Start with a college teacher

Chapter 284 Settlement

Chapter 284 Settlement
If the name is not correct, the words will not go well, if the words are not smooth, the affairs will not be accomplished, and if the affairs are not accomplished, the ceremony and music will not be prosperous.

How can you watch dance if the rituals and music are not popular?

After traveling around Xiangjiang, Shen Houdao went back to Jinling with his family, with a huge impact on his soul.

Shen Guanglin told him, study hard, everything will come.

Shen Guanglin also brought Li Rong back to the capital.

Returning to the peaceful teaching life and scientific research work, everything has become busy and ordinary again.

Jinmen Coking Plant should also change its name.

With this earthy and coal name, it is estimated that it will not be able to produce good products.

Changing a name is like changing a new world.

The most obvious example is Hisense.

This is a factory established since the 60s, originally called Qindao Radio No. [-] Factory.

Later, the TV production line was introduced and it became the Qindao brand TV factory. They also had some prestige in Qilu Province, but unfortunately they were not well-known in China at all.

Until one day, they changed a new name with a foreign style, and then became a domestic home appliance giant.

Even, this company is preparing to catch up from behind, and has a tendency to surpass the shorts brothers.

Not only companies, but people's names sometimes have to be changed. If you don't change it, you can't transfer it.

Shen Guanglin had a classmate surnamed Liu. The fortune teller said that he was short of water in the five elements, so he changed his name to "Liu Lian".

Everyone thinks that this name is not good enough, and it is better to call it "Liu Yin", which is lively and lively.

Sure enough, Liu, who changed his name, never handed in 5000 yuan once, and the police uncle lost a lot of revenue.

Back to the Dao Coking Plant itself, this is Shen Guanglin's first entrepreneurial activity hosted by him at close range, so it is natural to be cautious.

In later generations, there are many brands of refrigerators, and there are only two or three well-known ones.

Basically, except for the short pants brothers and the electrical appliance factory in Shunde, the other companies have no strength.

The Short Pants Brothers haven't been established yet, but the family business in Shunde already exists and is producing electric fans. It has already formed a competitive relationship with Shen Guanglin's electrical appliance company in Nanyue.

It is definitely inappropriate to impersonate someone else's name. Names such as "really nice" and "true beauty" also feel like touching porcelain.

What is the name of the new factory?
Great Wall, Yangtze River, Yellow River, Huangshan

Let's be serious.

If it doesn't work, it would be nice to call it the Great Wall. It can make both cars and TVs.

Jinmen Great Wall Electric Manufacturing Factory was formally established!
Great Wall Electric Company, which has just successfully changed its name, is organizing an internal celebration banquet, which will be held in the staff cafeteria.

The content of the celebration is congratulations on the successful move-in of the equipment, and the new product is ready to go offline.

The chief scientist, Shen Guanglin, also reluctantly rushed over from the capital. He is the boss and cannot miss such an important event.

Chairman Lin Wenwei has already gone back to Xinjiapo. There is still a lot of work there. After the new factory here is completed and put into production, there will definitely be a shortage of circuit boards, and there will be expansion of production there.

Today the cafeteria is overcrowded and lively.

In any unit with Shen Guanglin, the food in the cafeteria is always the best, and Great Wall Electric is no exception.

Since the product has not yet officially rolled off the assembly line, today is just an informal celebration held internally, and it can be regarded as a pre-acceptance of the production line and infrastructure.

Shen Guanglin hurried over from the capital, the first thing he did was to eat in the cafeteria.

The same canteen, the leader and the masses are still different, the leaders have a private room for meals, and the masses have a lobby.

However, the dishes they ate were the same, they were all brought out of super-large washbasins, and they were all prepared by master chefs who could shake their hands.

The only difference is that the leaders have more meals, which can be distributed freely, and all of them are filled in small pots, which are full and satisfying to eat.

Ordinary workers can't do it, they use their rice bowls to eat, and they have a little bit of everything, which can satisfy their hunger and satisfy their hunger, but they can't eat delicious food recklessly.

Today's day is different from usual.

The dishes are also richer, and there are large pieces of beef, stewed with potatoes, the juice is rich, and it looks very fragrant.

Beef is a good thing.

As of this year, the reform and opening up has been carried out for the fourth year. Now beef can be exported in exchange for foreign exchange, so the price of beef has also risen, and it is rarely sold to the domestic people.

At least, if you go to the vegetable market to buy, there are only some scattered beef brisket and beef tendon available. The best beef is the best foreign exchange, which is precious.

It's the middle of the twelfth lunar month now, and the Chinese New Year is not far away. Having a big meal today can be regarded as an early Chinese New Year.

The factory has issued a notice that there will be no holidays for the Chinese New Year this year, and everyone will be busy resuming production.

The company's plan is to have the first refrigerator off the assembly line before the Spring Festival.

Therefore, everyone including Xiao Huang was too busy to keep their feet on the ground.

Training workers, organizing raw materials, and formulating production plans all require careful consideration.

In other words, Xiao Huang and the others already had experience in this area, so they were able to push things forward.

A career doesn't really happen overnight.

If the product is offline, Shen Guanglin has a secret plan:
If the products produced were unqualified, then he would take out a big hammer and smash the refrigerator in front of the entire company's employees.

Let's be a historical figure too!
The work of photography and video recording must be prepared in advance, and will be shown to people when they come to visit the factory in the future.

Everyone enjoyed the meal, and it was time to start working after the meal.

Since the construction of some factory buildings and dormitory buildings has been basically completed, the acceptance of this part of the project can also be done together.

The re-planned dormitory area is full of buildings, the main purpose is to reduce the occupied area.

According to the plan, single workers live in a quadruple room, and married workers live in a single room, all with separate bathrooms, which is very convenient.

All of this was conceived by Shen Guanglin, and his consideration was very thoughtful. He even developed many one-bedroom and one-living suites, which can be used as two rooms at critical moments, in order to solve the problem of accommodation for a family with multiple people.

This time he didn't develop the three-bedroom and one-bedroom and four-bedroom and one-living rooms, so they won't be used.

Moreover, there is no plan to build an elevator room this time, it is too cost-effective, and a five-six-story building is the most cost-effective, and a direct brick-concrete structure will do.

More than 2000 workers are 2000 families, and tens of thousands of people are affected.

Shen Guanglin's plan is to build all new houses.

After the house is built, this new house will be exchanged with the houses in the old factory area for the workers' families.

The name is also very nice: to improve the living environment of employees.

Isn't it good to live in a new building with a sewer pipe? With a house like this, who wants to live in an old family area without toilets?

When the matter was announced, everyone was very motivated.

Germans are responsible for the installation and commissioning of the production line. They are more rigorous and will not cause any major problems.

Moreover, there are no technical difficulties in this production line, and everything goes smoothly.

The not-so-smooth job is the engineering acceptance of the infrastructure.

After all, the second construction of the capital came from the revolutionary era, and there were basically no bean curd projects in that era.

Everyone is a state-owned enterprise, so saving money is meaningless. If there is any place that is not well built, it is purely laziness and craftsmanship.

In this era, there is no concept of engineering supervision, and the quality and rhythm are basically controlled by the construction engineering company itself.

They are not without problems, that is, they are relatively random.

If you have money, you can use good materials, if you have no money, you can use poor materials. It is not impossible to use some waste materials when you are thrifty, but it is not possible to do it deliberately.

That's what this project does.

Everything is most afraid of being true.

The construction team in Shencheng is even more irregular. Xiao Huang has suffered in this regard in Shencheng, because as long as the projects there are not properly supervised, they will definitely mess around.

It was time for acceptance, so Huang Guangyi called a few experienced colleagues from Shencheng to help.

Everyone was full of wine and food, and they were eager to show themselves in front of the boss, so the inspection was very careful.

Soon, the list of problems could not fit on a single sheet of paper.

The grade of cement is not enough, the ratio of sand and gravel is not correct, the ground is not flat enough, and the density of planting bars on the equipment foundation is not good...

There are no serious consequences of production safety liability accidents, but there are so many problems that deserve attention.

The people from Erjian ran over to explain, and their attitude was very casual: "Professor Shen, we are all old partners, so it's better not to be so picky, we are all acquaintances, just get along. You know, we don't I will deliberately do those sneaky things, after all, it is a deadline, and it is right to be a little frizzy."

Shen Guanglin didn't speak, and let Zhang Peng make decisions. He was the leader, and even Xiao Huang worked for him.

Besides, Shen Guanglin is the boss, so it is naturally impossible to say something inappropriate to dampen the enthusiasm of his subordinates.

Zhang Peng asked Xiao Huang, "What should we do about this matter?"

Huang Guangyi's attitude is very firm:
"Stop all work and rectify immediately. If the rectification is not in place, it will not work! Those buildings with insufficient cement grades must be demolished and redone immediately."

"You don't need to be like this, what age do you have to go online, Mr. Shen, what do you think?"

The people in Erjian still don't want to be so troublesome, after all, we are all acquaintances.

This is forcing Shen Guanglin to express his opinion, Shen Guanglin is naturally on his side:

"Let's move out of the second construction site! I'll find another team, check the amount of work, and handle the settlement procedures for you immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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