Chapter 283 Travel
The wedding of Jiang Zhenhua and Huang Guangyi was held as scheduled on New Year's Day.

I heard people say that there are three streets full of banquet tables, all of which are traditional Chaoshan delicacies, and there is not a single seafood, which is not popular in this era.

The most popular dishes are dishes from other places: big braised pork and crystal elbow.

When his niece got married, Shen Guanglin felt like his own good cabbage was fed to pigs.

I'm really sad.

The wedding was very traditional and lively, people who should have come and who should not have come, not only Jiang's parents, brothers and sisters, but also Shen Guanglin's relatives in Jinling also came.

Su Youpeng fulfilled his friendship as a landlord and was responsible for receiving relatives and friends from the capital and other places.

It is most appropriate for him to come forward, he can represent both the man and the woman.

Shen Guanglin issued a mobilization order, and if any friends from the capital were willing to come to the south, he would cover all the expenses.

In this case, if you don't go, you won't go for nothing.

For this reason, not only the people from Shen Guanglin's laboratory, but also some of Shen Guanglin's good colleagues came here. They also knew Comrade Xiao Jiang, and it was a good idea to come here to follow along.

After all, Jiang Zhenhua was an employee of Capital University.

As the representatives of the school, the colleagues also attended the banquet of the master's house. After all, they are professors from the capital university.

A middle-aged colleague who looked good made a congratulatory speech on behalf of the school and won applause.

Everyone is discussing such a grand wedding, whether the woman's family is particularly powerful.

I don't know if there is any influence, but there must be money.

Because, the number of dowry things from the natal family is not too much, but they are of high quality. Just a Mercedes-Benz 600 sedan can explain the problem.

In fact, there is something that can explain the problem better, and that is a suite in the capital.

It's a pity that housing prices in Beijing are not expensive at all.

This house was bought by Jiang Zhenhua herself. She bought it from Shen Guanglin, which is Tiangong No. [-] with elevator.

Well, it can also be said that Shen Guanglin gave her this house, because Jiang Zhenhua didn't give him any money at all.

Shen Guanglin was originally from her natal family, so it was appropriate to give some dowry.

This car is not actually a dowry, because even if they don't get married, Shen Guanglin plans to give Xiao Huang a car.

This is not just a matter of face, the level has already reached there, and everything is within the plan.

The wedding scene was very grand. There were many relatives from the Jiang family, and there were also many people from the Huang family.

Huang Guangyi alone has five brothers and sisters, plus miscellaneous relatives, and friends in Yangcheng, Beijing, and Shencheng, and there are a lot of them.

After all, their Huang family's ancestors were also landlords, and they are still very knowledgeable in terms of historical precipitation.

The wedding is held in accordance with the local traditional customs, which is rigid and well organized.


They are also declaring something through this wedding, which means that their Huang family is a family of poetry and books, and they will not be silent forever.

After all, in the past few years, they were discriminated against by their neighbors.

It's different now.

The current mainstream view is that everything is about money, especially in the Chaoshan area.

Over the years, Huang Guangyi has made money, and the neighbors are also good people. They are very enthusiastic, and they greet each other every day.

The team sending off the relatives this time was full of ostentation. The 6 identical Mercedes-Benz 600s that Shen Guanglin bought in one breath really raised the face of the men and women.

On the topic of marriage, it is impossible not to compare. After all, a super-standard wedding can be rumored for decades in one place.

When everyone mentions weddings in history, they will probably mention this luxurious feast, which is fine.

In the years when everyone was still hungry and warm, the Huang family could already afford 6 Mercedes-Benz sedans to meet their relatives.

The wedding is over and the bridal chamber is successful.

The hypocrisy of "head returning to the house", "second returning to the house", and "three returning to the house" can be avoided. After apologizing to both parents, Xiao Huang immediately flew back to Jinmen with Jiang Zhenhua.

He is really busy. When the production equipment from Germany arrives, he has to organize personnel to move in and debug the equipment, and at the same time organize trial production. He has no time to spare.

No, my uncle Zhang Peng was too busy to come over to play at all.

Where is it like Shen Guanglin, who is completely an old man who doesn't care about things.

Everyone worked for him, but he acted like he didn't care about anything.

Of course, Xiao Huang is not so busy for anything else, even for the Mercedes-Benz rewarded by Shen Guanglin, it is worthy of hard work.

You all go back to work, I'll take them to play.

In Shen Guanglin's philosophy, if you rarely come to the south, you will naturally have to go around more often.

And the place everyone most wants to go to is naturally Xiangjiang.

With Su Youpeng here, he has connections in Shencheng, and many things are easy to handle. It is not particularly complicated to apply for a pass, but it only needs time and a guarantor.

Then let's take a stroll in Yangcheng and Shencheng first.

Yangcheng in this era is not fun, nor is Guancheng.

After all, it is only 1982 now, and the city appearances of Yangcheng, Jinling and Beijing are not very different, the difference is probably the living customs and eating habits.

Of course, the climate of several places is also different.

It is cold in the north now, and playing in the south can be regarded as a successful escape from the cold. After all, it is summer all year round here and you have to wear short sleeves.

After visiting Yangcheng, visit Shencheng.

There are construction sites everywhere in Shencheng, and there is really nothing interesting about it.

Meisha and Meisha haven’t been developed into a free beach yet. If you want to see the sea, you can only go to the wild beach, and you may encounter stowaways.

Let's visit the factory jointly opened by Professor Shen and Su Youpeng.

This kind of thriving and vigorous scenery is the most beautiful.

There are so many female workers from all over the country, and there are quite a few good-looking ones.

In Shen Houdao's words, it's a pity that they are a little older, and none of them are fourteen or five years old.

After studying for a week, the permit to Xiangjiang was also issued.

No need to take a commuter car, just drive all the way directly into Xiangjiang.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Xiangjiang is really different.

Until they lived in Shen Guanglin's villa, they couldn't believe that they had already arrived in Xiangjiang.

This feeling is simply amazing.

Do all the people in Xiangjiang live in such houses? They are too rich, and there are swimming pools and Filipino maids.

The Filipino maids are hired by Sister Baoqin, so someone needs to clean up for them.

Of course, neither Li Rong nor Shen Guanglin said that this is their own villa, and they asked them to find out by themselves.

When you come to Xiangjiang, the first thing you enjoy is food.

Nobita entertained guests, and Shen Houdao also performed a performance of eating a pig with three bites.

It turns out that roast suckling pig is so delicious.

A visit to Xiangjiang is naturally a fun way to go. Central, Causeway Bay, and Admiralty are all good places to go shopping.

Go shopping, buy horses, go sailing on a yacht.

Shen Guanglin did his best.

Everyone also went fishing on a sea voyage, which was very enjoyable.

Cousin Shen Houdao's trip to Xiangjiang really opened his eyes, "Brother, look at that bitch, she didn't wear pants, she only wore a small bottom!"

Shen Guanglin saw that the girl was wearing hot pants, which were considered conservative, not even showing her buttocks.

The denim hot pants worn by the girls in later generations are called hot, and the frayed edges are broken down to the thighs.

Just look at it, even dare to think about it.

That night, Shen Guanglin took his cousin to the May Flower Restaurant, which was opened by Huang Qiu. He is the owner of the No. 1000 nightclub in Xiangjiang and has more than [-] dancers under his command.

After just drinking a glass of cocktail, Brother Second Heaven had several pimples on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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