Start with a college teacher

Chapter 242 Jin City

Chapter 242 Jin City
Sister and younger sister are different.

Some representations are relationships, others representations are body parts.

With different demands, the two naturally broke up unhappy.

Li Rong can't stop Zhang Rui from coming to look for Shen Guanglin, but Shen Guanglin can do it himself.

He didn't want to provoke this nympho girl.

It is true that this girl has good looks, a good figure, and a good family background, but compared with Li Rong, she is not on the same level at all.

If it's just a quick, irresponsible meal, this one can have it.

But if you have to wash the pot and wash the dishes after eating, forget it.

It's time to go low-key.

Neither mature nor immature ideas can exist.

Lao Kong finally officially came to work in the laboratory, and shouldered the important task of building a biological laboratory with Dou Wei.

He moved into the dormitory from the first day of his employment, and then ran around the laboratory dormitory building every day, without asking what benefits the unit can provide.

The welfare housing for employees prepared by Shen Guanglin was about to become a decoration, and no one claimed it.

At this moment, he felt as if he had done some useless work.

Faced with such good employees who are motivated and love their work, as long as the working conditions are good enough, even if the benefits are poor, they seem to be acceptable.

Let's take a moment to bring up the matter of the house, and wait for him to produce some results before giving it to him. The most urgent task now is to find a suitable job for my sister-in-law Li Ping.

Li Ping used to work in the Qilu Drama Theater as a young actor, and was later seconded to a TV station as an announcer.

Now that she is looking for a new job in the capital, Shen Guanglin's first consideration is to help her find a job in the drama group in the capital.

There are currently four theaters in Beijing, namely the Youth Art Theater, the Central Experimental Theater, the People’s Art Theater and the Children’s Art Theater.

Later, the Youth Art Theater and the Central Experimental Theater merged to form the National Theater, leaving only three large theaters in Beijing.

But the problem is that he is not familiar with these theaters, and Shen Guanglin is not a god, and he can't activate YYDS skills, because he really has nothing to do with these units.

In daily life, Shen does not particularly like watching dramas, but he prefers musicals. For example, the ballet - "Red Detachment of Women" is very good-looking, and those girls have really good figures.

Just looking at it can easily make people have immature thoughts.

What to do next?

It's impossible to invest in a movie by yourself and let Sister Ping become an actress. In this era, the country has not relaxed this threshold for the people.

Even if you can invest in making movies, can you really make money? If you don’t make money, you will make money, and if it’s not for making people, who would invest in movies?

Sister Ping lived in the dormitory of the laboratory for several days, and she soon became bored. It is impossible to watch TV in the dormitory every day.

Li Rong didn't have much time to accompany her, because she was about to start school and was always ready to fight.

This elder sister who has not been in touch with for many years is the enemy in life, so I have to guard against it.

And Li Ping is also a person who can't stay idle. She feels that she really needs a job now, and she can't just eat for nothing every day.

However, the current film academy has not yet opened, and there is no communication channel if I want to talk to my peers.

Shen Guanglin pondered for a long time, but there was really no suitable position, so he could only let her work in the office first, and work with Jiang Zhenhua as a financial manager.

The establishment can be given at any time, it depends on whether she wants it or not.

You can also wait for a later time and help her find a place for further study at the Beijing Film Academy, so that her expertise and hobbies will not be wasted.

In this way, everyone's life affairs have been arranged, and the next step is to work hard.

In the blink of an eye, the Lantern Festival was over, and Shen Guanglin hardly made any progress in his research at work.

Being poor and white, it is really difficult to start a business.

There was really no other way, and finally looking forward to the official start of the school, Shen Guanglin started to soak up the Peking University library again.

The library of Capital University has always been a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The great men used to hibernate here. Now Shen Guanglin decided to come back here to gain nourishment.

From the memories of the great man, we can know that his life in the library was not happy, and the capital university was a bit unethical. After Professor Yang passed away, he expelled others to leave, and he was not a son of man.

Of course, the person surnamed Zhang was also ruined. He was obviously the founding boss of the organization. He insisted on defecting to the enemy on the eve of liberation, and then spent his life in the library.

There are many materials about solar power generation in the library, but they are not very useful. Many materials are very old and not what Shen Guanglin wants.

In fact, it is not too late to study solar cells in China. It started in 1958, and there is not much difference compared with Western countries.

As early as October 1957, CCCP successfully launched the world's first artificial satellite, which caused a sensation all over the world.

In May 1958, it was proposed: "We also want to build artificial earth satellites."

Since then, my country's rocket business and satellite manufacturing business have been put on the agenda.

That is, from that time on, we have dedicated personnel to start researching solar cells.

However, Dongfanghong-1970 successfully flew into the sky in 20. It did not install solar panels, and the silver-zinc chemical battery it carried had a very limited lifespan, so the designed working life of Dongfanghong-[-] was only [-] days.

After the satellite was launched, it actually only worked in space for 28 days. It stopped transmitting signals on May 1970, 5, and completely lost contact with the ground.

However, the second artificial satellite launched by our country --- the scientific experiment satellite "Practice No. [-]" was successfully equipped with solar cells.


This battery system can supply power for 8 years, which is really not easy.

Shen Guanglin just wanted to find out the latest knowledge about photovoltaic technology and see what stage the solar cells have developed in this era.

But all of this is very difficult, because the library of Beijing University in this era has not yet indexed books, and it is even more difficult to find articles in the latest journals.

If you want to see what articles are published in the latest journals, you need to organize and discover them yourself.

It is easier to find someone to take the initiative to learn.

I learned from the school that the current domestic leader in solar cell research is researcher Wang Zhanguo from the Institute of Semiconductors.

He presided over the research and development of the solar cells on the "Shijian No. [-]" satellite.

That's easy, just go to the door.

Shen Guanglin quickly found this Researcher Wang, who was also very young, only 43 years old, from Henan Province, and graduated from Nankai University.

After the exchange, Shen Guanglin learned a lot, and successfully got the difference and connection between NP junction and PN junction.

It turns out that the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the polycrystalline silicon cells they produced ten years ago has reached 15%, which is really amazing!

And this can basically meet the normal needs of satellites. No one studies germanium batteries or gallium arsenide.

However, researcher Wang also said that he has stopped studying solar cells in recent years, and his subject is to study semiconductor materials, because he believes that solar cells have come to an end.

Not only that, since 1969, the entire Semiconductor Institute has stopped developing and producing photovoltaic cells, and all the tasks of production and research and development have been handed over to the No.18 Institute in Jincheng.

Can an enterprise develop technology? Isn't this a big deal?

It is estimated that from this moment on, our battery research and development technology will widen the gap with the international ones.

That being the case, then go to Jincheng to have a look and judge the current situation of solar cell development.

(End of this chapter)

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