253 Genius
Shen Guanglin's first stop was the Berlin Wall.

Not the ruins, but the complete Berlin Wall.

Standing upstairs, one can clearly see that the side of East Germany is heavily guarded, and there is no-man's land tens to hundreds of meters in the middle.

Seriousness and romance coexist here.

The Berlin Wall on the West German side is full of graffiti, with slogans that Shen Guanglin can't understand; the East German side is very simple, even a bit desolate, except for the no-man's land in the middle, there are barbed wire fences, which are heavily guarded.

The Berlin Wall is not high, and it is not difficult to cross it. The difficulty is how to cross this no-man's land.

In fact, the movie does not have the shock of reality. The wall is so long that you can't see the edge in two directions.

Some people say that since the Berlin Wall is a wall, it is enough to bypass the suburbs.

Let’s be honest, it’s a circle that surrounds West Berlin.

After Wang Mengmeng got off the train, she followed Shen Guanglin, and Shen Guanglin also acquiesced in her existence. The journey was lonely, and it was good to have a companion.

The destination of their trip was the University of Berlin, also known as the Free University of Berlin.

The Freie Universität Berlin and the Humboldt University of Berlin are from the same school, just like Tsinghua University in Beijing and Tsinghua University in Hsinchu, they are two universities split from the same school.

The Free University of Berlin was established in West Berlin in 1948 with the support of the United States, Britain and other Western camps by some teachers and students from the former University of Berlin.

"True, Fair, Free" is the motto of Liberty University.

The Durham area where Liberty University is located arrived, got out of the car, and Shen Guanglin stretched his body to relieve the fatigue of the journey.

"Will you stay in a hotel later, will you only open one room?" Mengmeng asked very boldly.

"Do you want to?" Shen Guanglin turned his head, showing Xiaoming's charming smile.

No matter how tough the girl was, she couldn't take it anymore. After all, she was still waiting for outsiders in front of Manstein. Mengmeng pursed her lips: "I can do it!"

Shen Guanglin smiled again, but did not respond.

Manstein took Shen Guanglin to a hotel near the school to check in. As for the rest of the itinerary, we will discuss it later.

Of course, there were two rooms. Shen Guanglin knew about girls like Wang Mengmeng, the king with a strong mouth, and a bronze in actual combat.

Seeing that there were two rooms, the girl also breathed a sigh of relief, but there seemed to be some disappointment in it.

"Don't you dare?" Wang Mengmeng, who got the room card, was very arrogant, running around with the suitcase, while making a provocative expression.

"It's not that you don't know which room I live in. If you touch it, I won't resist."


It's still early, so it's okay to go around the campus.

The campus of the Free University of Berlin is very large and there are many people. There are almost no oriental faces.

Standing here, Shen Guanglin felt a bit out of place, but what he was thinking was: I am here to conquer this place!I have come, I have seen, I have conquered!
Next came a visit to Manstein's laboratory.

As expected of Gou Ri’s wealthy family, the conditions are really good, and all kinds of instruments and equipment are the latest and best in this era, and some things are still in use even in 2020.

In September last year, two scientists from IBM, Binnig and Roller, invented the world's first scanning tunneling microscope.

Now, it has actually appeared in the laboratory of the Free University of Berlin.

It is really enviable to have such a good tool.

"Shen, how is it? This set of microscopes was installed only last month, and it is the third one in the world. The whole of Asia doesn't have it yet."

Manstein did have reasons to be proud of. With such a microscope, anything he studied could be published in a magazine.

This is the same as after the construction of the particle collider is completed, any experiment can be published in top journals. You have advantages that others do not have, and any small point is a lead.

Shen Guanglin also wanted to own a scanning tunneling microscope, but he also knew its shortcomings.

In later generations, he used this thing until he felt sick, and it was really inconvenient to operate.

"The thing is very good, and you can even manipulate atoms, but it's not very easy to use."

"Every good thing has a barrier to use." Manstein is still arrogant.

"Well, I agree with your point of view. You see, this chamber needs a high vacuum, right? Does it need to be purged and vacuumed repeatedly? Also, like noise, low-frequency vibration, high-frequency vibration, electrical noise, low-temperature Dewar How to solve the vibration caused by it?"

This question is very professional, and Manstein was immediately stopped by asking it.

Because the imaging quality of TM is highly dependent on the state of the needle tip, and the state of the needle tip is often uncontrollable, which almost falls into the category of metaphysics.

Even in later generations, since this problem has not been well resolved, five top research groups can even recommend ten best methods for needle tip treatment.

"Shen, you are amazing, do you have any good suggestions?" Manstein no longer hesitated, he asked honestly.

Shen Guanglin also took advantage of the situation and mentioned several very common methods of dealing with needle tips.

"Shen, you are such a genius! You Chinese people are all geniuses."

Shen Guanglin felt that he was swearing, but there was no proof.

It wasn't until dinner that he really met a genius from China.

During dinner time, Manstein's colleague Lucas called his student, Zhang Shousheng, a talented student from China.

There are four joys in life, among them is encountering an old friend in a foreign land.

Shen Guanglin and Zhang Shousheng did not know each other before, and this was the first time they met in their lives.

After all, they are compatriots from China, and they should be kind. The two chatted very warmly, especially since everyone is engaged in physics. Zhang Shousheng had heard of Shen Guanglin's heroic deeds and admired them very much.

Shen Guanglin said very self-confidently, it was all trivial.

Then, Shen Guanglin also asked about his past.

Don't ask, don't know, I'm startled when I ask.

This is true genius!Novel dare not write like this.

Zhang Shousheng was born in Shanghai in February 1963;
Being smart since childhood, good academic performance is just the basic quality of a genius, nothing.

The really powerful thing is the college entrance examination. In 1978, without going to high school, 15-year-old Zhang Shousheng was directly admitted to the Physics Department of Fudan University.

This year's subject is not difficult, but it is not easy to be admitted to Fudan University, especially since he has not yet attended high school.

In 1979, because of his excellent academic performance, he was sent as an exchange student to the Free University of Berlin for further studies. This year he was only a sophomore.

When he arrived at the Free University of Berlin, he did not delay his academic performance and language learning. Just over a year later, that is, in 1980, he had graduated from university and started to study for a master's degree.

In other words, in 1978, he was only a junior high school student, and in 1980, he had already graduated from college.

Now, Zhang Shousheng is studying with Lucas in graduate school. He is about to graduate and has written several good articles. The research topic is about the quantum spin Hall effect.

This is Shen Guanglin's specialty. When it comes to quantum Hall effect, he is the No.1 in the world today!
I really didn't expect that the two of them had such an intersection.

"Have you brought your paper?"

"Bring it, I heard that you are coming, I have already prepared the paper."

Shen Guanglin flipped through the thesis, and found that there was nothing wrong with the point of view, and the process of argumentation was also remarkable. It can be seen that Student Zhang has real materials.

How could there be such a genius!
This is the first time Shen Guanglin feels that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

"It's a pity that you don't do scientific research. You can hang out with me in the future, brother, and I will take you flying." Shen Guanglin is eager for talents.

He didn't know that Zhang Shousheng would be a tenured professor at Stanford, an academician of Citigroup, and an angel investor. If he didn't commit suicide due to depression, he would be a sure winner in life.

Now Zhang Shousheng is not yet 20 years old, but he is about to graduate. Faced with Shen Guanglin's invitation, Zhang Shousheng hesitated.

"However, I have already agreed to do a Ph. D."

"Who? Where?"

Hearing that someone was robbing him of talents, Shen Guanglin became furious.

"When I went to Citigroup to study for a Ph. D., the teacher who took me was also from Huaxia, that is, the Nobel laureate Yang Zhenning."

(End of this chapter)

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