Chapter 275
In this era, although the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers are not very popular anymore, pure free love is rare.

What's more, after being introduced by someone, the horses and horses are clearly stated, and the conditions are clearly stated, and the man and woman will become husband and wife.

Later, elopement became popular for men and women who did not get the blessing of their parents.

Shen Guanglin is Jiang Zhenhua's uncle and wants to make decisions about her marriage.

Shen Guanglin looked at his "niece" carefully. In fact, she should be regarded as his cousin.

Now Jiang Zhenhua is young, beautiful, and has a really good figure. Although she is not very tall, she is well-proportioned, and her eyebrows, lines, and skin are elegant and clean, free from dust.

Such a good woman is really cheap for Huang Guangyi, a stinky boy.

In the era before Shen Guanglin's time travel, this cousin should have been in her 70s, and she didn't know who she married?How many children have you had?Is it that the brilliant flowering season of life is spent in the countryside?

Take care of the present and wish her happiness.

Marriage is not a child's play, so naturally one should not be hasty.

Shen Guanglin decided to mobilize his contacts to help his niece hold a grand wedding in a serious and lively manner.

There must be cards, pomp and sound.

You can't simply eat a meal, pull a new bed sheet, and just get together hastily like most people.

"Have you taken wedding photos yet?" Shen Guanglin asked casually while watching the float with fishing eyes.

"What wedding photo?"

There is no such thing as a wedding photo. Of course, Jiang Zhenhua doesn't know what a wedding photo is.

"It's a wedding anniversary photo, the kind taken by two people together."

Shen Guanglin didn't say much, in fact, there will be nude wedding dresses in later generations, and they are all popular colors, which are enough to destroy Jiang Zhenhua's three views.

"Now there are photo studios everywhere, why don't we just go and take a photo?" Jiang Zhenhua really didn't understand what Shen Guanglin meant.

"Of course not. That's not a wedding photo. How can it be called a marriage without a wedding photo?"

Now, Shen Guanglin finally decided on a gift for his niece!

Then give them another set of wedding photos. This is a way to commemorate marriage and love that no one in China has thought of in this era.

Where is the most popular address for wedding dress shooting in later generations?
Bali, Maldives.

In this day and age, being able to go to Xiangjiang is already the best choice, but if you can’t get a pass, then you can also let Xiangjiang photographers come over. There are also many seas in Shencheng, and you can take good pictures.

The matter was settled like this, and we got married on New Year's Day, and everything was in time.

On the third day of National Day, it was still cloudy and rainy.

Shen Guanglin talked about important things yesterday, so he was in the Air Force for a while, and today he decided to take a day off.

It’s hard to find fish mouths on rainy days, and there were too few fish fry last time. It’s a bit difficult to put just a few fish fry in such a large pond.

Continuous cloudy weather is rare in Beijing. This National Day was an exception, and it rained one after another.

It's fine on rainy days, Shen Guanglin and Li Rongwo are watching TV at home.

On the fourth day of National Day, it was another cloudy and rainy day.

It's not over yet.

After Shen Guanglin came to this era, he also discovered a very strange phenomenon called "three nights of rain".

Around autumn, if it rained the night before, if it rained last night, then there should be rain tonight.

This is a northern proverb, and I don't know why.

It rained continuously for several days, and Teacher Shen began to feel: life is very tiring.

These days, the National University Games are over, Li Rong is tanned, but her physical fitness is getting better.

An old cow can not only plow the field, but also eat grass.

These few days, Shen Guanglin's waist is sore and his back is hurting. He is obviously free, and it has nothing to do with farming.

Now, his body has not been systematically exercised for a long time, subcutaneous fat began to accumulate, and his physical strength began to decline.

It's just not in good shape, it's really not premature aging.

On the last day of the holiday, it finally stopped raining.

On a whim, Shen Guanglin wanted to go and see the flag-raising ceremony.

It has been more than two years since he traveled here, and he has never visited it once.

It seems that Li Rong has never mentioned this issue, which does not conform to the living habits of people in this era.

In Shen Guanglin's impression, didn't everyone get up early in the morning and line up to watch the flag-raising ceremony?

On this day, Shen Guanglin got up early and put on his raincoat just to watch a flag-raising ceremony.

However, he was disappointed.

There is no national flag guard team consisting of 36 people. There are soldiers who raise the flag, but there are only two of them.

One person leads the way and the other carries the flag. When passing through Chang'an Street, one has to give way to motor vehicles. This kind of flag-raising scene is not solemn enough at all.

It seems that this era has not been fixed

There is no grand flag-raising ceremony in this era.

It is the fault of the times again.

Jiang Zhenhua will be leaving soon, and the laboratory will be short of staff again.

And what's less is a very capable butler.

At least, Shen Guanglin also lacked a person who could be completely trusted by his side.

Logistical work is very important and has many functions, which can save the boss a lot of trouble.

Shen Guanglin thought about it, let Zhang Peng's wife come over to try Jiang Zhenhua's position. It's not good for her to always follow Zhang Peng in the breeding base. The husband and wife work in the same place and have no freedom.

Shen Guanglin suggested that his aunt should come to the laboratory to help, Zhang Peng really showed a grateful expression, this is the taste of freedom, how sweet it is.

Because Zhang Peng works with his wife, it is not easy to establish his own authority, and sometimes she dares to threaten the boss.

The National Day is over, and the university has officially started. When he returned to school again, Shen Guanglin was much more honest.

He finally stopped running around, and even invited the department to lead a freshman class.

That's right, he is going to be the head teacher, leading the class of 82 freshmen from the Department of Physics.


Recently, teacher Shen Guanglin released Wenxing, and the school didn't pay much attention to him. He was still thinking about teaching tasks. He is really a good comrade.

In the past few years, the Department of Physics has indeed been seriously short of personnel. There are many reasons for this, one of which is: for ten years, the Department of Physics moved to Hanzhong and opened a branch campus in a third-tier city, which was the 653 Project back then.

Now the state of the school is better, and so is the physics department.

Shen Guanglin decided to take such a class, and he was not stage frightened.

However, before the class started, Mr. Shen looked at the list of class members and was not sure if there was a big name, because he didn't know him anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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