Chapter 279

Taking over a new factory is never easy.

Things are not as simple as imagined.

Not to mention what the workers and leaders of the factory think, but the local government wants to put the factory into the joint venture company, so there is a reason why it has to be let go.

After all, Shen Guanglin's thinking was simple. He just thought, no matter how this factory has more than 1 mu of land, how much is it worth?
Therefore, he did not make any other demands on the government, except that he would not burden the retired workers.

Of course no problem!The other party readily agreed.

Now the wages of retired workers are allocated by the state finances, and the factory does not need to be directly responsible.

It will be a few years before the real responsibility is entirely borne by the enterprise.

That's easy to say.

Pension care is indeed a bottomless pit. Enterprises running society will not last long. Even if Shen Guanglin wanted to do charity, he didn't do it that way. It's a matter of principle.

Then go to this coking plant to see it first.

In a slightly snowy but extremely cold weather, the inspection team set off from the capital with great vigor and excitement.

Shen Guanglin, Zhang Peng, Lin Wenwei, together with several middle-aged and young people from Capital University and the laboratory, formed an unprofessional and not too large delegation.

They borrowed a special vehicle for business reception from a biotechnology company, which is a Toyota Coaster minibus produced by Fuso.

There is no Jinbei car in this era, and Iveco has not yet entered the country.

Common general-purpose passenger vehicles on the road today are passenger buses refitted from Jiefang CA10 trucks and Huanghe buses developed by Quancheng Automobile Factory.

Therefore, I really can't sing that song: "Iveco's Great Gold Cup, after pulling the ashes, the sound of the trumpet is very sad, and the suona is blowing."

Suona didn't blow, but the coking factory arrived.

It's okay, it's not too far from the port, and the transportation is convenient, and it's closer to the steel plant, after all, it's a supporting factory for the steel plant.

The factory covers a really large area. There are only two storage yards, one is a raw coal storage yard, and the other is a coking finished product storage yard.

The production workshop has a long line, coal preparation workshop, coking workshop [-], coking workshop [-], coking workshop [-], coking workshop [-], recycling workshop, thermal workshop, maintenance workshop, and refining workshop.

Everything is complete. This small railway station is in normal operation. It is still the kind of old coal-fired antique train that whimpers and steams when it starts.

However, standing on a high place, the whole factory area is dark and dirty, and some buildings look like the gun towers of the devils during the Anti-Japanese War, without any modern atmosphere.

"What about the auxiliary gas produced by coking? Why didn't you see those pipes?"

Shen Guanglin was very curious about this, he also did his homework in advance, how could this be different from what he imagined.

"What kind of gas can there be? It's just some coal gas, which is directly pulled to the gas station after being pressurized and liquefied. There are also some impure toxic gases that are burned and discharged."

The leader of the factory looked like he didn't care. This is a very extensive production method. It is extensive but effective.

Indeed, when Shen Guanglin looked up at the chimney, a column of smoke went straight up into the sky, and because of the cloudy sky, it looked particularly thick and thick.

High in the sky, a black-yellow black-yellow mushroom cloud formed.

Shen Guanglin regretted it and didn't want this factory anymore.

It can't be that there is no bottom line just because there are too many lands. This guy seems to be a trap when he takes over.

How can this kind of factory exist, the people in the environmental protection department.

The environmental protection department has not yet been established, and it was not until 84 that there was a department responsible for this function.

However, there are more than 2000 workers in this coking plant, and the new plant will not need so many people. In Shen Guanglin's vision, only a small number of industrial workers will be enough. These plants and equipment are useless.

This factory site is okay, not too far from the port.

This is estimated to be the future BHX area. The land here is quite suitable. As long as it is not an explosion area, it is a good land.

However, this place may have good development in the future, and that is also a matter of the future.

If you want to be prosperous, it will be at least 20 years later. You can't let this land go and cover it for 20 years.

It's not impossible, leave it to your son!

After all, Shen Guanglin had already agreed, and the local government really wanted to get rid of this burden.

Because the efficiency of this coking plant is really not working. The iron and steel plant has long wanted to improve the production line. They are planning to re-introduce a new and more advanced production line, but they don’t want to change the original plant. It would be best if they could sell it. .

As for people and land?
For state-owned enterprises, there are not many other things, but there are many people and land, and the big deal is to recruit a few more farmers to the city.

Even, there is no need to pay a penny for occupying the land.

Shen Guanglin thought about it, but he didn't think for long, and decided to take it.

Isn't it just a salary of about 20 a month, and it's only about two million a year, so it doesn't matter.

Since it was an appointment by myself, I have to accept it with tears in my eyes.

What's more, my uncle Zhang Peng also wants to do a big job. After all, there are more than 2000 people in the coking plant. If it is really managed, it will be much more exciting than the little people in the biotechnology company.

It is really not easy for state-owned enterprises to live now, especially this kind of coking plant, which does not rely on top and bottom, and profits and costs are calculated clearly.

Moreover, in recent years, in order to meet the employment needs of urban residents, the local government has desperately put people in it, and put four or five radishes in each pit.

There are too many people, and the production tasks are very limited. Many people don't have much to do all day long.

The situation of the coking plant is different from that of the steel plant. The steel plant still has some unplanned products that can be sold to the outside world, and these are two completely different price systems, which is the so-called dual-track price system.

But for the coking plant, there is no double track.

The coal is purchased from outside, and the order price is uniform, and the coke after coking is handed over, and the purchase price is also uniform.

How many raw materials can be produced and how many products can be calculated clearly and clearly.

Even if there are surplus products, if you want to sell them, you don't know who to sell them to.

Here, the real extra money that can be earned is about a little liquefied gas.

However, according to the factory, it seems that they can't make much money?

Think about it, because the company has no pricing power, and the gas price is so low that it is impossible to make more money.

Is there nothing else for sale besides gas?

Yes, the excess coke is sold to craftsmen who smelt aluminum pots on the street!

Not to mention, toothpaste skins are actually used to make tin pots on the street, and various aluminum products are used to melt cast aluminum pots.

But they can use coal. This kind of wandering operation, folk craftsmen who use local methods to cast, are actually quite popular.

Now that the campaign is over, some people secretly smashed the collected aluminum badges, melted them together and cast them into pots and pans for home use. Even if it is not enough for a pot, it is good enough for a spoon.

Moreover, some people melted bullet casings and cast them into household items such as spoons and colanders.

Among these indigenous casting products, tin and copper are not harmful to the human body, but aluminum is not good, and aluminum is still very harmful, which may cause stunted growth, short stature, and mental decline in children.

After the factory tour, it's time to talk about our impressions.

The accompanying people didn't know what to say. They came here happily, but after visiting the factory, they were all silent.

How much is such a factory worth?Converted into assets, is it considered a smash?

Several of Shen Guanglin's colleagues shook their heads. One of them wanted to say, how could the state-owned factory be merged into a foreign-funded enterprise, but now I don't say that anymore. How stupid are foreigners to want such an enterprise.

Lin Wenwei is that foreigner, so embarrassing to say.

Keep meeting!
Don't mention the matter of taking over this factory. Someone Shen made a decision, and if others don't want it, he accepts it himself.

Now that the steel mill has already planned to rebuild the production line to find another way out, there is no need for this factory to continue producing coking coal.

However, there is a small cargo terminal here. Although it is a single line, it can be used.

What will happen if it is built as a transit warehouse?
Foreign materials can be stored here, whether it is by rail or sea, it doesn't matter.

Only Ling Yun has more ambitions and dares to change his old appearance into a new one.

In the places that cannot be used up, factories can be built to produce electrical appliances, such as electric fans, refrigerators, televisions, etc. Shencheng can produce them, so can we.

Although workers are on the wrong track, they can learn from it.

There is gold everywhere, such a place, don't want it for nothing.

Decided to do it.

Shen Guanglin quickly figured it out.

However, he should not be taken advantage of in vain. Shen Guanglin still asked Lin Wenwei to make many demands with the government. For example, the Jinmen City Government should redesignate a piece of land for the construction of the new C60 factory.

No problem, we give.

This coking plant is independent from the joint venture company, and is independently controlled by the company on the Singapore side.

It's okay, you can ask for it.

That's easy.

Shen Guanglin decided to give up 5 points to his partner as an apology.

He ate the raw rice in the pot by himself!
(End of this chapter)

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