Chapter 269 Returning to China
Finally, I have to go back home!
It has been more than half a year since I came out, and the university will start in another month, and the new semester will also start.

Shen Guanglin feels that if he continues to stay in the UK, he will not be able to attract more attention. It is still early for the next stage of ATP results, and it is time to go back.

Staying is a waste of time.

His solar cell hasn't been researched yet, it's time to go back and open this copy.

Shen Guanglin's interview was soon broadcast in the UK, and the media was really teased, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Shen Guanglin is a visiting professor at the University of Cambridge, and the British media immediately turned against the enemy, because Shen is "one of his own" and should not be suspected. It is said that Shen once held a Hong Kong passport.

Let's all take a look, the seemingly rigid and honest Germans can be so bad, not to mention stealing other people's scientific research ideas, and want to beat them back when it's over.

Social death!
Proper social death.

This time, Lucas was completely silent.

Some West German media are pretending to be dead, and some media are even pretending to be dead.

Having these evidences doesn't mean that Zhang Shousheng didn't steal his teacher's scientific ideas earlier, anyway, we just don't apologize.

However, this is just their sophistry.

Everyone is condemning Lucas, which is politically correct.

It's shameless, obviously shameless.

The Free University of Berlin had no choice but to speak out. In view of the problematic academic attitude of Lucas, his professor's appointment letter was revoked and he was placed on probation.

Stealing chickens will not lose rice.

There are direct flights to HK from the UK, so it is convenient to go back.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong stayed in Xiangjiang for another week, and then slowly returned to Beijing from Yangcheng.

Shen Guanglin got together with his old friends in Xiangjiang. At this time, Zhang Guorong was already a little angry, but he was still humble and polite.

When we met again, there was no other gift for him. Shen Guanglin gave him a second-hand Patek Philippe, and Zhang Guorong happily accepted it.

Li Rong also has friends in Xiangjiang, and the one with the best relationship is Nobita's wife, Sister Bao.

She doesn't like that Hu Meizi named Guan very much. Fortunately, Teacher Shen is not often in Xiangjiang, otherwise she really doesn't feel at ease leaving him here alone.

The greening of this villa in Xiangjiang is very good.Sister Bao is still fine, and I often help her take care of it. Now the dragon fruit is edible, and the pineapple is already very big, but it is not yellow enough.

However, Li Rong was a little dissatisfied with the decoration style of this house.

There is no harm without comparison.

In Beijing, the house Shen Guanglin renovated was a big blow to her. She thought it was "good", but it was actually a hot chicken.
No wonder Shen Guanglin smiled and said nothing during the renovation, I'll kill you bastard!
After staying in Shencheng for another day, Shen Guanglin inspected his property before returning to the capital.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to take a domestic flight, the smell of cigarettes was too strong and uncomfortable, so they took the train back to Beijing.

When we returned to the capital, the weather was hot.

It's really hot, not suitable for going to work at all, and it's most comfortable to lie flat.

Professor Yi Zhongtian went to teach at Xiamen City University because the weather in Wuchang was too hot.

Air conditioning is rare in Europe, except for some commercial places.

Air conditioners are not common in Beijing now, except for Shen Guanglin's home in Tiangong No. [-].

In this era, the most comfortable way to spend summer is big pants, blue vest, plastic slippers, a horse tie and a big cattail fan.

The cattail fan can fan the wind and drive away mosquitoes and flies. If you set up a chess game under the tree and hold a piece of watermelon, your life will be more perfect.

Shen Guanglin doesn't like this kind of life. His favorite mode is to shut himself in an air-conditioned room, turn the temperature of the air conditioner to a very low level, and then cover himself with a quilt to sleep.

I slept until my waist was sore and my back was sore and my body was shaking.

Still home.

After all, a foreign country is a foreign country.

He lived in "Tiangong No. [-]" for several days. Although he enjoyed the comfort of the air conditioner, there was no one to cook for him, so Shen Guanglin moved to Fuyuanmen again to eat.

Li Rong did not live with him.

Because Li Rong went back to school to report after returning from Xiangjiang. Tiangong No. [-] is too far away, and it is inconvenient to go to school.

She was not studying to prepare for the start of school, but because she was going to add bricks and tiles for the upcoming sports meeting.

Of course, this is not quite accurate.

In August today, the first National University Games will be held in Beijing, and Li Rong went to volunteer.

The venue of the sports meeting is Gongti. Shen Guanglin thought about whether he should go and see the beauty of sports, but he still wanted to go to Fusang for a walk.

Which is more important, of course it is more important to go to Fusang.

After all, I still have a business negotiation that I haven't discussed yet.

Takeda has been waiting anxiously for a long time, and Shen Guanglin has something to say about how to achieve mass production of Soccerene.

Shen Guanglin quickly got his visa, and he will go there next week by himself.

Before going to Fusang, live in Fuyuanmen and stay with Li Rong for a few days.

In fact, there is no air conditioning here, and it is quite hot.

It is not as cool as imagined.

Fortunately, there is an electric fan. Although it is a bit noisy, the wind is very strong, and the sound of the motor turning is comparable to that of a motorcycle, full of power.

This is the electric fan produced by his own factory, and it is said that it is selling well.

That's it?

There is still a long way to go for industrial upgrading.

Li Rong will come back to live at night, but they sleep in separate beds.

This request was made by Shen Guanglin on his own initiative. After all, the two of them are not married, and their mother-in-law is here, so this is not good.

In the summer of the 80s, the capital was full of life.

Get up in the morning and take a shower to wash off the greasy body, then go to the yard to pick two cucumbers, don't wash your face or brush your teeth, just sit on the chair and eat the cucumbers, and then go back to sleep. Comfortable.

When Shen Guanglin was sleeping, Ah Huang would lie at his feet and smell the sweat to relieve his hunger. He really was a good dog.

I haven't seen him in half a year, Ah Huang is already a half-grown dog, and when winter comes, he can have a good hot pot meal.

The food at home is good, and this guy is very fat.It's just that it is a little dissatisfied, that is, it can't eat another kind of food, and sometimes it can only smell a little smell in the bathroom, which is also irritating.

Shen Guanglin just slept like that, and when he woke up, he would wash his face and brush his teeth, but no one cared about him.

Both mother-in-law and grandma know that Shen Guanglin has worked hard abroad recently. Li Rong said that he has achieved two world-class scientific research achievements, and all Europeans are praising him.

That's it!
Is a sensible child.

People finally woke up. The temperature of the tap water was too high. There was a pressurized well in the yard. Shen Guanglin washed his face with the freshly pressurized water, feeling refreshed.

In Shen Guanglin's yard, there is no such ancient round well, the kind that can drown the concubine Zhen.

There are two pressurized wells, one is connected to a water pump for running water, and the other is an ordinary pressurized well, which is sometimes connected to a pump to water the vegetable garden.

After breakfast, continue to rest on the recliner, read the newspaper and take a nap for a while, to recharge your batteries for the next week's trip.

Shen Guanglin took the latest newspaper and wanted to see if his European show operation had spread to China.

not at all.

The most eager thing in the newspaper is the college student rescue case that happened not long ago.

Zhang Hua, a student at the PLA Military Medical University, sacrificed his precious life by jumping into a septic tank to rescue an old farmer who accidentally fell into the tank.

This incident has aroused widespread controversy in the community.

At this time, the prevailing concept in society was to emphasize the realization of personal value. Therefore, a considerable number of people believed that Zhang Hua's motivation to save lives was understandable, but the result was "uneconomical".

It is a loss for the country to waste the money spent on a college student in this way, and the value of a college student should also be realized in aspects that better reflect his talents.

Shen Guanglin couldn't stand it anymore, should he think about it when saving people?

If Zhang Hua really thought about this, then he would not save people.

The greatness of man should not be judged by the value he can realize.

Shen Guanglin wanted to write an article to refute it. It would be great if the self-media era came earlier. He could use Weibo, post on Moments, and denounce this phenomenon angrily.

But none of these, the current Shen Guanglin can only pack up his mind and go on the road again, he is going to visit his sister in Fusang.

(End of this chapter)

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