Start with a college teacher

Chapter 278 Joint Venture

Chapter 278 Joint Venture
It has been many years since we parted from our hometown, and the spring breeze does not change the old waves.

Although Liang Yuan is good, it is not the home of long-term love.

The home in Shen Guanglin's heart is not Fusang, but the capital, because there are sisters and dear classmates here.

This is where the heart belongs.

As Shen Guanglin's body and mind returned to calm, everything returned to the previous ideal state of life.

Going to school every day, going to the laboratory to do experiments, and going to the National People's Congress to pick up girls, life is colorful and colorful.

Only at the National People's Congress, Mr. Shen has no fetters of status and status, and Li Rong and Li Rong are a normal young couple.

However, in other places, he has to be a man.

He even didn't like living in the dormitory of the laboratory.


I don't know who made up a story about Mr. Shen, which has been widely circulated.

"Mr. Shen has a tendency to domestic violence. He often beats people in the middle of the night, and the girl who beats him screams. Fortunately, he didn't make a fuss for a long time, and it stopped in three to five minutes."

This is simply slander.

Mr. Shen lives alone on the first floor. There is no one living upstairs or downstairs. Who can spy on his room?
However, this topic can't be explained, and others don't believe it.

For example, is the Big Hadron really only 2 minutes, can he respond?

Certainly not!

They could only obediently be crucified on the pillar of shame.

This is the so-called less harmful, highly insulting.

Shen Guanglin has settled down in Capital University for a long time, and Li Rong is not the happiest, although she is indeed in a very happy mood.

The students in Shen Guanglin's class were the happiest.

They saw something called hope.

With Shen Guanglin, a homeroom teacher like a local tyrant, the physics students of the 82nd grade really lived a different and happy life.

It is true that Shen Guanglin did not send money or other items to the students, but they still enjoyed benefits that others could not.

At least, there is no shortage of food and drink.

Being able to eat well is the greatest blessing in this day and age.

From time to time, Mr. Shen invites students to his laboratory for a light meal, a tooth sacrifice, asking about study, life, and even asking if there is a partner. This is such an open-minded class teacher.

Teacher Shen said that the school does not advocate love, but it does not prohibit love, so he does not object to students pursuing love.

He didn't stand against it either, he just picked up a female student from the National People's Congress.

Being approachable and approachable, asking about the cold and warm, this is also a way for Shen Guanglin to win people's hearts.

Sure enough, Teacher Shen quickly won the favor of everyone, and everyone loved learning even more.

There are such good things to eat every now and then, if you don't study hard, Teacher Shen asked, you will lose face.

In particular, Shen Guanglin also specially set up a benefit comparison link.

Whenever benefits are distributed to the full-time and part-time employees of the laboratory, they are also deliberately shown to the students in their classes, causing their hearts to be shocked.

No, it's getting cold, and Shen Guanglin brought another batch of down jackets from Fusang to distribute to colleagues working in the laboratory.

When the students see that the seniors who are working part-time in the laboratory can receive down jackets for free, don't mention how envious they are.

While working hard to win over his classmates, Shen Guanglin was not idle.

Under his leadership, colleagues in the laboratory soon issued other sibling members of the footballene family, such as C70, such as C20.

The instruments bought from West Germany and Fusang are really easy to use, but they are a bit expensive.

Scientific research tools are only one aspect. With the existence of the "prophet", he took the lead in further perfecting the whole set of theories of the footballene family.

This is also a necessary process to form technical barriers.

The discovery of the C60 is indeed a remarkable achievement, and it is becoming more and more popular internationally.

Now, Shen Guanglin has received too many invitations to international conferences and academic visits from various well-known universities. He has no time to attend, and he doesn't even want to read more.

However, the school is very concerned about these matters, so we can organize an international conference ourselves.

Sure, you won't lose money.

Because people who come here have to pay conference fees and registration fees, not to mention how much they earn, it’s okay to make a small profit for the college, and it’s still foreign exchange

So far, Footballene, one of the three Musketeers of the Shimo family, has finally been completely taken down by him, Shen Guanglin.

There are two other guys who are still hiding well, one of which is carbon nanotubes and the other is graphene.

Carbon nanotubes have not been applied in practice, which is probably one of the reasons why Iijima did not win the Nobel Prize; and the influence of graphene is too great, and Shen Guanglin does not intend to take it out now.

Things have to be done step by step, and meals have to be eaten bite by bite.

It's better to finish the football ene matter first, just like handling a case, first settle the iron case, and then file a public prosecution.

As the weather gradually becomes colder, the construction of the football ene factory is finally on the agenda.

Before the work is done, the money is in place first.

The 8000 million US dollars went directly to the bank, and the comrades in charge of attracting investment and the president of the bank were so excited that they almost cried. This is such a huge amount of foreign exchange. The task of attracting investment this year has been overfulfilled!

According to the pre-planning, the first building is still a laboratory called "C60 mass production laboratory".

After all, there is still a long way to go from the laboratory to the production line.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University has his own scientific research tasks, and it is impossible to use it exclusively for research. We can only re-establish a new laboratory. Anyway, the equity is also shared, and the benefits are also shared. Shen Guanglin has also gained a reputation alone, not a loss. .

Since Takeda is a pharmaceutical company, Shen Guanglin also thought about it. It is more suitable for them to use the arc method to produce C60. The C60 produced in the future will be a very good choice whether it is for the development of cosmetics or for pharmaceutical research and development.

Moreover, using the arc method to prepare football ene is relatively reliable in terms of safety, after all, it has to go through layers of verification.

Only the C60 produced by this method has a high purity and does not contain other toxic impurities.

Therefore, this path works.

For the Jinmen government, there are many benefits. Since the factory for the production of footballene is built in Jinmen, it is very likely that Takeda will choose Jinmen as its drug R&D and manufacturing location. This is the location advantage.

As for the production of C60 in the industrial application field, it is more appropriate to use the flame combustion method.

The flame combustion method is also called the incomplete combustion method. In fact, it has not been verified by formal experiments. It is a bit too hasty to start production rashly.

Shen Guanglin still knows the general process flow of the incomplete combustion method, but the detailed process parameters are not clear.

In the incomplete combustion method, the pre-mixed benzene, toluene vapor and oxygen are mainly diluted with argon, and then introduced into a low-pressure combustion chamber for incomplete combustion, so that soot containing C60 and C70 will be obtained. Pronounced "tai", it means the black ash formed by the condensed smoke.

This word is used on purpose to show that someone has some culture.

After collecting enough soot, the next step is to separate and purify the soot to obtain C60 with higher purity.

However, there are many conditions in the flame combustion method, such as pressure, gas ratio, and other conditions that Shen Guanglin does not know. He only knows one principle, and others need to be tried step by step.

This is a typical case of wasting money on research experiments.

Coal was not expensive in this era, and there was a thermal power plant in Jinmen,
There is no lack of support in both directions, so tangled choices.

However, it may not be feasible to build a factory solely with the identity of a foreign businessman, which is also somewhat different from the original idea.

Because, seeing the real money coming in, the local government also wants to take a stake.

The will is strong, and for good reason.

Even, they asked for a small shareholding. They merged a large piece of land with a coking plant, and only wanted to take up 20% of the shares.

Will this not result in the loss of state-owned assets?
Land and factories in this era are worthless.

If it wasn't for the government and companies having no money, it wouldn't be impossible for them to invest money in.

Everything can be discussed.

But Shen Guanglin didn't want to take advantage of the country, so as not to be poked in the back after many years, he might as well make some concessions now.

In this way, Shen Guanglin's side and Takeda's side each took a step back and each took out 10% of the shares, and the three parties jointly established a joint venture company.

That’s okay, at least the Chinese capital actually accounts for 60%, and when there is any dispute in the future, my side will take the controlling stake.

For this coking plant, Shen Guanglin also specifically studied the coking products.

There are really many things, such as coke for refining, benzene, tar, methanol, gas, naphthalene, sulfur, and ammonia.

Moreover, this kind of coking plant has nothing else. It occupies a lot of land, directly more than 10000 mu, and even has a small railway station.

Fortunately, this is not a petroleum refinery, and that is even more terrible. The land is calculated according to the number of square kilometers.

In fact, this coking plant is a third-level enterprise under the jurisdiction of the steel company, that is, a subsidiary.

The local government took it out as the object of the joint venture, thinking that they can provide raw materials for production, which is what Shen Guanglin meant. After all, industrial production of football vinyl needs these.

It would be easier to just use the arc method. There is a good-quality graphite mine in Chicheng, Hebei Province, and you can buy it directly from there.

In fact, Shen Guanglin was hesitant to take over such a coking factory in this era. If Zhang Peng wasn't there, he wouldn't be able to make up his mind.

Now, I can only work hard on Uncle Zhang Peng again, he is the most suitable, anyway, the biotechnology side is already on the right track.

It is now 1982, and the restructuring of state-owned enterprises has not yet been proposed. Taking a medium-sized enterprise into a joint venture factory is also the result of the local government's deliberation.

Now there is no talk of layoffs, nor can workers be fired, so the subjective initiative of workers is not strong. It is hard to say whether it is a blessing or a curse to take over such a factory.

However, if there are no factories coming in, what to do with the production organization and what to do with the industrial workers are also difficult problems.

Shen Guanglin advocated building a factory in Jinmen, and he could not blame others.

(End of this chapter)

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