Start with a college teacher

Chapter 271 Rivals in Love

Chapter 271 Rivals in Love
On the plane to Fusang, Shen Guanglin realized that he didn't really miss his sister.

Perhaps, at the beginning, it was really just greed for beauty.

It has been more than a year since he saw each other, and he often makes phone calls, but it is always his sister who appears in his life.

Even if he went to Singapore, West Germany, or England, what he thought of was calling Li Rong over.

I really didn't think about it. In fact, it might be more convenient for Li Li to go there.

But none of this happened.

Feel guilty for a second.

Shen Guanglin thought to himself, Li Li loves to study, not to travel.

This time when they went to Fusang, it was natural that Takeda sent someone to pick them up. They felt that their investment in Shen Guanglin was finally going to pay off.

Soccerene is a good entry point. If it can be mass-produced, what kind of breakthrough will it be?

Let's talk about everything when Shen Guanglin comes back. Shen Guanglin said that he wants to visit the capital first.

This condition must of course be met.

Shen Guanglin took a newest car from Takeda, which is naturally a Mercedes-Benz. Shen Guanglin doesn't like cars like Toyota.

Drive all the way to Kyoto.

He first arrived at the residence, but Li Li was not here, so he should have gone back to the school dormitory.

Shen Guanglin knew which building Li Li's dormitory was in, and she often said on the phone that she didn't like to live too far away when she was alone, and it would be more convenient to live in the school dormitory.

Let her go, Shen Guanglin is beyond his reach.

In the evening of summer, the air is full of warmth and romance.

Shen Guanglin touched the whole box of Xiaodudu in his pocket and was very satisfied, but he didn't know how the car's anti-seismic performance was.

When the school arrived, Shen Guanglin parked his car not far away and walked to Li Li's dormitory building.

There was a crowd of people downstairs, and the sound of singing could be heard vaguely.

This is probably a courtship. The life of a college student is the same everywhere in the world.

Shen Guanglin smiled, took out his phone card, and prepared to go to the phone booth to dial.

In this era, even if it is as powerful as Fusang, there is no portable phone, but there is a mobile phone in the car, and there is one in the Mercedes-Benz driven by Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin shook his head and smiled with emotion, took out his calling card and was about to dial, when he heard a hoarse shout from the crowd, "Li Li-san, 爱してるよ!"

Shen Guanglin's mind automatically translated into Chinese: "Li Li, I love you!"

Shen Guanglin can understand this meaning. With the influence of a teacher, although he can't speak a lot of Fusang dialect, he can listen to it.

Shocked, Shen Guanglin almost lost the phone card.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of guitars sounded in the crowd, and then singing:
"あなたが好きで, とても Jian なことのようです.

Simple desu.Private が言えば, あなたは知っています.


复雑で, あなたが好きでも, あなたを咱かせるかもしれません. "

The man who yelled just now started to sing a love song. After calling out Li Li's name a few times, he started to show off his singing voice again.

After about a minute or two, Shen Guanglin came back to his senses.

Your own woman was harassed?

Doubt is a human instinct, so Shen Guanglin wanted to see what happened.

He retreated into the car, quietly watching the infatuated man continue to perform, to see if Li Li would come down.

This elder brother is really strong. He repeatedly sang a Japanese song that he didn't know the meaning of, and even shouted Li Li's name a few times intoxicated from time to time, and everyone around him applauded.

In summer, it was very hot in the car, Shen Guanglin turned on the fire and turned on the air conditioner, the car lights were very bright in the evening, and the latest Mercedes-Benz was also very conspicuous.

The car moved closer to the crowd, and Shen Guanglin stopped there.

After a while, the crowd watching Love Song Man found his car and pointed at it.

It seems that the risk of finding a beautiful woman as a wife is really high. Without hearing more news, Shen Guanglin can only call Li Li with his car mobile phone.

Li Li is indeed in the dormitory.

"Brother Guanglin, you haven't called me for a long time, I miss you." Li Li's voice was very low.

Shen Guanglin opened a bottle of Coke and took a sip: "Is it true?"

"Of course it's true!" Li Li yelled at Shen Guanglin from the other end, "If you leave him here, he will never come back again, what's the matter?"

"What are you doing now?" Shen Guanglin asked Ruoyou Ruowu.

"What else can I do? I just finished washing my hair and I'm wiping my hair." Seeing that she didn't mention the things in front of her, Shen Guanglin also took a deep breath carefully. He must have thought too much, and nothing else happened to her here. thing.

"Then I'll come and find you, okay?"

Before Shen Guanglin finished speaking, Li Li became excited, "Really?"

"Of course it is true!" Shen Guanglin replied with certainty.

"When? I miss you now!" Li Li heard the change in Shen Guanglin's tone, and the voice was full of temptation, "Come and accompany me earlier, okay?"

"Okay! How about I come over now? Has anyone pursued you recently? I want to come over to be your flower protector." Shen Guanglin asked teasingly.

"I'm not good-looking, so no one is chasing me. You liar, you say you come every day, but you don't come every day. Let me know when you come, and I'll feed you."

This is the word of tiger and wolf.

In Fusang, eating noodles is a very luxurious behavior. Some monks can only eat noodles once a year.

"Then I'll come over now, Didi, I'm already downstairs in your dormitory. Look at the flashing lights."

"Ah!!!" With a scream, Li Li rushed out of the dormitory.

When the onlookers saw Li Li coming down, they really didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and shouted in Fusang dialect, "Together, together."

The love song man also presented a bouquet of roses at the right time, and said with an expression: "Li Li, be my girlfriend."

Li Li ignored him, saw a car with double flashing lights parked not far away, and decisively opened the door and got in.

Entering is a burst of intense kisses.

Don't care about the public eye!
After a while, Li Li covered her face in embarrassment, not daring to look at it.

Looking at the crowd outside the window, Shen Guanglin shook his head with a smile, romance is useless, it doesn't matter if you look at it, it's still good buddies.

Shen Guanglin put into gear and prepared to leave.

Before the car started, the love song man suddenly stood in front of the front of the car in large characters, looking at them demonstratively.

"お金で爱をinsult しないでください."

Shen Guanglin rolled down the car window and looked at Li Li, "What does he mean?"

Li Li was a little embarrassed, and she whispered, "He said you shouldn't insult love with money."

Hearing Shen Guanglin and Li Rong speaking Chinese, the performance art man on the opposite side also started to speak, using a curved accent: "Who are you, and what is your relationship with Li Li? Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a few bad money."

It turned out to be my own.

"If you have something to say, don't engage in moral kidnapping. Of course, you can do whatever you want if you have money." Shen Guanglin shifted back to the gear, stopped the car, got out, leaned back against the car door, and threw him a cigarette, ready to talk to him.

"Who are you, you can't give her happiness." The love song man didn't take the cigarette, but looked at Shen Guanglin provocatively. He saw them kissing just now, and he couldn't breathe because of the pain in his heart.

Shen Guanglin smiled and shrugged: "Whether I can give her happiness is my business, and whether she is happy or not is her business. You should stay where it is cool. I am rich and she is happy. Isn't this the best of both worlds?" ?”

After speaking, Shen Guanglin pulled away from the driver's seat and sat back down again.

Treat the enemy as ruthlessly as the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves, and you cannot give them unrealistic fantasies.

The infatuated man turned his head to face Li Li, and began to speak: "Li Li, tell me, you are not such a person! My family is also very rich, you haven't taken a fancy to him, how could you have taken a fancy to him money."

"She's looking at me, and this." Shen Guanglin held up a small box, stuck it out of the car window, and shook it vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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