Start with a college teacher

Chapter 266 Settlement

Chapter 266 Settlement
is that true?

Some people are more than enough to be mentors, but they have to run over to be a player, and they have to lower their status in vain, which makes fans feel sorry.

Is what Professor Shen said true?

of course it's true.

John Walker did not expect that a physicist like Shen Guanglin would be interested in his research field.

"Why?" John Walker asked his doubts.

"Xiao Zhang, come and tell Mr. John, and introduce our research progress on ATP by the way."

Shen Guanglin, who studies physics, has no problem introducing biology to a chemist, but now that he has a high status and has students, he naturally doesn't want to waste his words.

The bald little Zhang is actually not professional, but it doesn't matter, he is very malleable, he can study anything, anyway, he is studying.

This time, he came to England with Shen Guanglin. He is a very good horseman, loyal and obedient enough, and has a bright future.


While talking about their research on halophilic bacteria, Zhang Cheng took out a sample issue mailed by "CELL".

John had read the articles published in the magazine, and his eyes showed envy.

After all, this is "CELL", the real top journal.

"Awesome! The entry point you chose is really good. Halobacteria are ancient and common bacteria. Why didn't I think of this."

Have you thought about what else we have to do?

John Walker has been studying frogs for several years.

Of course, some very good results have been achieved. It wasn't for Shen Guanglin who asked people to collect papers and would not miss him.

After all, the energy currency of ATP will of course be produced during the frog's movement. As long as you settle down and study it carefully, there will always be gains.

Then the two sides will have a basis for equal dialogue.

Because we are all studying frogs now, everyone is basically in the same direction.

Shen Guanglin suggested, how about our two teams cooperate and share the results?
Of course no problem.

Really heavyweight cooperation does not require a cumbersome negotiation process.

Shen Guanglin came with a major physical discovery, and his reputation was in full swing, and his ideas were extremely creative. John Walker was a little unconfident in competing with him.

Cooperation is the best choice.

Agreement signed.

John Walker presented the research progress and preliminary results of adenosine triphosphate synthase.

It turned out that he already had the foundation.

Shen Guanglin's proposal to study adenosine triphosphate synthase coincides with him.

Shen Guanglin is not without his unique skills. He can use an electron microscope to explain the three-dimensional structure of adenosine triphosphate synthase very well.

The next thing is simple, formulate the research direction, maintain the leading position, study and judge the opponent's situation, Shen Guanglin is best at this job.

Shen Guanglin also told John Walker about their competitors, for example, the Manstein Laboratory in West Germany is researching this field, what is their research progress, research direction, and research plan.

Non-compete agreement?


Shen Guanglin is not a laborer, and the non-compete agreement is for employees, not for partners and bosses.

After full discussion, Shen Guanglin and John focused their research on the chemical composition and structure of this enzyme, thinking that this is more important.

Even, if it is possible to determine the sequence of the amino acids that make up the protein unit of the synthase, then this result will be really stable.

However, things are going step by step.

It is better to be an English-speaking country, and everyone has less communication barriers.

The job was negotiated, but it was not so easy to settle down. How to arrange Zhang Cheng and Zhang Shousheng became the next problem.

Shen Guanglin was about to go back, he couldn't stay in Europe for a long time, otherwise his laboratory would be ruined.

If you want to quickly open up the situation, what else can you do, first gain fame.

Lectures continue!
It's time to show off your nonsense abilities.

Shen Guanglin gave a week of lectures at Cambridge University, and only charged a symbolic fee for three lectures.

He is not fishing for fish, every lecture has substantive content, and Cambridge University does not lose money by spending this money.

Because the content of Shen Guanglin's lectures is not repeated, there are theoretical physics, material science, nanotechnology, biology, and footballene, which appeared in "Science" recently.

Soccerene has been published in "Science", and the public opinion is fermenting, and everyone has not seen its power.

In fact, the discovery of footballene also has its history.

As early as 1965, Eiji Osawa of Fuso Toyohashi University of Technology once predicted the existence of C60.

By 1970, Eiji Osawa even postulated that a complete carbon-based sphere should exist.

Also in 1970, R. W. Hansen proposed the C60 construction and produced a model, but this idea was not widely accepted.

In 1973, independently of Hansen, a group of scientists in the Soviet Union performed a quantum chemical analysis of the stability of C60 and calculated its electronic structure, but this too was not widely accepted.

In 1980, Sumio Iijima identified the particle core of the "bucky onion" structure from an electron microscope image of carbon black, but he did not know what it was.

None of these received enough attention until the appearance of Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin told people that this is C60 footballene, and theoretically calculated its electronic structure, which is completely in line with the experimental reality. This is a solid hammer!
Shen Guanglin's new discovery was announced on "Science", and everyone was still skeptical, but they couldn't overthrow him.

Some people still want to do a repeated experiment, ready to verify the truth of this statement.

As a result, a new issue of "Science" came again, and there was another article by Shen Guanglin on it: "The laboratory preparation method of C60 football ene"

This is the second article published by Shen Guanglin in a row. This is "Science" magazine, it is simply too explosive.


The main reason is that the preparation of footballene in the laboratory is too simple!

As long as you follow Shen Guanglin's direction, it is not difficult at all to make football ene with the electrode method. Some laboratories with strong hands-on skills verified the results the next day: C60 really has a spherical structure!Simply amazing.

They don't know yet, the next step is to study the physical and chemical properties of footballene, and Shen Guanglin has finished writing this article.

And I wrote three articles in one breath, all about the physical and chemical properties and application directions of footballene.

Although there are only two articles now, Shen Guanglin is still sought after.

Cambridge University took the opportunity to invite him to be a professor. Shen Guanglin only agreed to be a visiting professor, but wanted to arrange for his laboratory assistants to study here.

Of course no problem.

There has always been a tradition of letters of introduction in the West, where you go to work or study a Ph. D., as long as someone with weight writes a letter of introduction.

Shen Guanglin has now become that important person.

"The Sun" is an extremely sensational newspaper and the highest-selling newspaper in the UK. It has a wide range of circulation, even in Berlin.

On this day, Manstein received a newspaper. After reading it, he silently handed it to Lucas without saying a word. It read: "A new discovery from the East, people can finally live forever!" "

(End of this chapter)

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