Chapter 285
The person in charge of the second construction site was immediately dumbfounded.

Think about it too, where is there a leader who does not maintain the authority of his subordinates?

Shen Guanglin was easy to talk to, but he was not without a bottom line.

It's too late to apologize.

Within a few days, the construction team withdrew, and a new team came over, still from their company.

Changing the soup but not the medicine, but Huang Guangyi had no objection, he felt that he was respected.

After all, we have been cooperating for so long. It is impossible to completely turn your face and deny people. It is fine to deal with the parties. The next step is to set up your own project department and project management personnel. This is the right thing to do.

Tianjin in winter is bleak but full of vitality.

Just one day before the eve of the year, Great Wall Electric was officially put into production!
The product off-line ceremony was held in a difficult and grand manner.

The cold wind blows and the weather is cold, but it can't stop everyone's enthusiasm.

Shen Guanglin still has his own ideas about this off-line ceremony, which can be regarded as the first of its kind in the era of welcoming guests.

He ordered a batch of red clothes with Chinese traditional and festive colors, like cheongsams, but without slits, neither the atmosphere nor the weather.

Then, he asked people to find some girls with good looks and good temperament from the university campus to come over to welcome guests and perform etiquette.

Of course, it’s a part-time job, one person pays 5 yuan a day, and the clothes can be taken away after the ceremony. The students are rushing to grab them in private, wishing they could look better.

Good-looking, everywhere is favored.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin was more reserved and didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about the students. He was also afraid of overturning the car.

Therefore, Mr. Shen was able to help the students obtain some benefits, and received a wave of praise.

Not only that, but their factory also organized gong and drum teams and lion dance teams from the private sector. These people also get money, but they just follow the market.

In short, there must be singing, dancing, and cross talk performances, and the atmosphere must be lively.

Otherwise, it would be boring to just visit the product line, and it would be more comfortable to watch performances.

There are quite a lot of leaders who have come to hold such a grand product launch ceremony this time, and they are also very high-level.

There are locals from Jinmen, ministries and commissions in Beijing, and brothers from Hebei Province. After all, this is a Sino-Singapore joint venture, which is very fresh, and it can be regarded as a precedent for foreign investment.

The owner of the major shareholder is said to be a descendant of our Chinese immigrants from the Ming Dynasty. It can also be said to be one of our own, so we need strong support.

Hearing the call, Lin Wenwei flew over from Xinjiapo on a special trip. He is a human-shaped stamp, which is used to act as a foreign guest.

After seeing this foreign guest, everyone felt that this kid's Mandarin is too smooth, which is better than many comrades with dialects.

However, in order to satisfy their novelty-seeking psychology, Lin Wenwei still brought a few employees who were not so East Asian in appearance, just to make his identity as a foreign businessman clearer.

The host is hired from outside, so I can't say professional or unprofessional, and the ability to mobilize the atmosphere is very average.

After the song and dance is over, it is the speeches of the leaders. This cannot be avoided, and it cannot be avoided in any era.

To be honest, the whole ceremony was a bit lengthy.

More than 2000 workers gathered together. Everyone was okay at first, but later they became a little listless and even impatient.

But the problem was that after one leader finished speaking, another leader continued to speak. No one knew when the ceremony would really end, even Shen Guanglin, the host, didn't know.

Taking advantage of the handover, Shen Guanglin went out on his own. He snatched the microphone from the host and said that he wanted to say a few words.

"Hello everyone, I am Shen Guanglin, the chief scientist of our Great Wall Electric Company, and a good friend of the chairman Mr. Lin Wenwei. Here, I announce that in order to celebrate the official launch of our new products, from today all our employees wages increased by 30%.

A moment of silence followed by thunderous applause.

Everyone's energy is finally back!
30% salary increase!

"I understand that many of you don't know the difference between a joint venture factory and a state-owned factory, and you have a lot of concerns and various conjectures in your heart. I won't explain too much here, and you will have plenty of time to discover and compare in the future. In short, both of us The purpose is the same, and they are all for the development of the enterprise. To put it bluntly, if the enterprise makes money, the economic benefits will improve, and everyone’s wages and benefits will also be good. We are not the evil exploiting class, and we also shoulder social responsibilities ,thank you all!"

Everyone didn't know what social responsibility was, and no matter what Shen Guanglin said, thunderous applause was enough anyway.

Many people are still silently calculating how much 30% of the salary is, dozens of them!
A salary increase was indeed the best way to resolve the conflict. The workers in the audience got up one by one, and their eyes began to shine brightly.

After Shen Guanglin finished speaking, the leaders came to the stage to speak again, and everyone listened with delight, and gave warm applause.

"Is it true that the wages have been raised so much all of a sudden?" an employee in the audience whispered.

"It should be true. Haven't you seen so many leaders here? You can't lie."

In this era when everything needs to be planned, every 1 yuan increase in workers' wages is not a trivial matter.

Even, many people voluntarily asked to be transferred to a toxic and harmful coking workshop for an extra three or five yuan.

Shen Guanglin's decision to raise his salary has actually been in the works for a long time. Now that he has said it, the effect is really remarkable, and the spirits of the workers have improved a lot.

Then it's time to visit the production line and products.

The raw materials that Shen Guanglin buys are basically steel, and processes such as moulds, sheet metal, and paint have their own separate production workshops. From the looks of each workshop, they are all imported equipment, and the appearance is still very good.

However, if such a big battle has just been put into production, can the funds be able to withstand it?

A Jinmen leader quietly approached Shen Guanglin: "Professor Shen, is it easy for you to speak here?"

"Of course! Usually everyone listens to me."

This factory is actually owned by Shen Guanglin himself, so of course he is easy to speak.

"Then let me remind you, don't increase your salary so sharply, otherwise the brothers' units will have objections, and the workers will also get angry if they can't honor it."

"What opinions can the brother units have? If they have opinions, they can just raise their salaries." Shen Guanglin didn't care.

"You can't say that. You don't have to worry about inequality. They don't have the authority to raise wages. They have to go one step at a time."

"We are a joint venture and we are not afraid of gossip."

The leader didn't want to talk anymore, and at the end, he asked: "

Okay, do you have any difficulties and need our help? "

It is not easy to buy raw materials. Shen Guanglin hopes that Jinmen will open up and let him shop freely.

Good to say.

Everyone soon walked to the production line of the new refrigerator, where a row of more than a dozen refrigerators were neatly placed and covered with red cloth.

These refrigerators were originally ugly, but they were not so ugly when they were placed a lot, and with the effect of scale.

This is the most common double-door refrigerator, but it has a large volume, reaching 198 liters.

Shen Guanglin also imagined a cross-hinged door, but the mold was not enough, so he had to adjust the production line to reproduce.

In Shen Guanglin's place, the refrigerator he thought was ugly, not only did not everyone think it was ugly, but on the contrary they thought it was very foreign, no worse than the one imported by Fusang.

198 liters, such a big refrigerator, how much stuff does it have to hold?

When I opened the door, the smell of plastic and rubber was really good, and I immediately knew it was new.

The leaders are gone, satisfied.

Shen Guanglin also asked the company to give each of the guests a small gift, which was beneficial and cost-effective, and increased a lot of favorability.

The next step is to discuss how the product should be priced and sold.

Once a product is produced, it always has to face the market.

Let the financial account calculate the cost. Based on the current situation, the cost of labor and materials to produce a refrigerator is about 600 yuan, excluding depreciation of fixed assets.

But how much to set the price and who to sell to, still needs to be carefully studied.

The so-called knowing oneself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles.

Market research still needs to be done.

Shen Guanglin asked people to bring over the refrigerators that their counterparts were selling for research.

Xiangxuehai’s single-door refrigerator with a volume of 125 liters sells for 685 yuan, and Baixue’s 137-liter refrigerator sells for 832 yuan. These refrigerators are all single-door, and the freezer is in a corner of the refrigerator, which is inconvenient to use.

Like their Great Wall Electric, there is a double-door refrigerator with a Shuanglu brand, and the retail price is 1200 yuan.

And those imported refrigerators are really expensive, no matter Toshiba, Hitachi or Sharp, they cost more than 3000 yuan.

Moreover, the functions of the current refrigerators are also very simple. There are no such things as zero-degree freshness preservation, quick-freezing, and slow-thawing.

If there is a function that can adjust the temperature and has a night vision light, it is already quite amazing.

Compared with its peers, the refrigerators produced by the Great Wall Electric Appliance Factory are high-quality products, with piano-painted steel plates, specially processed door handles, and the sealing strips on the doors are also tightly fitted, and the shelves inside are neat and generous.

So handsome!
"Boss, how do we price this refrigerator?" Huang Guangyi asked.

"How about we also set 1200, the same as Shuanglu?" Zhang Peng suggested. After all, he is the general manager and still has his own ideas.

Shen Guanglin disagreed, and he was going to come up with his own business methods.

"No, let's set the retail price at 2000 and the ex-factory price at 1800, but we can design a rebate policy: wholesalers will rebate 10% for every 10 refrigerators sold, 50% for 20 refrigerators, 100% for 30 refrigerators, and 1000% for 50 refrigerators."

"Can it be sold like this?"

"Try it."

(End of this chapter)

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