Start with a college teacher

Chapter 256 Judgment

Chapter 256 Judgment

Shen Guanglin turned on the travel master mode and traveled all over West Germany with an assistant.

The little girl Wang Mengmeng went back halfway, and she still has her studies, so she can't stay here all the time.

However, before leaving, she said that she wanted to leave a surprise for Teacher Shen.

What surprise?Could it be a child?

Shen Guanglin didn't do anything, he was innocent.

Traveling in Germany was not pleasant. I was in a hurry every day, and I couldn't eat or sleep well.

Germany can’t say that there is no gourmet food. It’s better than the UK. They don’t have to eat fried fish nuggets every day. They are more famous for their salted pork knuckle and various sausages, but they get irritable if they eat too much. It’s difficult to eat domestic dishes, unless it is Go to the embassy.

Moreover, giving lectures to Germans is also a very boring thing.

They just sat quietly like that, neither talking nor making noise.

If it weren't for the piercing eyes that could see the desire to explore and seek knowledge, Shen Guanglin wouldn't even know if they were entrusted by the school.

At the end of a lecture, everyone took notes silently, and few people raised their hands to ask questions.

Shen Guanglin asked why, and their answers were also very interesting. They didn't fully understand, so they didn't dare to ask questions.

What's more, they are waiting for others to ask questions, and they can also learn from the answers.


It turns out that you also have a shy side, which subverts Shen Guanglin's cognition.

However, there was another thing that subverted Shen's cognition even more.

From trivial chats, I learned that young people in West Germany are also very envious of East Germany, and East Germany is not as useless as the West advertises.

Especially in summer, they dream of going to the beaches of East Germany for vacation.

Because the beaches of East Germany in summer are full of naked men and women, which is a beautiful landscape.

The culture of celestial bodies is deeply rooted in Germany. It was suppressed for a period of time during the Communist period, and it was revived after World War II.

Later historians and sociologists believed that nudism was the only free right of the East Germans, so they would persevere, and eventually the state power could make concessions.

Perhaps it was this spectacle of nudity that even fellow capitalist West Germans could not stand.

Hate it!But so envious!

In fact, the West German people with good welfare and high living standards only live in the West Berlin area. The living standards of the West German people in other places are not as good as advertised. This is why the East German people are crazy about jumping over the Berlin Wall. The reason.

After a round of tour, the money is in hand, and the living expenses and activity funds of the team members are available. Shen Guanglin feels that his legs are also thinner.

Now, he can finally understand why those actors said that they had worked hard when they ran road shows when those movies were released in later generations.

The journey is tiring, it is really a bit hard.

However, I finally earned money standing up, and earning money standing up is not ashamed.

By the time Shen Guanglin came back from the tour, all the people in the laboratory had already arrived.

Wu Xiaoyun and her bald man are adapting to the environment of the laboratory and learning how to use various instruments, and the scientific research funds that Manstein is in charge of have also been preliminarily in place.

Everyone is ready and waiting for Shen Guanglin's order to officially start this scientific research competition.

As an emerging country, West Germany still hopes to make progress and lead in science and technology, so they are very supportive of scientific research and innovation. The Free University of Berlin has also given various green lights to Manstein's scientific and technological research activities.

The advantage of this is that Shen Guanglin does not need to pay for it himself, and the school guarantees their basic necessities of life. Although the standard is not high, they can maintain a decent life.

The funds raised by Shen Guanglin can only be used temporarily for other purposes. It is impossible to donate to the laboratory, but it is possible to improve the lives of compatriots.

Now, it's also time to understand the enemy's situation, know yourself and the enemy, and make a proper plan and reasonable allocation of your own work.

John Walker, a British chemist, was born in Harfax, Yorkshire, England on January 1941, 1. He received a doctorate from Oxford University in 17 and entered the Medical Research Council Molecular Biology Laboratory of Cambridge University in 1969.

He has now published three papers on the working efficiency and working mechanism of adenosine triphosphate, and its molecular composition.

Shen Guanglin read the paper carefully, the content is detailed and has a certain reference value, but he is not sure what stage their research has reached now.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin himself is at the level of the second sword, so it is difficult to judge the opponent's true state.

"Let's get started, just be yourself."

Shen Guanglin and Manstein convened all the hands for a mobilization meeting.

The first step in scientific research is to find relevant literature.

In the era when the Internet was not yet popular, it was really not easy to find a literature search catalog.

Shen Guanglin is not a humanoid computer either. He doesn't know who is researching these things, what is the progress of others, how to confirm his own research direction on the basis of other people's research, and how to form his own arguments.

Without a database, everything has to be done manually.

The teams from the two countries still made a preliminary division of labor. Manstein's team searched for German periodicals and collection materials, while the Chinese team searched for English periodicals. Everyone worked together to find out all the materials that should be available.

Searching for information is the most time-consuming. Sometimes, a journal cannot be checked in a whole day.

Periodicals are generally monthly or semi-monthly, and there are 12 or 24 issues per year. It is not easy to find a journal that has published content in the past 5 years, and the number of pages has gradually increased.

If you really find a suitable article, take it for photocopying, and let the leader review it, it's time again.

A week has passed, and more and more data have been collected, which makes people's heads grow bigger.

Manstein also expressed his concerns appropriately, "We are still looking for information here. John Walker has been researching for so many years. Can we catch up with their progress?"

"Of course!"

"John Walker is just a person or a research team, and the purpose is not strong. They don't know what they want. We are different. We are purposefully making breakthroughs in this area, which is completely different. And the research tools and research methods are also different.”

"what's the difference?"

Of course there are differences. Shen Guanglin also came up with another research method, that is, he planned to take photos of TAP and its reaction enzymes, and conduct mathematical analysis based on the photos. This was the method used when DNA was discovered.

Of course, this photo is not an ordinary camera, but crystal X-ray diffraction technology, which is used to analyze various forms and parameters of protein molecules.

Research begins.

Halophilic bacteria are extremely easy to obtain. They are found in old pickles and some dead seafood. They are poisonous to eat and reproduce very quickly.

Wu Xiaoyun stood in the laboratory, watching the living conditions of halophilic bacteria with a transmission electron microscope, and sighed, "Mr. Shen, our laboratory also needs to have such an experimental instrument, otherwise it will be difficult for us to compete with them. "

Shen Guanglin could only sigh, "It seems that I still need to find some more money to come back. This study is over, and we have to have what they have."

"However, your laboratory is already the best laboratory in the country. Neither Beijing University nor the Chinese Academy of Sciences is as good as our laboratory. I also look at the height of the mountain."

No matter how high the mountain is, there are some things that should be bought, not only a transmission electron microscope, but also a scanning tunneling microscope.

For nothing else, it is worth buying just to study nanomaterials, because the next Nobel Prize-winning physical discovery is carbon 60, which is football ene.

Otherwise, what would Shen Guanglin do with money? Heaven and Earth hadn't opened yet, and if he had money, he would just spend it in the laboratory.

Shen Guanglin controls the direction, and Manstein is responsible for the daily operation.

When Lao Man posted the schedule, the foreigners didn't respond, but Wu Xiaoyun and Zhang Cheng from China were a little surprised.

Because, in Lao Man's working schedule, everyone has to work 11 hours a day, 6 and a half days a week.

This is the normal state of laboratory work. Compared with the researchers in the laboratory, 996 is really a blessing.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory did not do this. He was like herding sheep, and the sheep grazed at will.

The next time is herding time again.

Shen Guanglin came to the laboratory every day, playing with the electron tunneling scanning microscope every day, and did not pay attention to the progress of the experiment.

Even in the meeting, he didn't talk, just watched and watched how Manstein managed the laboratory, how he arranged the schedule, and how he coordinated social resources.

The work that Shen Guanglin participated in was to read the literature, read the outline, understand the progress of the experiment, and analyze the difficulties of the experiment.

It didn't take long for everyone to know that this physicist doesn't know much about biology, so don't ask him for details, but tell him the research data and various phenomena and let him make a judgment, but he didn't miss a case.

Of course, some judgments were made by Shen Guanglin by tossing a coin in his mind, but there was still nothing wrong.

This is talent, this is judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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