Chapter 268 Story
Heat, in physics, is defined as the physical degree of hot or cold.

Now the popularity of football is extremely high, comparable to Wu Afan in later generations.

Everyone is discussing it, including those controversies, which itself is part of the heat.

A major physical discovery is naturally accompanied by controversies.

Now, the interest of the media lies in who first discovered football.

There is no getting away from ambiguity.

Some people also went to sort out the timeline of this incident.

Shen Guanglin went to the Free University of Berlin to give lectures and be a visiting scholar at the beginning of the year. Manstein and Lucas invited him to go, and Lucas did have a Chinese student.

However, not long ago, Lucas' Huaxia students were expelled due to certain issues, and some said it was because they leaked the teacher's scientific research ideas.

What exactly was the idea is unknown.

At the turn of spring and summer, Lucas went to Fusang, it is said that he wanted to exchange some insights and experiences with Iijima Sumio.

By the time he returned, Shen's paper had already been published in Science.

Isn't there a story in it?
Sure enough, the media launched all kinds of speculation, but they just couldn't get confirmation from both sides.

There are too many clues to look for.

Neither party has come forward to say anything definitive.

When Shen Guanglin faced the media, he only said that this was his own discovery without the participation of others.

Everyone didn't believe it, and thought he was a dead duck with a stubborn mouth.

Shen Guanglin did not continue to accept interviews. Since you have doubts, you should go to Lucas and Iijima Sumio for verification.

If they must say they discovered it first, find evidence.

Shen Taigong fished, and those who wished were hooked.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin didn't react too much to this matter, and didn't show direct and strong evidence, the Lucas finally drifted away, and he began to attack on his own initiative.

On this day, Lucas was interviewed by the media, and it was also a British TV media, and he wanted to show it to Shen Guanglin.

In an interview, Lucas made it clear that he thought of football ene first, but it was just an immature idea at first, probably because his student Zhang Shousheng stole the idea and told something that should not be told. people.

Some people's scientific research talent is indeed too high, and I have to admire his ability to achieve greater breakthroughs in a shorter period of time.

In short, Lucas was careless.

Sure enough!

It's so obvious, why do you still use names to say who stole other people's discoveries? Of course it is Shen Guanglin.

You are the one who has talent but no virtue!
How could he be invited by well-known universities and academic institutions?
Shen Guanglin is currently visiting Cambridge University, which is the university and institution mentioned on TV.

Sure enough, they couldn't sit still first, formed an academic investigation committee, found Shen Guanglin, and asked him to explain what was going on.

What else could be going on?

Sometimes, you really can't take other people's tolerance as the capital to make progress.

Shen Guanglin "truthfully" told the whole process of his discovery of footballene.

Moreover, he has already sorted out the chain of evidence, and he is already preparing for the day when the results will be released.

The members of the school's investigation committee read the detailed information prepared by Shen Guanglin, and they felt chills down their spines.

Shen really doesn't intend to give anyone a chance to survive!

The evidence is too complete!

Why does he like taking pictures and recording so much?

If this is sent out, Lucas's entire career will be ruined.

According to the information provided by Shen Guanglin, the starting point of the plagiarism incident was the celebration of halophilic bacteria held by Manstein's laboratory to celebrate the successful publication of their preliminary results in "CELL".

To commemorate this moment, Shen Guanglin even prepared a video recorder.What the video recorder recorded was Shen Guanglin announcing his new discovery.

At this celebration meeting, Shen Guanglin talked about his new discovery. He discovered the football structure of C60, and he also completed the theoretical calculation, and even took out the basis directly.

It is clear from the video that Lucas took over the calculation process, watched it carefully, and questioned it, but finally believed in Shen Guanglin's judgment.

Shen Guanglin then produced evidence that Lucas disappeared the next day, and it was said that he had gone to Fusang.

There is still a lot of evidence to follow, such as: after the publication of Shen Guanglin's thesis, the conversation between him and Lucas was recorded.

Lucas tried to buy him off with money, but Shen Guanglin refused.

The complete chain of evidence is like a less suspenseful movie.

The truth is clear at a glance. Lucas heard about Shen Guanglin's discovery, and he secretly went to Fusang to find Iijima Sumio to make peace, but he didn't expect that Shen Guanglin had already mailed out the paper in the process. Shen Guanglin's paper had been published at this time.

Lucas was also in trouble, so he could only bite the bullet and say that he made this physical discovery, and conspired to expel student Zhang Shousheng, saying that Zhang stole and spread his ideas.

Cambridge's academic investigation committee suddenly had nothing to say. They said that they were Professor Shen's most solid backing, and they must let the truth of this incident come to light.

They even invited the BBC to do interviews and record documentaries.

At this time, the BBC has not opened the underworld filter on China, so it can still do some relatively positive reports.

After all, I have to admit that their level of documentary production is still very high.

Shen Guanglin agreed.

Shen Guanglin also wants to use audio-visual language to tell his discovery process, which is also a positive publicity for himself.

Now, Shen Guanglin's academic image is full enough, and it is time to establish a perfect and tough public image. This is his first time facing the media, and it is the TV media, so he must perform better.

In order to show solemnity, Shen Guanglin also put on makeup and glasses, just to appear more mature and stable.

Before leaving, I even looked in the mirror, this kid is so handsome!
Shen Guanglin was interviewed by a beautiful girl who looked like football baby Abby Clancy. Her name was Elizabeth, which was the same name as the queen who had a long standby time.

The camera is adjusted in place.

At the beginning, Elizabeth came up and praised: "Shen, you are really handsome."

Shen Guanglin nodded lightly, as if agreeing with her statement, he understood that his handsomeness crosses the boundary between East and West, which is a reality.

Seeing Shen Guanglin's expression, Elizabeth felt as if she had been hit with a sap.

Is Shen so confident?Are all scientists like this?

Shen Guanglin's confident and casual expression is not at all the restraint that Chinese people should be in this era. He wants to establish a more relaxed image.

Elizabeth looked at Shen Guanglin carefully, stabilized her mind, and then continued: "You are so handsome, why do you still have such strong scientific research capabilities?"

"The filming has officially started now, right?" Shen Guanglin tidied up his appearance and confirmed it again.

"Yes." Elizabeth smiled and showed her eight teeth.

Shen Guanglin adjusted his sitting posture a little, and then replied: "It's because I have been handsome since I was a child, so my friends don't want to play with me, so I can only immerse myself in my studies and not be disturbed by the outside world."

The female reporter was very curious: "Why don't boys want to play with a handsome guy like you?"

"Because girls are only willing to play house with me, they can't bear the jealousy." Shen Guanglin joked, and then said: "Actually, I can only say that the image is not bad, and the looks are really not particularly handsome. I am the most handsome only when I make scientific research results, and I have always had scientific research results, so I will always be handsome."

"Well, it makes sense! When did you set up your scientific dream?" This is a fixed question and answer process, and the list of questions has been checked before.

"When I was 6 years old. It was around that time that I established my scientific dream."

Elizabeth smiled and asked, "Did you decide to be a scientist when you were 6 years old?"

"Of course! By the time I was 16 I wasn't thinking about that anymore."

"Then what are you thinking?"

"What I'm thinking about is why the girl in the class next door hasn't responded to my love letter yet."

"Then have you waited?"

"I've waited, I've waited for an old punch from the flower protector."

The two laughed loudly.

Humor is a common language all over the world. Elizabeth did not expect that Shen Guanglin's words could be so funny.

Then, Shen Guanglin seriously told how he discovered football ene. As early as the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a football king named Gao. Some footballs in that period were made of rattan. Later, when the national team entered the World Cup for the first time, Shen Guanglin Looking at modern footballs, I thought of ancient footballs, and wondered whether it is possible that some molecular structures are also in the shape of footballs.

Then, he carried out theoretical calculations on his assumptions and found that they matched, and then he began to search for the existence of this substance.

Shen Guanglin's story is a success.

This kind of story with twists and turns is the most selling point, just like a certain national style singer and his ex-girlfriend, all kinds of reversals are dazzling.

Lucas is dead.

(End of this chapter)

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