Chapter 240 Toys
Hearing that Lao Li has moved to a new house, many people who are planning to pay New Year's greetings have found the wrong place.

At this moment, it depends on the closeness of the relationship. If the relationship is good enough, naturally you will not find the wrong place.

No one knows you are poor in the busy city, but you have distant relatives in the mountains if you are rich.

The one who came here today is a classmate of Lao Li who grew up with him when he was in Yan’an. He is from the Department of Textbooks of the Ministry of Education. His surname is Zhang.

In the past few years, there have been fewer exchanges, mainly because the status of the two parties has begun to have a gap.

Classmate Zhang can't do it anymore. Although his roots are good, his father passed away early, and he graduated from university and entered the education department in a pool of stagnant water. I really don't know when he will have a bright future.

This is in his forties, and he is just a promising "young man", because there are many people in the unit who are still in love after their sixtieth year.

Finally, last year, classmate Zhang was promoted, and he felt that he was not much worse than Lao Li, so he got in touch with Lao Li again.

After all, it is decades of brotherhood, and both of them said that they must get close during the Chinese New Year this year.

No, they came as guests on the first day of the new year.

It snowed all day yesterday, and the road was not easy to walk, but a family of three came here, with three bicycles, each pushing one.

This is the daily state of a powerful family in this era.

A guy like Shen Guanglin who makes money like flowing water is a B, and cannot represent the characteristics of the times.

It's only 1982 and he owns his own car, which is a shame.

I heard that Lao Li and his wife moved to Fuyuan Gate near the Old Summer Palace, and Lao Zhang was easy to find.

However, Shen Guanglin's yard is big enough and eye-catching, so it's not too troublesome to find it.

"Lao Li! Is Lao Li there?"

The gate of the courtyard is open, and there is no need to lock the gate on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

"Lao Zhang, Brother Lao Zhang is here. Oh, come as soon as you come, and bring so many things."

And how much does it cost to print textbooks?

You can see how much pirated books sell for.

A good unit will be better reflected in the welfare of employees. Both the housing area and the standard of living are much higher than the social average.

Of course, such a good house is naturally "rented", and the monthly rent is about three to five yuan, which is also a characteristic of this era.

"This is my daughter, Xiaorui, and this is your Uncle Li. You Uncle Li, I grew up with you when I was young in Yan'an. I was an orphan at the time, and your Uncle Li was in a similar situation. That would be the closest relationship between the two of us." Well, later I was admitted to the National People's Congress with good academic performance, and your Uncle Li's poor grades were admitted to Harbin Military Engineering."

Lao Zhang introduced the two parties. The friendship between the two has lasted for more than [-] years, which is really not easy.

However, Lao Li's father is still alive. How could the situation of the two be similar? Lao Li became the leader of the unit so early on, and it is not without the credit of Mr. Li.

Lao Li didn't hear Lao Zhang's dissatisfaction: "Xiaorui is so old, last time I saw her she didn't go to elementary school, she should be working now, right?"

"Happy New Year, Uncle Li! I have been working for two years, and I also work in the textbook department, in charge of primary school education."

The little girl looks good, speaks crisply, and is very playful.

"Okay, this job is good, suitable for girls. In this way, it's cold outside, let's go in and talk!"

Several people walked in while exchanging greetings.

This yard is really big, not to mention rockery and fish ponds, but also two rows of glass vegetable greenhouses. Through the glass, you can see the lush green inside, which is very eye-catching.

"Okay, Lao Li, you still know how to live. You have to get this shed. It's more comfortable than Mr. Deng in Zhongnanhai."

Since Lao Zhang became a leader, his vision has become much more generous, and he is no longer limited to one-acre three-point land. It is the most boring thing to make comparisons all the time.

"It's just a small fight. It's because of such a vegetable garden that my family has to move here. The place in my unit is very good, surrounded by old colleagues who have been around for decades."

Old Li really didn't want to part with the compound of the Ordnance Institute. No one would drink with him when he came here. Shen Guanglin couldn't hold alcohol, and Zhang Peng was too busy with work, so he was really hungry. It was better for Li Rong to accompany him for a drink.

Lao Li took Lao Zhang and his family of three for a brief tour of the yard before making way to the main room.

There was no one at home at the moment. Zhang Peng took the old lady to visit their new home. They probably wouldn't be eating here at noon. At the moment, only Li Rong's mother was at home, and she was busy with lunch in the kitchen.

"Your house is really nice. It's much better than the house in our unit. Although our house has four bedrooms and two living rooms, it's very comfortable to live in with a kitchen and bathroom, but in terms of area, your house is bigger, spacious and down-to-earth."

Lao Li didn't say a word, because the house didn't belong to him, and he just borrowed it.

Of course, the house is very nice. When you enter the door, you can see a row of screens. The quadruple rosewood is exquisitely carved, which is very delicate and atmospheric at the same time.

Going around the screen and looking in, there is a picture of a pine and a crane prolonging the year on the wall. In front of the picture is an Eight Immortals table, made of huanghuali, and two official hat chairs.

There are a few armchairs for one person between the screen and the Eight Immortals table, and a coffee table and a stove in the middle. There is no sofa, mainly for fear of not matching the style.

When Lao Zhang and the others entered the house, Li Rong's mother was chopping chicken in the kitchen. When she saw the guests coming, she hurried out to say hello and pour tea.

Everyone exchanged pleasantries again, telling stories about the past, interspersed with various life exclamations.

How time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is the age when the children are talking about marriage.

Miss Xiaozhang was very quiet, she sat silently, drank tea in small sips, and listened to stories told by the elders.

Seeing Li Rong's mother dry her hands and come in, Lao Zhang's wife also started to talk: "Sister-in-law, let me introduce you, this is my daughter Zhang Rui, who graduated from Beijing Normal University, and is now assigned to the Textbook Department. Come and show her around."

Lao Zhang's daughter-in-law introduced her daughter while looking at the room, "Your house is really nice. This house has a history and a reputation. Why haven't I seen your daughter? I heard that she is very handsome."

She came here with some contrast in mind, her daughter looks like a sign, she must be prettier than the daughter of Lao Li's family.

I don’t know if it’s good or not, Zhang Rui, the child of Lao Zhang’s family, is four or five years older than Li Rong. They met each other when they were young, but they couldn’t play together. It’s okay to be one year older, but it’s not a generation if they are two or three years older. up.

"Xiaorui is so big now, she looks really good-looking, and she can marry a good man. My daughter is not at home today, and the second child has not come back from studying in Fusang, and the eldest went shopping in the Summer Palace."

"It's such an unfortunate coincidence, I was thinking about letting the sisters warm up a bit more. It's been so many years since I saw each other. Maybe I can still remember the days when I was playing together when I was a child. It's also my family who didn't live up to it. They said they had no grades and kept failing. It’s a shame to come to Brother Li’s house. I said that they are all brothers who grew up together, just like real brothers, how can they still have their own divisions.”

Lao Zhang's daughter-in-law is especially eloquent, and with a few words, the things that have not been in touch for many years are exposed.

"You guys chat first, I'll make lunch."

"Let's go together, sister, I'll help you."

"Auntie, let me help too."

"No, no, big girl, you have tender hands, just watch TV in the living room."

The TV in the living room is very big, a 24-inch color TV made by Fusang, which is very clear. Shen Guanglin asked someone to erect a high antenna in the yard, which can be used as a lightning rod.

When the food was almost done, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong came back with the two little ones.

Li Rong went into the house, and the three of them were still blowing snowdrifts at the door.

No one dared to mention the cesspit, because after being scolded for several days, Shen Guanglin guessed that their brothers did it, but he didn't expose them.

These two villains are very happy today. Playing with their parents has never been so comfortable. A dollar in this era is really worth spending.

The sticky maltose you lick only costs 2 cents a piece, the delicious figs only cost 5 cents a pack, and the big balloons that won’t blow up are also 5 cents a piece. Oily, not clean.

Otherwise, if you buy it, you won’t buy it. Why is she blushing when Brother Lin smiles? Is it too windy today?

When Li Rong came home, she saw Lao Li and a strange middle-aged man reminiscing about the past, and a young girl with two braids was watching TV very intently. Dongfanghong".

Zhang's mother heard movement in the yard and came out of the kitchen, "Rongrong is back, isn't it? Oh, my daughter is so handsome. Last time I saw you were still in Yuhong class, you've grown so big in a blink of an eye."

As she spoke, she also took out a red envelope from her pocket, which looked quite thick, and handed it over without any explanation. "Your aunt doesn't know what you like. Isn't it the Chinese New Year? Buy something if you have any shortcomings. Girls are from every family. You can't wrong yourself."

Li Rong couldn't refuse, but she accepted it after her mother said that this was Lao Li's family.

After entering the door, there was another greeting, and Li Rong also got to know Xiaorui again, and remembered the story of her snatching her own toys more than ten years ago, and she still hasn't been able to forget it until now.

Hmph, you are my lifelong enemy.

However, when they met again, it was considered a smile to wipe out their grievances, and the two began to chat.

Next is lunch time.

Only then did Zhang's mother realize the existence of Shen Guanglin. He took the two children to set off firecrackers just now.

Shen Guanglin's handsomeness can only be said to be not bad, but his temperament is outstanding. He has the confidence and freedom that people in this era do not have. No matter who he meets, he is neither humble nor overbearing.

Seeing such a young man, Zhang's mother liked him very much, similar to how Li's mother felt when she saw him for the first time.

"I haven't asked yet, Brother Li, this is your relative. The young man is really good-looking and energetic."

Before Lao Li could figure out how to answer, Shen Guanglin took the initiative to answer:
"Auntie, hello, we can be considered relatives. Uncle Li's brother and I are colleagues, and these two naughty ghosts are his children."

Shen Guanglin, a relative of Li Rong's family, is still very polite.

"Oh, Lao Li, do you have a younger brother? Why haven't I heard of it?" Lao Zhang was also surprised when he heard about it for the first time.

Lao Li explained: "My younger brother from my hometown recently came to work in the capital."

"That's a good relationship, and the family is reunited."

"Young man, you have joined the work, right? If you have any difficulties in the future, just ask. In the boundary of the capital, you can't help with big help, and ordinary small help is fine. Also, what's your surname, young man, where is he from?"

Lao Zhang really wanted to prove himself in front of Lao Li. He had been holding back all these years, and now that he had some power in his hands, he had no chance to seek personal gain.

"Hello, uncle, I'm working now. My surname is Shen, and I'm from Jinling."

"It's a good place, dragons and tigers are here, and the southeast is the best. What kind of work are you doing now? You're not very old, you just graduated."

"Yes, just worked for two years."

The next topic will be controlled by Zhang's mother:

"Oh, it's the same as our Xiaorui. She has just worked for two years. What year are you, Xiao Shen? What is your family?"

"The 57-year-old is a chicken."

"How many months?" Miss Xiaorui stopped watching TV, and stopped chatting with Li Rong. When she heard that Shen Guanglin was 57 years old, she became interested, took over her mother's class, and began to ask questions.

Such a handsome and energetic young man was a type she had never met before.

"February." Shen Guanglin could only continue to answer.

"What date?" She was already surprised when she asked this question, because she was also born in February 1957.


"What a coincidence! I am February 2th, just one day younger than you. You are a brother and I am a sister."

Shen Guanglin didn't answer the conversation because Li Rong's complexion was not right. If he continued to wave, he might not be able to pass this test at night. Besides, girl, you are not a day younger than me, you are 39 years and 364 days older than me.

But having said that, this girl is still somewhat pretty, and it is quite interesting to have two braids tossed back and forth, so why don't you ask Li Rong to do it too.

Is it better to pull a braid with one hand than to pull an arm?
While chatting, the meal is here.
Everyone was called to the table. Since he was a junior, Shen Guanglin naturally sat at the table serving tea and water. As for the two little guys, they said that they ate too many snacks earlier and didn't want to eat.

We are a family at first, so there is no need to be particular about it, but Mother Zhang still snorted: "Xiaorui, you are so stupid in reading, you are young, you should do the pouring of tea, how can you let me Brother Shen, you do these things."

Only then did Xiao Zhang come to his senses, "Brother Shen, let me sit here, I'll pour you wine, that's what I do at work."

"No, no, you are still young. The water in the pour is very deep. I'm afraid you won't be able to grasp it."

Bring the drinks, Shen Guanglin's family has both white and red wine, the white wine is Xinghuacun, and the red wine is Changyu.

Under Lao Li's leadership, everyone had a drink, and only then did they start eating.

After three glasses of wine, free play.

It can be seen that Lao Zhang's family is really interested in Shen Guanglin, and Zhang's mother took the initiative to ask: "Xiao Shen, what are you doing now?"

"I teach in a school."

"It's such a coincidence. We are all from the education system. The school's welfare benefits are not good now. Why don't you be transferred to the Education Committee to manage the compilation of textbooks. Our Xiaorui is in charge of the distribution of textbooks, which happens to be a brother department."

"No, thank you, auntie. I'm good at teaching in school. I like this job." Shen Guanglin really didn't want to pretend, but he didn't expect this auntie to be so enthusiastic. This couldn't be a blind date.

"There is no future for teaching in schools. How long will it take to become the principal? You can't support your family with that little salary. You should find a way out sooner. Your Uncle Zhang is now a textbook." Zhang's mother followed her train of thought: "Which school are you in?" Teaching?"

Zhang's mother suddenly remembered that before asking him where he was teaching, she began to help him arrange a retreat.

"Beijing University"

"Which Beijing University?"

"It's the one in the south." Shen Guanglin pointed to the south. Capital University is only one kilometer away from Fuyuan Gate, which is very close.

"You mean Capital University?"


Zhang Mu's face bloomed like a lotus flower, and she was even more satisfied with Shen Guanglin.

"You are a teacher of Capital University! Xiaorui, hurry up and learn from Brother Guanglin. He is only one day older than you, and he is already a teacher of Capital University. I see you dare to look at everyone in the future."

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin didn't say that he was a professor at Capital University, otherwise they would have been more enthusiastic.

However, the attitude of Lao Li's family towards Zhang's family began to change: Are you here to poach my son-in-law's corner at my son-in-law's house?

drink, drink.

After drinking and eating, it is natural to bond for a while. The young and the old have no common language. Li Rong took Miss Zhang's family to play in her boudoir, and Shen Guanglin continued to chat with the two middle-aged men.

At this time, it is not romantic, but also the international trend.

In this regard, Shen Guanglin has the most right to speak, because he is an experienced person, and Lao Li also respects his views.

In Shen Guanglin's view, we deliberately did not accept the olive branch thrown by the Soviet Union in the past few years. We are moving closer to Citigroup and can win seven or eight years of economic development. If the Soviet Union can't support it one day, Citigroup may turn against us.

Both Lao Li and Lao Zhang didn't believe it. CCCP is the largest country in the world with extremely rich resources. How could it not be able to sustain it? Now the GDP of the Soviet Union is half of that of Citigroup.

However, the two of them agree with Shen Guanglin's other views, and feel that he has an international perspective.

Li Rong took Zhang Rui into her room, and they chatted, Li Rong took the initiative to say: "I remember the last time we met was more than ten years ago, when you took away my favorite toy, I was very sad, it was me Favorite toy."

Zhang Rui was a little embarrassed, but quickly resolved herself: "You are still studying now, what do you want, my sister will buy it for you, it is a toy to compensate you."

"That's not necessary, as long as you don't continue to grab my toys."

(End of this chapter)

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