Chapter 288 Trading
The Spring Festival of 1983 was warm and bitter.

Whether it is the country or the campus, a series of major events have taken place in this era.

During this period of time, a major event also happened in the physics department of Beijing University.

Just before the Spring Festival, the vice president of Beijing University, the famous physicist Mr. Wang Zhuxi passed away!
Shen Guanglin was still half of his students. Mr. Wang's "Thermodynamics", "Introduction to Statistical Physics", "Introduction to Special Functions" and other books written by Mr. Wang Shen Guanglin have read carefully.

It's a pity that Mr. Wang is only 72 years old, which is still very young for a scientist.

But time always moves forward, it is not Shen Guanglin's style to be sad about spring and autumn.

There were too many things going on recently, Shen Guanglin didn't have a good time this Spring Festival, even Li Rong ran around with him frowning.

However, she was tired and happy, as if she had participated in a series of social practice activities. When new products rolled off the assembly line, she also served as a guest welcome waiter.

Entrepreneurship is difficult, and everyone must have their own position.

They are virtuous housemates.

In this day and age, if you want to start your own business without thinking about the difficulties in the future, it will not last long.

Next year is another critical year, and Shen Guanglin has to figure out what he will do in the next year.

1983 was a very unusual year. His career in Jinmen was on the rise, so he probably couldn't keep a low profile.

Not only him, Shen, but many bigwigs in the country also completed their primitive accumulation at this time. The same person who was running an electrical appliance factory in Shen Guanglin was also preparing an electrical appliance factory in a village less than 10 kilometers away from them. He planned to build a sheet metal factory and a steel pipe factory. The village chief's surname was Yu, and his name was Yu Zuomin.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't know these things. These days, he has been thinking about the relationship between production and sales, thinking about how to go in the future.

Now, refrigerators have indeed been manufactured, and there is no need to worry too much about sales. After all, it is still a seller's market. As long as I don't match those industrial tickets for bundled sales, it shouldn't be too difficult to sell this product.

The next difficulty lies in how to obtain enough raw materials.

The most important raw material for the production of electrical appliances is steel. In this era, plastic components are still very small, and the chemical industry cannot keep up.

And how to get enough steel is really a big problem.

Not only the production of electrical appliances, but also real estate requires a large amount of steel, and more and more are needed.

It is not so necessary to build a private steelmaking plant.

Have you been using foreign exchange to buy steel, are you out of your mind?

It's impossible to rely on Shen Guanglin's lectures to earn foreign exchange to support this company.

What's the point of starting a business?

Of course, earning foreign exchange is indeed very important. Only when more foreign exchange is earned can the company's status rise and the government attach importance to it.

If it is just ordinary money making, where does the social status come from? Even if there is, it is not stable at all, just like Yu Zuomin, who ended up in jail.

To earn foreign exchange, you have to consider the issue of export, and if you want to export, you have to understand where the advantages of the enemy and the enemy lie.

Technology export is of course a way to go, and Shen Guanglin's laboratory is taking it, and it is going very steadily.

However, Shen Guanglin was a little bit reluctant to transfer the scientific research results in exchange for foreign exchange, but he seemed to be back to the original point of going to the joint venture to build a factory. The football ene laboratory had not yet been completed, and he did not have enough construction funds to follow the investment.

If you want to earn foreign exchange, you can only focus on the export of services. To put it more bluntly, it is the export of labor services.

Before 2000, labor-intensive industries have always been the bulk of exports.

Among all these labor-intensive industries, which ones are more profitable and which ones can be developed in the long run still requires some thought, but Shen Guanglin has a bottom line in his mind, after all, he knows the future trend.

Honghai and Biya are all super-large electronic foundries, and they will live very well in 2020.

But many OEM factories, such as factories producing clothing and shoes, have closed down, and even Douyin is full of words: "I am the boss of the OEM factory. This year we squeezed too much inventory. Bingsi cool underwear" .

At this stage, it is indeed a good way to do some clothing OEM. Even if you switch from Xiangjiang, you can make a lot of money.

In another seven or eight years, Huaxia will be created. At that time, most of the Chinese and foreign trade will be diverted to Xiangjiang. Now that the channels are established, in the future, we will not be caught blind, but we can still seize opportunities.

In the past, when the country planned heavy industry production bases, it would always support some light industries such as textiles.

Not for anything else, just to make it easier for employees to organize families and let them solve personal problems.

From this, Shen Guanglin thought, since the electric appliance factory has been built in Jinmen, there will definitely be a large number of recruits in the future, so it is possible to build some clothing or textile or toy factories.

Recruiting more young and beautiful ladies is also convenient for attracting talents.

Shen Guanglin loved playing with Lego when he was a child. If he opened a production line to make Lego blocks now, would he be able to sell them?
Certainly not, patents can kill him.

But he can help others produce all kinds of toys on an OEM basis. As long as the labor cost is low enough, the profit margin will be very good.

Born in China, the market is huge, and the demographic dividend can be enjoyed for many years.

If you think about it this way, your thinking will suddenly become much more open.

Electrical appliance manufacturing is indeed the key development direction of enterprises, and the categories of electrical appliances can also gradually increase.

Electric fans, TVs, tape recorders, these products are still very marketable, and we can continue to invest in construction without losing money.

However, doing this would conflict with the product line of the electrical appliance factory built in Shencheng.

Although the factory over there has also changed its name to "Great Wall Electric", after all, there is no direct affiliation relationship, and it is estimated that there will be many things that are not easy to coordinate in the future.

Otherwise, let's do a division of labor, people can't do one job and watch the other.

What will happen if Shencheng only does OEM or only produces spare parts?
In Jinmen, they are then combined into products for sale abroad. Isn't this a wider road?
This is a good idea!

There are also many spare parts factories that can be built there, such as the production line of refrigerators and air-conditioning compressors, the production line of freon, the production line of TV picture tubes, the production line of TV screens, and even the LCD screens and touch screens of later generations. It is produced there.

As for product research and development, this can be placed in Beijing or Tianjin, where the academic atmosphere is strong and it is easy to find enough high-tech talents.

Shencheng is located in southern Guangdong, where the thinking is more active and the business atmosphere is stronger. It is estimated that the organization of raw materials will be much more convenient.

In fact, as long as the quality is acceptable and the technical content is acceptable, the products produced at this stage will not worry about selling.

No matter who buys it, we will sell it. If you have no money, you can use raw materials to pay for it, but there is no credit, otherwise it will be a messy account.

However, the current difficulties faced by the electrical appliance factory need to be resolved immediately.

Because they finally "run out of food".

The shortage of raw materials is the most important factor restricting the development of enterprises.

Before the Lantern Festival passed, Shen Guanglin went to Jinmen to make an appointment with the director of the Jinmen Iron and Steel Plant just as the various units had just started to work.

It is still an era when government and enterprises are not separated, and the director of Jinmen Iron and Steel Works is at the bureau level, with a high position and authority.

These companies are not so much enterprises, they are actually similar to the government. Although they only manage one-third of an acre of steel production, their words still carry a lot of weight.

Moreover, the current iron and steel industry has begun to become a little hot, and the supply of "folk rails" used in shuanggui has been somewhat in short supply, and it has even squeezed out the planned production.

They have another 20 years before they go into overcapacity.

The director of the Jinmen Iron and Steel Plant shouldn't be too good, he can be transferred to the municipal government to take up important positions at every turn.

There should not be too many such examples, such as the directors of the Taiyuan Iron and Steel Plant, how many of them have transferred to the political arena and become high-ranking officials.

If the coking plant hadn't been thrown away as a burden, there would still be some guilt and passion; if Shen Guanglin wasn't a professor at Capital University, he would most likely never have met Shen Guanglin.

The factory director, surnamed Du, was born in the 30s and is now in the prime of life.

However, after all, he was a leader, so it was difficult for Shen Guanglin to meet him, but he was quite enthusiastic after the meeting, which made Shen Guanglin feel like a spring breeze.

No matter the tone of voice, expression, or handshake, they are all appropriate.

Perhaps, this is the level of leadership. To be able to do this is the result of many trials.

After the mutual business flattery is over, let's start to talk about business.

"Our Great Wall Electric Appliance Factory wants to buy steel from you." Shen Guanglin didn't make any detours. Everyone was very busy with time. There was really no need to gossip. If it doesn't work here, Shen Guanglin is going to Tangshan.

"Isn't it already supplied to you? When you need it again, you can just go to the sales department. We sell unplanned products every year, so you can just go to the market as you go."

The director of the factory took a look at Shen Guanglin, but he didn't directly refuse. After all, he was still a little passionate, but he also wondered why it wasn't the foreign business owners who came to talk.

"What I want is the steel produced in your plan. The price and output should be stable. If you only want a batch of temporary supply, it has no practical significance, and we cannot achieve continuity and stability of production."

"It's okay, I heard you have foreign exchange."

Indeed it is!

I knew the idea of ​​playing labor-management foreign exchange.

However, if foreign exchange is used to purchase raw materials, even if the exchange rate difference is calculated, the company will be dragged down sooner or later.

Shen Guanglin shook his head, "Our foreign exchange has other uses. We also need to purchase imported production lines, and our products are mainly for the domestic market, so we need to use RMB for settlement. It is impossible to use foreign exchange for a long time."

"That's a bit difficult. Our annual production tasks are planned. Even if there is an increase, we have to go to the meeting to discuss it. I am just an ordinary public servant, and I can't talk about it in the factory. There are still many people. It's challenging my social status. So, sometimes, things don't work so well"

The leader's speech is art, so that you can't hear whether it is rejection or agreement. In short, everything depends on the development of the matter.

However, he is willing to continue this topic, which means there is still something to talk about.

"After all, our Great Wall Electric Appliance Factory owns 20% of the government's shares, and it is considered a company within the system. Arranging the production plan is also part of the problem." Shen Guanglin has not asked the government for help, but now it is urgent, so he I'm afraid they won't be able to help.

"Well, the government does not guarantee enterprises. This is the spirit of the central government's instructions. The market must be left to the market. I can understand your difficulties. Let me think about it."

Director Du still said ambiguous words.

The next two people stopped talking about specific business, but chatted about homework.

What's more, Director Du's time is no longer precious, and he made tea seriously. Although the technique is clumsy, the tea is good and fragrant.

"I heard that Professor Shen is still a professor at a foreign university, right? It's really a credit to us Chinese people. My daughter is a sophomore this year and has always wanted to study abroad, but she has never had the opportunity." Director Du lamented the hardships of life. It's not easy.

"Where she wants to go, there are some schools here that I can recommend. The UK, Fusang or Singapore are all fine. I am quite familiar with some of them."

This is Shen Guanglin's advantage. He thinks that Director Du should be asking for something from himself.

"Fusang is pretty good, with a developed economy and close to Jinmen, so it's convenient to go home. It's a pity that her academic performance is good, but there are too few places for us to study abroad. If we really want to pay for ourselves, poor families like us can't afford it." Can not afford."

It's that simple.

Shen Guanglin immediately understood what Lao Du meant by these words. This matter is really not difficult for him to solve, not difficult at all.

"Coincidentally, I'm a visiting professor at Kyoto University. Is Kyoto University okay? There are full scholarships for students with good character and learning. How about I ask you?"

"Oh, thank you so much! Kyoto University is great! I will also speed up the progress here, and strive to attend the meeting as soon as possible, so as not to delay our production."

Guests are happy.

Director Du raised his cup, replaced tea with wine, and touched Shen Guanglin.

There is no meal left at noon.

In the afternoon, Shen Guanglin called Director Du. It was such a coincidence that Kyoto University happened to have such a quota, and their invitation letter had even been sent out.

At night, loads of steel were pulled into Great Wall Electric.

(End of this chapter)

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