Start with a college teacher

Chapter 287 Human Heart

Chapter 287 People's Hearts
A certain person is used to inviting to buy people's hearts.

Activities such as distributing living supplies were naturally presided over by someone Shen himself.

How could he be absent from such an important moment of buying people's hearts.

This is the same as when the New Year red envelopes are issued, usually the boss personally distributes them.

This is the reserved power of the bosses, and protecting it is like protecting the boss's female secretary, and it is not easy for others to get their hands on it.

Even in the goose factory, after the Spring Festival, Brother Xiaoma personally distributes the money.

It is now 1982, no matter whether in the city or in the countryside, it is not said that anyone can completely solve the problem of food and clothing.

Saving money on food and expenses is the normal state of life.

The materials that Shen Guanglin distributed were really not a lot, but if all of them were converted into money, the monthly salary of ordinary employees might not be enough to buy them.

However, who would spend a month's salary to buy these 'useless' things?
For example, what is the use of apples? If the children in the family are hungry, just buy one or two at most.

Also, many people have never eaten hairtail.

Among these materials, apart from flour, pork is probably the only good thing. Fat meat can be refined into lard, which can be stored and eaten slowly. When frying vegetables, add some, which is delicious.

Even the oil residue after boiling the oil is rare and delicious. It is marinated with salt, sprinkled with a few grains when eating noodles, and then mixed with chopped green onion, it will be delicious all day long.

If there is a lot of pork in the house, cut it into large squares, cook it and marinate it with salt, and wait for the spring famine, when you are hungry, cut a slice and eat it, and sandwich it with hot steamed buns, this is a Chinese version sandwiches.

In the north, this kind of boiled cured meat is also called bacon.

There are two types of bacon in the north, one is raw meat marinated, the other is cooked meat, but whether raw meat or cooked meat, these are different from southern bacon. Southern bacon is generally smoked, such as Xiangxi Bacon, Sichuan bacon, Yunnan bacon.

Shen Guanglin delivered a speech with enthusiasm and wished everyone a happy Chinese New Year in advance.

After hearing everyone's excited applause, I know that everyone is of course very happy.

The next thing is to get people to line up to get supplies.

Naturally, Shen Guanglin refused to do the physical work of distributing supplies, so it was good to walk over to see the work of butchering pigs.

When Boss Shen came over, Chen Mingliang was sharpening his knife in the temporary pigsty.

There were quite a few people around watching. They felt that this was probably a bowl of braised pork, and they couldn't help but salivate just thinking about it.

"Master Chen, look at how much meat such a pig can produce." Shen Guanglin asked relaxedly, with his hands in his sleeves, lying on the wall.

Chen Mingliang and Shen Guanglin are quite familiar with each other. Mr. Shen's Ah Huang was castrated by himself. After the castration was completed, Ah Huang changed from smart and lively to quiet and elegant.

Therefore, it does not seem to like this little Chen very much.

However, Chen Mingliang and Shen Guanglin talked more casually.

"The ones that have been weighed before leaving the factory have not been fed before. The average gross weight is 267 and a half catties, and a small half is over 300 catties. If this is the case, there is no problem with a pig with 200 catties of meat, and there are almost no pigs under 200 catties. , This is already the best pig in our meat joint factory, and they are all brought here.”

Shen Guanglin had no idea how much a pig weighed, so he just had nothing to say, thinking that these pigs were different from what he imagined.

After thinking about it, I realized that the hair color should be wrong.

"Isn't pig hair white?" Shen Guanglin asked.

"Hey, you are still an educated person, and you don't know about it. Isn't there a proverb called, 'When an old raven stands on a pig, he can't see that he is black'. Pigs are of course black."

Well, domestic pigs in this era are indeed black. For example, Mashen pigs, Ningxiang pigs, Bamei pigs, Rongchang pigs, Luchuan pigs, Huai pigs, Taihu pigs, and Jinhua black pigs are all black.

Most of the pigs bred in large-scale pig farms in later generations were imported Landersley pigs or Yorkshire pigs. Only those exotic pigs were white. Otherwise, why would they be called white pigs?

Chen Mingliang took the butcher's knife and rubbed it against a pig, scaring the pig so smartly that he said, "Look at this bristle, how good it is, it was the strategic material that we could export during the Anti-Japanese War, that is, these years. Synthetic materials are developed, but bristles are outdated."

Shen Guanglin was surprised that this pig butcher still had such knowledge, and couldn't help but want to say a few more words to him.

"Boss Shen, hurry up and let Da Lao Chen kill the pig. We are still waiting for the pig urine to soak." chocolate.

The pig bladder is indeed a good thing, and it can be played all day by blowing with your mouth.

Shen Guanglin suddenly wanted to buy some footballs, it would be nice for the children to play with.

While thinking, a pig howled, as if to say that the glorious moment is now.

The most indispensable thing in the factory is the strong young man. Each of them helped lift the pig with one leg, and pushed it down directly on the stool. Some people held down the pig's head. Chen Mingliang could just cut the knife.

Moreover, there is a large basin under the stool to catch the pig's blood, so you don't have to worry about spilling it. These pig's blood and pig's offal are the best lunch at noon.

Chen Mingliang is very proficient in killing pigs, and he was recruited into the meat factory relying on this skill.

The knife had been sharpened a long time ago, and when he cut it, the children and women wanted to see it but were afraid to look at it.

Some people even covered their eyes and peeked out through the gaps between their fingers, and then saw the blood rushing from the pig's neck, and then the pig went from howling excitedly to moaning in a low voice, and finally stretched its legs and lay down completely.

Many people in the factory have experience in slaughtering pigs or watching pigs being slaughtered. There are many people and strength. They have set up a large pot to boil water and boiled a pot of rosin for the purpose of depilating pigs.

No one assigns them, but the division of labor is still very clear. Pig large intestines and pig small intestines are also good things and cannot be thrown away.

Connect it to the water pipe and rinse it quickly. Whether it is making sausages or frying or cooking, it is a good meal.

Jiuzhuan Fatty Sausage is best eaten from this kind of fat pig. Unfortunately, the factory does not have such a master chef.

Moreover, the pig intestines should not be cleaned too cleanly. It is best to smell the smell but not eat the pig feces.

At noon of the same day, a skilled chef made pig small intestine into a pot of soup according to the method of making sheep intestine soup in the north, and put vermicelli, spices, peppers, and pig blood in it. All very enjoyable.

After the things were distributed, various laughter came from the living area.

And, I will continue to laugh in the future.

This is the last year for the workers to live in the old living quarters. When the weather gets warmer next year, the workers can move to a new home.

If the benefit is good enough, then everyone will have a new house to live in.

Sure enough, a good horse deserves a good saddle.

The workers who ate the fat burst out with great enthusiasm for work.

Everyone is reluctant to go to get off work every day.

"Why don't we do more work, otherwise the factory will lose money if we distribute so many things. The factory has not made any money, and we won't have such a good life."

Overtime work continued until the [-]th of the new year, and even on the way to kowtow on the first day of the new year, many people thought about going to work in the factory today.

Shen Guanglin has already returned to the capital, and Xiao Huang, who has not gone out for his honeymoon, is in charge of the production tasks.

Let’s make some adjustments in production, shut down some fast-paced processes, let everyone take turns to have a holiday, and let everyone have room for fermentation of the content they show off.

On the ninth day of the lunar new year, the factory had to shut down because there were not enough raw materials.

The efficiency of this production line is indeed very high. They produced more than 400 refrigerators in one go. If the profit of a refrigerator is 500 yuan, the net profit of this half month is 70 yuan. If the output value is calculated , that's over a million.

Right now, the workers are not skilled enough, and they are still in the half-operation and half-training stage. After a month or two, they will be able to produce more products and consider expanding the production line.

There is no need to fully expand production, just find the process point with slow production tempo and add some equipment.

Process improvement is like this. How to make it more optimized is tried out step by step.

The refrigerator is a good thing. It will be a product that can earn profits and cash flow in the next 40 years. If it is done well, it can open up the international market like the shorts brothers.

Then it's time to think about how to sell.

(End of this chapter)

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