Start with a college teacher

Chapter 248 The Age of Youth

Chapter 248 Young People's Season
The literary world likes titles most, not to mention the ancient poets and poets. After the founding of the People's Republic, there are also titles such as the people's artist and several carriages.

Once upon a time, there were two people who were also well-known in China, and the title they shared was "Southern Zhou and Northern Zhao".

Zhou here refers to Zhou Libo, a writer from southern Hunan. He is particularly famous for a novel called "The Tempest".

In fact, for the current Chinese people, the movement that lasted for ten years in the past few years can also be called a "storm".

After the torrential rain, China is now in a state of ruins, and the economy has not yet fully recovered. The food, housing and transportation of a large number of educated and unemployed youths are urgently needed to be resolved. Therefore, this is also the original intention of the country's open policy to allow private economy.

To put it bluntly, the country really can't control it, and can only let you find your own way out.

Speaking of finding a way out, the most advanced way at this stage is to go abroad to work. Although you leave your hometown, you can gain a lot. Even if you wash the dishes, your monthly income is higher than your domestic income for a year.

Therefore, since the 70s, countless people have wanted to go out, and some people have really gone out, and rely on their own hard work to earn a family business, which is not ashamed.

However, some scholars are very bad. Although the conditions in China are already very good, but in order to yearn for a good life abroad, they take advantage of the opportunity of going abroad to leave the regiment and never come back.

This kind of people are purebred white-eyed wolves, and they are the most harmful. After they go out, they spread bad words about the motherland. It is really a rat droppings that ruined a pot of soup.

As the trip is approaching, Nankai University also attaches great importance to such matters. They are not afraid of anything else, but they are afraid that people who go abroad will suddenly "leave the group" and not come back.

It's a good thing to be able to go out for free to gain insights, but if such a thing happens, it will also cause a mess.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin still happily handed over the throne of "regiment leader". He is now just an ordinary member of the regiment, and the leader of the regiment is a middle-aged comrade with high morals and strong thinking.

Besides, Shen Guanglin is also busy, and he still has to prepare a keynote report.

This report is not easy to say, but it is not difficult to say that it is difficult. The specific content of Shen Guanglin's speech is: "Nanotechnology and Medical Health".

Nanotechnology can be applied in a wide range of fields. Before Shen Guanglin proposed this concept, it was already being applied. Now that nanotechnology has been summarized by Shen Guanglin, it seems to have unveiled a layer of mystery for the world.

Here in Shen Guanglin, everything can be ground.

If something is not pleasing to the eye, grind it into powder.

This is a bit of a feeling that everything can be a car bead.

Many untold mysteries and many specific formulas are actually processed into nanomaterials through special means to change their properties.

For example, the processing process of some porcelain is to process some powder into nano-powder, and then show a different style after re-firing.

Moreover, the relationship between nanotechnology and medicine can also be very close.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin deliberately deep-processed some non-magnetic drugs. After the raw materials were nano-sized, some magnetism was generated, and then mixed in the liquid to deliver the drugs to the lesion with the power of an external magnetic field.

This is a relatively advanced treatment method in later generations, and it is very effective in the treatment of intractable diseases such as tuberculosis and cancer.

Shen Guanglin felt that taking it out should be able to scare many people.

Moreover, he also gave this drug a nice name: nano-directing agent.

In professional terms, after the drug with nano-magnetic particles as the carrier is injected into the human body, the drug will gather in the local part of the body under the action of an external magnetic field, so that the pathological site can be treated at a high concentration with little overall side effects on the human body. drug treatment.

Shen Guanglin was busy writing papers, and Yang Ling still came to ask him questions from time to time, but those who had a hard time also found out that this girl Yang Ling fell in love with dressing up recently.

It turned out to be short hair at the ears, but now it's even curled.

It's just such a small change, why does it look different, even a bit like a 20-year-old Guan Zhilin.

Is this the face of AI?Only domestic regions have such superb technology.

However, Shen Guanglin is still calm, because 1983 will be next year.

I don't know where I saw such a sentence, which is called: The sign of middle age is the loss of desire.

Shen Guanglin felt that this was not right at all, the desire was not lost, it was just shifted.

Otherwise, you have to learn from Wu Fafan's Teddy Tianya and will soon face chemical castration.

Chemical castration is a sophisticated technology with many benefits, and it can also treat prostate diseases.

I don’t know who is talking nonsense: When people reach middle age, they tend to be addicted to some useless but extremely expensive projects, such as fishing, photography, and collecting.

Shen Guanglin secretly rejoiced that he didn't like photography, and he was only the second of the three, so there should be salvation.

At least, I don’t like photography, and I can’t help it if I love fishing. I have too much free time, and it’s a bit boring, don’t you think it’s interesting to dig a hole in the ice and catch fish.

It’s even easier to love collecting. If you have money, you have no place to spend it. Now you can’t buy houses on a large scale. There is no healthy investment channel for the money in your hand. In order to cope with inflation, you can only buy some antiques and other things to fill it up. hobby.

As for the camera that I bought when I went to Xinjiapo, it was for Zhang Amou to practice.

Teacher Shen is still a young man after all.

If Miss Li Rong heard this, she would definitely say that Teacher Shen can't go to the end.

It's time to start, there is no direct flight to Jinmen, you need to start from the capital, pass through Copenhagen, Denmark, and transfer to Brussels.

For this trip, everyone also bought uniform outfits, and Shen Guanglin was no exception.

All big cotton clothes, with the words Jinmen Nankai University written on it, it still looks like a school uniform.

In the past few years, because of the "soil" of the overseas inspection group, many people have thought of many ways to fight against it. For example, Yang Ling, she permed her hair with a traditional red-hot iron rod. If you look closely, it still burns part.

The most satisfying thing about this trip is that the food expenses are reimbursed by the organizers of the conference, and you don’t have to pay for it yourself. Of course, even if Shen Guanglin bears it alone, there is no pressure. After all, everyone is still an amateur in this age, and one person can’t afford a meal. 650.

The arrangement of the itinerary is also considered orderly. The school arranges minibuses to take them directly to the airport, and they can fly away directly after taking the plane from the Beijing Airport.

Shen Guanglin has a problem. He loves to sleep when he is in a car. He doesn't get sleepy while driving, but he can't when he is in a car.

Along the way, Yang Ling spied on Teacher Shen from time to time, but unfortunately, he fell asleep and did not give feedback.

When we arrived at the airport, there was a very beautiful girl picking up Mr. Shen, and the two embraced in public, and put their foreheads against their foreheads, almost kissing passionately.

He, he, he, this, this, this.

This unbridled love affair has not yet begun, but it seems to be over.

To be able to do this kind of behavior in public, even a couple can't do it.

The other teachers laughed and shook their heads. It really is the season of young people, we don't understand anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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