Chapter 282
Shen Guanglin didn't care about what was going on at the joint company, but the coking plant had completely changed.

The old factory buildings have been demolished, and the ground has been turned over. It is necessary to change the black and gray tone.

The coke that is already a finished product is still sold.

It is not accurate to say that it is sold, it is an exchange, a barter exchange with the steel mill.

A large pile of coke was replaced by steel pipes and I-beams and section steel.

The small railway station is preserved, and it can be developed into a warehouse and logistics center. Shen Guanglin even wanted to ask whether the internal combustion engine locomotive is for sale.

Thinking too much, where can I intervene in Boss Iron's territory.

There is still a lot of coal, let's burn it slowly, only the coke needs to be dealt with urgently.

The market for coke is there, and it is really useless to stay in the factory.

Thanks to Shen Guanglin's foreign exchange here, the iron and steel factory is begging for it, otherwise, if they really don't want the coke, they will have to throw it at their hands.

The coking factory was about to change, and the first thing Shen Guanglin thought of was to produce refrigerators.

At this stage, the domestic demand for refrigerators is too strong.

And this demand will not change for 40 years.

Shen Guanglin was going to spend money to buy a refrigerator production line from West Germany, and instead of putting it in Shencheng, put it directly in the new factory building of the coking factory.

The new factory building is a standard factory building with I-beam structure, which can last for 100 years. The factory building has been built, but the production equipment has not yet come in.

In fact, it is not complicated at all to produce refrigerators. The core components, compressors, are imported. Fuso has a lot of them. After all, they are cheap and of good quality.

At this stage, it is not economically worthwhile to really produce compressors by ourselves.

Therefore, except for the compressor, everything else can be produced by itself, and there is no shortage of raw materials.

Of course, the circuit boards have to be imported from Singapore.

There is no need for steel materials, because Jinmen is close to the capital and not far from Tangshan. If the steel mills in Jinmen are unwilling to provide raw materials, we have plenty of places to buy them, and the worst thing is to use some foreign exchange.

However, it is easy to think about things, but difficult to do.

It was only when I really wanted to do something practical that I realized that it is no wonder Shencheng is a special economic zone with fast development. In Jinmen, it is really difficult to start a business, especially if you want to import a production line.

All kinds of procedures, all kinds of approvals, cumbersome and frustrating.

It's no wonder that Shencheng can develop rapidly, their procedures are very simplified.

When Su Youpeng built a factory in Shencheng, everything was so simple, and the production line was in place in half a month.

At that time, Shen Guanglin ordered the production line in Fusang, and they packed and shipped it directly to Xiangjiang, and then entered the customs from Xiangjiang.

After arriving at the factory, just unpack and check to see if there are any contraband.

The local government cooperated throughout the whole process, and the degree of cooperation and tacit understanding is outrageous.

However, now that the Jinmen Coking Plant wants to change the product line, it really took a lot of effort.

First of all, even if their company is a joint venture company, if they want to produce refrigerators, they have to make a special application and ask their leaders for approval.

Naturally, the leaders agreed that the production of refrigerators is a good thing, which is beneficial to the country and the people.

The application is not finished, but also consider where the raw materials come from, who the refrigerators are going to be sold to, and how much they will cost.

This can be regarded as the predecessor of "feasibility study", we are not afraid.

After the "feasibility study" is completed, a special application should be written for who and what kind of production line you want to introduce.

What's even more outrageous is that Shen Guanglin already has a promising production line, and even negotiated the price, but the higher authorities are not allowed to buy it!
Because their company does not have import and export authority, the authority of import and export trade is in a special department.


Jinmen has a special import and export organization, right? Let's bear with it. Please help us buy a production line.

As a result, Jinmen couldn't buy it either, and it still needed to be inspected and approved by the institutions in the capital.

The coking factory put the production line models and money needed to purchase into a special account, which was not enough, and the agency responsible for import and export even went to West Germany for inspection and evaluation.

Please, this is our own internal business.

But your company also has state-owned assets.

Okay, I will bear it, but we will not pay for the inspection abroad, we have already inspected it.

After more than two months of tossing, the other party gave an evaluation report: this production line is too cost-effective and does not conform to the actual situation of my country's economic development. It is recommended to re-select a better manufacturer.

Give your grandma a leg!

Labor and capital will not buy it!
In the end, a workaround was taken.

Shen Guanglin instructed the coking plant to apply to the Jinmen Municipal Government. We have a refrigerator manufacturing factory in Singapore, and we are planning to move the production equipment here. Please agree.

Agreed so much!Move now!

Can finally do things.

The next step is to wait for the department in charge of import and export to refund our money.

This is another long process.

Shen Guanglin made another payment directly from an overseas account, and the production line started shipping as quickly as possible. It departed from the port city of Bremen, passed through the Turkish Strait, the Suez Canal, the Strait of Malacca, and the Bend Bay Strait, and finally arrived at Jinmen.

The journey went smoothly, unlike the Varyag, which was stopped by Turkey for several years.

The equipment finally arrived, while construction continued on the factory.

After all, with so much land, the construction of new factories has never stopped. The one who built the factory for Shen Guanglin is still the second construction of the capital, and they are old partners.

More factory buildings have been built, imported equipment is not easy to deal with, and domestic equipment can always be bought casually.

Shen Guanglin decided to build another textile factory and a garment factory. After all, Hebei Province and Qilu Province are both cotton-producing areas, and it is not difficult to buy some cotton.

Fortunately, these devices are easy to solve. There is a textile machine in Hengyang, which specializes in the production of textile machinery.

However, the matter of organizing production still needs to be done by Huang Guangyi, who is more experienced.

At the very least, it should be right to come to support for a period of time, Zhang Peng can't do these things.

Xiao Huang came here in a hurry, and his niece Jiang Zhenhua was very moved. Was it because of her that Brother Huang was transferred back from Shencheng?

of course not!

It was just temporary support, she was overthinking it.

However, Shen Guanglin is no longer prepared to make too much trouble. The business environment in Shencheng is better, and there are too many obstacles in Jinmen.

Xiao Huang is here, so busy that his feet don't touch the ground.

However, the niece's wedding can indeed be put on the agenda, so let's go to Shanwei to hold a grand feast.

Chaoshan is a region name, just like Yangzhou in ancient times.

The general area includes Chaozhou, Shantou, Jieyang and Shanwei.

This is the hometown of overseas Chinese, and many people live in Xiangjiang and Southeast Asia, so they are relatively rich.

In the 80s when jeeps were quite imposing, there were already cars in Shanwei.

Not to mention those cars running around in the streets, the citizens can hear the horns from far away, which is the show off of the nouveau riche.

The day before New Year's Day, a caravan suddenly flooded into the streets of Shanwei. There were 6 identical cars, all of which were Mercedes-Benz 600s.

Either the S600, or the Mercedes-Benz 1963 code-named W100 launched in 600.

This is a representative luxury car. Shen Guanglin bought 6 cars at one go, and planned to put one in Xiangjiang, two in Shencheng, and three in Beijing.

Of course, there is no such name as Mercedes-Benz in China. Everyone borrows the name of Xiangjiang and calls it Mercedes-Benz.

Now that there is no patent law in China, Shen Guanglin has long thought about registering all Mercedes-Benz and BMW as his own trademarks.

Lao Liu is a leading figure in Shanwei, and he has made a lot of money dumping things from Xiangjiang to the inland over the years.

He has always been complacent about owning the first Mercedes-Benz in the entire Chaoshan area. The big water hoses in Xiangjiang are not counted, and they have caught up with the good time.

When he is free, he likes to brag with his friends most.

That evening, he ate a late-night snack and drank a few bottles of beer and he became a little swollen: "Mingzhi is good, you don't understand. When I have money, I must buy a Mercedes-Benz 600, that is the real car."

Everyone is envious.

"What is the Mercedes-Benz 600?"

"You haven't seen any of them. There are none in China. I only saw a few in Xiangjiang."

Just as he was talking, a row of small cars drove over, with long bodies and bright paint.

"Mr. Liu, look quickly, these cars are very similar to your car logo, they are all three-pointed round logos, what kind of car is this?"

"Fuck, Mercedes 600!"

(End of this chapter)

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