Start with a college teacher

Chapter 272 Cooperation

Chapter 272 Cooperation
"How could you do this? I'm ashamed to face anyone!"

Li Li was very dissatisfied when she saw the box of things in Shen Guanglin's hand. She stretched out her small fist and punched her chest. She pinched her thigh with her fingers and tore the shift handle hard.

This thing can't be pulled off. If you tear it off, you won't be able to drive.

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! I just made him stop thinking about it. Who was that just now? It's so rampant, why did I chase you downstairs."

The posture of Shen Guanglin holding the steering wheel with one hand is very handsome. Of course, the posture of holding the small box with the other hand just now is also very handsome.

Li Li snatched the small box and put it away.


After a while, she took the initiative to explain:

"That's an international student who came from a strange place. His surname is probably Qin. I don't know what his name is. He speaks in a effeminate way, and I don't like it."

Li Li really doesn't like this crooked man. Others don't like the romanticism he thinks. Although a good girl is afraid of pestering her husband, it's useless to see you disgusting.

"That's a problem with his accent, and it wasn't done on purpose." Shen Guanglin smiled, full of man's confidence.

He is now an authentic Beijing accent, and he has learned swallowing very quickly.

In fact, people in Wanwan did not have a "mother" from the beginning. Brigitte Lin and Qin Han in Qiong Yao's play are not particularly different from Zhang Yu and Guo Kaimin in "Love in Lushan" at the same time.

However, for ordinary people of this era, speaking Mandarin is already a little hard to hear.

Luo Dayou also wrote a song this year - "Zhi Hu Zhe Ye", which satirizes the tone of young people's speech.

In fact, in Wanwan, the older generation of artists such as Jin Shijie, Li Liqun and others have basically retained their original Mandarin accent.

It's just that the young man who is curvy thinks it's cuter to be more cute, so he becomes more and more motherly.

Girls say, "Mengmeng, stand up!" Naturally, it is very cute;

A man said, "You Jiangzi is very bad, people will be angry."

Really want to beat him to death!

Shen Guanglin and Li Li hadn't seen each other for a long time, and when they met again, some skills became rusty.

Naturally, we can't just talk about Fengyue when we meet. Li Li prefers to talk about work, study, and the future.

What she was talking about was not her own future, but the future of the motherland and the nation.

In this era, many international students are very pessimistic about the future of Huaxia, but they are full of yearning for life abroad.

There is no way around the trend of thought created by the times.

Many people born in the 60s and 70s think that foreign products are good, even if they come from China and then come back;
People born in the 80s and 90s think a little differently. This is a generation that has gradually cultivated self-confidence and began to have their own opinions and judgments;
When the post-00s grow up, their concept has completely changed. Why is it like this in foreign countries?How can it be so spicy.

Li Li has been studying abroad for more than two years, and now she is about to study in her third year. What she told Shen Guanglin was her future plan.

According to her idea, that is to continue to study in graduate school and then do a Ph.D.

However, according to Shen Guanglin's thinking, after finishing his Ph.D., what about having children and becoming a full-time wife?

Wouldn't it be to become a master of extermination?

However, Shen Guanglin didn't say these words out of his mouth, let's take a step at a time.

His own scientific research plans do not have an outline, as soon as he thinks about it, so does entrepreneurship, a little bit here and there.

In this era, it is possible to start an industry in China, but independent innovation is not easy to develop. Processing with supplied materials is a shortcut, and it can quickly accumulate funds.

However, after earning a lot of quick money, when you really want to master the core technology, you will instinctively start to be afraid.

Once afraid, I am afraid that many things will not be done well.

This is also the reason why Shen Guanglin insisted on setting up another branch and taking the road of technological development.

When he came to Fusang this time, he was not planning to talk about patent transfer, but to talk about the co-production of footballene.

For many years to come, the domestic market demand for football vinyl will not be very strong, but Fuso will have a 20-year economic rampant period, and they will not be short of money during this period.

If you don't harvest the wealth of Fusang women, I'm sorry to come to this era.

However, in a two-person world, if you think about that, you will digress, let's do something that young people should do.

Two people are together, even if it's just doing hygiene, it's very happy.

Now that Shen Guanglin had money, he decided to buy this house and forget it, because Li Li estimated that he would stay in the capital for a few more years, so he finally had his own residence.

Now the real estate bubble in Fuso is not particularly serious, and people buy houses in Tokyo, either for appreciation or for their own living.

It's been a long time since the hygiene at home was done, and the two of them tossed and tossed until midnight. They were really exhausted, with backaches and backaches, so they got dressed again and went out to eat.

It's really tiring to do hygiene, don't believe it.

In addition to instant noodles, Fusang's supper stalls are most famous for oden.

There are all kinds of meatballs in the oden, the ingredients are solid, and it tastes very filling.

Later, the Wanwan people also learned this skill, and they began to spend their time thinking about it.

Fish balls are called fish-flavored fish balls, and beef balls are called beef-flavored beef balls, which do not necessarily contain the ingredients they should contain.

The next day, Li Li had a class, and Shen Guanglin went with her to declare his sovereignty again.

That hickey on her neck will last at least a week, heh.

This was only discovered when she looked in the mirror, and she was so angry to death.

After class, naturally some acquaintances are laughing at her bravery and boldness.

It was because Shen Guanglin hadn't appeared for so long that they forgot the existence of this person.

This is also simple, Shen Guanglin organizes a lecture and re-establishes authority among his classmates.

As a visiting professor at Kyoto University, the lecture fees are naturally cheaper, so it seems that Kyoto University has actually made money.

All are satisfied.

The only one who was hurt was probably Xiao Qin, the Wanwan international student.

The goddess, who he didn't dare to think about usually, just left with someone like this, and the man even brandished a sharp weapon, which was simply murderous.

Shen Guanglin stayed in the capital for several days, being urged by Takeda every day, and even his own people couldn't wait, so he returned to Tokyo to enter the negotiation stage.

Shen Guanglin didn't have any outstanding talents in his pocket, so he had to call Lin Wenwei from Xinjiapo over for negotiations. After all, he was engaged in business, so who would come if he didn't come.

Shen Guanglin and Lin Wenwei decided to form a foundry in partnership last year, and the progress has been smooth.

They have built a large-scale factory in Malaysia, which mainly produces circuit boards PCB. Now they have realized part of the production capacity and are planning to further expand production.

Now, some of the circuit boards used by the electrical company in Shencheng have already been imported from Singapore.

Xiangjiang's supply is unstable, and the price increases from time to time. Shen Guanglin doesn't want to use theirs.

These years, Xiangjiang is de-industrializing, and sooner or later it will become nothing.

Lin Wenwei is very busy these days, but he has been paying attention to the news of his boss. He is honored to hear that his boss has made an invention that shocked the world. Negotiations with customers have gone much smoother.

Now, Shen Guanglin asked him to take charge of the negotiations, and he was very happy.

In particular, hearing that footballene has such a wide range of applications, I couldn't help but want to persuade Shen Guanglin, why not keep it in our own hands.

how cage?I don't know how much it will cost in later development.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin didn't want to eat alone. He also thought that his laboratory could continue to cheat money from these enterprises, so how could he cherish himself.

Moreover, the products produced in the future will still be sold to Fusang and European and American markets. Without their participation, who will these products be sold to.

Shen Guanglin recently published a series of awesome papers, and Takeda naturally organized personnel to verify them immediately.

The verification results are very exciting, this thing is amazing!The potential is simply endless.

Hmph, Shen Guanglin hasn't come up with graphene yet, that thing has even greater potential.

Cooperate, cooperate quickly!
Shen Guanglin mentioned the arc method in the preparation method, and everyone used this method to prepare it with high efficiency.

It is true that football ene can be mass-produced by using the arc method, but after calculation, the manufacturing cost of this method is really high. It is necessary to see if there is a cheaper and more affordable method.

Of course there is.

Shen Guanglin also has the method of incomplete combustion.

Although this method also consumes a lot of energy and the product purity is not enough, it can reduce a lot of costs when used in industrial production.

According to Shen Guanglin's idea, the production of footballene can form an industrial chain.

For example, if you want high-purity football ene, you can build your own wind farm or photovoltaic power station and use the arc method to produce football ene.

This is the same as some mining companies building their own wind farms or photovoltaic power plants.

Alternatively, it is also possible to build a hydropower station by yourself, and it is also a good choice to use it to electrolyze football ene.

As for the conventional method, it must be purified into industrial products by incomplete combustion method, which has the lowest production cost.

(End of this chapter)

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