Start with a college teacher

Chapter 265 The Bottom Line

Chapter 265 The Bottom Line
Yue Fei once said: civil servants don't love money, and military officials don't hesitate to die, then the world will be peaceful.

Shen Guanglin doesn't love money, he has no interest in money.

His happiest and happiest time was when he received 91 yuan a month and was an ordinary teacher.

Now he is no longer an ordinary teacher, but he is still very happy, and he will never bow down for 15 marks. He just likes to share knowledge and spread knowledge.

Lucas also panicked after being exposed, and asked Shen Guanglin for help to no avail, and he even recorded the audio.

The evidence left by Shen Guanglin is actually enough, and the chain of evidence is also complete enough.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't tell anyone about all this.

After all, like Teacher Chen likes photography, Teacher Shen likes recording.

Like recording is a double-edged sword, you are always on guard, what do you want to do?

Who will dare to chat with you in the future?

Lucas had a rough time.

This period lasted about three days.

During these three days, he almost didn't have the face to visit Manstein's laboratory.

Perhaps, he had never heard of a term called social death.

Until, until the fourth day, the school issued a notice.

The notice said: Huaxia student Zhang Shousheng stole the scientific research ideas of his teacher Lucas and disclosed them to unrelated outsiders.Therefore, the school expelled him from school and returned him to Huaxia.

As for whether Shen Guanglin and Lucas had any disputes, there was no mention in the notice.

will play!

Seeing such a notice, Shen Guanglin was stunned.

You still know how to play.

He even knows how to stay on the front line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future.

Persimmons should be picked up softly.

Who says the Germans don't know the art of war?

How innocent is Zhang Shousheng?He did nothing and was fired.

In fact, after reviewing the replay, Xiao Zhang really did some things, for example, he did tell about the fact that Lucas was imitating Shen Guanglin.

From this point of view, he is not wronged.

However, the drunken man's intention is not to drink.

Then, the media started reporting.

In the media, Lucas always looks sad, as if he is indifferent to his students' misfortune.

Human nature is really sinister. My favorite student actually stole my scientific research ideas and leaked them to an outsider.

This is an insinuation that Shen Guanglin's scientific research achievements have actually stolen his own ideas and ideas.

Backlash is a consistent feature of Western countries.

Then, the media interviewed Manstein and his laboratory staff, but they were speechless: "Zhang and Shen have the best relationship, and Shen is the partner of our laboratory, so we Can't say anything."

Shen Guanglin wanted to speak out, but no media came to interview him.

He wanted to take the initiative, but found that the media interviewed Shen Guanglin, but did not report.

Of course, this matter has not yet become a hot topic. The local media in West Germany are doing this, and no one in the international media has done this report.

But it's just as disgusting.

Away game, passive to Sri Lanka.

Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't.

Shen Guanglin decided to "turn his face" with them, not only for the sake of fairness, but also for the sake of dignity. He is going to return to China with his scientific research team.

Of course, Manstein made a gesture to keep him, saying that you don't care about these things, let's research the results of the next stage as soon as possible.

Also study a wool!

Young people, if they have no blood, how can they be called young people.

gone!Labor and capital are not waiting!

Wu Xiaoyun was unwilling to go back, especially at such a critical research node.

She said that she was just doing scientific research, after all, the scientific research conditions here are better.

After a long time, Shen Guanglin realized that the clown was himself.

10 minutes of impotent rage.

"Zhang Cheng, what about you, will you go back with me?"


Still my own students are awesome, and their loyalty is very good.

From now on, those half-way monks are no longer accepted, only students are accepted, and they must worship themselves as teachers.

I can give them a stage name, and their seniority will be sorted according to "clouds, cranes, and dragons roam the world".

Shen Guanglin is a very generous person, "Wu Xiaoyun, you want to stay here, right?"


"Then I wish you the best of luck in achieving your own status internationally."

As for those accommodation and living allowances, there is no way.

This woman has always lacked respect for Shen Guanglin, this is the second time.

Shen Guanglin would not give her a third chance.

"Mr. Shen, it's a pity that you go back now. The ATP research is going very well."

"I have no shortage of scientific research direction."

"You're going back. Would you like to leave some funds for me? After all, it's our lab's honor to produce results."

"I think it's better for you to be self-reliant."

It's finally time to break up.

Shen Guanglin had signed an agreement with Manstein's laboratory at that time, but it was a gentleman's agreement with very little constraints on both parties.

In terms of rights and obligations, there are no detailed regulations. Everyone just said that the results will be shared equally.

However, they did not talk about what to do if there is a conflict in the team before the results are produced.

What else can I do, cold salad!

Manstein said that if you leave now, the subsequent unpublished scientific research results will have nothing to do with you.

Manstein will no longer share the next scientific research results with him.

Then go too!


I left gently,

as I came gently;
I waved softly,

Farewell to the clouds of the western sky.


Shen Guanglin was sitting on the cruise ship. There were too many Cambridge Bridges on the Jianhe River, and he just wanted to distinguish which one was the real Cambridge Bridge.

Cambridge, also known as Cambridge, can be said to be a bridge or a place name. This is the place where Xu Zhimo came to.

Xu Zhimo was a well-known scumbag in the Republic of China, and the worst thing he did was probably forcing Zhang Youyi to abort.

Zhang Youyi said that she was afraid that someone died due to abortion.

Xu Zhimo actually said: "There are still people who died because of train accidents. Did you see that they don't take the train?"

Such a logical sentence, and many people say he is romantic.

There isn't much line between romance and brutality.

Many years later, Zhang Youyi still sighed and said: "I am a fan in autumn, only used to drive away blood-sucking mosquitoes. When the mosquitoes bit the moon, the owner tore the fan apart."

Shen Guanglin came to Cambridge not for anything else, but for an academic visit.

Cambridge is very close to London, about 1.5 hours' drive from the airport.

This city is actually a university town. It was originally a small town, but now it is a small city developed by a university.

When Shen Guanglin came here, he didn't steam the steamed buns either.

The reason he came to Cambridge was to help Zhang Shousheng complete his studies, so as to gain the name of Cambridge.

The second is to meet John Walker.

John Walker's status is not high. He did not assume a teaching position, but was a professional researcher at the Medical Research Council Molecular Biology Laboratory of Cambridge University.

He has been here for 8 years and finally became a senior chemist, but he is still not as good as Manstein.

Although Shen Guanglin and his party left in despair from West Berlin, they were still warmly welcomed in Cambridge.

In fact, those people in West Germany, including the school, did not explicitly say that Shen Guanglin's C60 football vinyl was stolen from Lucas, even if they meant something behind the scenes.

Cambridge people, however, are more realistic.

Winner takes all!

Whoever publishes the paper first is the first discoverer.

This is the scientific research attitude of a neutral person, which has nothing to do with ethics.

That's fine.

The communication between Capital University and Cambridge University was relatively smooth, and Shen Guanglin gave a few more casual lectures. The fee was 5 pounds, which was a price increase.

After several lectures, Shen Guanglin finally explained C60 clearly. He even did some experiments with C60 football ene

Next, when Shen Guanglin visited the biological laboratory, he happened to meet John Walker who was also researching ATP.

Shen Guanglin is also straight to the point. There is no future in researching ATP, it is better to study adenosine triphosphate synthase.

is that true?

(End of this chapter)

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