Chapter 264

People are refreshed on happy occasions, and the month to mid-autumn is very bright.

This is a great event, and Lucas finally feels that his life is going well.

This can be regarded as a dead tree in spring, and an old tree sprouts new shoots.

Looking back on Lucas's life, it was not particularly smooth. He has gone through many hardships to get to the present.

Lucas was born in a military family in 1933, and his father froze to death at night on the outskirts of Moscow when he was a few years old.

At that time, only the wind was singing softly.

When he was a teenager, his mother also died in the war in Berlin and committed suicide because she couldn't bear it.

Thanks to the active assistance from the government after the war, he was able to continue his studies. He first completed his university studies and stayed in the school to teach, and then he studied for a master's degree and a doctor's degree while teaching at the school.

After decades of academic career, half of his life was wasted, and he finally became a person with a certain social status.

Now, he has finally become a master's tutor, and he has also recruited a very powerful Huaxia student.

It's a pity that when a person reaches middle age, the hairline recedes and the prostate gland is not very good.

His wife got divorced and got married to his students, and he no longer has any hobbies in this area, that is, he just likes to covet a little fame.

If there is a greater reputation, it is estimated that the wife will come back on her own initiative.

She doesn't know how good he is!
However, scientific research is also about talent. Although he works hard and has profound knowledge, he lacks convincing and influential results.

This time, he just went to Brussels to attend an ordinary international conference. Manstein was lucky enough to be able to cooperate with Shen from the East. What did he rely on?
Also, what is Shen Ping's reason?
He is so young, but so good.

Just a few words is a scientific research topic and a new direction, why there is such a big gap and difference between people.

In Manstein's laboratory, new projects were quickly established, but Shen had nothing to do, and the honor was still shared equally.

Shen was really just playing around while watching others advance their scientific research.

In this way, new discoveries can be made, God is too unfair.

Fortunately, Shen didn't "pay attention" to this physical discovery, but said it easily.

Lucas immediately felt that this was the opportunity God gave him, and God was finally fair once.

He didn't know that the hunter usually appeared in the form of the prey.

Lucas has a criminal record.

He especially likes to attend national conferences, especially conferences with many scholars from the third world.

He never "discriminated against" scholars from third world countries.

In case they talked about some relatively novel subjects, he would immediately cut in and deepen his research, even if he was not the first, at least he would be an expert.

Because of "knowing the road with ease", Shen Guanglin set off for Fusang the day after he said the "new discovery". He had to start early enough so that he could live a better life.

During the two months in Fusang, he forgot to sleep and eat, and he felt that his hair was less and his face was bigger.

But it's all worth it.

Now, he is back!
He's back with unparalleled scientific results!

This is a scientific research achievement that can be published in "Nature", and this is a physical discovery that can shock the world!

He, Lucas—Robert Lucas was finally going to get the world's attention.

As for Shen Guanglin, he could only suffer this loss.

He thought it was useless to sue, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive and costly.

Indeed, a lawyer may be able to win this lawsuit, but without witnesses, everything is in vain.

This is his home field, Lucas. He is a professor of physics at the Free University of Berlin. If this discovery is identified on him, it will also be the achievement and honor of the school.

"Anlu Yahei Yahei, Anlu Yahei Yahei" Lucas sang a German ditty and happily arranged the experimental equipment.

In the past, these jobs were done by his students.

Today, he decided to do it himself.

"Lucas, this is the latest "Science" magazine." Manstein came to him in person and wanted to talk to him.

"How do you know that I submitted the paper? But it has not been published so soon. It has only been submitted for 15 days, which is still early. No, I did not submit for "Science", but "Nature", and the physics of "Nature" Editor Johnson is an old friend of mine, we met when we were at the conference."

The circle of scientists is small, and the circle of physics is even smaller.

"I'm not talking about "Nature", but this "Science". You can read the first article, it's very meaningful." Manstein wanted him to discover this "scandalous thing" by himself.

Lucas didn't care about it: "Every article in it is meaningful, and even those reviews that people look down on have specific value."

In fact, the review is not completely worthless, and sometimes it is a weapon to attack people.

It's like a doctor of medicine, why do you have to write a review at the end of the paper? This has nothing to do with the research content, and it adds more ground to people.

Lucas took the "Science" magazine from Manstein's hand, and the first article was turned to.

He didn't even look at the name of the researcher, but directly looked at the title: "A major discovery in the scientific community, a carbasene like a football".

Has anyone found this too?
Looking at the molecular formula, it is clearly the molecular formula that I just researched!
Who is so hateful?
Look at the name again: Guanglin-Shen.
"Why? He's making a fake! He didn't take the diffraction pattern, which was discovered by a Fuso scholar. I want to sue him!" Lucas was so angry that his forehead was red.

Of course, Shen Guanglin could think of what would happen in the laboratory. He said he wanted to go back to rest but he didn't go very far. He just sat on the recliner outside the laboratory building.

Hearing that Manstein met with Lucas, he will be back soon.

Going out was just an excuse, in order to let Manstein tell Lucas the "truth".

It's murderous.

"Shen, you're an academic fraud! You didn't get the diffraction pattern, and it's irresponsible to publish such papers indiscriminately!" Lucas rushed up angrily and shouted loudly when he saw Shen Guanglin coming.

Shen Guanglin was very calm, just looking at Lucas quietly.

Lucas rages, then calms, and starts scratching his hair.

"Do you want to see the diffraction pattern? Do you want to see the diffraction pattern?" Shen Guanglin looked around, and the surrounding was quiet.

Shen Guanglin turned on the electron microscope, and there was no need to adjust it at all. An onion-shaped structural diagram soon appeared on the screen.

"You, how did you get it?"

"Oh, the preparation method of footballene will be published in the next issue of "Science". This is a serialized story." Shen Guanglin said very casually.

Lucas still said angrily: "It's wrong for you to do this, you shouldn't have published this paper."

"Is it because I published it that you can't publish it?"


Even Manstein felt that he couldn't hold his face. He himself was not a particularly good talker, and he couldn't speak now.

Lucas usually talks a lot, but now he doesn't know how to answer.

After a while, he thought about driving away the crowd and talking to Shen Guanglin alone.

"Shen, you have so many achievements, let us give this achievement, or let's find it independently, okay?"

"No, this is my independent discovery. As for whether you are or not, I am not very clear about this."

Lucas panicked, "I'll give you money! I'll help you apply for funding, and all my savings will be given to you. This is a lot of money, enough for you to retire from now on."

"Oh, tell me how much you pay." Shen Guanglin really wanted to know how much he was going to spend to buy himself off.

"Six million marks, this is all my savings."

"That's $200 million, which is about the same as what I paid for football when I was watching the World Cup in Spain."

(End of this chapter)

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