Chapter 249 Journey
Getting to Brussels is a long journey.

It may take more than half a month to get here by train.

Across the entire Eurasian continent, through Siberia, first to the Eastern European Plain, and then to Belgium near Germany.

This is the route that Chairman Mao took when he visited Moscow. The scenery along the way is said to be beautiful, but unfortunately the Outer Mongolia we passed no longer belongs to us.

This time, it is very convenient to fly to Brussels, but there is no direct flight from the capital to Brussels. We must first go to Copenhagen, Denmark, and then transfer to an Air France flight to reach our destination.

The whole journey takes 22 hours, 10 hours in the sky, and 12 hours in transit on the ground.

Before boarding the plane, the head of the group repeatedly talked about the travel discipline, and repeatedly emphasized that if someone has a problem and lost the chain, it is not only a matter of Nankai, but also a matter of Beijing University, and it is also a matter of the country.

Shen Guanglin felt that the team leader was right.

The people who complained about not being free in the past are now maintaining this bad habit, and the warrior has become a villain. He is really afraid that someone will not think about it, and it would be disgusting to deliberately leave the group midway.

The plane slid and whizzed up from the ground, heading northwest.

The plane flew over Undur Khan without incident.

The plane has reached the stratosphere, and everyone is still happily looking at the white clouds outside the porthole, feeling like a bird that can fly. This kind of experience is extremely magical.

For most people, this is their first time flying on a plane, and the novelty is like wedding candles, which is a wonderful experience.

Why are the wedding candles so beautiful in the past? It’s like opening a blind box. Everything is a new experience, everything is exploration, and everything is unknown.

In future generations, after you really wait for the familiar way or even don't take the usual way, the rest of the marriage is just tired.

No more expectations, even, what the groom is looking forward to is not the bride, but the bridesmaids who drink too much, the best man doesn't care, whoever he gets is profitable, as long as he wakes up without a pain in the butt, it is a perfect journey.

Off topic.

Yang Ling was one of the two accompanying students. She was very soft-spoken and could only sit in a seat close to the aisle. However, she still tried her best to look out of the window, and soon forgot the loss of meeting Teacher Shen's partner before, and turned her attention to Throw yourself into a fascination with your external environment.

The clouds floating outside are too beautiful, even more beautiful than she imagined.

However, from time to time, she still thought, since Teacher Shen already has a partner, why did he assign the quota of going abroad to herself?

Does he still have thoughts about himself?
Shen Guanglin was sitting in the row behind her. She didn't dare to look behind her, so she could only see what Teacher Shen was doing from the corner of her eyes.

Mr. Shen is eating, and he is working hard to cook.

What he ate was not an airplane meal, but a love meal sent by Li Rong - a box of dumplings, after all, dumplings are safe when you get up.

There was no quick-freezing technology in this era, and the dumplings he ate were all freshly made, and the dough was particularly chewy. The leek and egg dumplings were his favorite.

Shen Guanglin has no requirements on where to sit, and he is not interested in the scenery outside the window. He doesn't like to be by the window, but prefers to be by the aisle, because there are thighs with psychedelic human eyes to enjoy back and forth.

Even in autumn and winter, the uniforms of flight attendants can still show their figure. Shen Guanglin's requirements are not high, straight legs, hips, and thin waist are enough.

As for the facial features, if the facial features are not good-looking, you can still talk about wool.

There are 6 people accompanying me this time, 4 men and 2 women. There is an active atmosphere of lesbians. It is destined that the journey will not be lonely.

However, the best entertainment on the plane is still a game of cards.

The seats on the plane are different from those on the high-speed rail. You can’t turn the direction at will. If you sit three people in a row, you can just play Doudizhu.

This is not at all like Pharaoh's private jet. Can a group of people sit around a small table and play cards while tasting wine? Even mahjong is fine.

However, everyone is knowledgeable, so it’s better not to play such a low-level game as Doudi Zhu, or else, let’s play something interesting, such as how about blackjack, the rules are simple, and the intelligence test is a good game.

Do it, do it.

But soon, everyone lost the fun of the experience.

Because the cards Shen Guanglin got were either 21 or [-], it was almost like cheating.

Even if he didn't move the cards all the way, the cards dealt to him are the biggest.

It's just weird.

"Why did this happen?" Everyone was a little bit in disbelief.

"Luck is also a part of strength, let's not get entangled in these details."

I heard that there is also a spinach center in Brussels. Do you want to cut and order vegetables after getting off the plane?

Shen Guanglin thought of being fascinated, and choked on the smoke when he turned his head.

The worst experience of flying in this era is someone smoking, because the environment in the cabin is closed, smoking alone will soon make everyone smell of smoke, which cannot be washed off.

"Professor Shen, how many times have you been on a plane? It seems that you are still a little uncomfortable."

Each owed Shen Guanglin 5-10 yuan, and everyone stopped playing cards, and started chatting aimlessly, accompanied by a teacher named Chen Runsheng who was familiar with Shen Guanglin and spoke more casually.

"How can I remember that, I often fly by plane, and what I can't stand is the smell of smoke."

Shen Guanglin has flown too many times. Even in the age of high-speed rail, it is still faster to fly to some places. As long as there are no large-scale infectious diseases, it is safe.

"As expected of a teacher at Peking University, the treatment is different. This is my first time flying. I didn't expect that I would be able to go abroad for the first time. It's like fulfilling two dreams at once."

Teacher Chen is almost 40 years old, and he is considered a "young school" in the prime of life. This time he was able to go abroad because he has a good relationship with Shen Guanglin.

"There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, just get used to it, keep at it, and you will get bored one day."

"Is it boring to fly? Impossible, just to see the beautiful stewardess, it's worth the fare."

Makes sense!
Needless to say, the quality of the stewardesses this year is really good. They are worthy of flying international flights. They are good-looking and high-quality, and they are good fantasy objects.

Many people watch flight attendants and have immature thoughts.

Sure enough, there is no lack of LSP in any era, and sex has nothing to do with the level of education.

At this time, the stewardesses came out with the dining car to deliver the food, and everyone was so hungry that they swallowed their saliva.

Mr. Chen was not idle while eating, and started to talk about business, because if he didn't talk about business, his body parts would not be doing business:
"Mr. Shen, are you ready for your speech topic? I heard that you are the second speaker in the main hall. It seems that the organizing committee attaches great importance to you."

In general international conferences, it is very important to have speakers in the main hall. Shen Guanglin can arrange the second keynote speech, which is considered one of the most important speakers. This is the treatment that Huaxia scientific research groups have never encountered before.

"They value it because I can tell stories. No matter how important the results are, they are not as important as being able to tell stories."

This is a well-known fact in later generations. A good job is not as good as a good story. Jobs told a good story, which made thousands of people suffocate. Lao Luo failed to tell the story, and he was in debt.

"Really?" Teacher Chen didn't quite believe it.

"of course it's true."

"Throughout the ages, there are too many people who like to tell stories. Not to mention the princes and generals who like to cut white snakes, let's take our famous steamed stuffed bun in Jinmen as an example. They have woven a good story."

"What's the story? Their buns are delicious, but unfortunately I only ate them once."

Shen Guanglin couldn't stand the fragrance.

"Let's talk about whether it's delicious or not. Their storytelling skills are really good, and the spokespersons they found are also quite good. But the question is, did Yuan Shikai really send this kind of buns to the Empress Dowager Cixi? Everyone will know after thinking about it." At the end of the Qing Dynasty, it took a whole day to travel from Jinmen to the capital, so the overnight steamed buns would still taste good. Besides, how could a person who eats a lot of food every day, be able to bear such greasy steamed buns.”

This is not only Shen Guanglin's understanding, he went to Jinmen this time to eat this steamed stuffed bun, it was not delicious.

It doesn't matter whether it's authentic or not. The steamed stuffed buns of this era are just as unpalatable, especially greasy. The inside is almost full of fat, and it's frighteningly oily.

And precisely, this kind of steamed stuffed bun is the most suitable for people's demand for meat in this era, so that's why they think it is delicious.

"Isn't it good to have oil?" Teacher Chen really didn't understand.

Shen Guanglin didn't know how to answer, he couldn't talk about the changes in diet structure.

The age background is different, the growth experience is different, and the conclusions drawn are different.

When everyone can get tired of fat, it will probably be after 2000.

No wonder people who fly in this era don't think that the food on the plane is not bad, because their dishes are really full of oil and water.

From this, it spread out: "Do you think I am a vegetarian?" It means that I can eat meat, so I am very powerful.

There is another sentence: "dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground", not because of how delicious donkey meat is, but because it is rich in oil and fragrant.

What is really delicious is dog meat.

There is an idiom in ancient times called "selling dog meat under the guise of a sheep".In fact, it does not necessarily mean that dog meat is cheap, nor is it because traders want to use dog meat as mutton. After all, everyone can still tell what is mutton and what is dog meat.Another reason for doing this is that the skinned dog's head is particularly terrifying, and it cannot arouse people's desire to buy it. It is much gentler to hang a sheep's head.

I went to sleep after eating, and when I woke up, I was already in Copenhagen.

(End of this chapter)

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