Start with a college teacher

Chapter 260 World Cup

Chapter 260 World Cup

haven't seen you for a long time.

Do you miss the next sentence?

There is a saying on Zhihu: "I haven't seen my girlfriend for a long time, but I don't miss her. Has my relationship faded?"

Really long time no see!
Shen Guanglin hadn't seen Li Rong for more than three months, and her sister Li Li hadn't seen her for almost a year.

Li Rong is not worried, but Li Li, if he doesn't guard his cabbage, he is a little afraid that other pigs will eat it.

Shen Guanglin didn't cheat at all. The little girl who said she would surprise her has never been seen again, and she doesn't know where the surprise she said is.

According to Shen Guanglin's imagination, classmate Wang Mengmeng would get him drunk and then molested him.

At this time, he pretended not to be sober, and stiffened slightly to show respect, so let it be.

When they met again, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong were still somewhat reserved, after all, this is a foreign country.

The politeness continued all the way to the hotel room.

This is another world.

Fortunately, the hotel has a large box of small balloons. The size is a bit large, but it can still be used when set up, and it can also delay time.

Use two at a time.

The next day, the guests in the next room all complained: their room was too noisy, what did they do, the sound insulation of your hotel is not good.

Of course, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong didn't do anything, they just checked each other's body.

Fortunately, the bodies of the two have not changed much.

Li Rong is not thin, but has a well-proportioned figure. She likes to exercise, and she still has a vest line in her lower abdomen.

Shen Guanglin's figure is not bad, although he doesn't have 8-pack abs, but he still has 4-pack.

Because, Shen Guanglin also likes sports very much now, this is a habit.

In fact, loving sports is also addictive.

When a person gets used to exercising, he will feel uncomfortable all over if he really stops, and even feel a little overwhelmed.

Shen Guanglin now has to get up every morning and run 5 kilometers, and also run [-] kilometers at night before going to bed.

Unless, I drank too much that day and couldn't run anymore.


The two of them hang out in the room all day, and the meals are delivered by calling the hotel.

The movie "Blonde Heaven" was playing on the TV. I have to say that the TV with the plot is still good. Although I can't understand it, I can understand it.

Li Rong watched the movie not suitable for children with great interest, and asked without beginning and end:
"Is the foreign lady here fun?"

"It's not fun at all. They don't look good, they have a lot of hair, their skin is also bad, and they have freckles on their faces. Some of them have body odor. The only advantage is that they are tall." In short, a bunch of reasons.

Shen Guanglin immediately reacted, and said: "What do you mean by this? Are you doubting me? Let me tell you, I am a handsome man who keeps his body like a jade, and I am more upright and courteous than Liu Xiahui. Teacher Wu Xiaoyun and Zhang Cheng can help me I testify that we live in one apartment, they live in one and I live in the other."

"Really? Then how do you know these messy things so carefully?"

"I heard, it's all just heard."

"Who said that?"

"Zhang Cheng!"

"Just know the sloppy mouth!"


In fact, what Shen Guanglin said was true. Most German women are not good-looking and look like men. On the contrary, German men are good-looking and there are many handsome men.

The really good-looking girls still have to go to Belarus, where there are so many beautiful women.

There are also beauties in Ukraine, Tymoshenko understand?
how old is she?


Since I have a house to live in, I don’t live in a hotel.

The apartment Shen Guanglin rented was very big, and he could cook for himself in it. Li Rong insisted that Mr. Shen would feed her.

Get up and settle down with dumplings, this is to celebrate her successful arrival.

Bringing his own woman with him, the next journey was indeed much happier.

They didn't go anywhere else, just wandered around Berlin.

Although it has suffered wars, historical and cultural relics are still there. Although many of them were restored after World War II, they still feel a bit vicissitudes.

During the few days when Li Rong was a guest in Berlin, they visited every corner worth visiting.

Although Berlin is only one city, it belongs to two countries, so they visited two countries in a row.

Now, they have been to both West Germany and East Germany, and the euphemistic name is: Caifeng.

Shen Guanglin even suggested that Li Rong should go to the seaside of East Germany to have a look, the scenery there is better.

In fact, there is no need to go to the beach, just the lake.

There are also special nude clubs in East Germany. After you join the club, they will organize regular activities. I heard that an aunt named Merkel was also a frequent visitor to this club when she was young.

"Do you want to come to Germany to study? I am already very familiar with the Free University of Berlin, and I can help you find a place to study abroad."

Shen Guanglin also asked casually. If Li Rong said she was willing to come, then he would tell her that someone Shen was going back to China.

In the end, Li Rong answered firmly: "No! I don't want to go abroad. After graduation, I still want to be a civil servant. Going out will be affected."

This was Li Rong's first time talking about dreams, and Shen Guanglin was surprised, it's only been three months since we last met.

"Do you want to be an official so much?"

"Not really. Grandpa wants me to be an official. After all, I'm the only decent granddaughter in the family."

"Is your sister not serious?"

"She went to Fusang to study abroad. Those who have studied abroad may be brainwashed by foreign countries. Therefore, there is no hope for international students to do scientific research and politics."

It seems that Li Rong has a thorough understanding.

In later generations, those who entered politics and were promoted smoothly, most of them did not have a background in studying abroad.

"I have stayed in school, are you talking about me?"

"You too."

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin never thought of going into an official career. The road ahead is difficult and dangerous, and the official career is not easy.

Let's just talk about Fengyue.


There are only three days until the opening of the World Cup, Li Rong is asking every day when we are going to Spain, Shen Guanglin did not answer.

Because, at this time, Lucas hasn't come back yet, and they haven't found football ene yet.

Shen Guanglin had been waiting for him for a long time, but he just couldn't come back.

Without his testimony, this matter is a bit incomplete, or else, after the World Cup, I will go to Fusang by myself.

Could it be?Didn't their research go well?
In fact, it was really not going well.

Because the appearance of that material was only accidental, Lucas and the others tried for two months before recreating the carbon film.

The picture on the electron diffraction microscope finally sees the onion head again!

It's not easy, no wonder Shen Guanglin has been trying for so long but still has no results.

Shen Guanglin finally had to leave.

Competing is more important than pretending.

Both of them are actors, and they haven't reached the stage of acting yet.

lets go!
In fact, it is quite far from Germany to Spain, not as close as you can see on the map.

Shen Guanglin took Li Rong directly to the venue of the opening match, preparing to watch the first match between the defending champion Argentina and Belgium.

Spain is now a kingdom, a constitutional monarchy, and their dictatorship has been over for several years, and the people have finally regained their freedom.

Now Midnight's economy is also in the stage of rapid development. They and Portugal, Italy, and Greece, a small group, have not yet developed into the later "Four Stupid Pigs".

Shen Guanglin didn't go to visit the national team, he just enjoyed the game, not to be abused.

Come on, this is my Shen's first World Cup, I'm going to buy a lottery ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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