Start with a college teacher

Chapter 267 Let the bullets fly

Chapter 267 Let the bullets fly
There is a saying in "Taishang Chunyang Zhenjun. Liao San De Yi Jing": "Heaven produces water, and human beings are in harmony with nature. The kidney is the hub of the North Pole. It nourishes the bones and nourishes the bones. It depends on eternal life and immortality."

Therefore, the kidney should be well protected, maybe you can live forever.

With good kidneys, at least life will not be empty.

Immortality is a good proposition.

The pursuit of immortality also has a fine historical tradition, and no one in ancient and modern China and abroad can be spared.

According to the Taoist legend in our country, Peng Zu lived for 800 years, and he told his young wife about it just because he loved to show off. As a result, the news leaked out, and his name was removed from the book of life and death by the King of Hades.

Of course, all of this is fictitious. According to legend, Peng Zu was the great-great-grandson of Zhuanxu.

In Western bibles, there are all stories of longevity. Adam lived to be 930 years old. At the age of 130, he gave birth to his son Seth, and then lived for more than 800 years.

And his son Seth was able to bear children at the age of 807, and lived to be 912 years old.

There is a question here, how old was Eve when Adam was 130 years old?Is it also 130 years old, and was Seth born of Eve?

This kind of story can't be delved into, otherwise it's all bullshit.

The most outrageous and boldest are the ancient Greek myths, they are the most capable of destroying three views.

For example, Zeus, the most powerful god, is an LSP who will never let anyone go: his daughter, younger sister, younger siblings, sister-in-law... and his favorite handsome boy Ganymedes.

Men and women, old and young, take it all, live a chic and comfortable life.

If this story was actually filmed, the ratings would definitely be high.

The blond heavenly kingdom is so weak.

Let’s get back to the topic of anti-aging.

It is easy to fight aging, but difficult to live forever.

Shen Guanglin has also heard about some drugs that can improve longevity. The most amazing thing is rapamycin, which can suppress immune responses, fight cancer, treat AIDS, and delay aging.

It's a pity that this substance has already been discovered, but Shen Guanglin doesn't know the method of mass production.

He only knows how to prepare football ene.

Of course, infusing young people's blood into the body or injecting brain-tonifying needles can also prolong life and anti-aging.

The success of the later generations of the Li family relied on this to live to the age of 90 and still have a clear mind and a healthy body.

However, all of the above are ways to prolong life, not what Shen Guanglin should care about. The matter of longevity can be discussed later. What needs to be promoted now is anti-aging.

Cosmetics is a good development direction for football ene.

Shen Guanglin declared to the outside world: Soccerene has super strong and sustained antioxidant capacity, its antioxidant capacity is 172 times that of VC, and it has UV stability. Therefore, if it is used as cosmetics, it will be an anti-aging artifact in the future.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Guanglin explained why C60 football ene can delay skin aging.

Because, more than 80% of skin aging problems are caused by free radicals in oxygen.

Free radicals attack the skin directly, causing it to lose its elasticity, roughen it, and cause wrinkles and discoloration.

Therefore, the best way to choose anti-aging is to eliminate free radicals and avoid or reduce the damage to the skin!
In this way, football ene has its place to play, and the skin care products prepared with it can effectively delay aging and rejuvenate youthful vitality.

Shen Guanglin's ability to tell stories is very good, and everyone is fascinated by it.

The media was in an uproar.

Is this discovery so miraculous?
Of course it is so miraculous, otherwise those wechat merchants in the future would not be clinging to fullerene. In wechat merchants, skin care products must be fullerene, far infrared, quantum technology, and nanotechnology.

Before Shen Guanglin left the UK, he did an anti-oxidation experiment, and the effect was very remarkable. Compared with it, it was like heaven and earth.

This time, Takeda was the first to be unable to sit still.

They have been paying attention to Shen Guanglin's every move, because they are the biggest donors of Shen Guanglin's laboratory after all, and they will not let go of any scientific research achievements of Shen Guanglin.

In the past two years, chiral molecules have indeed achieved some results, but they are not significant enough. Especially after Wu Xiaoyun left and returned, Shen Guanglin's interest in this aspect has faded.

This is also one of the reasons why Wu Xiaoyun left again, because women are very sensitive, and Shen Guanglin's focus was not on her. She should be thinking of finding a better way out.

It's a pity that she didn't look further, and she didn't know that Shen Guanglin was a match with unlimited potential.

Shen Guanglin discovered football ene, but Takeda didn't pay much attention to it at first. After all, Shen Guanglin's discoveries were too many.

Until, the papers in the "Science" magazine were published one after another.

What a big deal!

To be able to publish five articles in a row in Science is an unprecedented feat.

Shen Guanglin did it!

What is called technical barriers, this is it.

Everyone has just learned about footballene, and has just started researching it. Shen Guanglin has already announced its functions.

The anti-aging and anti-oxidation of footballene is only a trivial aspect of it. It also has many miraculous functions. Shen Guanglin listed them one by one in the "Science" magazine.

Are you still not a person?

Shen Guanglin, alone, took only a short time to complete all the roads that others wanted to walk.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin also specially applied for a patent, and he wanted to find someone to cooperate with. It is a good choice to use this thing to make a wave of money.

With the blessing of "Science" magazine, soccerene instantly became a hot spot all over the world.

No matter which country's science and technology media, as long as they are not too dull, they will report the news of footballene. It is because Shen Guanglin announced that this substance is so powerful that it is unbelievable.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin said that it still has more unsolved mysteries waiting to be discovered. For example, its derivatives are very powerful, which is a research topic he left for everyone.

It turned out that Professor Shen was still an individual.

At this time, Fuso scientist Sumio Iijima spoke up: he was the first to discover footballene, as evidenced by diffraction patterns and photos.

Lukas, a physicist from West Germany, also helped him to confirm this, but the article they jointly submitted was not published.

The media in West Germany immediately began to report in another direction. Professor Shen Guanglin participated in the Brussels International Biophysics Conference at the beginning of the year, and was invited to visit the Free University of Berlin.

During this period, Shen Guanglin and Manstein reached a certain cooperation, and the two jointly published the photosynthesis and working mechanism of halophilic bacteria.

In real life, Manstein and Lucas have a very good personal relationship, and Lucas's student is a compatriot with Shen Guanglin. However, he "disappeared" recently, and it is said that he was expelled from the school for academic misconduct .

Presumably, it was the student who leaked Lucas' research to someone.

And such a thing?

The media were even more eager.

Is the battle for scientific research achievements about to start?
There are masters and apprentices, countries, scientific research, friends, conspiracy, and justice.

This is a good story!

Let's get dry!

Facing the reports from the West German media, Shen Guanglin didn't say anything at first. He just continued to study the frog's ATP in the laboratory in Cambridge.

But the media couldn't help it anymore, they urgently need to know the "truth".

Shen Guanglin held the recording in his hand, of course he was not afraid, he wanted to let the bullets fly for a while.

Because, up to now, Lucas has not named Shen Guanglin to plagiarize his idea, and the development of this matter is not enough.

This has almost become a media carnival, and even, this enthusiasm is greater than Britain's victory over Argentina in the Falklands Battle.

The Falklands War was a heavy blow to Argentina, and even later generations did not recover from it.

The country of Argentina is a very magical existence, and it is also one of the few countries in the world that has changed from a developed country to a developing country. The other country that has changed from a developed country to a developing country is South Africa.

South Africa still has elements of black influence, but Argentina, this is a pure white country.

Moreover, this country is extremely rich in natural resources and fertile land. It is known as the "granary of the world". The quality and reserves of various minerals are so good that they explode, but the domestic economy is not good.

This country has the best resources in the world, but its development is in a mess. It is nothing but football.

 A bit uncomfortable today, only one chapter

(End of this chapter)

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