Chapter 281

The meat came quickly.

Bright, without any taste, tear off a little and put it in your mouth, it is very sweet.

Sure enough, it was a pig that was killed now, and it didn't run away.

The old leaders in the factory are no longer reserved, and even those who did not receive their wages still ran to the meat-buying queue.

The speed of buying meat is no slower than receiving money.

Chen Mingliang, however, was very nimble. He picked out the big bone stick with a brush. This is what Boss Shen said. He wanted to eat the bone marrow for the stew.

Let's keep the ribs, don't pick them up, don't need to weigh them, Chen Mingliang weighs them with his hands: "21 catties and a half, break the bones of a catty and a half, it's exactly 20, next one!"

"I don't believe it. This bone weighs 2 catties. The meat is definitely not 20 catties. You have to spare me at least a catty of pork. It needs to be fatter."

Chen Mingliang is angry, do you dare to question my profession?
Let me show you!

A meat slicing knife flew up and down, removing the bones piece by piece, with no meat on them.

After shaving, I took the meat and put it on the scale, and it was exactly 20 catties, which is a lot.

The questioner had nothing to say, and said timidly: "Young man, please return the shaved bones to me. I will take them back and make soup."

"No, the meat is sold without bones, that's what the boss said."

"This was supposed to be mine!"

Seeing that the man was about to reach for the bone, Chen Mingliang pulled out a knife, and the boning knife flew out and stuck on the chopping board, only 20 centimeters away from the man's hand.

"Virtue! You still can't grab it."

Looking up and smiling honestly, it was uglier than crying.

At noon, the aroma of the coking factory's subordinate area is particularly strong and long-lasting.

It's only winter months, and every family has passed the previous year ahead of schedule, and the little ones come back from school until they have a stomach ache.

In the days to come, the factory didn't sell much meat anymore, but they had meat for every meal.

Chen Mingliang also has a place to use his skills. He has to deliver meat once a week, first to the capital and then to Jinmen.

Chen Mingming is a graduate student of the University of Mining and Technology. When he graduated from the university, he was assigned to the Jinmen Coking Plant, and then he was sent again to study as a graduate student, so that he could receive an extra salary.

My brother wrote a letter. He said that he has been working in their coking plant for more than a month, and he may be a permanent resident in the future. His full-time job is to deliver pork and sell pork.

And this thing?
Since it's going to be a winter vacation, why not go back to the coking plant to have a look, and then go home after work to see if there is any New Year's goods in the coking plant.

Do it when you think of it.

Chen bought a train ticket to Jinmen tomorrow, and went north to Jinmen directly from Pengcheng.

The green leather cars in 1982 were often terribly crowded.

Sometimes, the toilets are occupied by people, and there is no way for people to smell from being held back.

However, the people in the same company didn't feel that it was hard work. Instead, they talked and talked all the way.

After a night of hard work, the train entered Jinmen at dawn.

The coking plant is Chen Mingming's work unit. Although he only came here during the summer vacation to report, he is still very emotional.

Because, this may be the place where he will work for the rest of his life.

It is very possible for the children of the peasant family to be able to work in Jinmen.

After a while, the green leather car stopped.

Chen Mingming put his bag on his back and followed the crowd off the train.

Big brother Chen Mingliang really came to pick him up.

Seeing the younger brother, the elder brother smiled honestly: "Second brother, are you hungry, I brought you the leftover braised pork from yesterday's meal."

"I'm not hungry. I also brought you braised pork, but it's braised dog meat."

Indeed, the dog meat in Pei County under Pengcheng is very famous. Chen Mingliang has been wanting to eat it for several years, but he has never brought his second child back. This time it is rare.

The two brothers exchanged food with each other on the square of the train station. Each took a big bite and smiled at each other. The taste was really good.

"Let's go, let's go directly to the factory."

Chen Ming shook his head, "This is our factory, why are you calling it so kind?"

Chen Mingliang didn't reply, he dragged his younger brother into the big truck he drove, turned on the fire with the crank, and set off towards the coking plant.

Jinmen is a big city, and Chen Laoer hadn't observed it carefully before, and he came here in a hurry last time, just to report to the unit, after all, if he has a unit, he can get an extra salary.

Unexpectedly, this coking plant is really related to my family, and my brother also came to work.

"Brother, don't you work in the meat joint factory? How did you come here?"

"I'm still in the meat joint factory. I'm on a business trip. The meat joint factory has a long-term cooperation agreement with your coking plant, and they will send [-] catties of pork every week."

"Every week? Three thousand catties?"

"Yes, this is still a small amount. When I first came here, I gave [-] catties at a time. I disassembled it by myself, and then I was too tired to walk." Chen Mingliang thought of him. The glorious deeds of dismantling [-] catties of pork in one breath can be boasted for a lifetime.

In fact, after the dismantling, he couldn't do it anymore. The meat was dismantled by the young man in the factory. After all, a pig can be cut into [-] catties, and it can't be cut into a few pieces.

"Are people so rich in our factory? They eat pork every day." Chen Mingming had eaten in the factory, but he didn't see any oil star at that time.

"I don't know. They say it's a foreign-funded enterprise, but I don't think it looks like it at all. The boss is Dutch, and his accent is similar to ours. The boss is a scientist who speaks Beijing movies, and he doesn't look like a foreigner."

"What kind of boss, and what kind of scientist?"

"The chief scientist, we call him the boss. I heard that he is a professor at the Capital University. I don't know how much the salary is. It must be 500 yuan a month. The smoke that is scattered is all Zhonghua."

Chen Ming became even more curious. It hasn't been long since he left, has everything changed?

The truck is entering the wasteland area, and the factory is about to arrive.

Passing some familiar intersections, Chen Mingliang felt that the factory should be in that direction.

"But what about the chimney?"

"It exploded, but it's exciting. It was my fault. The boss even rewarded me with 50 yuan."

Chen Mingliang quickly turned the steering wheel back and forth, skillfully switched the brake and clutch, showing off his great achievements.

"Your factory director really likes me, and the scientist boss, who heard that I can slay pigs, even brought a dog for me to castrate when I was delivering meat in the capital. It's a little local dog."

"What, why did the dog have to be castrated?"

"That's right, the greatest joy of a dog is a Japanese dog. Since it was castrated, that dog doesn't look right at me anymore."

Shen Guanglin also had no choice. The domestic dog at home was almost an adult, and he poked around with his geese every day. Sometimes he would lie on the recliner to rest, and it would hug his leg and poke.

This guy is stronger than Teddy.

The factory is still here.

It is still this familiar door, very impressive.

The holly at the door is growing very well. There used to be a lot of coal ash, but now it is gone, and it is much more energetic.

Chen Mingliang said hello, and the gatekeeper readily opened the gate and let the car drive in.

"Going to pull pigs again?"

"Say your mouth, I pulled my brother today."

The car walks along the avenue, eh?What about the plant?
Why is it different from what I remember.

Seeing what my brother was thinking, my brother explained:

"Your original factories have been demolished, and only some cleaner factories have been left as classrooms. Now you are teaching every day. I heard that many professors from Beijing University come to give lectures, and there are also experts invited from Yangcheng."

The car stopped looking for a place.

After getting out of the car, Chen Ming was dumbfounded. The factory seems to be really different, where should he go to report.

Or the office building.

"Don't worry about this, I'll help you find the factory manager and talk to him."

"just you?"

"Of course, Boss Shen also likes me, and asked me to represent your factory in some sports meeting, saying that I am very talented in sprinting."

Zhang Peng, the factory director, was very happy to see Chen Mingming, "It turns out that there are really college students in our factory, and he is still a graduate student. It's amazing. I've lost my job in the coking plant. Come back to the capital with me. I have a student there." The biotechnology company jointly established with Beijing University, you just happened to go to study."

Chen Mingming didn't have a particularly strong sense of belonging to where he was going, and he was in a state of confusion. It must be good for Director Zhang to let him go to work in the capital.

"Don't believe him, his place is a pig farm, and there are more than [-] piglets that I took down. The boss ate each one and vomited."

"Which boss?"

"Boss Shen, there is only one boss in the factory."

(End of this chapter)

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