Chapter 29
One billion people have fallen to [-] million, and there are still [-] million thinking.

In the early 80s, being a loser hadn't reached a high level of scale, and it was only a means for a small number of people to make a living. However, Shen Guanglin guided Su Youpeng with his advanced vision.

In a few years, restocking domestically will only be a small matter, and restocking abroad will be a great achievement. Some industry leaders have even made it possible to exchange daily necessities for airplanes.

Then this man thought about blasting the Himalayas and opening up a warm air duct.

Shen Guanglin didn't have this heart, and neither did Su Youpeng.

After the two have known each other for so long, Su Youpeng is still trustworthy. From the first time they exchanged money, Shen Guanglin discovered that this person is more honest and should be reliable.

People's hearts are full of flesh, and Xiao Su is always warm-hearted every time he does something, and Shen Guanglin is naturally not stone-hearted and indifferent.

Of course, Su Youpeng believed Mr. Shen's words, and he also knew that the imported goods in the Friendship Store were in short supply. Now that he can deliver goods from Shencheng, he has so many educated youths, so many friends and so many classmates, and some of them can be sold through channels.

The job of opening the letter of introduction does not require the young lady to go out in person. It can be done directly by looking for ex-roommate Liu Hao.

A pack of Hadermen can solve the problem of going out for three people.

Before leaving, Su Youpeng asked his mother to steam a pot of steamed buns and set off immediately.

This is also the standard for going out in this era, steaming pancakes and steamed buns in cold weather, and "cooking noodles" in hot weather.

This "cooked noodles" is the real fried noodles. It is fried with flour and packed in bags. When you are hungry, you can mix it with water to make a paste and eat it. It is the same treatment as the volunteers of the year.

The poor family is rich, just in case, Shen Guanglin still gave them Wang Shishi's contact information, just to see if they will really find him at that time, and can also check whether Lao Wang really has it. The ability to call the wind and call the rain.

The process is not listed, the results are good.

A week later, Su Youpeng brought back five large bags of electronic watches and radios.

Su Youpeng is still a bit shrewd. He wants to control the direction and direct the traffic, so he only resists one package of goods, and the two younger brothers who work with him each resist two large packages.

These electronic watches are very good. Not only are there ordinary models, but there are also custom-made models. The workmanship is like a pocket watch, and there are also travel commemorations in Beijing.

In this trip, the main and most effective means is that Su Youpeng has foreign currency US dollars, which is more popular among Hong Kong businessmen.

In Beijing, a dollar can be exchanged for 2.3 yuan, and in Shenzhen, it can be exchanged for 3.5 yuan. The exchange rate is not the same in different cities.

In the next step, Su Youpeng even thought about whether he could take more foreign currency from Mr. Shen, or exchange more foreign currency from the capital, and then take it to Shencheng for consumption. Even if he didn't bring back the goods, he would have a lot of profit if he changed hands. .

Now that the goods have arrived, the next step is how to start selling.

Su Youpeng decided to consult Mr. Shen Guanglin's opinion first to see if Mr. Shen has any brilliant ideas, and by the way, discuss how to distribute the profits generated.

Even, he had already made plans. After Teacher Shen made the arrangement, he went to the Xiushui training booth as soon as possible.

Silk Street is between the embassy area and the diplomatic apartment. Since the reform and opening up, many farmers in the suburbs will bring some local products from their homes to sell. In addition to chickens and ducks, there are also some handicrafts, such as flower baskets, embroidery, etc., which are sold to foreign countries. The price of people is usually more than ten times that of Chinese people, and they still don't bargain.

Don't make too many swindlers like this.

"Xiushui Training Stall" has become a good place for everyone to make money. As long as he can sell goods to foreigners, it means that his business must be good.

Shen Guanglin didn't want Su Youpeng to be a hawker.

"Xiao Su, your brothers will settle accounts, and make rules before doing things. I encouraged you to go to Shencheng. Now that the goods have come in, it is not difficult to make money. If you are willing to listen to me, then you can do it. Act according to my requirements, if you don't want to, you can dispose of the goods and pay me back the principal, and we are brothers."

Shen Guanglin understands very well that there can only be one decision maker in the matter of starting a business, otherwise the partnership will sooner or later be disbanded.

"Mr. Shen, Brother Shen, if I really do that, will I still be human? It's not as good as pigs, dogs and beasts. I will definitely listen to you!"

Su Youpeng is now full of confidence in making money again. It is definitely more legal to do this than just dumping foreign exchange, and it will make more money and faster.

"Also, let's take a step by step, I'm not the protagonist of some novels, and anyone who encounters me will bow down to me, or Lao Wang will already be my horse boy. If you don't want to be with me someday. You can also break up at any time. I still say that, I don’t care about money. When I was in the United States, I didn’t want to have an annual salary of several hundred thousand, and I thought about going back to China. I have pursuit. However, people always want I have to eat whole grains, I have to support my family, and I have to marry a wife and have children, so I still have to make some money.”

Shen Guanglin said that he was very tall, and he didn't know whether others believed it or not, but Su Youpeng believed it anyway.

"Brother Shen, you can actually marry my sister. She's not bad looking and has a nice name. Su Yue is just like the heroine in the novel." Is he afraid of failing his career?
"How old is your sister? Do you lose your conscience?" This little girl, Shen Guanglin, has really seen it before, and she looks really beautiful, but she may be malnourished and very thin.

"It's fourteen years old, and in the old society, you can have babies and breastfeed."


"Let's get down to business. Let's make an agreement that we will earn half the money in the future, a verbal agreement, a gentleman's agreement." Shen Guanglin didn't want to continue being pompous, and his attitude became serious.

"It's not good, I can't take advantage of you." Su Youpeng's character is a typical northerner character, bold, enthusiastic, upright, and shy about talking about profits.

"Since you listened to me, just follow what I said. It was one of them just now, and now I will talk about the second. The second is that you can't sell all the goods that come in in the future, not even one! You can only hide in Behind the scenes, the decade from the 80s to the 90s will be a decade of change, and if you run too high, you may break your head, and you may not be shot in the future."

"Can't you? Don't scare me." Su Youpeng really didn't believe it. He was just sent to a labor camp for destroying the financial order.

"Don't care if you can, how much money can you make by selling those three melons and dates, do a good job in channel construction, transfer goods from Shencheng to Beijing, not to mention monopoly, only [-] to [-]% of the sales volume is enough for us to spend a lifetime. ."

"And, in the future, you don't have to sell all the goods in the capital, you can also go to Tianjin, Tangshan, Quancheng, find more agents, and stay away if something goes wrong."

Got it!

"Also, the goods you brought are placed in my two empty houses that have not been rented out. Don't put them there. Rent a few yards again and keep them separate, so as not to be raided."

Most importantly, Shen Guanglin was afraid that he would be implicated.

"Speculation" is also an all-purpose crime. It is as broad as the crime of hooliganism, and any behavior can be loaded into it.

I am a university teacher, what a good identity, but I can't leave a stain.


Soon, Shen Guanglin saw someone selling radio electronic watches on the street.

Marx said that once there is a proper profit, the capitalists will be bold.

If there is a 50.00% profit, it will take risks; for a [-]% profit, it will dare to trample on all human laws; if there is a [-]% profit, it will dare to commit any crime, even risking death by hanging.


After this deal was completed, even after paying back Shen Guanglin's principal, the net profit was still more than 2 yuan.

This is as much as the black-skinned elder brother's confiscated money.

Sooner or later, no dividends will make the employees who work with them lose their fighting spirit. Su Youpeng and Shen Guanglin each first divided 5000 yuan to improve their lives, and then left [-] yuan for Su Youpeng as the principal.

As for the two younger brothers who work with them, they have been involved in retail sales and have already made a lot of money.

I didn't wait for the time, and within a few days of coming back, Su Youpeng took his younger brothers south again, this time on a larger scale and with more personnel.

Not only that, Su Youpeng really got in touch with Wang Shishi. This person is really awesome. He left the railway system himself, but his influence is still there.

Fully loaded again.

"Mr. Shen, what do you want to do after earning money?"

"Marry a wife."

"Me too!"

The second wave of dividends, Shen Guanglin and Su Youpeng, each shared another 5000.

Su Youpeng, who had money, really asked his mother to help him on a blind date.

In order to be closer to Teacher Shen, his hometown was originally from Shangqingqiao, and now he has also bought a house in Fuyuanmen.

The distance from Shangqing Bridge to Fuyuanmen is not very far, but because my sister wanted to study, they didn't follow her, so Su Youpeng, Shunzi, and Erlen lived in Su Youpeng's new house.

Blind date is so hard!
I don’t have a formal job, and no one will believe me if my family has money.

The old lady of the Su family entrusted a few matchmakers but failed to get a blind date. In particular, Su Youpeng is 28 years old, and most of the little girls who have not left the cabinet are seventeen or eighteen, or they are studying.

Old Miangua still wants to marry a Xiaojiaqiao?

This matter can only ask Shen Guanglin for advice.

"Mr. Shen, what should I do? I desperately need a daughter-in-law."

Listen to what this is. King Shen Hai doesn't even have a wife yet. You, a supporting actor, desperately want a wife.

"This is also simple. If you pretend to be a Hong Kong businessman, you will definitely be able to find a girlfriend." Shen Guanglin suddenly thought of the saleswoman who often pestered him. Otherwise, leave it to Su Youpeng.

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. You follow my plan. I'll arrange a beautiful woman for you. She's a beautiful woman who has studied in college and is now working in the Friendship Store, and I can guarantee that she is the one who actively pursues you." Shen Guanglin finally thought about it. I have a plan to take over the plate, although this plate has not been used by myself.

"I listen to you."

Under Shen Guanglin's explanation, Su Youpeng used his previous relationship to exchange some foreign exchange coupons himself, and was also ready to go to the store to buy TV sets and bicycles.

With 1 yuan, financial freedom is almost achieved in this era.

Wearing a low-quality suit on the upper body, there is still a Chinese heart inside.

After cutting a "second-hand head" like Shen Guanglin, Su Youpeng dressed up and set off.

At the door of the Friendship Store, Su Youpeng's calf started to twist. He always walked around the door, but he never really went in.

"Be a little bit colder and show the momentum of a big boss." Shen Guanglin straightened Xiao Su's toad mirror and instructed in a low voice.

"MR Shen, wellcome to you!" The saleswoman embraced enthusiastically as usual.

"Ah, thank you, this is my friend, President Su, a guest from Xiangjiang, who is engaged in business activities from Shencheng to Beijing." Shen Guanglin introduced Su Youpeng's origin. He spoke Chinese this time.

Su Youpeng remembered Teacher Shen's teachings, glanced indifferently, and did not speak.

Back straight, neck stiff.

"Mr. Shen, you can speak Chinese! Why didn't you speak before? I thought you didn't know how to speak." The saleswoman's real name is Chai Jing. She has introduced herself many times, but Shen Guanglin can't remember it. live.

"I thought you wouldn't let anyone who can speak Chinese here, but today's protagonist is not me, but this President Su. He plans to open an office in the capital in the future, so he bought a yard first. Now also need to buy TV sets and bicycles, you take us to see."

Shen Guanglin said and asked Su Youpeng to take out the foreign exchange coupon and hand it to Chai Jing to let her open the invoice.


Seeing the saleswoman walking away, Su Youpeng hurriedly said to Shen Guanglin in a low voice, "Mr. Shen, you see how good-looking she is walking, can I catch up with her like this, or is she a college student?"

Walking like this is called beautiful?

It's like hanging a basket on the buttocks, shaking it up and down while walking.

It seems quite charming.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to say that he personally disliked this woman, but he couldn't get rid of it, so he wanted to find a pick-up man.

I heard that Su Youpeng is the big boss of Xiangjiang. Sure enough, Chai Jing looked at Xiao Su differently.

Shen Guanglin was envious, he admitted that Chai Jing's body was developed really well, it would be nice if she didn't take responsibility.

In this day and age, take it easy, and accidentally embark on the road of no return, the grandson of the boss is just as hard to do.

Su Youpeng is rich, and it is not wrong to spend it on the road to marrying a daughter-in-law.

Even, in order to fear that the fact that he is a Hong Kong businessman would be accidentally exposed, he also drove the two little brothers who lived with him to live in Shen Guanglin's vacant house.

Of course Shen Guanglin didn't think about marrying a wife, so he threw the money in a cabinet and gave Li Rong and Li Li the keys to the cabinet.

It's not that Teacher Shen has no hobbies. He is also heartbroken when he sees so many treasures living abroad.

buy buy buy!Buy hard.

After resting for about a week, Su Youpeng and the others set off again. This time, there were more people going, and they brought seven or eight people there, otherwise they would not be able to bring so many goods.

This wave of wealth is stronger than the previous wave, and this time I made more than 3 yuan.

How much money they make, Shen Guanglin spends how much money to buy old objects, all kinds of pots and jars, famous calligraphy and painting, and mahogany furniture.

The vacant room soon became full.

(End of this chapter)

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