Chapter 254 Combat
Shen Guanglin never thought that there would be a day when he would be compared with Yang Zhenning.

How does he compare with Professor Yang, what is he worse than others.

It is true that Yang Zhenning won the Nobel Prize, but Shen Guanglin is right. He has many Nobel-level achievements in his hands, and it will be a matter of time before he wins the Nobel Prize.

Shen Guanglin doesn't think about anything else now, he just looks forward to when he is 82 years old.

When Shen Guanglin returned to the hotel room, he just turned on the TV, and before he could find the golden hair paradise, Xiao Haitang knocked on the door.

"Mr. Shen, shall we go out to play?"

Shen Guang Lin Xin said, what fun is there to go out, it's fun in the room, and there are free small balloons.

"Are you so courageous? It's late at night, you won't be able to get out if you come in."

Lonely men and widows, in a foreign country, alone in a room, some wonderful atmosphere has been brewing in the air.

"What am I afraid of? If you want me, you have to marry me, or I will make trouble at your embassy."

Mengmeng is not only cute, but also fierce.

This move is very powerful, if it explodes, it will kill Shen Guanglin socially.

Just because of this attitude, he really didn't dare to provoke her casually.

You are awesome, I am convinced.

Shen Guanglin put on his clothes and went out to enjoy the nightlife of West Berlin.

West Berlin is jointly managed by four countries, and there are armed patrol cars on the street, but the nightlife is still very rich, and even the patrolling soldiers have to participate in it when they are off duty.

Even though the weather is still cold now, it still can't stop people's enthusiasm for carnival.

There is a nightclub near the school, which is actually very similar to the kind of KTV popular in China in later generations.

Beer, electronic music, West Berlin's late-night food stalls and nightclubs are all blurred.

Of course, in the future, KTVs in China will no longer be popular, and the people who go in and consume are middle-aged and elderly people, and their spending power is not enough.

At that time, the post-90s were considered middle-aged, and the post-80s were already old people.

Since they don't like to go to KTV for consumption, everyone has turned to hot spring health clubs.

The clubhouse is a good place, and the ones with young models are the best.

When it comes to young models, Shen has a great say.

In this age, I can only think about it.

Shen Guanglin took Wang Mengmeng to a sports bar, and sports is the theme here.

There are still many people playing table tennis here, coming and going, and skilled.

It turns out that the table tennis culture of the Germans is not bad, and they have learned a lot.

Born in the country of table tennis, Shen Guanglin's table tennis skills are not good. He is better at bowling.

Then change to a bowling ball, the cute girl said that she is also a good bowling ball.

Shen Guanglin didn't believe it. Her ball was at most the size of a ping pong ball, and it had nothing to do with bowling.

After opening a bowling alley, the two officially kicked off after a simple warm-up.

There is no sense of experience.

Facts also proved Shen Guanglin's strength. Compared with Shen Guanglin, Mengmeng was at the level of a beginner.

At the end of the game, even though it was winter, the two of them were a little sweaty.

The result is not discussed, otherwise it is insulting.

"How do you practice so well?"

The cute girl's face was flushed, and she was quite attractive in this state.

"It's talent." Shen Guanglin replied confidently, because his coaches didn't exist yet, and he was self-taught.

"The devil believes you!"

"You don't understand the world of genius."


Not only Wang Mengmeng doesn't understand the world of geniuses, even Shen Guanglin doesn't understand it either.

The students of Capital University are also considered geniuses, and there are many outstanding monsters among them, but none of them are as outstanding as this student Zhang Shousheng.

He was learning things so fast, it was unbelievably fast, even faster than the Big Hadron.

Moreover, this guy is not only a physics genius, but also a language genius.

I don't speak Chinese, German and English are very good, and I can even write papers by hand.

Shen Guanglin is proud of his thesis writing ability, in his place
Still much stronger than him!
After all, this is Shen Guanglin's eating skill.

It was only on that day that I encountered a plug-in.

Hang than win.

This is why Shen Guanglin can be a university professor, while Zhang Shousheng is only a student.

There are also routines in writing essays. This Zhang Shousheng understands a little bit, but his writing is still not as good as Shen Guanglin's. This is also a fact.

After Shen Guanglin's guidance, Xiao Zhang felt that he had gained a lot and made rapid progress.

During this period, Shen Guanglin also spared no effort to sell his laboratory to him: "You have to go back to your country after your academic achievement. It is not easy for our country to train a talent. Only when you go back will you have better development."

Xiao Zhang has nothing to disagree with, but he doesn't know how to explain to Lao Yang. After all, he has agreed to be his student, and Lao Yang has already helped him run the scholarship.

"How about you stay in Berlin to study for a Ph.D.? I'll come here to be a professor and recruit you as my Ph.D. student."

"let me think again."

Anyway, there is still a year before graduation, so you can think about it slowly.

However, the establishment of Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University finally has a good place, and the new member is Xiao Zhang—classmate Zhang Shousheng.

The salary will not be very high, but the bonus can be very high.

"Are you afraid that you won't have money to study? Let me help you earn ten years of tuition in two weeks."

Xiao Zhang doesn't believe it, he hasn't developed money-making skills yet, and work-study programs are not popular in Germany.

Just do it!

Shen Guanglin's lecture skills are on!
Let's start from West Berlin and go around Germany, namely the Free University of Berlin, the University of Munich, the Technical University of Munich, the University of Hamburg, the RWTH Aachen University, and the University of Heidelberg.

Shen Guanglin sent the content of his speech, and the other party immediately agreed.

Germans are very practical, if you have something to say, I will especially welcome you.

6 well-known schools were finalized in one go, and the expected income is 100 million marks, so I can finally do a lot of things.Shen Guanglin, an oriental scholar, has come, and he has brought the world's top physical theory, so everyone has to pay attention to it.

A lesson worth 15 marks is worth listening to carefully.

After setting up the research topic on halophilic bacteria, Shen Guanglin decided to start his own concert tour.

The first stop is naturally the Free University of Berlin.

Now Shen Guanglin has two assistants, one is Wang Rui, a little girl who wants to warm the bed, and the other is Zhang Shousheng, a genius in physics.

Men and women match, work is not tired.

What a comfort to have a good assistant!

The first lecture ended successfully, and it talked about nanotechnology again. This hot topic can last a lifetime.

At the end of the lecture, Xiao Zhang was in charge of writing the summary report. He remembered exactly what Shen Guanglin said, what opinions he raised, and what questions the audience asked.

Even, for some points of view, he also gave his own opinions.

That's great, it has potential!

Shen Guanglin liked Xiao Zhang even more.

Before the next stop of the tour started, Manstein told Shen Guanglin the bad news.

John Walker of the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology at the University of Cambridge, who is working on adenosine triphosphate.

John Walker? The 1997 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, what is he going to do?
Is it about to have a science fair?

Shen Guanglin's fighting heart broke out immediately.

"If we conduct a scientific research competition with them, will our funds be sufficient?"

Manstein replied confidently: "There is no problem. There is no upper limit on funding. As long as there are results, there will be funding."

What else to say, let's fight!

(End of this chapter)

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