man, who would believe it if nothing happened.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin and the old couple also went to see their new house in Tiangong No. [-]. To be honest, it was a bit luxurious, but from another perspective, with such material conditions, there was basically no need to worry about their future.

In fact, from the first day when Shen Guanglin came to visit two years ago, Li Rong's mother fell in love with this young man. Xiao Shen is very suitable to be her son-in-law. He needs good looks and knowledge.

Although they didn't get a marriage certificate, it's just a formality, who cares about it.

The custom of the first day of junior high school is to get up early, and my aunt gets up before dawn. She pretends to be Santa Claus and gives red envelopes to the juniors, and then finds the two sleeping in the bed.

Hearing the movement, Shen Guanglin woke up.

"Auntie, Happy New Year!" Shen Guanglin was not too embarrassed to be stuck on the bed, because he slept with his clothes on, and the two of them didn't do anything last night, they were really just hugging each other to keep warm.

"It's still called Auntie, don't you think it should be called differently?"

Auntie looked at Shen Guanglin who was sitting and Li Rong who was lying down and sleeping, with loving eyes in her eyes.

Lao Li was a little unhappy. He pretended not to see them chatting, and silently lit the first incense candle for the door god at the door in 1982.

Shen Guanglin brewed his feelings for a while, opened his mouth and shouted: "Mom!"


The mother-in-law agreed very simply.

Shen Guanglin didn't have any psychological barriers when he called "Mom". He naturally regarded Li Rong's mother as his mother, and the son-in-law is half of his mother-in-law.

Li Rong was still sleeping in. Shen Guanglin got dressed and got up, waiting for him to set off firecrackers.

Sure enough, the mother-in-law sealed a big lucky red envelope for Shen Guanglin, which should be dozens of thick.

Shen Guanglin also prepared a New Year gift for his mother-in-law, a Parker gold pen brought back from abroad.

Veteran intellectuals, a weighty pen is a very face-saving thing.

"Xiao Shen, this is too precious." Mother-in-law still wanted to decline.

"Compared to her, it's not precious at all."

Li Rong was still sleeping with her head covered, or maybe she was pretending to be asleep. Anyway, the two talked for a long time, but she didn't wake up.

At the door, Lao Li was overwhelmed, "Hurry up and boil the dumplings, what are the ink stains here?"

"Happy New Year, Uncle Li!"

Lao Li didn't have the treatment of being a father anymore. According to Shen Guanglin, it would be good not to call him brother, but at most he could be called "Uncle Li", and it really couldn't be more.

Seeing that Lao Li was a little unhappy, Shen Guanglin still took out a Spring Festival gift for Uncle Li, and it was a much more expensive gift than his mother-in-law's gold pen. It was an imported Swiss watch.

"I don't want your stuff!" Old Li was still a little arrogant: "Li Rong, get up!"

Li Rong pretended to be asleep, and Shen Guanglin saw that she closed her eyes on purpose.

"If you don't want this watch, I'll give it to Uncle Zhang. He coveted this watch for a long time and I didn't give it to you. I kept it for you."

"Didn't he already have a watch? Why do you need it?"

Lao Li had already seen the watch Zhang Peng was wearing. It was from Jaeger-LeCoultre in Switzerland, but it looked different from the one made in Shanghai.

"His one is not as good as ours. It is specially prepared for you." Zhang Peng's watch was also bought by Shen Guanglin. It is indeed not as good as the one prepared for Lao Li. After all, there is still a relationship.

"That's not too bad." Lao Li reluctantly took the watch box from Shen Guanglin, opened it and saw that it was indeed very beautiful, a string of English letters "PATEK PHILIPPE".

Lao Li studied Russian at university and doesn't know much English. He doesn't know this brand.

"What brand is this?"

"Patek Philippe."

"I've never heard of it. Why does it sound like a brand that girls like?"

Shen Guanglin said that he had nothing to say, he should really buy him a gold Rolex watch, he doesn't understand low-key luxury.

The morning of the first day of junior high school was at least minus 10 degrees, and even if it wasn't that cold in the room, it was still around zero.

Anyway, the watch was cold, but Lao Li still took it out and put it on his wrist. When the light shone on it, it was a bit dazzling.

Shen Guanglin had already gotten up and put on his clothes, and the two of them lit joss sticks as they walked. There should be candles at every door, and they also burned ingots, both gold and silver ingots.

"I heard that you charge money for lectures now?" Lao Li was at a loss for words, because Shen Guang would not answer the question about weapon research and development.

"You know all this?"

"Not only did I know, but even the ambassadors stationed in Fusang knew about it. A few days ago, they teased me, saying that my son-in-law was out of money, and that if he didn't pay, he wouldn't go to class."

"I'm just earning some money for my wife, a little pocket money." Shen Guanglin was very modest.

However, at Lao Li's place, he should charge money to teach devils.

However, when you go to Singapore in Southeast Asia, there are all Chinese people there, so should you give lectures for free?

"You went to Singapore to give lectures some time ago, didn't you charge money?"


"How much do you charge?"


Lao Li didn't know what the exchange rate of the new currency was, but instead asked, "Is it similar to the Burmese currency and the Vietnamese currency over there?"


Lao Li didn't continue to say anything, he traveled all the way, and it should be a symbolic fee.

Now during the Sino-Vietnamese War, there are overseas Chinese who escaped from there, and they still hold the currency there. Our policy is to exchange them into RMB at 1:3000.

Calculated in this way, 5 Singapore dollars should not be much money.

After a blast of firecrackers, most people got up, including the two brats of Zhang Peng's family.

"Brother Guanglin, why didn't you leave the firecrackers for us to set off?"

"You can go again when the dumplings are served, there is still one hanging."


Shen Guanglin didn't prepare a red envelope either, and the two of them directly gave 10 yuan each as lucky money.

The cubs were so happy that they had long forgotten the pain they suffered yesterday, but they still made a request: not so much, just give one yuan.


"Because if you give ten yuan, you don't have to wait for the meal to turn it in. Only one yuan can be used to buy fireworks."

Makes sense!
The problem is that all the money in Shen Guanglin's wallet is 10 yuan, so why is the largest denomination now 10 yuan?

As a last resort, Shen Guanglin exchanged two 10 yuan tickets from Li Rong for two ones, and the children became happy.

After breakfast, Shen Guanglin took Li Rong and his two little brothers out for a walk, because many people were coming to pay New Year's greetings to Lao Li today.

If you don't want to participate in these things, then hide away.

This kind of weather can also be regarded as heavy snow closing the city, where else can I go, and I can only take a look around the Summer Palace.

Not to mention, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, there are quite a lot of people in the Summer Palace. Although tickets are charged, it is still very lively.

For Chinese New Year, the most appropriate snack is candied haws.

Shen Guanglin treats guests, two skewers per person, eat one skewer and take the other, and gnaw all the way.

As a royal garden, the Summer Palace can now be visited by ordinary people, which is also due to the lack of an emperor. When will Xishan be able to be visited by ordinary people?

Most of the people who went out today were young men and women like Shen Guanglin and Li Rong, all of them flamboyant and full of love.

However, it is now 1982, and military green is still the mainstream color, followed by gray tones, and only Shen Guanglin and the others are wearing down jackets.

Others, even girls who love beauty, just tore a few feet of flowered foreign cloth to make a hooded jacket, inside which is still a traditional coarse cotton padded jacket.

There is no domestic manufacturer of down jackets yet. Shen Guanglin's clothes were brought back from Fusang.

In fact, the invention of down jacket has a long history, it was born in 1936.

American adventurers invented the world's first down-filled clothing in order to pursue the best results in the external environment of mountaineering.

Shen Guanglin wandered around the Summer Palace, and naturally met many colleagues from the Capital University, after all, the school here is really close.

"Happy Chinese New Year, Mr. Shen, you also visit the Summer Palace."

"Yes, Teacher Liu, happy Chinese New Year too!"

"Is this your lover? She looks so good-looking. Are your children this old?"

"Yes, this is my lover Xiao Li, but these two children are not mine, they are cousins ​​of my uncle's family."

"Looks really strong, see you again"

"See you!"

When meeting acquaintances, the content of greetings is always similar, and then they will continue to discuss a few words when they are almost gone.

"This is the teacher at your school, so young."

"Well, yes, from the School of Physics, he is now a full professor."

"Then your dean's surname is Shen?"

(End of this chapter)

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