Start with a college teacher

Chapter 251 Picking Up Soap

Chapter 251 Picking Up Soap

The little mermaid's name is Wang Mengmeng. She said that she is from Xiangjiang, but her accent is wrong.

"Hi everyone, I'm the translator temporarily hired by the organizing committee, and I'm also your tour guide for the past few days. If you have anything to do, you can contact me. My name is Wang Mengmeng. You can also call me Mengmeng directly."

"Mengmeng, stand up!" Shen Guanglin couldn't help laughing.

"You are Professor Shen, I'm already standing, are you saying I'm short?" The little girl was still a little unhappy.

This Mengmeng is indeed not tall, about 1 meters to less than 55 meters. She looks cute, with straight and long hair, and exquisite facial features. It must be Wu Afan's dish.

However, although this little girl is small and exquisite, she still looks a bit fierce, her breasts are fierce, and she is very imposing.

"It's too impolite for you professor to laugh at someone's height for the first time."

Mengmeng pouted, it's too cute, the old nerd must not be able to stand this posture.

Shen Guanglin quickly explained: "Student Wang Mengmeng, I'm not laughing at you, really. I have a mare named Xiao Qiao at home. She gave birth to a foal, and my friends named the foal Mengmeng. Because Mengmeng was not born well, so everyone is very concerned about its growth, and the one thing they often say is: Mengmeng, stand up!"

"Mr. Shen's family can still raise horses. Don't you have enough food in mainland China? My family also raises horses, but I didn't name them. Let's discuss horse classics some other day." Unrestrained, Shen Guanglin explained, and she didn't take it to heart.

Shen Guanglin didn't know how to answer this question. The problem of food and clothing has not been solved in the country, and it is true that he really can't afford tea eggs. This is not 2020, and he can't fight back if he is ridiculed.

It has to be said that Xiao Jiang's economic policies after he came to power are still acceptable, which has greatly promoted the development of Wanwan's economy.

"Student Mengmeng, what do you do at home?"

Shen Guanglin was talking to the girl while getting on the bus, and he didn't want to cause fearless disputes, and it didn't make sense to reveal her identity.

"My family runs a plastic factory."

"Selling plastic flowers? Isn't that done by the surname Li? Li Jiacheng has changed his career to real estate now, right?"

"No, my family is a raw material supply factory that produces PVC raw materials. There is also a refinery at home. I don't know what kind of business it does. My father is in charge. You know who my father is, right? "

It is estimated that with a few more sentences, it will be possible to figure out how many people are in her family and where they live.

But Shen Guanglin didn't want to know more about her, after all, it was just a chance encounter.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but she is still a rich second-generation daughter."

Shen Guanglin is not interested in knowing more about the Wanwan refinery. No matter how much money her family has, she will definitely not be richer than herself in the future.

"That's right. I didn't come to volunteer for money. The main reason is that Professor Shen, your reputation is relatively well-known. Everyone knows that China has produced an excellent physicist. You are also one of the most important guests at this meeting. , so I want to see what you look like in advance."

Wang Mengmeng is full of arrogance and style, and she doesn't hide her money. Shen Guanglin saw the platinum necklace around her neck at a glance, and it has been flowing into the ditch, but he doesn't know whether it is deep or not. The down jacket is too thick, so I can't see more .

"Then you finally saw me today, handsome or not?"

Shen Guanglin found a place to sit down, and Wang Mengmeng sat next to him.

"Well, I see, you are quite handsome, like the TV drama idol Qin Han, you look so young and well maintained, are you 40 years old this year?"

Wang Mengmeng was a bit hesitant to ask this question. She felt that Shen Guanglin was only 30 years old at most, but a 30-year-old university professor was too scary. A 40-year-old is a more appropriate number.

A group of people started laughing, and Lao Chen's mouth cramped from laughing.

Mouth cramping is facial paralysis!

Shen Guanglin didn't know what to say, he was only 25 years old, 25!

"Why, did I say something wrong? Professor Shen looks very young, and he has a good figure. It looks like he has been exercising regularly. He must have abdominal muscles."

"Xiao Shen, do you have a deputy?" Old Chen laughed so hard that he almost lost his breath.

"Yes, six." Shen Guanglin replied sullenly.

It was Yang Ling who rescued Shen Guanglin in the end. She had endured this girl for a long time, and said:
"Mengmeng girl, Teacher Shen is only 25 years old this year, not 40 years old. He is the most talented and accomplished physicist in our country. He became famous at a young age."

Wang Mengmeng's eyes widened and she looked even cuter.

"You are so young!"


"Young, handsome, and scientific research achievements, I want to marry you, and my father will definitely not object." The Wanwan girl is really bold and dares to say anything.

This girl talked too much, Shen Guanglin didn't want to take it anymore.

"You are 25 years old, I am 17 years old, you are only 8 years older than me, and you will get rich from all directions! What a suitable age, what is your zodiac sign? I am Aries."

"I am a black sheep, and it is a black goat. The black goat in Yingshan is the best. The meat is fresh and tender, and it is delicious and less smelly."

"No, I'm talking about zodiac signs and twelve zodiac signs. Just tell me what month you were born on. I'll help you calculate, but let's talk about the Gregorian calendar." After speaking, Wang Mengmeng began to check Hitachi. The title page of her notebook It is the printed constellations and monogatari.

Shen Guanglin was helpless, this girl must have talked too much: "What do you want to calculate?"

"Let's figure out if we're a good fit."

"Not suitable."


"You're too young. I'm not Wu Afan, I don't like small ones."

"Who is Wu Afan? I'm not young, I'll be here soon, I can fall in love freely when I get there, even if I go to open a house, my father doesn't care about me, my birthday is on April 4th, and it's been less than two months. "

"Your family is really enlightened, but the young ones don't necessarily depend on their age."

There are members of the domestic delegation, and Shen Guanglin really doesn't want to talk to her any more.

On the contrary, the domestic group members listened with gusto. Fortunately, Wang Mengmeng is not from China. He grew up in a capitalist society, so it is understandable for him to be open-minded.

The girl understood what he said about how young she was, so she stopped talking. It seemed that the real situation was really not serious.

When the car arrived, Mengmeng got excited again. This was her job.

She first took everyone to the hotel to check in, and then gave everyone the room card.

Shen Guanglin lived in a business suite, and the others had a standard single room, but the two ladies had a double room.

"There are requirements in Belgium. Men are not allowed to live in the same room. Men and women can live in mixed rooms or girls can share rooms."

Shen Guanglin understood in seconds, but the others did not.

"Why?" Old Chen didn't understand.

Shen Guanglin rushed to answer, "There is no reason, I am afraid that the soap will slip off my hands when I take a shower."

"Just pick it up."

(End of this chapter)

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