Chapter 259 Actors
Shen Guanglin has always been unafraid to speculate on people's hearts with the greatest malice.

Because the human heart is so unbearable to guess.

Sure enough, as expected by Shen Guanglin, Lucas "disappeared" the next day, probably because he went to Fusang.

In fact, if this matter happened to Shen Guanglin, he might try his luck.

It's just human nature.

Now, a set of "toys" that Shen Guanglin made a few days ago can finally come in handy.

Shen Guanglin declared to the public that he wanted to make a synthetic diamond device and produce absolutely pure carbon black.

The principle of the idea is also very simple, that is, the graphite electrode is vaporized by electricity, and then the powder is collected.

Shen Guanglin said that once this device is manufactured, the purity of the diamonds it produces will definitely be very high, and it can even challenge the purity level of natural diamonds.

Therefore, he was working on the arc chamber and the graphite electrode at the same time, looking like he was doing something.

All the abnormal things he did did not appear to be surprising at all.

At that time, Lucas was still very enthusiastic to help him, and he was very busy.

After all, although the experimental equipment "designed" by Shen Guanglin himself is very unreliable, it is not complicated, but the power consumption is a bit high.

Manstein's laboratory was going to do biological experiments, and it was not suitable for such "game-like" experiments.

Lucas was very generous. He was willing to lend a corner of his laboratory to Shen Guanglin, and the power load was sufficient.

Shen Guanglin expressed his gratitude, and Lucas humbly said no thanks, this is what he should do.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

In the evening, a group of people drank draft beer and watched Yanwu.

Now, Lucas is not in the laboratory because of "business trip", but it does not affect Shen Guanglin's use of his laboratory for "new" experimental projects.

Shen Guanglin first borrowed the vacuum pump of the vacuum scanning tunneling microscope to repeatedly evacuate the arc chamber, and then rushed into helium.

Helium is a good thing, and it is used in all inflatable balloons in later generations, because hydrogen balloons are flammable and explosive.

Moreover, helium gas is also widely used in later generations. Many precision instruments use it for leak detection and air tightness experiments, also called "helium leak detection".

After the helium is filled, the electrodes are energized through the transformer, and the arc reaction begins.

The two graphite electrodes approached slowly, the sparks brought lightning along the way, and the graphite rods began to gasify.

It didn't take too long, and there was a layer of soot on the wall of the arc chamber.

This is enough!

Power down, cool down.

Shen Guanglin took out the soot, made a smear, and put it on an electron microscope for diffraction scanning.

Very smooth!

A complete diffraction pattern appeared in front of him, it was soccerene C60!

Taking pictures, keeping files, and writing experimental records, all of these were operated by Shen Guanglin himself.

When Shen Guanglin fiddled with all this, he didn't attract other people's attention.

Everyone knew that no matter what Shen Guanglin did, he had to take a picture with an electron microscope, so no one took it to heart.

No one could have imagined that Shen Guanglin was making footballene, and that artificially making footballene was so simple.

People don't understand the joy of doing bad things with their heads covered.

Shen Guanglin resisted the desire to cheer, silently dismantled the experimental equipment, completed the paper, and mailed it out on the same day.

Shen Guanglin is now considered a very well-known first-class scholar in the international physics community, and is no longer an unknown person in the scientific research community.

Even if he submits a manuscript to "Science", he will receive preferential treatment, and the editor will arrange reviewers to review it as soon as possible.

At this time, Lucas was still on his way to Fusang.

The journey is long and sleepless.

Sitting on the plane, Lucas was so excited that he couldn't sleep, he calculated the data given by Shen Guanglin over and over again, it was perfect!
With such good data and such a good diffraction pattern, Shen Guanglin didn't even try to complete the final step while the iron was hot.

This is God's gift to him, Lucas, and if he doesn't take it, he will suffer retribution.

Occasionally, Lucas also sometimes felt that he seemed to be a thief, as if he was not ethical, and he was stealing the fruits of Shen's labor.

But what about him!

This is just a layer of window paper, and it depends on who can pierce it.

Because this image was first discovered by Fusang scientists, he went to Fusang this time to discuss and do research.

I believe that with his inspiration, it should be no problem for two people to share the results.

We are all scientific researchers, all for the advancement of science and technology, so what bad intentions can there be?

It can only be said that Shen is still too young, he must teach Shen a lesson and let him see the dangers of human nature.


Shen Guanglin didn't have much to do after mailing out the paper, because it was not difficult to study the physical and chemical properties of footballene, and he was not in a hurry. Shen Guanglin knew the results and had tendencies, so the experimental results would naturally meet expectations.

A long period of peace followed.

Lucas stayed in Fusang for more than two months and didn't come back. No one knows what he did in the past.

Now, Manstein's laboratory has finally achieved "significant" results on halophilic bacteria.

They have basically studied how halophilic bacteria carry out photosynthesis, and have confirmed this well through experiments.

This can be regarded as the completion of the first step in the study of ATP, with remarkable results.

Things like ATP are actually widely present in animals and plants. Now that the research on the bacteria stage is completed, it is enough to piece together a big paper.

At least, publishing "CELL" is a no-brainer.

Before doing the experiment, who would have known that this achievement would win the Nobel Prize.

However, with the phased results coming out, it can already be determined that it is really not a waste to invest scientific research funds in the topic proposed by Shen Guanglin.

Take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Shen Guanglin and Manstein began to formulate the next experimental plan.

The next step is to choose an animal. Frogs are a good subject to study.

This is also suggested by Shen Guanglin.

The next experimental plan is to study the release of ATP and the reaction of the enzyme during the frog's exercise.

In fact, the mechanism of ATP generation and release in animals has always been a hotspot.

Many people who study sports science also study it, so it will be easier to apply for funding at this stage.

Shen Guanglin and Manstein started from the point of the frog, which is a matter of course.

It's just that John Walker, who is far away in the UK, chose frogs as the research object. This is really just a "coincidence".

Shen Guanglin's paper was informed that the other party will publish it next month. The editor congratulated him and asked him to make minor changes to the paper.

At this point in the matter, Lucas still doesn't know anything, and he hasn't come back yet.

However, Shen Guanglin felt that his time in West Germany was worthwhile. In fact, it doesn't matter if the follow-up research on frogs has no results or the technological competition has failed.

Because Shen Guanglin has already made a major achievement that no one else knows about, and he just played it like playing.

Three months passed like this, Shen Guanglin's story was almost finished, and the samples of the magazine were all received, but Lucas hadn't come back yet.

But Li Rong is already coming.

The two were separated for several months, and they both missed each other very much.

In fact, Shen Guanglin didn't have much to do in the past three months, and he wasn't busy at all. He often went out to play, and it was like a wave.

When he is free, he will also choose to go to several universities to give lectures, and reap a wave of money by the way.

The rest of the time is just walking around and looking around.

He even went to observe the living standards of the East German people who were in "dire straits".

What else can it do, they are a developed country, the only developed country in the socialist camp.

The current East Germany is rich and the national welfare is good, but the reason why so many people still want to break through the barriers may be because they yearn for a better life.

West Germany, after all, is the land of blondes.

It is already June, and the opening day of the World Cup is not far away.

Shen Guanglin helped Li Rong apply for a visa and asked her to go to Spain to watch the World Cup together.

As for Manstein's experiment, it is now proceeding in an orderly manner according to the steps. The progress is not fast, but it is also in line with expectations.

Shen Guanglin can't help much, he can only give pointers in the general direction.

He has decided to return home after watching the World Cup.

(End of this chapter)

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