Chapter 252 Fishing
The content of Shen Guanglin's speech is actually a scientific research idea.

After all, it was just an ordinary international conference, and there was no need to produce heavyweight scientific research results. He was here to "fish".

Shen Guanglin encountered a bottleneck in the development of the Symmetry Breaking Laboratory of Capital University, and he came to Europe to see if there were any others willing to pay or cooperate with him.

It can be regarded as finding a breakthrough.

Since he conquered Fusang and Xinjiapo, he wanted to find a base and foothold in Europe, which would be convenient for him to carry out some scientific research and conduct some business dealings.

The Eagle Country doesn't think about it, it's a closed island country with no future.

There are not many people who can really choose, and the four stupid pig countries don't have to think about it. Basically, France and Germany are the only ones that can really cooperate, and only these two countries are rich in economy and advanced in technology.

However, if Shen Guanglin wants to develop his business in China and import some high-end and durable equipment, Germany is a better choice.

Isn't Shorts Brothers a production line imported from Germany in the late 80s? As a result, Huaxia developed, but the headquarters died.

Amid applause, Shen Guanglin's speech ended smoothly.

He was well-prepared and even made a live demo.

As a PPT master, he does not lack the means and ability to tell stories.

Shen Guanglin's introduction point is that he liked to play with magnets when he was a child. He often took the magnets to the river to attract iron sand, and separated them with paper, so that the iron sand could slide on the paper.

It was one of his few childhood toys.

In fact, Shen Guanglin's real childhood was not a magnet. His childhood was Transformers, tin frogs, jumping flags, and watching widows take a bath.

"Watching a widow take a bath" is just an adjective. His childhood is already in the 21st century. Where did the widow come from?

The display props of "Nanotechnology and Modern Medicine" are not complicated. A water container made of glass is sprinkled with suspended colored nanopowder. Other substances of iron powder.

Just like a magician in the Spring Festival Gala who can direct goldfish to swim in a fixed direction, Shen Guanglin took the magnetic field formed by the magnet and quickly delivered the drug suspended in the "blood" to the lesion.

After all, it is just a demonstration of the principle, but everyone has already understood the truth.

It is indeed a good idea, and it is very meaningful to use in medicine.

Before the host came to the stage, some scholars had already stood up and started asking questions: "Professor Shen, I have a question."

Not to be outdone, the other people also shouted loudly on the other side: "I have problems too."

At this time, the host needs to control the field.

The host stood up, tapped the microphone and said, "Everyone, please wait a moment. Let's let Mr. Shen rest for a while. We have a regular questioning session."

Yang Ling also brought the tea prepared for Shen Guanglin in advance. This was personally instructed by the head of the group. Our comrades have worked hard on the speech, so we should drink a cup of tea to moisten our throats.

In winter, mineral water is really not easy to swallow, but strong tea is more enjoyable.

Everyone in the audience is studying biophysics. Everyone finds the concept proposed by Shen Guanglin very interesting, but they don't know whether it is useful or not.

However, Shen Guanglin was not ready to answer their questions. His focus was on Manstein. Only by capturing him could he realize his plan.

After a 10-minute break, the questioning session still started. Shen Guanglin directly clicked on Manstein: "Professor Manstein, the content of your speech just now is very good. I didn't expect you to stay to listen to my speech."

Manstein did raise his hand, but he didn't stand up, but he didn't expect Shen Guanglin to call his name, and he was a little unprepared.

"Shen, have we met before?"

"Yes, we all came out of the same preparation room. I saw that you have been preparing the content of the speech, so I didn't bother you. Do you have any questions?" Shen Guanglin smiled, showing eight teeth.

Manstein's research direction "photobiophysics" is a niche category, and not many people study it. Shen Guanglin does not know anything about it, but he also knows very little.

However, he still exerted his greatest supervisory initiative and was ready to fool Manstein.

"Professor Shen, I understand the topic of your speech. Using nano-magnetic materials as guiding agents is indeed a good development direction, but how long will it take to put it into practical application? Do you have a plan?"

The Germans are rigorous, and they have to bring a schedule to do everything.

"No, and there won't be. I won't continue to study this aspect in the future." Shen Guanglin answered directly without any hesitation.

There was an uproar in the audience.

"Why?" This is the question everyone wants to ask.

It is natural to explain. Shen Guanglin wanted to put himself in a better position, so he pondered for 15 seconds before answering:
"I don't know if you know me, but I'm a theoretical physicist. Discovering problems, summarizing laws, and proposing hypotheses are the jobs I'm good at. When it comes to specific application research and development, it doesn't mean that I can't do it. However, this is for As far as the scientific and technological community is concerned, if my research topic is too detailed, it will really be a waste of time, so that there will be no time to explore and discover other unknown technologies, and this will be a greater loss to the scientific and technological community.”

The role of his existence is to discover more unknowns, rather than entangled in specific affairs.

Although the people in the audience may not agree with it, they can't find a reason to refute it.

Professor Manstein continued: "I study photobiophysics. You have covered a wide range of fields. Do you have any suggestions for me?"

In the field of photobiophysics, Shen Guanglin only knows about photosynthesis and the formation of animal vision, and is blind to the rest.

At this time, you have to use your brains to think about a major scientific and technological achievement in the future.

There will be many major scientific and technological achievements in the future, and it is a good direction to choose from the Nobel Prize winners.

Shen Guanglin pondered for a longer time, and there was something. He said: "I don't know too much about your research, but it's not that I don't have suggestions. I think the light energy conversion of halophilic bacteria is a good direction. Halobacteria Bacteria can perform photosynthesis through rhodopsin, and the substance produced is not oxygen, it should be ATP, which is adenosine triphosphate, and you may be able to study the mechanism of ATP synthesis through it."

The enzymatic mechanism of ATP synthesis is the scientific achievement that John Walker won the Nobel Prize in 1997. Shen Guanglin perfectly combined it with photobiophysics.

Manstein was shocked immediately, he was sensitive to find that this direction is really good!

Adenosine triphosphate is the energy currency in all living organisms, and it will be promising to make breakthroughs from this aspect!

At this time, he was too excited to speak: "Shen, you, why did you say it, this research is an extremely important scientific research achievement, and it is the world's top."

Shen Guanglin spread his hands, "I have too many top research directions in the world, but I don't have so much energy and money to do these researches."

"I have, I have funding, and I can get research funding. Would you like to join me? We at the Free University of Berlin are the most generous about sharing spirit." Manstein's eyes already had the meaning of longing.

Shen Guanglin made his research ideas public, so Manstein may not be the only one engaged in this research, but Manstein believes that he is definitely ahead of others if he can cooperate with Shen Guanglin.

As for sharing results, what does it matter? The premise of sharing must be results.

In fact, since World War II, the University of Berlin has been divided into two schools. The one in West Germany is called the Free University of Berlin, and the one in East Germany is called the Humboldt University of Berlin. Both are world-renowned schools.

The University of Berlin is the first new university in the world that integrates scientific research and teaching. It has a very glorious history and is known as the "mother of modern universities".

Einstein, Hegel, Marx, etc. have all taught or studied here.

This school has produced 55 Nobel Prize winners, and it is also feasible to cooperate with their school.

Shen Guanglin did not refuse: "Cooperation is possible, but I don't know German, only English."

"It doesn't matter, we use English throughout the work, which does not affect communication."

"When are you going to start?"


The more they chatted, the more excited they were, and they used up all the time for asking questions.

The others couldn't get in the conversation, so they could only stare blankly off the stage.

In the end, the local aborigines suggested that Professor Shen Guanglin choose another opportunity to give another lecture. After all, the audience was too enthusiastic and had accumulated too many questions.

Free University of Brussels offered a venue and invited Shen Guanglin to give a lecture.

Lectures are not for nothing, the market price is 5 US dollars per class.

(End of this chapter)

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