Start with a college teacher

Chapter 241 I Have It Too

Chapter 241 I Have It Too

The days are short in winter, and it gets dark quickly, so the family of three did not stay overnight.

The main reason is that Lao Li's family didn't intend to keep them overnight.

It's enough to expose this stubble earlier, after all, Xiao Shen and Rong Rong haven't received any certificates yet, and it's hard to introduce their relationship.

Lao Li is also embarrassed to say that this yard belongs to Shen Guanglin, what does it mean that his family lives here, he is not ashamed.

Zhang Rui came home, didn't have dinner, and was lying in bed early, counting the stars and thinking about life.

For five thousand years in China, there is nothing but love and hatred.

There is Su Xiaoxiao's tomb beside the West Lake, and many people who have visited there have seen it.

According to legend, Su Xiaoxiao fell in love with Ruan Yu, the son of a rich family, at first sight.

The concubine rides an oil wall cart, and the man rides a green horse.

Where can we unite?Under the pines and cypresses of Xiling.

Love at first sight sounds romantic, at least it's romantic.

In ancient times, there was no Momo or SOUL, and no lonely person could be found.

Zhang Rui has lived for 25 years. Just today, she feels like she has met love.

At this moment, she is not someone else, she seems to have met Zhao Mingcheng's Li Qingzhao.

"Let's get up on the swing, get up lazy and slender hands.

Lu Nonghua is thin, light sweat and light clothes.

Visitors come to the store, and he is a golden banker.

He walked away in shame, leaned on the door and looked back, but sniffed the green plum. "

The girl had just finished swinging on the swing, lazily rubbing her slender hands, slightly drenched with sweat.

When I saw a guest coming, I didn't have time to put on my shoes, so I hurried away wearing socks.

She ran away shyly, but couldn't help being curious, she wanted to have a look at the guest, but she looked back shyly, pretending to be sniffing green plums.

If it is now, if you meet such a girl, you can cry for a long time with a punch.

Zhang Rui was indulging in fantasy, and was reluctant to go to sleep for a long time.

Teacher Shen is only 25 years old, but he is already a teacher of Beijing University. In ancient times, that would be the sacrificial wine of Guozijian.

She is handsome and talented, but that girl is not pregnant.

This time as a guest, it was the first time in her life that her heart fluttered.

During the dinner, although he didn't say much to himself alone, she remembered every word in her heart.

Even the parents felt that this Xiao Shen was really good and outstanding.

He must be his good match!
Li Rong's little sister even said that she took her toy, and she can return it to her, but she must grab this person.

Love is in your own hands.

If it softens after a few grasps, it is not love, it is a disease.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Lao Li continued to wait at home to receive guests, while Shen Guanglin, Li Rong and his mother-in-law went to celebrate the New Year with the old man.

The old man hasn't seen his own son for many years. It would be a lie if he said he didn't want to, but who made them both stubborn.

They read each other's news from the newspapers, and the two refused to communicate directly.

This is Shen Guanglin's second visit to Xishan, and the scenery is different from last year.

This year's Xishan scenery is more beautiful, especially after the heavy snow, the Xishan has a fairyland-like feeling.

The curling smoke is the fireworks in the fairyland.

The old man was waiting for them at home, and he was very happy to see his granddaughter visiting him.

When people get old, they need family affection. No matter how great a person is, he doesn't want to be a loner.

Shen Guanglin received much better treatment this year than last year. Not only did he have a meal this year, but the old man even drank a glass of wine with him.

"Young man, you have done well at work, please keep working hard."

Shen Guanglin was flattered and did not dare to say anything too presumptuous. He said that he would continue to work hard and make his own contribution to the country and the nation.

The tone was raised.

The old man waved his hand, "You don't need to be so high-spirited, as long as you can make some contributions to the country while making plans for yourself, that's fine."

Those who say that they are wholeheartedly for the motherland often have great plans, and the harm may not be small.

The old man has never been a person who only talks about dedication.

In his early years, he followed the rebellious general Feng Huanzhang as a warlord, and he also played a part in the process of driving Puyi away. Later, he was also fortunate to participate in the Central Plains War.

Probably, the most correct thing he did in his life was to change the hall and walk on the road of revolution.

Moreover, because he was born as an old warlord, with this "stain", he protected himself very well during the movement and did not suffer too much damage.

Liu Shuai, who shared the same fate as him, did not work much because of his eye injury, but survived those difficult years safely.

The three of them were about to say goodbye and leave after eating, and the old man was still a little bit reluctant.

Shen Guanglin came over this year and gave the old man a set of massage chairs, which are the kind of bad street products in later generations, and they are still high-end imported goods in this era.

As a gift in return, the old man gave him a very precious gift, which was a chrysanthemum-patterned crabapple from the Longqing period.

Shen Guanglin was not very good at writing with a calligraphy brush, but he was a literati after all, so it was okay to give him something like the Four Treasures of the Study.

These old objects are not expensive in this era.

The emperor Longqing is not very well-known. Although his historical evaluation is good, his personal achievements are average and he only lived to be 35 years old.

As for Longqing's father, Jiajing, and his son, Wanli, their historical evaluations are not high, but they have a long life span.

For example, Emperor Jiajing Zhu Houcong, who took drugs every day to cultivate immortals, still lived to be 61 years old; even Wanli, who did not fall in love with the court, lived to be 58 years old.

There were many short-lived emperors in the Ming Dynasty, and basically Zhu Di's descendants did not live long.

Sending someone off thousands of miles, there will be a farewell.

The distance from Xishan to Fuyuanmen is not far, and it takes less than half an hour to drive.

When they got home, I heard from my uncle and aunt that a girl came to them today, surnamed Zhang, who brought a book and said that she wanted to discuss education issues with Teacher Shen, and at the same time, she wanted to talk about sisters with Li Rong. Affection.

Oops, this person is so annoying!

Move away, let's go to our new home now!
Li Rong was like a cat with fried fur, very displeased with that woman's behavior.

We don't live here anymore, let you come and look for it.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong moved back to the new house in Tiangong No. [-] that day. It has heating and is very comfortable.

Sure enough, on the third day of junior high school, the girl Zhang Rui came again, to play with Li Rong, but Li Rong was not at home.

However, no one told her where Li Rong and Teacher Shen had gone.

On the fourth day of the lunar new year, there was something to do. Shen Guanglin was going to the laboratory today, and at the same time, he was going to the train station to pick up someone.

Because I had already received a call yesterday that Lao Kong was going to work from Quancheng.

It’s really just going back for a year, and it’s just a New Year’s greeting process. Up to now, the resignation procedures in his unit have not been completed, so I will report to the new unit.

The reason for this urgency is that after Lao Kong went back, he sorted out his scientific research ideas over the years, and found that many of his ideas only existed on paper, and he urgently needed experimental equipment to verify them.

Now, the opportunity has come, so hurry up and make it, maybe you can get it to be published in a journal.

Dou Wei never told him that publications in domestic journals are not very useful, and it must be SCI journals to have any value.

Shen Guanglin felt that he was really bored at home, so he went back to work in the laboratory.

He also needs to sort out his thoughts and start making solar cells.

You can't build a car behind closed doors to make solar cells, and there are still some accumulations in China.

In 1981, the Ministry of Machinery and ESSCO of Citigroup jointly developed a 7.3m parabolic mirror-point-focused solar thermal power station.

It means to concentrate light on one point, convert light into heat, and then into electricity. This is a key scientific research project of the country's Sixth Five-Year Plan.

Shen Guanglin knew that this kind of thing had no future.

Concentrated solar energy is okay for boiling hot water, but not for cooking.

Solar power generation still needs to consider the "photovoltaic effect". The so-called photovoltaic effect refers to the phenomenon that the light causes a potential difference between different parts of an inhomogeneous semiconductor or a combination of a semiconductor and a metal.

In this way, light energy is converted into electrical energy.

The next step is to think about semiconductor materials. Common elemental semiconductors are germanium and silicon, while common compound semiconductors are group III and group V compounds, such as gallium arsenide and gallium phosphide.

These are the materials that Shen Guanglin needs to "try".

In later generations, silicon is the most common material for photovoltaic power generation, because it is the cheapest, and silicon-based thin-film batteries have been eliminated. One is polycrystalline silicon, and the other is monocrystalline silicon.

However, on satellites and spacecraft, germanium is often used as a battery material because of its higher photoelectric conversion efficiency.

In later generations, there is another semiconductor material battery that has not been mass-produced, that is, gallium arsenide, which has a higher conversion efficiency, and some companies even plan to use it to make photovoltaic vehicles.

Gallium phosphide has not been applied in the photovoltaic field, and it is the main substrate material for preparing red, green, yellow and orange four-color visible light LEDs.

In real history, in 1983, the first photovoltaic power station was built in China. It was purchased from Kyocera in Fusang.

Later, when the village was powered on, the photovoltaic power station was useless. The villagers removed the photovoltaic panels and used them as pigsty doors, which were very useful, and the photo frames made of aluminum alloy frames were very beautiful.

Sure enough, this stuff can't be accomplished overnight, so we can only slowly make plans and study it slowly.

The power of love is powerful. On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Comrade Zhang Rui actually found Shen Guanglin's laboratory. She actually went to the School of Physics of Capital University to inquire, and then got some news from Teacher Shen.

Yes, her opponent is also very strong. Li Rong is still in the laboratory before school starts. She has recently fallen in love with embroidery, and the mandarin ducks embroidered already look like ducks.

When kind and friendly conversation is no use, it's time to try your best.

"Sister Zhang, Brother Guanglin is my partner, so you should stop looking for me."

"Everyone has the right to pursue happiness. I have what you have. Why should I give up?" Zhang Rui puffed out her chest. Her breasts are indeed bigger than Li Rong's. Although Li Rong's size is not small, but without her The big one, and the one who really owns the deck is the younger sister Li Li.

"Not always."

"Do you have anything that I don't?"

"I have a sister."

(End of this chapter)

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