Chapter 244
This is the first time for Shen Guanglin to come to Tianjin, and he lives in the most prosperous Heping Road at night. This road was once called "Roosevelt Road" and was renamed "Heping Road" after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The nightlife in Jinmen is not rich and lively. Shen Guanglin and Li Rong each opened a room to sleep. They didn't have a certificate, so it's not suitable to live together.

The next day, as usual, I had to go shopping again.

The city of Jinmen is very clean, at least cleaner than the capital city of this era. A Haihe River runs through the city, nurturing the people of one area.

Shen Guanglin felt that he couldn't come here in vain, so he planned to visit Nankai University.

After all, it is a brother school, so we still need to strengthen communication.

The school in Nankai is very good. It is the alma mater of the Prime Minister and a private university founded by Zhang Boling. It was later called "National Nankai University" when it was restored in 1946. After liberation, after a series of departmental adjustments, it became This is what it looks like now.

Nankai's strength is still very strong, and it has a glorious page in the history of Huaxia's universities.

If you have a car, it is very convenient to drive to Nankai.

The buildings in Nankai are still very distinctive, and the geographical location is not bad. To the north is Jinmen University, to the east is Jinmen Medical University, to the south is a watch factory, and to the west is a large area of ​​farmland.

I heard that Shen Guanglin, a young professor from Capital University, is going to visit the school, and Nankai University naturally welcomes him warmly.

It is said that Mr. Shen is very talented in scientific research, and he can often see problems from a high level, so the scientific research results are particularly outstanding. Writing high-end papers is like washing dishes.

High-end scholars are welcome everywhere.

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin received a warm welcome, and even the dean invited Shen Guanglin to take office in Nankai.

Of course, these are just polite words, Shen Guanglin will not come.

As high-end scholars, the only place they really yearn for is the capital, and nothing else.

In terms of teaching level, the teaching level of Wudaokou Technical School and Beijing University may not be much higher than that of their peers, but their students are the best in the country, and this is where the real gap lies.

Even if other schools occasionally slip through the net, it doesn't help.

In Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School, they can only be regarded as mediocre students, but they are regarded as treasures in other schools.

This is the status quo.

The capital is the political, economic and cultural center of the country, as well as the scientific research center of China.Universities in other places can only perform well in some majors, which are the so-called "characteristic majors" of "local institutions".

However, at Capital University, almost all of their majors are particularly strong, except for a few niche categories that are weaker.

Semiconductor photovoltaic materials are a niche category. Few people study them in Jingcheng University, but in Nankai, this is one of their advantageous majors, and this is their specialty.

Sure enough!
There is really something Shen Guanglin can learn here, even if he can't enter the [-]th Institute, so what? Shen Guanglin wants to accumulate knowledge, not steal results.

If I knew it earlier, I should have come to Nankai directly. Going to the Eighteenth Institute is a waste of emotion.

Accompanied by the head of the Department of Physics, Shen Guanglin visited the school library and laboratory. To be honest, his perception was average.

This is only 1982, but the gap between universities has widened.

The scientific research funds obtained by Capital University are increasing year by year, and the level gap between them and local departments will also become wider and wider.

The ordinary laboratories of Capital University can still see many changes every year, and the experimental equipment and scientific journals will be updated from time to time, but in Nankai, they have not done this.

It is probably a question of funds, after all, there is still a difference between a real son and a godson.

Shen Guanglin can be regarded as a fish in water at Capital University, but there are also some unsatisfactory places.

He has too many ideas, but the accumulation of knowledge limits his development.

The team is not strong enough, Shen Guanglin has to spend more time collecting data, arranging experimental plans, and sorting out scientific research information, all of which require energy.

From the establishment of the laboratory to the present, Shen Guanglin has a few available scientific research dogs, but there are not many that can be used by Kanda, that is, to play some auxiliary roles.

Fortunately, those people all knew what they were going to do, and the only one who didn't know what they were going to do was Shen Guanglin himself.

I really had too many thoughts. I watched two good episodes in succession, but I couldn't keep up with my strength.

Funds are scarce in this era, and the soil for scientific research is barren. Most of the experiments that need to be completed through the accumulation of funds cannot be done, and there is no way.

"Mr. Shen, how is the situation in our school?"

"Very good. It has all the necessary equipment. Although it is a little old, it is still enough to meet the teaching tasks." Shen Guanglin also told the truth, he did not intend to hide it, and he came here with a learning attitude.No need to show off.

"Then you give guidance?"

"I can't talk about guidance. I just came here to learn. Recently, I am very interested in solar battery packs. I heard that your school is doing a good job in this area, so I want to come and learn."

"Oh, you are too modest. Mr. Shen, your reputation has spread throughout Asia, especially in Fusang. Everyone knows you when you are mentioned in the physics circle. How about you give us a few lessons here, Let us also feel the demeanor of the youngest professor at Capital University."

"You boasted. I am not the youngest professor of Peking University. The youngest professor is Mr. Zhu Jiahua. He got the professorship at the age of 24, and he has many peaches and plums. I can't do it. I still have a long way to go. long."

After the business bragging is over, the next step is to talk about business.

Nankai University is indeed capable in the field of photovoltaic research, at least the accumulated knowledge is not possessed by Shen Guanglin, which may be even better than that of Beijing University.

Of course, Shen Guanglin also knows other things that Nankai University does not know, such as the preparation methods of some photovoltaic products, and finding out the high-energy range from spectral analysis, and then selecting suitable materials for photoelectric conversion.

How to choose this material and how to process it are all knowledge.

The school has already started, Shen Guanglin thought about it, and asked Li Rong to go back first, and he stayed here for a few more days, preparing to learn about photovoltaics systematically.

Forget about teaching the students, it's okay to hold a lecture. Anyway, Shen Guanglin is already familiar with these things.

The course worth 5 US dollars will be given to you for free. The teachers and students of Nankai University are blessed.

Yang Ling is a third-year student majoring in astrophysics at Nankai University, and she is also a department flower, with a high reputation.

She usually likes to wear short hair that reaches the ears the most, and she looks very sweet, with two small dimples when she smiles.

As a girl, she actually likes physics, but there is no one else.

In fact, among the students, there are not many people who really like physics.It is also because everyone came into contact with physics relatively late, and it was around junior high school that they started to get in touch with this subject. It is difficult to cultivate interest.

Yang Ling is different. She has liked physics since she was a child.

When I was not in school, I listened to the Cowherd and Weaver Girl falling asleep. In summer, my favorite thing is to sit on a chair and watch the stars.

Later, I saw that there are sparkling and moving ones in the sky. They turned out to be artificial satellites, which is too amazing.

The more you read, the more you know, but the more you don't know.

Now, she no longer fantasizes about the sun, the moon and the stars. She thinks that one day she will be able to solve these scientific mysteries by herself.

Especially after Citigroup completed the pioneering feat of landing humans on the moon, she yearned for physics and the sky even more.

This time, she was overjoyed when she heard that a physics professor from Capital University was coming to give a lecture. She had accumulated quite a few questions waiting for someone to answer them.

The lecture was held in the lecture theater and there were no seats left.

Shen Guanglin stepped onto the podium and saw that beautiful and dignified female classmate at a glance. It turns out that Nankai also has beauties.

Of course, if he really didn't look good, he definitely wouldn't take a second look.

"He's so young, is he really a university professor?" A classmate suddenly questioned in a low voice.

Really young!

There are also overage students in Nankai University, and there are not a few of them who are older than Shen Guanglin.

Yang Ling looked at the physics professor, and she also had doubts in her heart.

At such a young age, I don't think he has a high standard, at least his knowledge accumulation is not rich enough, but his eyes are quite rich, so he must have looked at himself a few times.

"Do you think I'm handsome? I'm simply a young talent." Shen Guanglin's opening remarks were very relaxed.

The students looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

"Relax everyone, we are all the same age, there are not so many barriers, I don't say that we can become friends with everyone, but there is no hatred, lectures are just nonsense, you have something to gain, I have income, that's all. .”

Sure enough, this is the truth.

"Professor Shen, how much income can you give a lecture?" I don't know who asked this question suddenly.

Shen Guanglin was not angry either, this was his pride, how could he be angry.

"Oh, asking a man's income is the same as asking a woman's weight. It's impolite. I can indeed tell you about my income. I'm a full-time professor now, and my monthly salary is 223 yuan, which happens to be ten percent of your allowance. times."

So much money is indeed a high income, but many teachers can roughly reach this level.

"I heard that you are paid 5 yuan for one lecture, right?" It seems that someone knows Shen's past quite well.

Shen Guanglin shook his head and said, "It's a small thing, it's not worth mentioning. It's good for everyone to listen to such things. After all, no matter how much money I earn, I won't share it with everyone."

At the end, Shen Guanglin added: "I didn't take the initiative to ask for money, it was all forced by others."

Some people wanted to ask questions, but Shen Guanglin didn't want to answer. He decided to put away his smile and start the lecture.

Everyone in this era is eager to learn, and many people in the audience even brought notebooks.

But Shen Guanglin didn't want to talk about professional knowledge. He wanted to talk about some skills on the road of scientific research, like Zhang Xuefeng, the tutor of the postgraduate entrance examination, such as how to write a paper, for example, how to catch fish.

In this day and age, most people can't write English papers, at least not very well.

However, Shen Guanglin has expertise in this area, and he thinks it's okay for the professor to teach Nankai's teachers and students.

To improve the status of a university, it is really inseparable from SCI papers. No matter the quality is high or low, the ranking will rise when the number increases.

Yang Ling was very disappointed, this was not what she wanted to hear, what she wanted to hear was the solar system, the Milky Way, the universe, and aliens.

Finally, Shen Guanglin's experience teaching was over.

Yang Ling was the first to raise her hand.

"Hello, Professor Shen, I am very disappointed after listening to your class."

"Sin, sin, let you down."

"As a physics professor, why don't you talk about the knowledge of physics? If you don't talk about outer space, you can talk about the solar system. If it doesn't work, you can talk about the earth, the ins and outs and the development process of the earth."

"Student, you are criticizing me." Shen Guanglin smiled.

"Okay, let me just say a few words. Do you know that the universe is 132 billion years old, and the age of the solar system is 45 billion years, and the earth was born at that time.

Life was conceived on the earth 35 billion years ago, and then experienced the separation of single cells, multi cells, animals and plants, and then fish, reptiles, amphibians, and other mammals appeared 3 million years ago , while primate mammals appeared 6000 million years ago, and ancient humans appeared about 380 million years ago.

However, the common ancestor of our humans walked out of Africa about 15 to 20 years ago, and then spread all over the world, forming various kinds of people. "

"Impossible! The BJ people in Zhoukoudian Dragon Bone Mountain are 70 years old. That is our ancestor. You are wrong."

Shen Guanglin suddenly realized that he seemed to have slipped his tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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