Start with a college teacher

Chapter 276 Interview

Chapter 276 Interview
College campuses are finally the world of young people.

In the past, the scene of the old, the middle-aged and the young living under the same roof was hardly seen on university campuses.

After all, it has been five years since the resumption of the college entrance examination. Those who did not enter the university in the previous year or two will never be able to pass the entrance examination again.

And those who can be admitted to Capital University are mostly those who have received a complete high school education and are outstanding, and these people are generally not very old.

Standing on the podium again, looking at the young and energetic men and women under the stage, Shen Guanglin was filled with emotion.

These are my leeks in the future, and we must cultivate them well.

Shen Guanglin took a class of "Theoretical Physics". He is familiar with this course, and he has also participated in the compilation of it, so he is very familiar with it.

This is a public basic class, in the big lecture hall, there are four classes, more than 100 people in total, and the physics class where I am the head teacher is one of them.

Shen Guanglin had studied the information of the members of the class in advance, and the ratio of male to female was not bad. There were 30 students in the class, 22 males and 8 females. They were not monks.

It’s just that you can’t tell what you look like by name. If you want to know more, you still have to rely on some means, such as roll call in class.

There was no military training in this era. The school started on September 9, and it has been more than a month since the university started.

Some courses that are progressing relatively quickly, such as Shen Guanglin's "Theoretical Physics" course, have actually completed more than half of the teaching tasks. After all, the scheduling plan for this semester is only ten weeks of courses.

The students have strong learning ability and fast acceptance, and the teacher speaks faster.

Shen Guanglin came in midway. It turned out that the teacher who taught "Theoretical Physics" became "ill" at an appropriate time, just like what physical education teachers often do, just to make room for him.

It used to be 5 US dollars for a lecture, but now it is free for students, and they have earned it.

It really is close to the water.

However, it is rare for a teacher to change in the middle of the course, and the students don't quite understand it.

After all, there are teachers with different styles and styles in the class. There are many preconceived situations, and new teachers are generally not welcome.

Especially a young man who looked like a teaching assistant.

Moreover, students majoring in physics are even more depressed. It is said that their head teacher has changed, and it seems to be the person in front of them.

It turned out that the head teacher in their class was a caring older sister. Although she was doing administrative work, she was really nice. Now it was replaced by an inexplicable young male teacher. Why is it so unpleasant?

This is Shen Guanglin's first class this semester, and he decided to use half the class time for roll call.

Let's get to know each other, sharpening knives is not a mistake for woodcutters.

It is only the first year of freshman now, and it is said that there will not be too many students skipping classes, but it is not necessarily true.

The game between teachers and students exists at all stages of the teaching process in each school, and Shen Guanglin cannot be spared because of his face.

Facts have also proved this.

After roll call, four students were not in class due to various reasons, and one of them was a male student named Zhao Hao in his class.

The name is very domineering, and there is an aura of "Is Jinlin a thing in the pool", Shen Guanglin couldn't help but pay more attention to it.

The course of the class was lackluster. Although everyone was not drowsy, they were not energetic either.


In college, after-school activities are more exciting, not in class.

Unfortunately, when get out of class was about to end, Shen Guanglin told the class monitor of the physics major to ask the student named "Zhao Hao" to come to the office to find him in the afternoon.

Why did Zhao Hao skip class?
He is writing poetry.

When Shen Guanglin was teaching them, Zhao Hao was smoking and writing poems in the dormitory.

He has been chanting for a long time, and a love poem has not yet been completed.

University is really fun, much more exciting than high school, and the students are really talented, and there is even a poetry club, which Zhao Hao likes and yearns for the most.

He has only been in college for a month, and he already regrets that he chose to study physics. He should study literature. It is so interesting to write poetry, and he can publish it to earn manuscript fees.

Does studying physics have any future, to build an atomic bomb?

Therefore, he did not go to today's "Theoretical Physics" class.

I have heard from seniors a long time ago that the university exams are not difficult at all, just a quick surprise is enough.

One morning, a person smoked most of a pack of cigarettes, and his mind was already dizzy and nauseous. He hadn't finished today's poetry topic: what is love.

Love is a beam of light, love is a wall, love is a promise, love is a piece of dry food.
In order to write poetry, I didn't even eat lunch.

After the meal, Yu Bo, who shared the same bed, came in with the class monitor, who told him: "Student Zhao, Teacher Shen is looking for you."

"That Teacher Shen?" Classmate Zhao lay down on the bed, as if he didn't care about anything in life.

It is said that this look is the most inspiring, as long as it is not sloppy, there is no danger.

The class monitor said, "Ms. Shen is our new class teacher and the teacher of the "Theoretical Physics" class. Today he called the roll call, and he happened to call you."

As soon as Zhao Hao heard this, he complained about his roommate Yu Bo:

"What? Bogou, didn't you ask me to answer it for me? How could you do this? You've cheated your father and me to death."

In college, a dog is a pet name for a roommate, and a more intimate name than a dog is a son.

As for men, it doesn't matter if you talk hilariously, as long as you don't leave chat evidence in some groups, you won't die.

Because Zhao Hao aspires to become a poet, so he also has a pet name exclusively for him - St. Shit.

"Holy Shit, I can't help you today. When Mr. Shen came to our class, he looked at everyone for a long time and asked us to introduce ourselves briefly. I'm afraid the teacher will remember me. Who would dare Answer for you?"

"It's over!"

It's unlucky to say.

Students can't beat the teacher, even if they are poets, they have to deal with the teacher's difficulties.

It's really unlucky, I was about to make Shi Xing Dafa and complete my merits and virtues, but I was delayed by this Teacher Shen.

Shen Guanglin has an independent office in the Department of Physics. After all, he has an extraordinary status, so he should be treated preferentially.

By the time Zhao Hao found him, it was already after four o'clock in the afternoon, and the fifth and sixth classes had also ended by this time.

It's a little bit of a loss, the teacher didn't even roll the roll in the afternoon class, and I felt like I had taken two classes in vain.

Finally, he reached the door of Shen Guanglin's office, and seeing the number plate 203, it was the right place.

I wish the teacher wasn't in the office.

Just about to knock on the door, there was a burst of hearty laughter from inside. It seemed to be a girl's voice, and it sounded familiar.

Mr. Shen is busy, why don't you come back another day?

However, since it's here, you can't hide from it, so let's meet.

I wanted to knock on the door again, but it still felt inappropriate.

Finally, after a long time, the door opened, and there were two female students in my class.

One of them is quite handsome, and I wrote a poem to her last week, but she didn't get along with her.

It seems that he is a mediocre person, not worthy of himself at all, and blind to his looks for nothing.

Zhao Hao didn't plan to know more anyway, and didn't bother to talk to them.

In fact, Shen Guanglin is interviewing his students one by one. Even if Zhao Hao doesn't come over, he will come to listen to the hadith sooner or later according to the student numbers.

"Mr. Shen, are you looking for me?"

Zhao Hao still came in. At this moment, he was a little timid, and he didn't dare to look at the teacher. After all, he was arrested for doing bad things.

If a student skipped class and was caught, it would be very serious if he was on the syllabus and online, so he couldn't help but not take it seriously.

Shen Guanglin had just sent off the two girls, and he was in a good mood. Now another boy came, and it seemed that he wanted them to take the initiative to communicate with him, and it was still effective.

In this case, then I have to treat these dear little leeks well.

"Student, what's your name?" Shen Guanglin took out the roster, ready to look at this classmate's information.

"Mr. Shen, my name is Zhao Hao. I major in physics. In the morning, I, I have something to do in the morning. If I don't come, I will ask for leave."

There is still a wave of explanations to explain, even if it is far-fetched, there must be a reason why it is not, this is called a fig leaf.

"You are classmate Zhao Hao. This name sounds very domineering, not an ordinary hero."

Shen Guanglin was indeed not angry. He couldn't deny a person's ability and existence just because he missed a class, especially since this person named the protagonist of a novel.

Zhao Hao could only smile and didn't continue talking, waiting for Teacher Shen to say something next.

"I will be the head teacher of your class in the future. You didn't come to my first class. Do you have any opinion on me?"

"No, really not! I just joined a club, and there are club activities today. I thought that the course "Theoretical Physics" is easy anyway, so I didn't come."

"How much score do you get in the college entrance examination? You will think physics is very simple."

Shen Guanglin was really dissatisfied, even if his name was domineering, how could he think that his courses were simple.

"618 points." Zhao Hao replied with a little pride.

He is the champion of science in their province this year, and he is also the top two in the country.

Hearing this result, Shen Guanglin was very calm.

But alas, Shen Guanglin really thought so in his heart.

Just take this test, how can you get into Beijing University? Doesn’t it mean that you have to pass 700 to get it.

(End of this chapter)

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