Start with a college teacher

Chapter 255 Project Opening

Chapter 255 Project Opening

"The Analects of Confucius Duke Ling of Wei" said: If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools;
"Sun Tzu's Art of War" said: Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, this is what Shen Guanglin is currently doing.

Let's not mention the opponent's conditions and advantages for the time being, but one's own conditions and advantages should be clearly understood in advance.

It is not advisable to fight blindly without inquiring about the conditions on your own side.

And to carry out scientific research competitions, research funding is ranked first.

No money, nothing to talk about.

If you don't have money, you won't be able to pick up girls with good quality, and your own skills will be useless.

There is a saying: licking a dog for ten years is nothing, and a luxury car is your husband.

So renting a Rolls Royce can tire you out until your kidneys fail.

The problem of money came to Manstein to find a solution.

Manstein is a high-end scholar produced in West Germany, and he knows very well how to operate all these.

Therefore, it is not difficult at all to obtain research funding.

West Germany’s scientific research funds are divided into three sources: first, the state issues scientific research tasks, and you receive them; second, you have research topics and apply for funds from the state; third, you seek cooperation from companies.

These three points Manstein can easily meet the hard conditions, so he said that there is no problem with money, and there is no upper limit for everything.

If he didn't even have this ability, Shen Guanglin wouldn't ask him to cooperate, and he would turn around and go back to the country to play by himself. Anyway, he has no shortage of partners.

However, although research funding in Germany is easy to obtain, it needs to be used very regulated.

Researchers are not allowed to use scientific research funds for personnel expenses, wages and benefits and other matters not related to research.

Moreover, they are very stuck on all this, and they are also very strict in checking the whereabouts of funds.

Therefore, if a scholar like Shen Guanglin does research in Germany, if he is not a staff member of the school, it will still be a bit uncomfortable.

I don't know where the money for daily expenses comes from.

In order to achieve success, Shen Guanglin still made a compromise: for his people, the daily expenses are paid by himself.

In the name of Capital University, the two schools cooperate on an equal basis, and the scientific research results are also shared by the two.

When it comes to people, Shen Guanglin and Manstein are one and half, and honors are divided in half.

Everyone is very satisfied with this arrangement.

What Shen Guanglin likes is Germany's good scientific research conditions and Manstein's scientific research ability;
What Manstein liked was Shen Guanglin's good scientific research vision and scientific research ability.

In fact, he didn't know that Shen Guanglin's scientific research ability was questionable, he knew how to fish, he didn't know how to do scientific research, and he thought of it as soon as he thought it out.

Doing research in Germany is so rigid, money is easy to get, but not easy to spend.

Domestic research is just the opposite. Money is not easy to get, but easy to spend.

Moreover, the entire process of use is also lack of supervision. As long as the money is applied for, it is your own and can be used at will.

The second necessary condition for a scientific research competition is people.

Shen Guanglin studies physics, and Manstein studies biophysics. They still lack assistants to study chemistry and biology.

Fortunately, all of this is not difficult to solve. The Free University of Berlin is also a world-renowned university. It is not difficult to find a laboratory dog. Shen Guanglin is also planning to call Wu Xiaoyun to support him for a while.

Academic exchanges are good for everyone.

Academics know no borders, unless she doesn't want to come.

How could she not want to come? Not only she wants to come, Zhang Cheng also wants to come, this bald mathematician can also be of great use.

It seems that we still need to prepare money, and the national tour must continue, otherwise the whole group will have to drink the northwest wind.

The problem of talents is easily solved in this way, and the rest is the hardware conditions of the experiment and the choice of the subject.

The topic of experimental conditions has returned to research funding, and this point does not need to be considered in detail.

All that remains is to choose the subject.

The direction of the subject is naturally determined by Shen Guanglin, after all, he has "sight like a torch".

Shen Guanglin still had a symbolic discussion with Manstein, and they set the big subject on the macro proposition of "How ATP is Produced".

Manstein had no objection, he was already overwhelmed by Shen Guanglin's gaze.

Shen Guanglin did what he said.

The big goals are set, and the specific small goals are also simple:
That is the point at which the photosynthesis of halophiles was chosen to illustrate how the energy ATP is produced.

If there is still something unclear about this, then continue to start with other aspects of biology and deepen the research.

In fact, among all the research on ATP, it is the simplest and easiest to start with halophilic bacteria.

Others don't see this clearly, or even figure out that they can photosynthesize.

Shen Guanglin is a "prophet". If he chooses the research object, he wins at least half of the battle.

Halophilic bacteria are a class of archaea living in high-salinity environments, which can be divided into one family and six genera: Halobacterium, Halobacteria, Halobacteria, Halococcus, Halobacteria Alkalibacterium, Haloalkaliophilus.

Therefore, which type of halophilic bacteria to choose is another choice.

Since the Germans are rich, let's study each item for the time being, so that we can produce results faster.

Shen Guanglin has long known that halophilic bacteria contain purple membranes, and the main component of purple membranes is bacteriorhodopsin.

And bacteriorhodopsin can absorb light energy, and under the drive of light quantum, it enters the membrane through the channel of ATP synthase, so that it can synthesize ATP, the universal energy source of cells.

Here, rhodopsin is also a good research direction. Rhodopsin is a binding protein composed of retinal and opsin.

However, when doing scientific research, there is also a distinction between primary and secondary. Their current main research direction is the production and working mechanism of ATP, and everything else is trivial.

There is a saying: choice is more important than hard work, and platform is more important than ability.

Shen Guanglin has the ability to choose, so he can take the initiative.

Any research project Shen Guanglin chooses is someone else's research or will be researched in the future, and it will produce results.

Shen would never touch those long-standing unresolved scientific research topics.

Therefore, he didn't care where John Walker came from and what he wanted to study. Shen Guanglin only knew that this powerful man won the award in the end, probably because he had clearly studied the chemical composition and structure of catalytic enzymes.

That's the ultimate goal, and that's enough.

After the work framework is formulated, it will be enough to implement it step by step.

The domestic exchange researchers are still on the way to apply for visas, and it will take some time for the scientific research funds to be in place. Shen Guanglin also wants to take this opportunity to make a wave of money.

At least, let's earn the living expenses of Teacher Wu and his wife.

It can also be seen from this that Germany is really not friendly to foreign researchers.

The Money Raising Lecture is open again!
Shen Guanglin's second stop was Munich, because there are Munich duo: University of Munich and Technical University of Munich.

To be able to earn 30 marks in one go, this itinerary is very well arranged.

Munich is located in southern Germany and belongs to the state of Bavaria. It is the capital of Bavaria and hosted the Summer Olympics in 1972.

Of course, Munich is famous for its beer and football.

HB Munich Royal Beer cooperates with Yanjing Beer in China, so Yanjing and Qingdao are still direct competitors in terms of its origin in Germany.

Shen Guanglin has drank both of these brands, but they are not good. It is more enjoyable to go directly to Qingdao to drink draft beer and eat seafood.

Just get gout easily.

I really got gout, and I fell easily when I walked.

(End of this chapter)

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