Start with a college teacher

Chapter 280 Sugar-coated Cannonballs

Chapter 280 Sugar-coated Cannonballs
I have to say that the Jinmen local government is really generous.

They directly allocated another 1000 mu of land to the joint venture company to build a new factory building.

Is land worthless?

It's really worthless now!

In this day and age, "money" is the most valuable thing, and there is a serious shortage of foreign exchange.

For Shen Guanglin, these are two different things, so let's do it together!
Starting a business is the same as doing a big health care business. You have to grasp it with both hands, and you must be tough with both hands.

Well, it feels like the quality of the silicone is not very good, so I still have to buy high-end software.

Both of Shen Guanglin's grasping hands were very firm.

Moreover, the status of the joint company and the coking plant is equally important.

However, it's not quite the same.

After all, in the joint company, Takeda Pharmaceutical holds 45% of the shares, Shen Guanglin only holds 35% of the shares, and the government holds the remaining 20% ​​of the shares.

He is no longer a major shareholder, and his addiction to tossing is much smaller.

The coking plant is different. Although it is also a joint venture company, Shen Guanglin holds 80% of the shares and the local government holds 20% of the shares. Takeda is not involved.

Because this factory is going to take the traditional industrial route, which may be more profitable.

This is the so-called difference between closeness and distance.

For both companies, the government holds 20% of the shares, which is really the same for them.

However, in the joint company, the assets injected by the government are only 1000 mu of land plus some preferential policies.

Shen Guanglin exchanged 5% of the joint company's shares in exchange for Takeda's renunciation of participation in the coking plant, and he obtained the complete equity of the coking plant.

Takeda is still very grateful, and they have a very low evaluation of the coke chemical plant.

I don't know if it's a profit or a loss.

If Shen Guanglin used the money to buy such a coking plant, he would definitely not be able to buy it in this era, and the policy would not allow it at all.

However, under such a coincidence, he got a large enterprise with land and government background, so he must have made a lot of money.

Shen Guanglin is rich and has a direction for development, so he doesn't have to worry about failing in his great career.

The process of taking over the coking plant went smoothly, and the procedures were not complicated.

The government directly canceled the company's debts to coal mines and other units. Of course, the steel mills' debts to their coking plants were also written off.

This is a triangular debt relationship, and it is also the norm in this era. It really takes a little courage to cut it off.

However, this also cut off the subsequent business contacts of the coking plant.

Shen Guanglin didn't care.

The accountant that Zhang Peng brought over checked the accounts of the factory. He really couldn't believe that the account of the whole factory was only more than 6 yuan, which was not even enough for a month's salary.

They have no money!

The wages are subsidized by the government. Of course, too many accounts receivable charged by the steel factory is also a reason.

After taking stock of all the assets of the coking plant, that is, a pile of coal, a pile of coke, a pile of people, a pile of rotten equipment, a piece of land, and nothing else.

Shen Guanglin's team is very happy to come and take over the factory.

Lin Wenwei is the chairman, Zhang Peng is the general manager and factory director, and Shen Guanglin is the chief scientist.

The receiving process is fast.

At the all-hands meeting, the government leaders spoke: The wages of employees in the new joint venture will not be lower than the original level, and the staffing will still be there. There will be opportunities to transfer back to the steel plant, and they will not be laid off or fired without reason. as usual.

It's just that the management of the factory was replaced by Shen Guanglin's team, and they only retained the trade union organization and a seat on the board of directors.

This is also one of the agreements Shen Guanglin reached with the local government.

The top leader of the original coking factory had some background, so he was transferred to a brother unit and landed safely.

However, those deputy factory directors were not so lucky. They were ruthlessly retained, and even their positions were repositioned and waited for arrangement.

The first thing Zhang Peng did when he took office was to stop production and work.

Can't stop, who will sell the product line after production.

The original coal in the factory can no longer continue coking, and the finished coke can no longer be sent to the steel factory.

Because the triangular debt has been clarified, and then send materials to the steel plant, it is to use my own money to generate electricity with love.

The second thing: All the leadership teams were disbanded on the spot, and everyone was recruited again.

One stone caused a thousand waves!

There is simply no sign of it.

Everyone still hopes that the joint venture factory can have a high income and work hard. Now even the production is not allowed, and the cadres are not allowed to be appointed. What is this doing!
This order was issued by the new factory director Zhang Peng as soon as he took office. Is this two of the three fires for the new official to take office?
I don’t know who said it, but now the factory only has tens of thousands of dollars in its account. It’s a lot of money for one person, but it’s not enough for half a month’s salary for more than 2000 people.

Now, the factory is no longer producing, is it because the wages are not paid?

Everyone's life these years is really not rich. If one month's salary is missing, everyone will go hungry.

This will not work!
How can we stop production at this time and let everyone go to the coal pile to eat coal pellets?

Dissatisfaction was brewing under the instigation of some caring people.

Many people began to connect privately, which is a professional skill that has been cultivated over the years.

We have to go to the factory, to the steel company, to the government to petition that exploitation should not exist in our country, we are the masters and the vanguard.

What kind of joint venture, and partnering with capitalists in capitalist countries, what benefits can it bring?
They know how to command blindly, and where the benefits come from if they don't produce, these new leadership groups are not good at all, and the factory cannot be entrusted to them!
The factory shut down, and everyone's thoughts became more and more.

Of course, it is impossible for workers to act spontaneously. If there is no one to take the lead, no ghost will believe it.

The next morning, Shen Guanglin was still leading the management team to a meeting, and the office building was blocked.

Row after row of workers appeared downstairs, bringing their families with them, supporting the old and the young.

After a while, the downstairs was full of protagonists who came to ask for an explanation. At a glance, there were hundreds or thousands of people.

The leaders of the factory who had been "unemployed", big and small, also came, mixed in the crowd, except for a few deputy factory directors who might be promoted but have been dismissed.

However, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

In fact, a few days earlier, Zhang Peng and the others had already received the news that the date of the workers' gathering was today, and the "leaders" must give them an explanation.

This is a surrender gift brought by a speculator surnamed Yao. He was originally the director of the second workshop, considered a middle-level manager, and now he is directly appointed as the assistant to the factory director. He also has a fashionable name: assistant to the general manager.

It is only a few years before the end of the movement, and everyone still has the ability to shout slogans. Someone took the lead, and soon the crowd became angry and their fighting spirit was high.

Shen Guanglin and Zhang Peng were sitting in the office drinking tea to keep warm, and they were quietly welcoming the coming of the storm.

Even the coordinator sent by the government was there, he was a director, he was really sensible, he didn't say a word, he just drank tea.

The first wave of confrontation begins.

This is Mr. Yao's chance to perform.

He is a local and an employee in the factory, so he took the initiative to stand up: "Everyone go back first, the factory will not treat you badly, we are having a meeting to discuss the future development path of the factory, please go back quietly Waiting for news."

It's okay not to say these things, but everyone will be even angrier when they say it.


"The lackeys of the capitalists!"

"If you are right with the people, you will end badly!"

Downstairs there was a din of yelling and cursing.

Someone even threw something towards the office building. Looking carefully, it was a broken cotton shoe.

I go!This precedent cannot be set. What if we throw bricks later?
I can't pretend anymore, if I continue pretending, I will pretend to be an idiot.

Zhang Peng came forward. He is the general manager and has experience in dealing with this.

Standing in the aisle of the office building, looking at the turbulent crowd downstairs, Zhang Peng felt that he was very much like the chief inspector, and he still had a familiar and friendly feeling in his heart.

"I am Zhang Peng, our new factory director. Everyone, please be quiet. If you have any demands, you can talk about them. Noisy can't solve the problem. One person is too noisy. Let's find a representative to come up and talk together. .”

"No! Don't try to win over the division, there is no way! We want to live, we want wages!"

A young and middle-aged man who looked very sporty raised his arms and shouted, as if he had returned to the passionate years.

"We want lives, we want wages!" the crowd chanted with him.

"Okay! You want wages, right? Let's pay wages!" Zhang Peng waved his hand, "We used to pay wages on the 20th, but today is the 7th. From now on, we will pay wages on the 7th!"

The audience was silent for a second.

"Accountant, bring the payroll, we'll pay the salary now."


The accountant of the factory stood up. He wore a pair of glasses and always looked serious, as if with him, the accounts would never go wrong.

what's the situation?
It's different than expected.

Didn't it mean that there is no money in the account of the factory? Where can I get the money to pay wages?

Zhang Peng predicted everyone's expectations:

"Everyone, don't think that if there is no money in the factory's account, we can't pay wages. We are now a joint venture, but the government also has shares, and they won't ignore it. Besides, since we are capitalists, if we don't have capital, then What are you calling a capitalist?"

Makes sense.

Soon, in the cold and windy weather, two people moved two desks downstairs, several people brought two large cash boxes downstairs, and some people carried weapons.

Two large boxes, each of which needs to be carried by someone, looks heavy.

Open it up, it's full of cash!
One of the boxes is 10 yuan, and the other is 1 yuan. They are all brand new banknotes, probably with consecutive numbers.

A lot of money!
Everyone was stunned.

In fact, the denomination of RMB is still too small now, and a whole box of money is only 50 yuan, which weighs more than 100 catties.

And that one-yuan box adds up to only 5 yuan.

"Everyone line up to collect, don't worry, if you can't get it today, it will continue tomorrow, no one will be short. Please inform each other, get your salary in the order of the workshop today, and don't rush back after you get it, the company will have other things later. arrange."

The accountant speaks very seriously, but that's what everyone does.

The crowd fell silent and began to mutter under their breath how much money would be handed out today.

"If you don't, just send half of it."

"No way, that box of money looks old and young, and 80.00% of it can be paid."

"You have to send it all out."

Everyone is still discussing, and the money has already started to be distributed.

"Zhang Chaoyang, 65!"

"Ma Yun, 95!"

"Wang Xin, 73!"

Zhang Chaoyang is not here, but Ma Yun is. "Isn't my salary 47 yuan and 5 yuan? How can I pay 95 yuan?"

"Because everyone's life is not easy, now is the period of suspension of production and work, and the cost may be more, so this month's double salary will make everyone more affluent, and it will not affect the salary of the next month."

Zhang Peng stood up and explained.

He also likes the feeling of spending money recklessly, it's so cool!

No wonder Shen Guanglin always likes to send money and things.

Distributing money is also quite time-consuming. I stayed up from morning to noon, and only half of it was sent.

At this time, some people who had received the money were going home to cook, and a row of trucks drove up, all covered with green canvas and honking.

This is Shen Guanglin's serial big move.

Since Zhang Peng is the person in charge, let him pretend to the end.

Zhang Peng took a look at Shen Guanglin and showed a satisfied expression. We also like this feeling.

"Xiao Yao, go and get some people to unload the car with me."

Xiao Yao is almost 50 years old, but he is still Xiao Yao.

"Unload what?"



"Well, the company used foreign exchange to buy this. It was a total of 20 tons. It was originally intended to be shipped to the Soviet Union, but it was stopped and shipped to us."

After thinking about it, Zhang Peng felt that talking about 20 tons was not enough, so he put it another way: "This is 4 catties of pork, and each employee can share 20 catties."

"Is it free?"

"of course not."

While talking, the car was parked, 4 cars were lined up, and the canvas was opened, which was very spectacular.

There are 4 catties of pork, but there are more than 200 pigs, all of which are hung in rows, which seems to be a huge number.

Zhang Peng climbed onto the roof of the car, holding a tin speaker in his hand, the kind without batteries, purely physical amplification.

"In order to improve everyone's food and maintain nutrition, the company specially pulled some pork from the Jizhou Meat Union Factory that was originally used for export. They were slaughtered not long ago. Now they are sold to everyone. Each household is limited to 20 catties, and no meat ticket is required."

"Hey, it's not free."

Everyone's interest suddenly became much less, and they thought there was a bigger surprise.

"How much is a catty?"

After all, the wages are paid, and there are double wages. There are indeed many people who want to buy some pork to go back and make dumplings for tooth festivals.

"Sure enough, he is a capitalist. He just knows how to calculate. He just got paid and wants to cheat back."

"That's right, people with hair on them are fine."

Zhang Peng continued his performance as if he hadn't heard anything:
"Pork costs 20 cents a catty, without bones, and is not sold as a snack. A 10 catty portion is exactly [-] yuan. There is no change, so it is convenient to collect money."

Such a domineering man, but the wind makes his nose runny.

"What? Only fifty cents a catty?"

"How is this possible? Now the meat sold in the vegetable market costs [-] jin for lean meat, and [-] for fat. They sell it for [-] cents. Why?"

"Stop nagging, whether you like to buy it or not. You heard it right, it is fifty cents a catty. Those who want to buy pork line up, and those who don't want to buy pork can get their wages and go home!"

Everyone looked at the pork, it was indeed very fresh.

"What are you looking at, this is the pig we killed last night."

The Meat Factory sent several workers here, and one of them was a tall, dark and well-dressed young man who was the most eye-catching.

I saw him setting up an iron frame and a chopping board, and the whole pig unloaded from the cart was hung directly on the iron frame, and his movements were effortless, as if he was catching a chicken.

The movements are fluent and flowing.

In ancient times there was Pao Ding Jie Niu, and today there is Pao Ding Jie Pig.

"Young man, what's your name, you work so neatly."

"My name is Chen Mingliang, and I have been butchering pigs for generations."

(End of this chapter)

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