Start with a college teacher

Chapter 28 Make Money

Chapter 28 Making Money
After moving house, the importance of having possessions becomes apparent.

Now, not only the dormitory is empty, but even the new house is empty.

Shen Guanglin's little belongings could not fill such a large yard at all, and any room was empty.

Fortunately, the entire yard was already owned by Shen Guanglin, and the furniture in the basement could finally be restored.

Move out slowly.

After the inventory, the degree of damage to the antique furniture is not very serious, just lack of basic maintenance and repair.

Then pay for it.

There are still skilled carpenters, especially those who used to work in the Qianqing Manufacturing Office.

Although the old craftsmen may not survive the years, their craftsmanship has not been lost, and their disciples and grandchildren are still there.

The masters usually go to work in the unit during the day, and come to work overtime at night to earn some extra money, which is fine.

The furniture was sorted out quickly and piled up in the room.

Eight Immortals table, table table, screen, Taishi chair, all kinds of furniture, of course, not all mahogany red sandalwood and rosewood, but also use some liqi wood, iron pear wood, ebony.

Even some furniture is made of common nanmu, fir, pine and boxwood, cypress, catalpa, sugar palm.

However, no matter whether it is judged by the type or the year, even the furniture of the poorest wood is an antique
And most of these antiques should be built during the Qianlong period.

After all, Yuanmingyuan was the first residence of Emperor Yongzheng, but the real expansion was completed during the Qianlong period, so the old man Shiquan had the most leisure and money. .

There are many beds stored in the basement, but most of them are not dragon beds, that is, "official beds" that are better than ordinary beds, and may be the temporary residence of a concubine or a staff member.

There are two real dragon beds, and only one can be called the best.

What satisfied Shen Guanglin the most was this combined dragon bed. The fragrant wood was particularly heavy. After cleaning, it was still intact. The color of the wood and the paint did not need to be repaired. It is estimated that in a few years, someone will definitely persuade him to take this piece. The artifacts should be handed over to the museum.

Counting on Shen Guanglin's high spirits will depend on his future consciousness.

After all, this dragon bed is so beautiful.

The decoration of the "Dragon Bed" is also complicated, but this one thing is actually decorated with ivory, rhinoceros horn, coral, clam clam, emerald hair, agarwood, gemstones...

Needless to say, this is definitely a royal thing.

Even if such a good bed had been repaired, Shen Guanglin was still reluctant to sleep by himself.

So I found a carpenter to make a few other big beds, using old materials purchased from outside, high-quality rosewood, and carefully crafted.

And now furniture factories can also customize furniture, even if they need money and tickets.

The newly bought yard is indeed very large. The original layout of the south house is a store, and only the north house is used for living.

Shen Guanglin asked Xiao Su and the others to restore the original layout of the yard as much as possible.

Even so, there are still many rooms that can be lived in. Both Li Rong and Li Li chose a room for themselves to use as a "palace".

Moreover, not to mention them, even Song Xiaoyu, who eats and drinks with Li Li every day, has a single room, and she can come and live at any time.

Li Rong is very assertive. She must decorate her room by herself. This time, there is no mace, but a screen and a dressing table are still placed for decoration.

This girl has a tendency to be gentle.

Li Li doesn't particularly care about these, as can be seen from the lack of feminine features in her own room except for girls' clothes.

Shen Guanglin helped her decorate the room, with desks and bookcases, and bought a lot of books from the Xinhua Bookstore, in order to attract more sisters to come.

As for Song Xiaoyu, who is she?
In Shen Guanglin's eyes, Miss Song Xiaoyu was a good person. Not only did she study well enough to be admitted to Jingcheng University, but she was also an expert at work.

She could carry a [-]-pound bag of flour with a squeak, and walked freely, her athletic ability was not much inferior to that of Zhang Weili.

If this is a fight.
Anyway, Shen Guanglin stayed away from her.

There are many spare rooms for living in this house, but there are not many spare places in the yard. Even bicycles have to be parked in the corridor of the south house, because all the spare land has been reclaimed and used as vegetable fields.

And all of this was placed by Miss Li Rong and Song Xiaoyu.

The two of them were very happy to grow vegetables. They planted several plots in a row, including cucumber, loofah, bitter gourd, zucchini, eggplant, and pepper.

All vegetables, all tools.

Shen Guanglin would definitely not go to work in the fields, so he just lay quietly on the reclining chair to bask in the sun, holding a bottle of Arctic Ocean brand fat house happy water;
My sister Li Li loves to learn to read. Even if she comes here to play, she will carry an English book in her hand.

This era is really good. In this era, my sister's behavior is called getting out of the mud and not stained, and it will be a drama in later generations.

Since Shen Guanglin gave her how to memorize words, she has never cut off the small cards in her hand. She has also recorded Shen Guanglin's "memory curve theory" completely, and carefully explored and studied it carefully, just to find a way that suits her learning.

Shen Guanglin asked Sister Lily what she wanted to do, and she said she wanted to go out and have a look.

Shen Guanglin understood in seconds that he wanted to go abroad, but he fell silent after hearing it.

In the 80s, as long as there were some thoughts and restless minds, many people chose to study abroad, but very few chose to come back.

It's not that he hasn't read the memoirs written by the international students of this era, it's nothing more than how to finish his studies while brushing the dishes, full of struggle feelings.

Then it turned out how to get a green card smoothly, became a glorious ordinary engineer, and lived a life with a car, a house and a sweet girl.

As for those students who are more "rubbish" than them, because they do not have the qualifications to study abroad, they can only not make progress in the country, and eventually become despised professors, academics, politicians, rich generation, local wealthy, and capitalists.

Come to Japan for a long time, let's talk about the future things later.

Maybe she changed her mind after Brother Guanglin scored Li Li's home run.

Besides, as long as there is money, the distance between China and Citiland is not far away.

If my sister really went to study abroad, Shen Guanglin felt that she was really obliged to prepare more money, otherwise what would she do with her tuition fees? Could such a beautiful girl also go to wash dishes?

If you don't wash the dishes, why don't you do anything else?
Just can't even think about it.

In the world of international students, each era has its characteristics. If you are not in this circle, you have no idea how dirty it will be.
In a certain era in the past, studying at Citi was the best choice, because their "tradition" was to work during the winter and summer vacations to earn tuition fees, and they had the social atmosphere and genes of part-time jobs.

The worst situation is actually to study in Europe, especially those Western European countries with excellent social welfare, such as Germany, such as France, because they do not support the tradition of "part-time work", and the students of their own countries do not spend much money to go to university.

This makes it hard for the students.

The international students came here, and the suffering they suffered was indescribable.

Some international students do not know the language. In order to stay, they can only go to mix credits and extend their visas.

This is just as speechless as the elective courses of some American students who go to China to study at universities are English, and the elective courses of national player Ke Jie are Go.

Studying in Europe, men are actually not bad. Those with physical strength can do some blue-collar physical work such as porters and construction workers. In fact, they make a lot of money;

It's really difficult for girls. The work in the restaurant is tiring and hard to do. If you want to be more relaxed, you will start a flesh business.

Oops, if sister Lily went to do this, oh my, I can't imagine it.

Let's first plan how to arrange this yard.

With such a large yard, Shen Guanglin can go out recklessly "picking up leaks".

You can't just rely on yourself to pick up the leaks. Entrusting others, especially local snakes, is the most reliable choice.

Only they know that whose ancestors were once prosperous, there may be good things in his family.

But now Shen Guanglin is almost alone, and the only social forces that can be used are Xiao Su and the others.

And Su Youpeng also has a "legitimate occupation", he is a scalper.

On this day, Shen Guanglin was thinking about life alone in the dormitory, and Su Youpeng came to him again.

"Mr. Shen, save us!" Su Youpeng came up and asked for help.

Has he been beaten? I, Shen Guanglin, are not Jet Li, so I can't beat 10 times: "What's the matter? Is something wrong? Take it slow." Shen Guanglin helped Xiao Su pour a glass of water and let him breathe.

"My eldest brother, my eldest brother has been arrested!" It is rare to see this brother Su in such a hurry.

"Didn't your eldest brother Su Youliang work in a textile machinery factory? He was arrested for what he did, and he was a hooligan. So are your brothers. One is more procrastinating than the other. If you don't hurry up to marry a wife, do you want other girls? Chase back."

Shen Guanglin was still very familiar with Su Youpeng's family.

Su Youpeng has three brothers and sisters. The eldest, Su Youliang, is 30 years old this year. In his early years, he took his father's class to work in the factory;
After Su's father retired at the factory at the age of 44, he worked as a temporary boiler worker, and his income was not good;
Su Youpeng went to the countryside for several years after graduating from high school, and didn't come back until last year.

Su Youpeng has a younger sister who is only 15 years old this year and is in the third year of junior high school.

This family is the epitome of the vast majority of ordinary workers' families in the capital. They are not rich but happy.

But Su Youpeng said: "It's not this big brother, it's the big brother in my industry. He is the master who brought me into the industry. He was arrested the day before yesterday when he was revoking the tickets."

"Aren't you all in this industry with hands and eyes? You can still be caught. Besides, your eldest brother has been caught, isn't it just the time for you to be in the position?"

It's always played like this on TV. If the boss doesn't go in, how can the younger brother have a chance to take the position.

"Mr. Shen, I respect you very much. How can you say that? He is my eldest brother. He is just like my eldest brother. Without him, I would

Su Youpeng got stuck, because he didn't have the black leather, and he couldn't walk the road of being a ticket dealer. Besides, there seemed to be nothing else, and a large part of the money confiscated by the black leather belonged to him.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault, why did your eldest brother get arrested." Shen Guanglin admitted his mistake in time, and some jokes really shouldn't be played indiscriminately.

"It's not because we have received a lot of US dollars recently, so we want to try our luck in the embassy area, because some people who can go abroad want to exchange more foreign currency, and we just have it in our hands, and we are trapped in a cage. ."

Shen Guanglin was to blame for this, because the dollars were exchanged from him.

"It means that you have been maliciously reported and then taken out of the pot."

"Yes, and the black-skinned eldest brother was not only arrested, but even his home was confiscated, and the confiscated money was less than [-] yuan. This is all the savings of several of us." Here is all Su Youpeng has earned over the years. money.

"Then how do you want me to save people? I'm just an ordinary university teacher, and I'm not the second and third generation of red, so I might not really be able to help."

"But little sister-in-law, she is the third generation of red. She also works in the public security bureau. She has a wide range of people and has a lot of power. Now the director of a police station can't open a three-bagger, and others do."

This matter really has to be discussed in the long run.

After understanding, it turned out that Xiao Su and Heipi "crossed the border".

The embassy area is someone else's territory. If they go to someone else's territory to make extra money, they will naturally be seen as a thorn in the eye.

As a result, they were reported, and then there was a wave of cruelty to find a relationship.

With one's heart and one's heart, all the money will be captured, and it really hits the target.

Shen Guanglin couldn't decide to agree to this matter, but when he bought a house, Xiao Su and his two friends Shunzi and Erlen were very enthusiastic and busy, and it seemed not good to be indifferent.

The little sister went out, and things quickly became clear.

Black skin is fine, at least it won't eat guns.

However, property confiscation is certain, and three years of reeducation through labor are required.

"Reeducation through labor" is another historical term.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in accordance with Article 100 of the Constitution: In order to transform those with labor who are idle, violate the law and discipline, and do not do proper work into new people who can support themselves; in order to further maintain public order and facilitate construction, the following decisions are made on the issue of reeducation through labor:  … …

Sounds a bit like a technical school.

After hearing the news, Su Youpeng's home Shen Guanglin still knew about it.

When I got to the door, Su Youpeng was really at home. He was doing "handicraft" at home.

This is not a scalper?
Su Youpeng is like a shoemaker, sitting on a pony, holding an awl and a purlin in the other, he is weaving a basket.

"Good craftsmanship, what do you do with so many baskets, loading eggs?"

"Mr. Shen, you're here. Of course I make baskets for sale. I have to support my family. What else can I do? I'm 28 years old, and all the money I saved for marriage is gone now."

"You? Set up a stall and sell baskets to earn your wife's money?"

"Well, yes." Su Youpeng had no other choice.

"Why don't you continue your promising career as a scalper?"

"I can't do it anymore, I have no capital, and the site of the Friendship Store has also been occupied by others. It doesn't matter if he has an accident, Brother Black, he has put all our capital into it. If we don't find other work, I really want to go out. I want dinner."

Shen Guanglin expressed deep sympathy.

However, the characteristics of this era are like this. A group of people bring back temptation in the gray area. No matter what you do, there is a risk. If you are lucky, you will be safe. If you are unlucky, you may go to prison for a few days.

Fool's boss understands a wave?
Have you thought about what to do next?Are you selling baskets? "Shen Guanglin asked actively.

"Brother Shen, do you have a way out? You are someone who has drunk foreign ink, can you give me a clear way?" Su Youpeng wanted to ask Shen Guanglin what he should do in the future.

"Of course you can, who is my brother. Now that the country is reforming and opening up, there are a lot of wastes waiting to be done. It's not difficult at all to make money."

"real or fake?"

"You are setting up a stall now and someone is arresting you, where are you setting up your stall?"

"If you set up a stall on Silk Street, you won't be caught very much. As long as the things you sell are different from the state-run consignment outlets, as long as you don't sell at other people's doors, the police won't care. There are so many people who have nowhere to work, so don't let everyone find one. To make a living, do you still need to live?" Su Youpeng was also aggrieved, if he could have a job like his eldest brother, he wouldn't be like this.

"You are right! You know, at the beginning of this year, the state promulgated the "Regulations on the Registration and Management of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households in Urban Areas", which means that individual industrial and commercial households can operate normally, but the "Implementation Rules" and "Business Licenses" The sample has not been issued yet, it is estimated that the first person to eat crabs should be people from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, but with the general direction, you can do some small business that makes money."

Shen Guanglin actually wanted to make money himself, so he was going to entice Su Youpeng to do it together.

"Please advise? Actually, it is quite profitable to exchange foreign exchange coupons. At the peak, my money exceeded 3000 yuan, and now it is all discounted."

Xiao Su's expression could not be described as discouraged or unwilling. After all, what he did was illegal.

"There are many ways to make money, do you want to follow me?"

"Do you want to be a teacher at Jingcheng University with you? Don't be funny, I finished high school, but it's not the same as if I didn't, otherwise I wouldn't be mixed up like this, and I went to college early."

Of course, Shen Guanglin didn't mean that. He had heard the story of the bad guy in the early 80s, but he could tell Xiao Su about it.

How daring the people are, the more productive the land is.

Shen Guanglin told Xiao Su that he could go to Yangcheng and Shencheng to have a look. From there, he could buy some electronic watches, some clothes, and some electrical appliances to sell.

The transportation is also simple. It can be carried manually in the early stage. After the route is opened, you can consider the way of railway transportation, such as getting the conductor of the train, such as entrusting the whole wagon.

If it doesn't work, find that new friend, Wang Shishi, an elegant man who is "all-in-one".

The beginning of everything is difficult, how much money can you make by weaving baskets at home without taking chances?

Su Youpeng was courageous enough, and after listening to Teacher Shen's bewitchment, he immediately decided to fight the backwater.

But there is another problem: "But I have no capital to purchase?"

"I have." Shen Guanglin took out 2000 US dollars and 2000 yuan from his pocket.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll take the money and run away?"

"Your mother and your sister are at home. Breaking someone's leg in the capital costs 100 yuan."

"It's illegal to hit someone."

"I am an overseas Chinese and have diplomatic immunity."

(End of this chapter)

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