Start with a college teacher

Chapter 289 Advertising

Chapter 289 Advertising
In Huaxia, if you don't have some execution ability, you can't be a leader.

Director Du is really strong in execution.

The few trucks that were brought in were all high-quality steel plates, which had just come out of the production line, and there were not many rust spots on them.

This batch of goods was originally sent to the subsidiary company Jinmen Steel Pipe Factory, but now it is directly brought here.

Steel pipe factories generally produce two kinds of steel pipes, one is seamless steel pipe, which has stronger pressure resistance.

This is an empty tube formed by hollowing out the middle core after the round steel is heated and softened. Like gun barrels and gun barrels are made of this material.

Another type produced by steel pipe factories is welded steel pipe, which is more commonly used and easy to process.

Roll up the steel plate and use an automatic welding machine to weld it into a pipe. Welded steel pipes are often used as fluid delivery pipes. Small-diameter pipes are generally directly welded, and large-diameter pipes are generally spiral welded.

Zhang Peng and Huang Guangyi, who were on duty in the factory, were stunned to see trucks full of high-quality steel coming in.

Mr. Shen's ability is too strong, just met once, and he brought the materials on the same day.

What they don't know is that both sides have strong needs, and it can be regarded as mutual exchange.

You really want to investigate other people's violations, but there is no evidence to investigate.

Director Du also said that the material payment can be owed first, or it can be converted into a refrigerator in the future.

He has already made a report with the city leaders, who also attach great importance to the production of the joint venture factory, and specially instructed that they must ensure the supply of materials and create a good business environment. Comrade Xiao Du is very conscious and has done a good job.

Do it all.

The problem of producing raw materials has been easily solved in this way, and the following is the problem of how to sell.

If a product wants to become an instant hit, it is necessary to increase its popularity, and it must not be the same as the wine fragrance alley. It is better to have a more violent impact.

After thinking about it, Shen Guanglin felt that it would be a good choice to place an advertisement on CCTV. After all, we are a joint venture, so we must have style.

For example, in the eighties and 90s, there was a very popular advertisement for a refrigerator. What was it called: "Whenever I see the oasis in the sky, I think of Eastern Qiluowa."

Qiluowa's products are no longer available, but the influence of its TV commercials is still there, and many people who study advertising have to learn from it.

Now, there are many TV people around Shen Guanglin, and they are friends who are studying at the Film Academy.

Everyone is in their senior year, it's time to spend some money to let them practice their skills, or they should graduate.

To find a spokesperson for commercials, it is natural to invite celebrities, even Goubuli knows to invite Cixi and Yuan Shikai.

Who is the hottest star in the country right now?

Needless to say, the female star is Zhou Yun in "Love on Lushan Mountain", and the male star is Wang Jiawei.

Who is Wang Jiawei?
People who are not from this era will never know who he is.

In fact, he is one of the first batch of domestic sports idol stars, a male volleyball player, known as "the world's number one volleyball player", he is tall and handsome, and has won the hearts of countless girls who are nympho.

Shen Guanglin would not invite such a handsome guy.

Zhou Yun is more suitable, she is the heroine in "Love on Lushan Mountain", her ancestral home is Qilu Feicheng, she was born in Shanghai, and she is a super idol-level film and television actress in this era.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong watched "Love in Lushan Mountain" together, and then decided to buy a swimsuit.

At that time, I thought, if I have the opportunity, I must meet this female movie star. How good-looking was she when she was young?

When shooting the commercial this time, Shen Guanglin immediately thought of Ms. Zhou Yun when considering candidates.

It's better for Zhou Jun, after a while of fire, I will never see her again. When her popularity fades away, Gong Li, Qilu's big girl, can come out to take over again.

Is there any red sorghum?

Movie actors in this era were not paid. They received a fixed salary just like working in a factory.

Therefore, if I want to invite an actor to be a spokesperson, I don't know how to get paid.

It's really not easy to price this matter. According to Shen Guanglin's intention, he should give some cool endorsement fees anyway.

I heard that the price of "Shuang" has increased.

However, he didn't have a chance to speak, because his uncle Zhang Peng is a big fan of Zhou Yun, and he said that he would go to Shanghai for an interview.

All right, you can go if you want, and I will tell my aunt later.

Zhang Peng was not afraid, he took 2000 yuan and killed him without saying a word.

The invitation process went smoothly.

After reading the introduction letter and invitation letter, the other party agreed.

Isn't it just an advertisement, the other party offered 500.

Zhang Peng disagreed and insisted on raising the price to 800, and then the deal went smoothly.

For Zhou Yun, her monthly salary is less than 100 yuan, and 500 yuan is already several months' salary.

The other party offered up to 800 yuan, including board and lodging, and the shooting would take less than a week, and they could also visit Beijing University and Tiananmen Square, so why not do it.

Shen Guanglin was stunned.

I go!For less than 1000 yuan, you can invite the most popular female star in China to be the spokesperson.

Friends say it's worth it.

Zhou Yun followed Zhang Peng to the capital, and Li Rong was in charge of receiving them. After all, she was a girl, so it was easier to communicate.

Unexpectedly, Li Rong is still a girl in the fan circle, and she likes to eat CP fans the most. She has been asking Zhou Yun if she is with Guo Kaimin.

No, Zhou Yun is still a girl, her body will be left to her future husband, and she doesn't have much life experience at all, unlike Li Rong, who is already an old driver.

The movie actor Xiao Guo is indeed handsome, which is why Shen Guanglin didn't invite male actors.

Hmph, it turns out that "handsome" and "so handsome" are two different worlds, this superficial social cognition!
Shen Guanglin invited Zhou Yun to have an authentic Beijing roast duck in the capital, and introduced her to the director by the way.

The commercial was not difficult. Shen Guanglin decided to ask Zhang Yimou to be the director, his classmate Zhang Jianya to be the assistant director, and Gu Changwei to be the photographer.

This configuration is enough.

In the face of movie stars, everyone was more eager, but what they didn't expect was that Zhou Yun seemed to have a better impression of Zhang Jianya, and it was a ghost.

What the hell is Zhang Jianya? Why did he steal the glory of the protagonist.

that's it.A grass-stage filming team with a certain degree of professionalism was established in the capital.

They went to Jinmen after playing in the capital for several days.

On the day when Zhou Yun arrived, the entire factory area was boiling.

I heard that big movie stars are coming, and people with nothing to do will line the road to welcome them, and there are huge crowds of people.

Even people from the surrounding steel mills came to watch. They had never been so envious before eating meat.

Fortunately, the police comrades helped to maintain order, otherwise the security department of the Great Wall Electric Factory would have been paralyzed.

To be honest, Zhang Yu is not tall, and personally speaking, she is not as good-looking as in the movie, but she still has a distinctive smile, which makes people feel that she is a good wife and mother when she gets married.

Shen Guanglin had already thought up the advertising idea for shooting refrigerators, and he also provided a few copywritings, such as "you can find him thousands of times in Baidu, and you can get as many degrees as you want."

In short, he does not admit that these ideas are plagiarized. Since there are no such ideas in this era, they are originals.

The group first visited their electrical appliance factory. The foreigner's production line is really powerful, with a high degree of automation. You can take a photo to express the technical content of the factory.

Lao Zhang, is the promotional video for the high-speed rail filmed in this way?
However, I have to say that Shen Guanglin's electrical appliance factory is really powerful, and it can even be explained with high technology. Especially the automatic gripping robot, the movement of that mechanical arm is really cool.

This kind of servo TV is original from Germany, and it has only been five years since it was launched on the market. Shen Guanglin has already bought it.

This is the same as the Hanyang Iron and Steel Plant built by Zhang Zhidong. Let's buy the latest production equipment.

The endorsement fee of 800 yuan is well worth it!
After discussing with several people, they finally decided to shoot five commercials. Calculated on average, one commercial really doesn't cost much.

The shooting of commercials was not difficult, and the samples were shot quickly.

The picture is simple, beautiful and atmospheric, and the color matching is in place. As expected of Lao Mouzi, he can already show some level at this time.

On the TV screen, Zhou Yun is really beautiful.

Just ask, who wouldn't want to marry a girl like Zhou Yun?

Zhang Jianya, a bum, followed Zhou Yun every day, and was even ready to apply for a job at the Shanghai Film Studio.

It is estimated that he already has an immature idea.

After the filming of the commercial is completed, it will naturally be broadcast on TV. CCTV and Shanghai TV will broadcast it at the same time. The advertising fee is not expensive, only a few thousand yuan can be broadcast for half a year.

Since Shanghai TV station broadcast the first advertisement in 1979, Beijing TV station, the predecessor of CCTV, also began to broadcast advertisements.

Miraculously, their commercials actually aired during commercial breaks.

The commercials behaved like a formal program, with more than a dozen commercials aired together in succession, without TV dramas or news at all, and people still followed the commercials to watch.

1983 3 Month 1 Day.

The TV commercial of Great Wall Refrigerator was officially aired in the commercial period of CCTV.

That's it!
Now, Beijing TV Station has been changed to CCTV for a long time, and it is broadcast to the whole country, and the ratings are very high.

The next day, March 3.

Shen Guanglin, Zhang Peng, and Huang Guangyi were all in the office, just to see if anyone called to order.

However, it does not.

On the 3.3th.

Another quiet day.

There are two hotlines in Shen Guanglin's office, one of which is red and the other is also red.

However, for two days, not a single phone rang.

"Boss Shen, this TV commercial is pretty good. Why isn't it effective? Not a single phone call."

"It may take some time."

(End of this chapter)

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