Chapter 245 Meeting
Get carried away, really get carried away.

A beautiful woman asked a question, and Shen Guanglin unconsciously answered something beyond expectations.

There are many ancient human sites in China, such as Yuanmou in Caiyun Province, Zhoukoudian in Beijing, and Lantian and the like.

Everyone has learned the article "People of the Capital" since they were young, and the whole process from ape to man is specially drawn in the textbook, which is the result of years of education accumulation.

Now, Shen Guanglin broke the traditional thinking and said that our ancestors originated from Africa. No one wants to believe it, at least it is emotionally unacceptable.

Even after 40 years, there are still many scholars of history and social science who firmly deny the genetic relationship in biology. They insist that we are human beings who developed independently from the great apes.

It is now 1982, and no one or any organization has verified Lucy's DNA and mitochondria. We still cannot draw conclusions about the same origin of human beings.

Now I heard Shen Guanglin say: Our ancestors migrated from Africa.

The audience suddenly exploded.

"It's a bunch of nonsense, it's just a bunch of nonsense!" Some teachers couldn't help it on the spot.

"Human beings came from Africa 20 years ago. Where did the Zhoukoudian people go? Don't open your eyes and talk nonsense!"

It was also just after the movement, and everyone expressed their opposition in a more direct way, not at all reserved. One teacher began to push back on the spot: "Mr. point of view."

"That's right, that's right, there is no hair on the mouth, so you can't do things well."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Shen Guanglin was not angry, and stood quietly waiting for them to calm down. With this kind of bearing, he felt that he was very graceful.

This is indeed a difficult problem, Shen Guanglin is really hard to explain, at least he can't explain it all at once, so he can only wait for everyone to calm down before continuing.

Seeing that the little girl Yang Ling was still standing, Shen Guanglin waved her hand to signal her to sit down first, and then began to speak unhurriedly:

"Here I have two arguments. Even if you don't study biology, it is not difficult to understand. We all know that our human ancestors and chimpanzees are close relatives. If people in each place are independent from ancient chimpanzees evolution, so why is there no reproductive isolation among the various races in the world? But we have reproductive isolation with chimpanzees, which is unscientific.”

Shen Guanglin paused for a while after speaking, asking everyone to think carefully.

As long as you are not a barbarian, you should be able to figure it out. If all the ancient apes are divided into two branches, one of which can independently evolve into a human being, and the other can evolve into a chimpanzee, then why did this branch evolve into a human being? There is no reproductive isolation between them.

What Shen Guanglin said made sense, and the audience was much quieter.

"Precisely because we humans are not reproductively isolated from each other, it means that our ancestors must have the same origin, at least from the same ape that separated from the chimpanzee."

The audience was finally not so noisy.

What Shen Guanglin said is indeed reasonable, and the view of the same origin is still tenable.

But everyone is still unconvinced: "That doesn't mean that the ancestors of human beings originated from Africa. Yuanmou people are 170 million years old, and they can travel all over the world."

Shen Guanglin thought for a while and began to brew his own ideas: "In 1924, Australopithecus was discovered in South Africa 390 million years ago. This is the earliest ape discovered so far. This is one of the evidences that humans originated from Africa.

In addition, 75% of the land in Africa is located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Cancer, with high temperatures all year round and no four seasons, so it can maintain a stable evolutionary environment.If the temperature is too low and the seasons change, then the sweat glands on our bodies will not be so developed, and the hair on our bodies will not be so clean. "

This is all evidence. Everyone still doesn't believe it, but they have begun to doubt it.

Shen Guanglin's statement is a bit far-fetched, but it is logical and self-consistent, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"In the future, an advanced measurement tool will be developed that can quickly identify DNA and genetic material. In this way, we will be able to distinguish the differences between species and the differences between individuals, which is a better method than checking fingerprints." It takes magic technology, and with it, a lot of crime will be reduced."

So amazing?

Shen Guanglin continued: "After we have this DNA testing technology, we will be able to know exactly where human beings originated. Now these are only the opinions of one family, and they are only inferences, and can only be used as evidence."

"If you can test the genetic material, can you identify your biological parents?" Someone finally asked this question in the audience.

"Yes, student, you are right. Paternity testing technology is also an important application of DNA testing technology."

Finally get out of class is over.

People are like iron, and food is like steel. We must not delay the class just because our classmates love us.

The school has a staff canteen, and the food quality is better than that of the students. After eating, Shen Guanglin took a nap in the professional classroom of the physics building, and then the beautiful girl came again.

"Hello, Teacher Shen."

"Hello, you are also good, classmate, what's your surname? Can you come to see me?" Even though he was woken up, Shen Guanglin was still very kind and did not show any anger.

"My surname is Yang, and my name is Yang Ling. I am a student of astrophysics. I have a question and I would like to consult Teacher Shen."

Good looks are privileged.

"you say?"

"Is there alien life? When will we be able to put a man on the moon?"

Shen Guanglin couldn't answer these two questions, because when Shen Guanglin crossed, the country hadn't achieved manned moon landing, but the space station was built.

"First of all, there is no life in the solar system except the earth. Of the eight planets in the solar system, only the earth has the best conditions, followed by Mars, and the conditions of other planets are even worse."

"Aren't there nine planets, teacher, you missed one."

"I didn't count too much. In fact, Pluto is not a planet, but a dwarf planet at most. Because its mass is too small, in the solar system, its operation is not only affected by the sun, but also by the gravitational force of other planets. Moreover, it There are other asteroids or meteorites in its orbit, which shows that its gravitational force is weak and unqualified."

"Then why are the planets named nine in the world?"

"I will suggest that they change it at the next meeting."

There is no need to wait for the next meeting, this time will do.

In less than a month, there will be an international conference in Brussels, Belgium.

You can go out and earn some extra money again.

(End of this chapter)

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