Chapter 273

On September 1982, 9, Fatty Kim visited China.

That is, on the same day, Shen Guanglin and Takeda formally reached a cooperation agreement on football vinyl.

The two parties each hold 50% of the shares. Among them, Shen Guanglin's technology accounted for 35%, and he actually contributed 15%. Takeda, on behalf of Fuso's joint company, contributed 85% of the capital and accounted for 50% of the shares.

The two parties agreed to build a mass production plant in Jinmen for the research and development and production of soccerene.

The cooperation intention is reached, and the next step is to invest and build a factory.

The site selection in Jinmen is Shen Guanglin's special request, which is also the premise of cooperation between the two parties.

Shen Guanglin still wants to study photovoltaics, and he may come to Jinmen often in the future.

It is very convenient to build an industrial base here, whether by land or sea.

More importantly, it is very close to the capital, but few people come to play the autumn wind.

The capital city is still too complicated, with all kinds of second-generation harassment, it is not suitable for industrial development.

The negotiation lasted for more than half a month, and Shen Guanglin's side took the absolute initiative.

Who gave them patents and technology? For the first time, Lin Wenwei felt that business negotiations were not too difficult.

Even, their own foundry has received a lot of additional orders from Fusang.

After the negotiation is completed, let's go back to the country. Shen Guanglin has seen his own cabbage, and he is relieved that everything is fine.

The first thing to do when you go back is to choose a site for the factory.

Coordinates Tianjin.

This is the first time Lin Wenwei from Singapore has returned to the mainland, and it has been a long time.

Shen Guanglin asked him where his ancestral home was?

However, their whole family has settled in Nanyang for many generations, and they probably immigrated during the Ming Dynasty. Soon after the Sanbao eunuch found out the sailing route, their family moved here with their whole family.

This is still a Chinese who has not been poisoned by the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

It's amazing.

In fact, there are even more amazing things.

In Somalia and Kenya as far away as Africa, there are actually descendants of Chinese people there, and they are also descendants of Zheng He's crew. Later, some people came to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors.


Shen Guanglin released a David satellite!

He brought in foreign investment worth one billion US dollars. The investor was a joint venture between Singapore and Fusang, and he planned to select a site in Jinmen.

is that true?

Of course, this incident immediately caused a sensation in the entire Jinmen City.

Even if the initial investment is only [-] million US dollars, it is already a lot of money.

So far, no foreign-funded enterprise has invested so much money in China. This is one of the few cases that deserves special attention.

The country is poor now.

People in later generations can hardly imagine that the country's foreign exchange reserves in 1982 were only US$69 billion.

Even if all the foreign exchange income is calculated, the sum is only more than 300 billion U.S. dollars, but 230 billion U.S. dollars will be spent this year, and there is not much money left.

In 2020, the country's foreign exchange reserves will be 31784 billion US dollars, which is the result of the country's continuous reduction of holdings.

In 2014, the country's foreign exchange reserves were close to 4 trillion US dollars.

Lin Guangwei came here with money and sincerity. He immediately felt the enthusiasm of the people of the motherland. He even invited patriotic overseas Chinese Lin Sheng to visit his hometown as far away as Hu Jian's Zhangzhou.

The problem is that Lin Guangwei doesn't even know where his hometown is, and he has to call urgently to ask his father and family members.

After some tossing, it was confirmed that his hometown was a village under Hua'an County.

There is no need to make special requirements at all. In this era, the country's conditions for foreign businessmen are simply too good.

Even Shen Guanglin couldn't stand it any longer. Even if it was his own company, he shouldn't treat it like this.

To express his gratitude, he asked Lin Wenwei to donate 10 police cars and 10 ambulances to support the development of local public utilities.

This also gained further support.

What is efficiency? Less than a week after the finalization of the intention, the contract has not yet been signed, and the three links and one tie have already entered the field.

Even, because they are big energy consumers, the local government even pulls a dedicated line.

At this time, Shen Guanglin did not continue to show up. He hid his achievements and fame, and it was quite cool to be a behind-the-scenes conductor.

Those brilliance and honors should be left to others.

Teacher Shen has not returned for more than half a year, and many colleagues and classmates miss him.

Many people asked him, why did you go?
To the people of Capital University, he would say, I went to Jinmen.

To the people of Nankai University, he would say, I have returned to Beijing University.

For those who know his itinerary, he will say, I went to the World Cup.

"Have been there for half a year? Just to watch the game?"


"is it nice?"

"Hard to say."

Of course, it's hard to say, because the performance of the Huaxia football team is particularly unsatisfactory.

How did Gao Feng become the head coach?

Moreover, it was obvious that Shen Guanglin sponsored them, but after entering the World Cup, he made a move to cross the river and demolish the bridge, which made people feel disgusted.

Probably, Huaxia football is hopeless now, and Mr. Shen lost money in the last group match.

It is the women's volleyball team that is proud of the ideal results.

When Shen Guanglin returned to China, he happened to see a group of students pulling a banner at the gate of Nankai University, which read: Warm congratulations to the Huaxia Women's Volleyball Team for another brilliant achievement!
This is already the second of the women's volleyball team's five consecutive championships.

In fact, in this Women's Volleyball World Championships, the performance of the Huaxia team in the early stage was not particularly good. They entered the rematch with a negative score.

However, in the first rematch match, the Huaxia team defeated Cuba 3-0 and won the key game that turned the tide of the battle.

Since then, the women's volleyball team went crazy, beating the Soviet team 3-0 and reaching the semi-finals.And finally won the championship of this women's volleyball world championship with a 3-0 victory in the championship and runner-up decisive battle with the host Peruvian team.

When the news came, the whole country was boiling!
This was a moment Shen Guanglin had never experienced before.

In later generations, the Huaxia team can win too many championships, and they cannot understand Huaxia's desire for a world championship in this era.

Now, Chinese people really need to prove themselves to the outside world.

Only when Shen Guanglin came to this era did he realize that China in this era is really not easy.

Now, the whole society is full of all kinds of lack of self-confidence and yearning for foreign countries.

Many young people are confused, longing, and cursing. They don't believe that their motherland can become stronger, and they always want to fly abroad.

Even at the top school, Capital University, students and some young teachers think about how to go out, and few people think about how to go back.

Someone like Shen Guanglin would be stupid if he said it.

Just be stupid, the motherland still needs fools to build.

At least, the wealth accumulated by fools is beyond comparison for many foreigners.

The National Day is approaching, the weather is finally not so hot, Shen Guanglin thinks about it, he thinks he still needs to go back to school to train his own team.

Now that you have decided to take the road of scientific research, you must choose reliable and reliable people.

People are more important than money.

Like Wu Xiaoyun, who has two previous convictions, although it is really useful sometimes, but when the backstab comes, it is also very uncomfortable.

Now, I don't know if she regrets staying in Manstein's laboratory.

Anyway, Shen Guanglin has cut off her financial supply, and it's time for her to be self-reliant.

This year's National Day holiday coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival.

When Shen Guanglin came back, he naturally wanted to have fun with the people.

In the laboratory, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong distributed mooncakes together.

There are many kinds of dishes, including five kernels, lotus seed paste, salted duck eggs, and braised pork.

The moon cakes are delicious.

Look at this cake, it is big and round, very much like Wu Afan who is about to sing tears behind bars.

Thinking of Wu Afan, Shen Guanglin suddenly remembered the Chi Xiaoqiang he met in Jinling.

He couldn't help asking Li Rong: "What did you and Sister Xu bring, why did she accept it with a blushing face?"

Hearing this, Li Rong's face also turned red.

"I see that sister Xu has been single for so many years and never remarried after divorce, so I bought some tools for her."

Sure enough, it is very Li Rong's style, and Shen Guang doesn't even know when she bought it.

"Did you keep some for yourself?" Shen Guanglin was very curious.

"Go away! No! I have you."

"Then I'm a tool man."

"Well! Otherwise, what's the use of you."

(End of this chapter)

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