Chapter 263 Thesis
The gong chips are staggered, and the cups are replaced.

Champagne, beer, kebab, blue-eyed blonde courtesan student.

At the celebration banquet organized by the school, everyone was very excited, and a group of people worked hard to get another peak while the iron was hot.

This is a staged major victory, which has unveiled the mystery of "ATP is directly synthesized by organisms".

The task of the next stage is to study the working mechanism of ATP production in animals. Although it is difficult, it still has a direction and more motivation. After all, everyone has made it smooth.

Of course, Shen Guanglin was even happier, because the paper he contributed to "Science" was about to be published.

The demo and booklet have been received, and they will be published in the latest issue, and they will be received by the day after tomorrow at the latest.

During his stay in Germany, he published a heavyweight paper as the joint first author on "CELL"; another paper as the sole author was published on "Science".

It was worth it to leave home during this period of time!

These are two Nobel-level achievements, and they fell on Shen Guanglin alone.

Without these conditions in the laboratory of the Free University of Berlin, Shen Guanglin's scientific research road would not have been so smooth.

Now that he has money on hand, Shen Guanglin decided to go back and equip the lack of experimental equipment.

Although it is very convenient to use various instruments for experiments here, it is not as comfortable as own things.

It is still too early to produce results in the next stage, Shen Guanglin decided to take Li Rong back to China after a while.

Scientific research is a long-term process, and Shen Guanglin feels that he still has more important tasks to do.

For example, it's time for him to go to Fusang.

Not for anything else, just to see if my cabbage is still there, not juicy.

Manstein also said that if Shen has something to do, he can go to work first. We will vote for "Nature" instead of "CELL" when the results are achieved in the next stage.

Let him go.

The relationship between Shen Guanglin and "Nature" magazine is not good, since Manstein is willing to submit it, so let's submit it.

Drink and eat meat!
As one of the three major cuisines in the world, Turkish cuisine is also very famous, the most famous of which is the Turkish kebab.

At least, Turkish barbecue is very popular among Germans, and Shen Guanglin also likes to eat like this.

At this moment, he was holding a plate and waiting for the chef to slice the roasted mutton. Lucas, who hadn't seen him for a long time, came straight over.

"Shen, there is something I want to tell you." Lucas drank some wine, shyly excited, and in good condition.

"Tell me, do you want to borrow money? I'm in a very happy mood today, and I can accept any news." Shen Guanglin was eating mutton slices and drinking champagne. He thought to himself, is this guy finally about to show his cards.

Lucas didn't hesitate for too long, and in about 10 seconds, he said straight to the point and said: "I went to Fusang during this period. This was not my original intention. I can only express regret, although I don't want to. Like this, but I can't help it."

These words were a bit out of line, but Shen Guanglin understood what he meant and just pretended not to understand.

"What's the matter with you? Professor Lucas, what do you want to express?"

"I mean, recently I went to Fuso for an academic visit and went to Nagoya University. I happened to meet Professor Iijima Sumio. We discussed his diffraction pattern by the way. He was really very thoughtful and a good one. People, and want to share the results with me." Lucas said hesitantly, expressing his entanglement, after all, there was some guilt mixed in.

After sorting out his thoughts, Lucas continued:
"Shen, your random chance is wrong. It's not easy to find C60 by luck. Even with past experience, we searched for two months before re-finding it."

Finally, the picture is poor.

"C60? Soccer ene? Are you trying to steal the fruits of my labor?" Shen Guanglin suddenly raised his voice, startling everyone.

Manstein walked over with champagne, saw their fierce words, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter, I have to ask Lucas! The thing I accidentally said last time was the C60 football ene I discovered. Lucas actually said that it was his discovery, and even went to Fuso and Iijima Sumio to collude. went!"

Shen Guanglin pretended to be filled with righteous indignation. His real intention was to let Lucas have something to do, so that he would not be holding graphite slices every day and cutting out problems sooner or later.

In the matter of football ene, he, Shen, was a victim in the first place, so it is not difficult to act like he has been wronged but incompetent and furious.

"Lucas, is this true? How could you do this? This is Shen's discovery. He has already prepared his thesis, and he is short of repeating the experimental phenomenon. This is not your result!" Manstein is still somewhat Conscience, also know to help Shen Guanglin condemn him.

"Professor Iijima Sumio took the initiative to share the results with me. This is the same as sharing the results with you and Professor Shen. Moreover, this is not a big deal. You know that as long as the paper has not been published, whoever publishes it first Whoever gets the results. I have no obligation to keep secrets!"

Lucas spread his hands and decided to break the jar.

"However, I discovered this football ene first, and it was my idea to form a spherical shape. You can't just take it away like this." Shen Guanglin refuted his unreasonableness, and at the same time pressed the tape recorder hidden on his body, in case of emergency .

"It's up to you, anyway, our paper has been mailed to "Nature", and we are waiting for news." Lucas was confident.

The banquet that day really ended in unhappiness.

While comforting Shen Guanglin, everyone condemned Lucas' shameless behavior.

Shen Guanglin accidentally drank too much, got up late the next day and didn't go to the laboratory, and spent the day hanging out with Li Rong.

He also wants to leave time and space for things to ferment.

On the morning of the third day, when he came to Manstein's laboratory again, he found that the atmosphere was not right.

Everyone was avoiding him, as if something had happened.

Shen Guanglin understood: they seem to have started to stand in line.

Even Wu Xiaoyun seemed hesitant to speak.

Standing in line exists in all aspects of social life, and it is not unique to China.

Shen Guanglin wandered around the lab, everyone pretended to be busy and tried to avoid him.

Shen Guanglin stopped Wu Xiaoyun and asked her what's wrong: "If you have something to say, just say it, don't hesitate."

"Mr. Shen, regarding the matter of C60 football ene, they are prepared to be neutral and will not provide you with support. What should we do? We are outsiders, and people speak lightly, so they won't believe it."

"Cold salad!"

After Shen Guanglin left a sentence, he went to the reading room, and saw that the latest edition of "Science" had arrived, and there were his own articles in it.

Near noon, Manstein took the initiative to find Shen Guanglin and said that he wanted to have a talk with him.

"Shen, we have had a great time cooperating on halophilic bacteria and ATP. I really want to help you morally. However, today the school has an undisclosed notice about C60. I can only say that I can't help you." Manstein After all, he is a German, and Lucas is still his colleague, and this result is also the result of the school.

"But, you were there when I said that, obviously Lucas stole the fruits of my labor." Shen Guanglin said while touching the recording pen hidden in the dark.

Recording pens in this era used tapes, and Shen Guanglin put them in his bag.

Manstein was very embarrassed, and he persuaded: "I know you are uncomfortable, but I have no choice, and I can't stand for you publicly. Everyone has their own difficulties, please forgive me."

"Okay, I don't blame you. Let's just let this matter go! Has the latest issue of "Science" arrived?" Shen Guanglin was very magnanimous, and he probably wanted to change the subject.

"It should be here, you can go to the reading room to read-look, do you want to read it, I haven't read it yet, let someone bring it to you right away."

"I don't want to read it yet. My head hurts a bit and I'm going back to rest. You can read it first, and let me know if there are any good articles in it."

"Okay, then you have a good rest."

Shen Guanglin left.

Manstein thought Shen Guanglin was just making an excuse for himself.

Can bend and stretch, really manly!

He was a little overwhelmed with admiration, it was really commendable that he could afford it and put it down.

However, "Science" is the top journal in the world, and all men who stand at the top of scientific research must pay attention to it immediately.

Professor Manstein asked his assistant to bring "Science", flipped through it casually, and then saw an article, signed: "Guanglin-Shen", the content was "A major discovery in the scientific community, a carbon like football 60 ene”.

(End of this chapter)

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